The Great Collision of Yin and Yang

Chapter 4: Human skin painting 04


Han Ke's eyeballs drooped and rolled back, his face was filled with a dark grey deathly aura. It was obvious that he was possessed.

When she heard the words 'Six Palaces of Luofeng', she looked horrified.

The so-called "Six Palaces of Luofeng" refers to the palaces of the six gods and ghosts in Luofeng Mountain. Luofeng Mountain is the name of a Taoist mountain. It is the ghost place of Fengdu Beiyin Emperor, the highest god in the underworld. Luofeng Mountain has six rooms outside and six palaces inside. Beiyin Emperor has five ghost emperors under him to summon human ghosts and test their spirits to control the underworld. Only those who are extremely evil, extremely treacherous and evil, and evil ghosts who harm people's lives can be imprisoned in Luofeng Hell.

This is a place that is more terrifying to evil spirits than the Eighteen Layers of Hell. Just mentioning the "Six Palaces of Luofeng" can make evil spirits feel terrified. If the name of the Northern Yin Emperor is used to threaten him, even the little ghosts with poor psychological endurance will be scared to death.

Han Ke was frightened and became more cautious, but she still didn't believe that Chen Yang had the ability to move out of the Luofeng Six Palaces. She looked down and didn't see the wooden certificate of the Heavenly Master on Chen Yang's body, let alone the jade certificate.

"You haven't been awarded yet?"

Chen Yang shook his head: "I'm not a heavenly master."

Han Ke was stunned for a moment, then burst into laughter. His pale eyes stared straight at Chen Yang, without eyeballs, which was particularly creepy. The black and gray death energy on his face surged towards his forehead. Once the death energy climbed up to his forehead, Han Ke's soul would probably be squeezed out.

Chen Yang looked at her quietly for a while, then stood up and walked to the window. With a swish, the curtains were drawn open. Sunlight poured in, and Han Ke screamed, shielding her face with her hands to avoid the sunlight.

Chen Yang took the opportunity to jump forward, grabbed Han Ke's middle finger on his right hand, and poked it with a nail clipper. A drop of blood soon appeared.

Han Ke was shaking all over, his teeth were clenched, his eyes rolled up, and after a while he stopped shaking and passed out. After a while, he slowly woke up and saw Chen Yang standing by the bed, but he was not scared.

"Another shaman my father invited?"

"I'm not a charlatan."

Han Ke sneered and leaned back on the bed with a dull and blank look in his eyes.

Chen Yang couldn't bear it, so he said, "You don't have to be too discouraged. The death energy hasn't spread to your Tianling acupoint yet. You can still be saved."

“…Tianling Cave?”

"The Yin Tang point on the forehead." Chen Yang pointed to his forehead and said, "People have three fires. If the Yang Qi is sufficient, ghosts and gods will not invade. The death energy spreads from the soles of your feet upwards, blowing out two of your fires. There is one more fire at the Yin Tang point. Only when the fire at your Yin Tang point is completely blown out, the evil ghost can take over your body and change your fate."

Han Ke's eyes moved slightly, and he stared at Chen Yang intently, as if he had grasped the only life-saving straw.

"Can you really save me?"

"It depends on whether you are willing to tell what you know. You can't hide it."

Han Ke shed tears, and all her indifference collapsed like a dead tree. This was just a little girl who had been tortured for nearly a month, her hopes dashed again and again, and she gradually became desperate.

But how could she be willing to let a lonely ghost occupy her body and life, and suffer for the lonely ghost while the lonely ghost enjoyed her good life. Now seeing Chen Yang's words, sincere eyes and calm appearance made people trust him.

In addition, although he was possessed by a fierce ghost and couldn't move, Han knew everything that happened in the outside world.

So when she saw Chen Yang scared the evil spirit with just a few words and drove it away, she regarded Chen Yang as a real Taoist priest.

"If you can save me, I will pay you another 100,000 yuan."

The total is 500,000 yuan. Chen Yang, who has never seen so much money in his life, completely forgot about his taboos against ghosts and gods. Anyway, he has been dealing with ghosts and gods for the first half of his life, so it doesn't matter if he fights them one more time.

"Let me ask you, what's the matter with that painting?"

"Painting?" Han Ke followed Chen Yang's gaze and was stunned when he saw the painting of a beautiful woman standing out among the posters. "I've never seen this painting before?!"

Han Ke's surprised expression didn't seem fake, which meant that she really didn't notice the painting. Thinking about it again, this painting should have been particularly conspicuous against a pile of anime posters, but no one noticed it when they entered the bedroom just now.

Visible evil.

"Master, this painting... Could it be where that thing lives? I have never seen this painting before. How did it appear in my bedroom?"

Chen Yang shook his head: "The house has door gods to protect the family, the house has ancestors to protect safety, and I just saw you worship a statue of Guandi downstairs... Oh, it's the statue of Guan Gong. Logically speaking, evil spirits cannot get in."


“So this painting was brought in by someone.”

Han Ke was stunned, then frowned angrily: "Someone wants to harm me? The only people who can enter my bedroom are my parents and the maid. Could it be that the maid brought some evil thing to harm me?"

Chen Yang remained silent, staring at the portrait for a long time, and suddenly asked, "Where is your maid's hometown?"


“Never been to western Guangdong?”

"I once heard her say that she only worked in the northern region and had never been to the south."

"Then it's not her."

Chen Yang stood up and walked to the portrait to carefully copy it. He stared at the cheongsam woman's eyebrows and eyes in fascination, and suddenly saw the cheongsam woman's eyes move, looking towards him, with her red lips slightly curled.

Instantly, evil spirit filled the air.

Chen Yang's heart skipped a beat, and when he looked again, the woman in the cheongsam in the portrait still had her beautiful features. It seemed as if it was all an illusion, but he knew it was not an illusion. At this moment, Chen Yang was more alert. Since he was sixteen, there were not many ghosts that could confuse him.

Chen Yang found that the drawing paper was extremely delicate, and it seemed to be shiny when he looked closely. He touched it and the smooth feeling remained between his fingertips for a long time.

"Did you buy any drawing paper this month?"

"No—" Han Ke paused halfway through shaking his head: "Although I have never bought drawing paper, I found a piece of drawing paper. I am an art student and I like to draw and upload my paintings to Weibo. When I saw the drawing paper, I liked it. I picked it up and felt that it was delicate and pure, better than traditional rice paper. I brought it back and put it in the drawer."

She struggled to get up and opened the drawer, but didn't see the drawing paper: "It's gone?"

Han Ke seemed to have thought of something. He turned his head and stared at the painting of a beautiful woman on the wall. A look of fear filled his eyes as if he had seen a picture of a ferocious ghost. "I have never drawn on paper!"

Chen Yang: "Where did you pick up this drawing paper?"

"West Guangdong, my father's hometown."


"On the hill... next to the new grave."

Chen Yang sighed: "You really dare to pick it up."

Han Ke cried again: "I don't know either. I'm an atheist. Who knew I would be entangled after picking it up? Master, save me."

"For the sake of the five hundred thousand, I will save you with all my knowledge."

For some reason, these words made Han Ke feel more at ease than any high-sounding words.

That's about the weight of half a million.

"Master, what's going on with that drawing paper?"

Seeing Han Ke crying in fear, Chen Yang couldn't say the guess that it was "suspicious human skin paper". Otherwise, Han Ke would be scared to death before he could save her. Think about it, you live with a piece of paper made of human skin in the same bedroom for a month, and the paper is placed on the bedside table, where you sleep. And you take it out from time to time to touch it, and maybe even rub it on your face.

It’s creepy just thinking about it.

Chen Yang said vaguely: "It's just a sorcery."

Chen Yang sat in the bedroom for a long time, waiting for the night to fall. Suddenly he stood up, startling Han Ke, who quickly asked, "Master, where are you going?"

“…to the bathroom.”

"I'll go with you."

"Do you think it's appropriate?"

"I'll stand at the door."

As she spoke, she picked up the infusion bottle and really wanted to follow Chen Yang to the toilet.

Chen Yang had no choice but to teach her a formula. Han Ke shook her head and couldn't learn it. Chen Yang then asked her to hold her middle finger and squeeze out blood when she felt something was wrong: "The ten fingers are connected to the heart, and the middle finger is closest to the heart. The blood contains pure yang energy. Although you are now surrounded by death energy, you can resist it for a while. Remember to call for help if anything happens."

Han Ke nodded quickly, put the bottle back on the shelf, lay back on the bed, and tightly gripped his punctured middle finger.

As soon as Chen Yangfu went out, he ran into Mao Xiaoli winking at him.

"Are you possessed by a ghost too?"

"Go, stop talking nonsense." Mao Xiaoli stuck to Chen Yang's side and said in a flattering tone, "Brother Chen, you must be the Heavenly Master. Did you receive the Jade Certificate? The real person never reveals his identity."

Heavenly Masters of the third rank and above are not granted wooden certificates but jade certificates.


"I just heard everything."

Chen Yang put the phone in front of Mao Xiaoli, "Did you see it?"

Mao Xiaoli looked carefully and saw the Baidu page: Ten Folk Methods of Exorcising Ghosts.

The corners of his mouth twitched, his fantasy was shattered.

Chen Yang left the listless Mao Xiaoli and went to the bathroom. When he came back and saw Mao Xiaoli still standing at the door waiting, he asked, "Have you found out everything?"

Mao Xiaoli straightened her back and said, "I've asked clearly, it's not the same person."

"After such a long time, Mr. Han still remembers it?"

"It was a coincidence. Mr. Han heard that his daughter was possessed by evil spirits and was related to the new grave, so he called his hometown immediately. Mr. Han is a big donor in the local area, so when the village chief heard about the accident, he immediately told Mr. Han everything about the deceased in the new grave. He also sent a few photos. I uploaded the photos to my phone, you can take a look."

Chen Yang looked over and saw that the girl in the photo was indeed very pretty, but not stunning at all. At least not as pretty as the one in the bedroom just now.

"Brother Chen, Mr. Han just asked me who the woman in the cheongsam in the portrait is. He doesn't even know the portrait hanging in his daughter's bedroom. Isn't that weird?"

Chen Yang: "Go back and ask Han Ke."

After saying that, he turned back to the bedroom and took out the photo from his phone to show Han Ke, but Han Ke said he didn't recognize it.

"I saw the photo on the tombstone, but it wasn't like this—" Han Ke suddenly stopped talking and tilted his head to look at the picture of the beauty on the wall. The horror on his face was completely materialized: "I remember now, the woman I saw at that time was her!"