The Great Collision of Yin and Yang

Chapter 38: Red embroidered shoes05


Before dawn, someone came out to clean up Li Hui's body. As Li Hui mocked, the school was cleaning up bodies faster and faster. Not long after she fell, several people appeared to drag her body away and wash away the blood on the ground.

Soon after the sun came out, the ground was dried and all traces were cleaned up. Although Chen Yang did not regret the death of Li Hui, he was chilled by the school's actions. He stopped Teacher Li and said, "You'd better tell us everything that happened in the school."

The person in charge of cleaning up the bodies was Teacher Li. Teacher Li turned to face Chen Yang and said, "No comment."

"Aren't you afraid that we will leave now?" Kou Xuanling asked him.

Hearing this, Teacher Li smiled slyly: "Can you leave?"

Chen Yang frowned. Li Hui had said before that people who took the cards and participated in the game could not leave the school. Teacher Li sneered and returned to his expressionless look: "I have to prepare lessons. If there is nothing else, I will leave first."

Chen Yang suddenly said: "You don't want to die."

Teacher Li kept walking: "No one wants to die."

"Oh, that's right." Chen Yang's feet swayed, and the next moment he arrived in front of Teacher Li and pressed his shoulders: "If you don't tell me, I can kill you now."

Teacher Li's face changed, but he immediately calmed down: "Can a Heavenly Master kill people?"

"Indeed, I can't." Chen Yang grabbed Teacher Li's shoulders and dragged him away: "But I can drag you to the open space in the back mountain and see what happens. I suddenly think this method is very good. Maybe I can get the answer without you telling me what happened in school."

"Wait." Teacher Li saw that he couldn't break free from Chen Yang's shackles, and the other party was indeed walking towards the basketball court. He quickly showed weakness: "Don't take me to the back mountain... Okay, I'll tell you everything you want to know, okay?"

Chen Yang suddenly turned around, put two fingers together and used his thumb to pinch Teacher Li's shoulder, causing half of Teacher Li's shoulder to collapse instantly and scream in pain. At the same time, he kicked Teacher Li's kneecap with his right foot, causing him to be in so much pain that he couldn't even scream. Then he whispered, "Teacher Li, your student died, and you were very calm. But when it was your turn to face death, you became scared."

Teacher Li knew that the more he said, the more mistakes he made. Besides, Kou Xuanling beside him was also eager to try, so he didn't dare to yell loudly, and even cried out in pain carefully.

Afterwards, Teacher Li took everyone back to the dormitory, where he lived alone. In addition to Chen Yang and Kou Xuanling, there were two other male students accompanying them. The boy with tears on his face was called Cheng Dong, and the boy who had been to the back mountain was called Ling Hao. Ling Hao witnessed Li Hui's torso being cut off and thrown down the building, and he was shocked. It took him a long time to regain consciousness.

Chen Yang kicked the chair, making a loud noise. Teacher Li and the other two were startled. They turned around and saw him sitting upright. He said in a gentle manner, "Tell me everything. Big or small, tell me everything. If you have hidden anything—"

Kou Xuanling cooperated and drew out the peach wood sword to split the table. The three of them were ashen-faced. They never expected that a piece of peach wood could be so sharp as to split the table. They also never expected that the seemingly taciturn Kou Xuanling would grin and say, "Whoever hides something will be dragged to the back mountain."

The back mountain was more terrifying than hell to them. So they didn't dare to hide anything, and just hoped that they would finish their questions quickly and leave quickly, and not really drag them to the back mountain on a whim. Anyone who went to the back mountain would definitely die.

Chen Yang sorted out all the questions he wanted to ask: "Did you three also play the game that Li Hui played?" When he asked this question, he stared at Teacher Li, because the other two had already seen them play it with their own eyes.

Teacher Li nodded: "I was forced to do that... Those who get the cards have to play. If you don't play after you draw a card, you will definitely be killed."

"When did you get the cards? How did you get the cards? How many people are participating in the game now... As far as you know. What are the general rules of the game and how many people have died so far?"

Teacher Li: "Two weeks ago, the day after Guan Xinyu died. A red card suddenly appeared in the drawer with a number on it. That represented me. After I got the card, I participated in a game. Fortunately, I survived. Later I learned that every Monday to Thursday at 10 o'clock in the evening, a card will appear on everyone. White means exemption from battle, and red means must participate in the game. Those who do not participate will die miserably, and those who participate and fail will also die miserably. I don't know why the card appeared, it just appeared suddenly."

Ling Hao said, “I got the card three weeks ago, a few days after my roommate was hanged on the basketball court.”

Cheng Dong: "I just got it a week ago, and last night was my first time playing the game."

Teacher Li: "As far as I know, there are nine teachers and the dean of academic affairs participating in the game. There are three classes of students participating. They are Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3. But I don't know whether anyone from Class 4 and Class 5 will participate."

As soon as Teacher Li said this, Cheng Dong and Ling Hao took a step back and looked at Teacher Li with horror: "Why do you know this? What's the use of knowing this?" Their intuition told them that it was not good for them if Teacher Li knew so much. Because everyone who participated in the death game kept it secret, fearing that others would take advantage of them. Moreover, whoever got the red card kept it secret, and whoever got the white card hid in the dormitory and dared not come out.

So far, except for the time when they played the death game together and passed it, they knew that the other party also held the card. Absolutely no one knew how many people held the card as clearly as Teacher Li, and of course they were shocked to suddenly know that so many people held the card.

Now, except for the cafeteria staff and some patrolling guards, there are only five classes of students, 14 teachers, four deans, the principal and the vice principal left in the school. More than half of the people have been dragged into this death game. What's more terrifying is that there are people who are also playing without Teacher Li knowing.

"How do you know this?"

"I'm the head of the grade, and I have a list of students in every class. Based on the fact that the number of deaths is concentrated in the first three classes, I can roughly guess how many people are participating in the game. I also have more contact with the director and other teachers, so I can guess more or less. Everyone who just started playing the death game felt strange the next day. You can tell if you observe carefully."

"With so many people dead, why didn't you call the police? Didn't the other students find it strange? And the parents didn't come to inquire?"

Teacher Li: "The senior high school students of Jinshui Middle School have a half-day holiday every other month, and there is simply not enough time to go back and forth from the mountains to the city. Therefore, most students go home once every two or three months. Although they are now sophomores, they will soon be seniors. Parents all know this."

"In other words, the parents didn't even know their child had died? You didn't even notify them?"

"We don't even know if we can survive." Teacher Li smiled sarcastically, a smile that was a bit like Li Hui's. He said, "We can't send messages. Everyone is trapped in the school and can't leave. There is no signal. We can't call the police. We can't contact parents. We can't do anything."

Chen Yang frowned: "Can't contact the outside world? Then how did we get here? How did you post the news on the app?"

Teacher Li was stunned for a moment and said, "I don't know. The person who released the news was Director Jin... He can contact the outside world? Then why didn't he call the police?"

Immediately, Teacher Li and the other two boys looked gloomy, and were obviously angry that Director Jin had contacted the outside world but did not tell them or call the police. God knows how much they wanted to leave this damn place as soon as possible!

"What's in the back mountain?" Chen Yang stared at Ling Hao and asked.

Ling Hao was reluctant to recall the empty field at the back of the mountain, but he knew that Chen Yang and Kou Xuanling were the only hope for him to leave Jinshui Middle School alive. So he said, "There are many bodies buried at the empty field at the back of the mountain. I didn't know it at first, but my roommate was hanged in the basketball court and his body disappeared. I went to the empty field at the back of the mountain and found many bodies buried there. Some of them died a long time ago and only had bones left. Some of them died more than ten years ago but their bodies were just rotten. I also saw the body of my missing roommate there."

"Why did you think of going to the open space in the back hill?"

"Because my roommate came back." Ling Hao's eyes were filled with fear: "He came back, on the third day after his death. Others don't know, but I know. That night I woke up suddenly in the middle of the night and couldn't fall asleep. It might be because someone died in the dormitory and I felt uneasy. Everyone else was asleep, I took out my phone to check the time, and it was just after one o'clock. Then I found that the light of the phone shone on the bed opposite, and there was a person standing on the bed opposite. I thought it was very strange, because I was sleeping on the upper bunk, and the person opposite was standing on the lower bunk."

Someone was sleeping on the lower bunk, and the upper bunk was the bed of the dead roommate. Ling Hao's bed was facing the dead roommate's bed, which disgusted him and felt unlucky. At that time, the figure was standing on the lower bunk with his back to him, motionless. Ling Hao felt strange and thought that his roommate got up in the middle of the night. When he was about to call him, he found that the roommate on the lower bunk opposite was sleeping soundly. He was shocked and immediately went to check the beds of the other three roommates and found that they were all lying in bed well.

Who was the figure in front of him? Why was he standing in front of his roommate's bed and staring at him? Soon the figure on the lower bunk opposite gave the answer. It slowly turned around, and Ling Hao quickly turned off his phone and pretended to sleep. He quietly opened his eyes, and the moonlight shone on the figure. It was his roommate who had already hanged himself. The other person's neck was broken long ago, and his appearance was twisted and terrifying, staring in Ling Hao's direction.

Ling Hao was so frightened that he closed his eyes tightly and dared not speak. Then he heard the bed shaking, as if something was climbing up the ladder and then stopped. There was no sound for a long time, and Ling Hao secretly opened his eyes, and was shocked to see the distorted face of his dead roommate. He fainted immediately, and the next day he found a mark on his neck, and he knew that his dead roommate had really come back.

"That's why I went to the open space at the back mountain. I knew he died because he offended something there. He said before that his ankle was grabbed by a hand that appeared from the open space. I saw that there was indeed a black palm print on his ankle, and it was even sunken. But he didn't feel any pain at all, and he died within two days. So I asked the guard for some paper money and incense to go to the back mountain to worship. The guard believed in Buddhism." At this point, Ling Hao had a strange expression: "But later I found out that he didn't die because of going to the open space at the back mountain, but because he received a card and failed the game."

Chen Yang nodded: "The last question, can't be concealed." His eyes were sharp, and he scanned the three people in front of him one by one: "I heard that Guan Xinyu saw a pair of red high heels before she died. Those red high heels were related to the teacher who committed suicide a year ago. Is there any hidden reason behind that teacher's suicide?"

Ling Hao and Cheng Dong looked confused: "Did a teacher commit suicide a year ago?"

Chen Yang frowned and looked at Teacher Li. Teacher Li replied, "It was Teacher Bai Yan. I heard that she was accused of corruption and the police came to arrest her. She fled to the row of bungalows in the back mountain in the middle of the night and hanged herself."

When Ling Hao and Cheng Dong heard what happened to Teacher Bai Yan, their faces changed drastically, and they were obviously terrified. Ling Hao asked in surprise, "She died? She hanged herself? Why, why isn't there any news about it in the school?"

"That day was Sunday, and there weren't that many people in the school. Besides, it wasn't a glorious thing, so the school blocked the news and put up barbed wire around the basketball court to prevent students from going to the back hill."

Ling Hao and Cheng Dong still looked overwhelmed, as if they couldn't believe it. Kou Xuanling asked, "Why are you guys reacting so strongly?"

Ling Hao murmured, "My roommate... is the student who was rumored to have had an affair with Teacher Bai Yan. Do you think it was Teacher Bai Yan's revenge that killed my roommate?"

Chen Yang and Kou Xuanling looked at each other, unable to come to a conclusion. They had asked what they should ask, and they didn't know what they couldn't ask. So the two of them left, leaving Teacher Li and the two students behind. Finally, Cheng Dong collapsed and said, "It must be Teacher Bai Yan who came back to take revenge on us!"

"Bullshit!" Ling Hao cursed, "What right did she have to retaliate against us? We didn't force her to death. She hanged herself! Teacher Li, the school kept it a secret so well that we didn't even know about Teacher Bai Yan's suicide."

"Guan Xinyu and the others know." Teacher Li said coldly, "Don't try to clear yourself of the charges. You got the card and participated in the death game. Do you think Bai Yan will let you go? How naive."

Cheng Dong collapsed: "It's none of my business! It's none of my business! It was obviously Guan Xinyu and Li Hui who did it, they deserved to die! But it's none of my business, I didn't do anything!"

Ling Hao grabbed Cheng Dong by the collar and said viciously: "This is your not innocent crime! Teacher Bai Yan has been very good to you, don't forget this, you ungrateful bastard!"

Cheng Dong collapsed to the ground, a big boy hugged his knees and cried. Ling Hao was full of disgust and resentment, and cursed a few words in annoyance. Teacher Li sat quietly on the side, looking at them with irony.

Chen Yang and Kou Xuanling, who were standing at the door and not far away, left. Kou Xuanling said as he walked away, "Sure enough, he is still hiding something. Is that teacher Bai Yan the key?"

"It's obvious that they have done something wrong. From the past two days I've been with them, I don't think it's surprising that they can do anything disgusting." Chen Yang hated this group of people, but he knew that some of them were truly innocent and were also locked up in Jinshui Middle School. What's worse, they didn't even know that they couldn't leave Jinshui Middle School.

"Do you remember the student who spoke to us yesterday?"


"He's lying." Chen Yang walked upstairs and returned to his dormitory. At this time, the sound of students running outside added a bit of vitality to the gloomy school. "The two male students just now obviously had some connection with the teacher who committed suicide. Even they didn't know that the teacher had committed suicide. How did he know?"

"When you say that, it does feel a bit awkward. Many things in the school are concealed, especially the female teacher who committed suicide. There is no rumor at all. But he knew about the deaths and supernatural events on the basketball court and in the classroom, but he just didn't see them. It's not such a coincidence. But why did he lie? He didn't seem to hide the key things, but rather guided us to discover the truth ourselves."

Chen Yang took out the talisman from the box. There were still many Five Thunder Talismans left in it, and only three days of noble blessing talismans were left. Mao Xiaoli didn't draw so many for him, so he took out a three days of noble blessing talisman and a mobile phone. After editing the message, he used the talisman and clicked send, and the message was sent smoothly.

Kou Xuanling was surprised: "Mao Xiaoli's blessing talisman has this effect?"

"Luck is very important." Chen Yang sent the edited message to Du Shuo, describing to him in detail the incident and course of events at Jinshui Middle School, and informing him of the difference between the absence of ghosts during the day and the overwhelming yin energy at night, and asking for the reason.

Not long after, Du Shuo sent me the answer: evil causes evil consequences. , formation. Wait for the last message.

After that, no more messages were received. The Three Days Blessing Talisman instantly burned and lost its effect. Chen Yang swept the ashes into the trash can and said, "The message was sent out by luck, which means there is still a signal, but most of the time there is no signal. However, Director Jin can post messages on the app, which means he has a way to contact the outside world. He was able to contact the outside world, and the first thing he did was to find the Heavenly Master. After finding us, he only met us once and then disappeared."

"Teacher Li said that the Dean of Academic Affairs was also in those death games, not the Dean of General Affairs. But it is also possible that Teacher Li didn't know."

At this moment, someone knocked on the door. Kou Xuanling opened the door and saw the Qiu family siblings outside. As soon as they entered the door, they said, "We can't leave Jinshui Middle School."

Qiu Shengmin said: "When the school gate opened this morning, we drove away. Suddenly, fog appeared when we saw the foot of the mountain. We didn't think much about it and continued driving. Because there are no turns or forks on the route, we can reach the foot of the mountain as long as we keep driving along the road. But when we drove for a while, we found the entrance of Jinshui Middle School in front of us. We tried to go back and forth several times, and each time we returned to the school gate."

Chen Yang told them what he had learned. Qiu Shengming collapsed in his chair when he heard it. "How could this happen?" He apologized to Qiu Shengmin with a tearful face. "If I had listened to you yesterday, I would have left immediately."

According to the judgment, if they had not stayed overnight at Jinshui Middle School yesterday, they would have left and would not be trapped here. Qiu Shengmin often saw ghosts because of her yin-yang eyes. Although she was afraid when she encountered the current situation, she remained calm. She asked: "You got the card and number that participated in the game, and it is very likely that you will continue the game."

Chen Yang: "I know."

Qiu Shengmin: "I guess there is a hidden story behind Teacher Bai Yan's death. The people who got the cards and numbers to participate in the game at the beginning should be the ones who directly killed Teacher Bai Yan. Bai Yan planned this game for revenge, making those who killed him die in infinite fear. The people who participated later were bystanders or those who took advantage of the situation. The number of people will continue to increase until those who don't know the truth are also involved."

"We have the same guess." The message Du Shuo sent him also mentioned 'evil causes and evil consequences'. Chen Yang continued, "But what I can't figure out is how Bai Yan got the ability to trap the entire mountain? Why are there no ghosts in the school during the day, but ghosts everywhere at night? Those lonely ghosts dared to pretend to be ghost soldiers passing by... Guan Xinyu said it was 'ignorance and fearlessness'?"

Kou Xuanling: "Could it be that the lonely ghosts in the school are completely unaware of the existence of the Yin Soldiers? Or have they mistakenly thought that they are the Yin Soldiers?"

Qiu Shengmin: "That's unlikely. Even if they are so isolated, they shouldn't be unaware of the existence of the ghost soldiers."

"If the entire Jinshui Middle School is not just imprisoned in the school, but also the wandering ghosts of the school... It is even possible that they were imprisoned in the school for a long time, so long that they forgot the existence of the ghost soldiers or just thought that the underworld after death was the appearance of Jinshui Middle School. If you think so, you can explain Guan Xinyu's 'ignorance and fearlessness'." Chen Yang stood up and walked back and forth a few steps: "I have to think about whether there is any formation that can trap them in the mountains and forests without being noticed by the underworld."

Qiu Shengmin hesitated for a while and said, "You want to go to the open space in the back mountain?" After Kou Xuanling nodded, she said, "I'll go with you. The school is filled with yin energy and ghost energy cannot be detected. At least I can see it and can help a little."

Qiu Shengming stopped Qiu Shengmin anxiously: "Sister, you have no ability to protect yourself, so don't go. If you need anyone, I'll go. I can run pretty fast."

"Can you be faster than a ghost?" Kou Xuanling asked, leaving Qiu Shengming speechless. At this moment, Qiu Shengming was full of regret that he should not be greedy for money. Kou Xuanling continued, "Go to the open space in the back mountain during the day, nothing will happen."

Qiu Shengming muttered: "But it will provoke those things."

Qiu Shengmin rolled her eyes at her brother and told him to talk less. She also told him to ask Director Jin and the male student who lied to Chen Yang. She was grateful to Chen Yang for telling them everything they knew and not letting them fall into fear. In return, they naturally had to work hard to find out the truth about the school. Only after finding out the truth could they leave Jinshui Middle School alive.

Kou Xuanling turned around: "Director Chen?"

Chen Yang: "Let's go."

So the four of them split up, Qiu Shengming went to find Director Jin, and the other three went to the open space in the back mountain. As soon as he landed, Chen Yang felt a chill down his spine. It wasn't because he was afraid, but because his body was warning of danger.

The empty space behind the mountain was deathly quiet and quite cold. In the distance there was a row of bungalows, with dark windows that seemed to hide countless things watching the three people who had entered the empty space.

Qiu Shengmin said: "I have experienced a similar chilly feeling before, when I went to a haunted house to help them exorcise the ghost. There was indeed a ghost in that house, and now the chill I feel is more than ten times that of staying alone in that house."

Kou Xuanling: "Look at the soil on the ground."

The other two looked down and were surprised to find that the soil on the ground was wet and sticky, and it had turned into clay and smelled bad. They had seen the soil on the whole mountain and other places in the school, and it was definitely not clay, but mostly loam that could be used for planting. Otherwise, the mountains and forests would not be lush and green, but they could also understand why there was a large empty space behind the mountain, with no grass growing.

Chen Yang: "Ling Hao said there are dead bodies buried here."

Hearing this, Qiu Shengmin stepped back reflexively, making a "crackling" sound as if he stepped on something. He looked down and saw a piece of bone. His face changed instantly: "There really is a body buried there."

The author has something to say: Is it scary? Not really.

ps: I wanted to write about the reasons why parents send their children to this kind of school, but after thinking about it, I decided not to write it. There is no reason, just because the school promotes elite education and can educate children well.

I can't understand their thinking, but I have to say there are many parents like this. Otherwise there wouldn't be Yuzhang Academy, Yang Yongxin and the like. If something goes wrong, wouldn't they still send their children there? There are always people who think bad things won't happen to their children.

Thank you for the mines, babies~~~

Billionaire Tengger threw a mine

Throwing time: 2018-06-12 12:50:03

Wuying Wuzhong threw a mine

Throwing time:2018-06-12 14:10:27

29118981 threw 1 mine

Throwing time: 2018-06-12 16:20:57

Tianshu threw 1 mine

Throwing time: 2018-06-12 18:13:19

Jixiang threw 1 mine

Throwing time: 2018-06-12 18:39:21

The encounter threw a mine

Throwing time:2018-06-12 23:01:32