The Great Collision of Yin and Yang

Chapter 47: Play until the end 03


Zhang Qiu said, "There will always be evidence left. I want to continue investigating Mr. Qian. If I find evidence, I can at least send him to jail."

Chen Yang did not object, and turned to Ma Shanfeng and said, "Uncle Ma, I'll leave it to you to report the matter of that mysterious organization that played tricks on people to the police."

Ma Shanfeng nodded, "Okay." He then said, "In October, the headquarters and branches will each send a few people to attend the Taoist Association's exchange meeting. In the past, the branch could only get one quota, but this year we should be able to get two or three quotas."

Chen Yang: "Taoist Association Exchange Meeting?"

Ma Shanfeng: "It's held every two years. You missed it the year before last because you didn't come to the branch. The year before last, Qiu Dao represented the branch and participated. This year, if there are three spots, you, Kou Xuanling, and Xiao Li will go. There will be countless Taoist priests attending the Taoist exchange and giving lectures on the spot, which is beneficial to spiritual practice."

Kou Xuanling said, "If we can only apply for two places this year, let Director Chen and Mao Xiaoli go. I attended the exchange meeting two years ago, so there's no need to go again."

Ma Shanfeng nodded: "That's fine too."

"Even if there is only one spot available, I can find a way for you to enter the Taoist exchange meeting if you want to go." Zhang Qiudao said helplessly: "Have you forgotten my last name?"

Everyone except Chen Yang suddenly realized what was going on. Mao Xiaoli jumped up with joy and patted Zhang Qiudao on the shoulder: "That's very nice." Zhang Qiudao pushed Mao Xiaoli away with disdain, but the latter didn't mind at all and still said happily: "It feels so good to have someone behind the scenes."

Chen Yang wondered: "The Taoist exchange ceremony... isn't held at the Baiyun Temple in the imperial capital?" The Baiyun Temple in the imperial capital is the ancestral temple of the Longmen sect of the Quanzhen sect, and is also the headquarters of the Taoist Association, where the Taoist Association was first established.

"Every year, the exchange ceremony will rotate locations, and more quotas will be given to local areas and nearby provincial capitals based on the location. The year before last, at Baiyun Temple, about 30 quotas were given to the imperial capital. Unfortunately, there are many Taoist temples in the imperial capital, and the quotas allocated to each Taoist temple are actually not many. In addition, there are headquarters and branches, but most of the people in the headquarters are Taoist disciples, so some Taoist temples will have more quotas than others." Ma Shanfeng is used to talking in Tai Chi, and he always talks about something before getting to the point: "This year's exchange ceremony will be held at Tianshi Mansion."

Located at the foot of Longhu Mountain, Tianshi Mansion is the ancestral temple of the Zhengyi Sect and the residence of Zhang Tianshi's descendants. Zhang Qiudao said it was normal to invite a few friends to visit the Taoist exchange ceremony at his home.

Chen Yang smiled and said, "That's it." He lowered his head and thought about his upcoming schedule. He found that the next six months would be very busy. "Xiao Li will be on vacation soon, right?"

Mao Xiaoli: "Summer vacation is here."

"Do you want to travel? It happens that we can choose a time in July. How about a government-funded trip? You can bring your family members. Uncle Ma can also bring his wife and children."

Ma Shanfeng smiled and said, "Then I will organize it. You can tell me your free time in July and where you want to go. Then we can choose a place to travel."

Mao Xiaoli and the others were all beaming with joy. When they mentioned the public-funded tour, they all gathered together to discuss it with great enthusiasm. When Da Pang came in, he was slightly stunned when he found that his body did not attract them. Until he heard that they wanted to travel, he made a gurgling sound in his throat and stuffed a piece of cardboard between them.

"Island country?" Chen Yang shook his head and refused: "The place is too small, shopping is OK, but it's boring to play." He stared at Da Pang's cat paw: "Dapang, how do you write?"

Da Pang turned a deaf ear to them and stood still as they looked at him curiously. When they lost interest, he suddenly stuffed a piece of cardboard into their mouths with the words "Meow Meow Wine" written on it.

Everyone was puzzled. Chen Yang said, "Meow Meow wine, invented by an island country, is a kind of wine that can make cats drunk but will not harm their bodies. Fatty, will you act crazy when you are drunk?"

This sentence attracted several people's ulterior motives. Mao Xiaoli said: "I know where I can buy Meow Meow wine."

Zhang Qiudao said calmly: "I know a purchasing agent who can ship the goods on the same day of ordering."

Kou Xuanling silently gave the two people red envelopes: "Be sure to buy a box." Turning back, he said to Big Fatty in a friendly manner: "You're welcome, you can drink it as water."

Da Pang swung his tail and left indifferently. Mao Xiaoli asked, "Are you still buying?" Chen Yang answered her, "Place your order quickly. Two boxes will be enough. You don't need too much. Be nice to Da Pang and don't go too far."

Zhang Qiudao and the others nodded to show their sincere friendship, and then enthusiastically discussed how to get drunk and see a mountain of meat. Chen Yang reminded Mao Xiaoli: "Remember to take pictures and shoot videos."

Every day at the branch office began and ended in such a harmonious and friendly atmosphere. Ma Shanfeng reported Dong Hong, Yang Hong and the mysterious organization behind them to the criminal police brigade. The criminal police brigade often had contact with the Tianshi world, so they took Ma Shanfeng's report to heart and immediately launched an investigation. Within two days, they had some clues.

As for Zhang Qiudao's continued pursuit of Mr. Qian, it is reported that Mr. Qian has begun to close down his e-commerce company that originally belonged to his wife Li's family and has instead invested his money in the real estate industry. Moreover, he and his current girlfriend have moved out of their original house and are currently living together.

Ye Youyou is Mr. Qian's current girlfriend, and she is three months pregnant. Mr. Qian loves Ye Youyou very much, not only because Ye Youyou is gentle and beautiful, which gives him confidence and dignity as a man, but also because of the baby in her belly. Mr. Qian's first child is naturally very important to him.

Fearing that the evil spirit in the house would harm Ye Youyou, Mr. Qian gave Ye Youyou a high-end duplex apartment in his real estate project and hired a maid to take care of her. But Ye Youyou has been restless recently and always told him: "There is always something in the house spying on me, I feel scared."

Mr. Qian comforted her: "As long as you have a clear conscience, you won't be afraid of ghosts and gods harming you."

"Alas, what I'm afraid of is Miss Li's revenge. When I was with you, she was still your wife, and I already felt guilty. She jumped off the building and committed suicide, and I felt even more uneasy. Some people say that you killed Miss Li, and I'm really afraid that Miss Li will believe it and come to harm our child." Ye Youyou frowned, her face full of worry.

Mr. Qian said with a straight face and fearlessness: "I believe I have done nothing wrong to her and the child, and I love her and the child very much. I just want a child of my own, but she is always unwilling to have a child for me. After meeting you, I know what happiness is. I was going to divorce her and leave the house, but I didn't expect the accident to happen..." Mr. Qian sighed for a moment, then said: "If she wants to resent, she can resent me."

Ye Youyou threw herself into Mr. Qian's arms, tears streaming down her face. She was so moved that she suddenly felt a pair of eyes staring at her back. The obvious feeling of being stared at made her turn around suddenly, and behind her was an empty wall.

Mr. Qian asked her: "Youyou, what's wrong?"

Ye Youyou said hesitantly: "I feel that gaze again, right inside this wall."

Mr. Qian looked at the wallpaper and laughed, "Silly, it's just a wall. How can there be sight? Well, if you are scared, go to the guest bedroom. I will sleep here tonight, and if there are any things, I will drive them away. Okay?"

Ye Youyou nodded and said worriedly, "You have to be careful."

Mr. Qian smiled, sent her to the door, and called the maid to help her to the guest bedroom. He turned back to close the door, and his cold eyes swept across the wall. Suddenly he stepped forward and tore off the wallpaper. Behind it was a snow-white wall with nothing on it.

Mr. Qian looked around for a while with a gloomy expression, and found that it was indeed an ordinary wall, so he breathed a sigh of relief. He thought that the pregnant woman was probably nervous and overthinking. How could there be ghosts and evil spirits

If you don't do anything wrong, you don't have to worry about ghosts knocking on your door. He did it perfectly, and even God didn't know about it, so how could those ghosts blame him for it

Mr. Qian turned his back in a relaxed mood, not noticing that a human face suddenly appeared on the snow-white wall behind him. The face was very ferocious, roaring and trying to rush out of the wall, but the next moment, the handprints of the children were printed on both sides of his cheeks, causing him to wail silently in pain and quickly leave.

Therefore, Mr. Qian did not notice that there were two pale human faces on his back, the faces of children, one boy and one girl, with some similarities between their eyebrows. Those two pale human faces were about to merge into Mr. Qian's back, and they might become ghost face sores.

Accumulated hatred and bad karma cannot be eliminated, but ghost face sores will appear to avenge the grievances.

The next afternoon, Ye Youyou woke up from her nap and felt hungry. She called the maid several times but no one showed up. She had no choice but to go downstairs by herself. When she arrived at the living room, she found the apartment unusually quiet. She was drinking a sip of milk when she suddenly noticed that familiar and disgusting sight appeared again.

Ye Youyou turned around suddenly, panicking: "Who?!"

Behind her was an empty house with no one in it. Ye Youyou tentatively moved forward, and when she faced the wall, the annoying and disgusting sight immediately disappeared. Suddenly, a child's laughter came from upstairs, and Ye Youyou looked up in surprise.

Why is there a child laughing upstairs? Then the sound of a toy car motor, children's music, and the jingling of various toys came from the baby's room. Ye Youyou was so scared that she gasped and shouted, "Who?!"

Her own voice echoed in the empty room. All the sounds suddenly stopped, and then suddenly sounded again the next moment, as if she was deliberately trying to scare Ye Youyou. Ye Youyou went upstairs and walked into the children's room that Mr. Qian had prepared for his son.

Holding the door handle, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She opened her eyes and suddenly opened the door. It was quiet inside, and everything was in its original place. Ye Youyou went in to check and found that everything was quietly in its original place. It seemed that everything that had just happened was her hallucination. She checked the children's room and then left. When she passed by the door, she subconsciously glanced at it, stepped out of the door and suddenly stopped and turned back.

There was a doll at the door, hidden in the corner. If you didn't look down, you wouldn't be able to find it. Ye Youyou was stiff all over. This doll was originally placed at the back, how could it appear here? Wasn't she hallucinating just now

Ye Youyou took a few steps back, feeling that the entire children's room was like a monster, full of strong malice. She quickly turned around and took a few steps, and the door behind her suddenly closed with a loud bang.

Ye Youyou couldn't stand it anymore and screamed while running downstairs. When she was at the stairs, she suddenly felt a push from behind. Her body lost weight and the world spun around. In a hurry, she seemed to see two children, a boy and a girl, standing at the stairs, looking at her expressionlessly.

Until her stomach was cramped and the hot liquid between her legs was boiling. At the stairs, two children showed malicious smiles and walked hand in hand back to the children's room. The sounds of all the toys in the children's room rang out, and those originally happy and childlike songs became cold and strange in the dead silence of the apartment.

Mr. Qian came back at night and flew into a rage at the empty apartment. He rushed into the children's room and smashed all the toys to pieces: "Come at me if you dare! Do you want to make me childless?" Mr. Qian laughed crazily: "If one woman can't give birth, I'll switch to another one. If you dare to harm my son, I'll ask the Taoist priest to beat you all to death tomorrow!!"

Mr. Qian picked up a children's wooden horse toy and smashed the crib: "Revenge me? Why do you want to retaliate against me?! Even God doesn't dare to blame me. Even if I beat you to death, you deserve it! Those heavenly masters, all stand on my side! You were all killed by evil spirits, and you committed suicide. It has nothing to do with me."

The children's wooden horse flew towards the bed and bounced off the wall with a loud bang. Ye Youyou had a miscarriage, and Mr. Qian's child was gone. He was very angry. After venting his anger, he lit a cigarette and sat in the children's room for a long time before turning around and decided to contact the Taoist priest right away.

When he turned around, the two faces behind him that had been melted into the clothes opened their eyes and saw the destroyed children's room, crying sadly. The sound was shrill and terrifying. Mr. Qian turned back in fear and was met with a high-speed spinning fidget spinner. The blades of the gyroscope were sharp, and the high-speed rotation could easily cut the skin.

Mr. Qian dodged awkwardly, but a ball rolled under his feet and he accidentally stepped on it and fell down. He looked up and faced the toothpick crossbow in front of him. The toothpick crossbow was ready to fire, and it fired before he could react, hitting Mr. Qian's right eye.


Mr. Qian screamed and rolled over in pain.

He heard the strange voices of two children in his ears: "Dad, we saw-"

"I saw you talking to that annoying mother-in-law and gave her money."

"My mother-in-law told my grandmother to raise snakes, and the snakes bit us."

“It hurts, Daddy.”

The two children were killed by the evil spirits raised by the wooden Buddha. They saw Mr. Qian and a grandmother who told their grandmother the method of borrowing qi. They didn't know the whole story, and they didn't know that Mr. Qian only hinted at it with words and didn't say it explicitly. They only knew that they died very painfully because of Mr. Qian.

Mr. Qian knew about the two children and was terrified. He thought he had hidden himself from the ghosts and the great underworld, but he didn't expect to be seen by the two children. Hearing them calling his mother-in-law "grandma", he felt disgusted. She should have called me grandma, but she called me grandma. What an ungrateful little bastard!

Mr. Qian struggled to climb out of the room, and fainted after hearing the maid's scream. When he fainted, he thought viciously that he must ask the Taoist priest to beat the two little ghosts to death, and they must not speak even in the underworld!

Ye Youyou, who was lying on the bed, looked pale and numb due to the miscarriage. The door of the ward was pushed open, and a tall woman with red lips wearing a black windbreaker and sunglasses walked in. The woman walked to the bed, took off her sunglasses, and revealed a severe bruise at the corner of her eye.

Seeing this, Ye Youyou showed a distressed expression: "Sister, are you going to see that personal trainer again? He always beats you."

"I can't fight anymore." The woman snorted.


"Yeah." The woman opened the porcelain cup and fed Ye Youyou chicken soup spoonful by spoonful: "The child is gone?"

"No more." Ye Youyou looked calm, not showing any sadness: "The two little ghosts are still haunting us."

The woman asked gently, "Mr. Qian must be very angry."

"His right eye was poked out and two little ghosts are haunting him. He won't live long. He still thinks he can deceive ghosts and gods. The Phoenix man who thinks highly of himself is just an object of entertainment." Ye Youyou grabbed the woman's wrist: "Sister, let's run away."

The woman looked at her quietly until the light in Ye Youyou's eyes dimmed and she drank the soup obediently. The woman touched her sister's head and said, "There are so many annoying people. How can we get rid of them if we run away?"

Chen Yang and Zhang Qiudao received the news that Mr. Qian was in trouble and came to the hospital. On the way, they ran into a woman with red lips in black clothes and sunglasses. The two passed by each other, and Chen Yang stopped and looked back at the woman.

Zhang Qiu said, "Director Chen knows her?"

"The girls that Dong Hong attacked that day. Although their makeup and clothes were different, their bone structure was the same." Cosmetics can change a person's appearance, but they cannot change their bone structure. When Chen Yang looks at a person, he usually looks at the bone structure first, then the appearance.

Chen Yang continued to walk forward, not paying too much attention to the red-lipped woman. Instead, he asked, "Which ward is Mr. Qian in?"

"In front." Zhang Qiudao led the way and said, "His right eye was poked out and he called me crying. He said he encountered an evil ghost. When I asked him which ghost he offended, he said he didn't know."

"The two children of the Li family?"

"I guess so."

The two entered Mr. Qian's ward. Mr. Qian was scratching his back. When he saw Zhang Qiudao, he sat up quickly. When he saw Chen Yang, his left pupil shrank slightly and his face became a little stiff. Chen Yang observed this scene and was sure that Mr. Qian knew him. He just stood aside and didn't say anything for the time being.

Mr. Qian asked with a smile: "Master Zhang, who is this?"


Chen Yang smiled and said, "My last name is Chen, Mr. Qian."

Zhang Qiu said, "Mr. Qian, please tell me the details."

Mr. Qian recounted what happened that night, ignoring what the two little ghosts said. He smiled bitterly and said, "I thought the two kids were jealous of their brother and missed me so much that they wanted me to go down and accompany them. Alas, they killed their unborn brother and now they want to kill me. I don't care if I die, but the two kids are ignorant and should not commit murder and go to hell just because of jealousy. I hope you can send them to reincarnation."

Zhang Qiu said, "Children who died young have a lot of resentment, and jealousy is also a terrible emotion. If they would rather drag you down to reunite with your family than to not enter the cycle of reincarnation, what would you do?"

"This..." Mr. Qian's smile froze, "I, I don't know... I just hope they don't kill innocent people. The baby in Youyou's belly was killed, and Youyou was almost killed. They committed murder, and I'm afraid they will commit murder again. If they refuse to enter reincarnation, I would rather kill my own relatives for the sake of justice."

Chen Yang: "Mr. Qian is joking. The two children only want their father. When the family is reunited, the resentment will naturally dissipate and no murder will be committed."


Chen Yang suddenly laughed: "It's just a joke, don't mind it."

Mr. Qian smiled stiffly and scratched his itchy back. Seeing this, Chen Yang said, "Mr. Qian keeps scratching his back. Is your back itchy?"

"Yeah. I suddenly started to feel itchy a couple of days ago, and occasionally a little painful. The doctor came to check, but couldn't see anything. I don't even know if it was an allergy." Mr. Qian said as he scratched his back hard.

"Let me take a look, don't tell me you've encountered an evil spirit." Chen Yang said with a smile as he stood up. Mr. Qian cooperated by going around his body and lifting up his hospital gown so that they could see his back. Chen Yang and Zhang Qiudao stepped forward to take a look, their faces became solemn, they looked at each other, and silently said, "Ghost face sore?"

Zhang Qiudao nodded.

Two human faces appeared faintly on Mr. Qian's back, with the rudiments of the facial features already formed. Once the facial features are fully formed and protruding, it will be difficult to remove them. Ghost face sores are usually revenge from past lives. Unless there is a compassionate Samadhi water repentance, it is difficult to resolve the resentment of ghost face sores.

Once you have a ghost face sore, you have to feed it until it can talk and eat, otherwise it will groan day and night, disturbing you. It will also gnaw on the host's flesh and blood when hungry, causing the host unbearable pain.

It can be said to be a very vicious way of revenge, unless it is a deep hatred or a grudge from a previous life. There are two children's faces on Mr. Qian's back, and you can guess who they are. Chen Yang and Zhang Qiudao both remained silent, and Chen Yang drew a talisman to hide the two ghost face sores until they mature and cannot be removed, and then they will reveal their original appearance.

Chen Yang and Zhang Qiudao said they would go to the apartment to take a look and now go back to prepare the instruments. When leaving, Chen Yang turned around and asked Mr. Qian: "Mr. Qian, do you think a person should repent for doing something wrong?"

"I think it's useless to repent. It's better to do my best to make amends."

How can you make amends if you don’t even repent

Chen Yang nodded and left. It was not that he did not want to save Mr. Qian, but that Mr. Qian did not know how to repent. To cure the ghost face sore, it is necessary to hold the Compassionate Samadhi Water Repentance and use the Samadhi Dharma Water to irrigate the ghost face sore. The Compassionate Samadhi Water Repentance is a Buddhist ritual. The most important thing when performing this water repentance is that the person concerned needs to repent. Only by sincerely repenting can the resentment of the ghost face sore be resolved.

What's more, he was unwilling to save Mr. Qian. Evil is treated with evil, karma is retribution, the grudge between them, Da Yin Fa Cao cannot interfere, and Chen Yang will naturally not be enthusiastic about interfering. He said to Zhang Qiudao: "Subway or bus?"

Zhang Qiu said, "Take the bus." The two of them had no intention of going to Mr. Qian's apartment to take a look. The two little ghosts were clinging to Mr. Qian, so it was useless to go.

Chen Yang: "Except Uncle Ma and Kou Xuanling, no one else in our branch can drive." He felt sad: "It will be troublesome every time I go out in the future." The headquarters allocated two cars, but unfortunately, except Ma Shanfeng and Kou Xuanling, no one else could drive.

Zhang Qiu said, "I can drive."

“You don’t have a driver’s license.”

Zhang Qiudao made an impatient "tsk" sound. He had taken the driving test many times but failed every time. Chen Yang suggested: "Why don't you buy some gifts or secretly give a red envelope to the coach next time?"

Zhang Qiudao refused: "I can use my driving skills to convince the coach and get a driver's license. This is about the honor of a man's driving skills, I won't add any water to it."

Chen Yang clapped his hands and said, "Not bad. Your thinking is very advanced. Driving is inherently dangerous. If you take it seriously, you are responsible for the safety of yourself and others."

He now sincerely believed this until he once took Zhang Qiudao's car on a mission to track a mandrill. After that, he felt that he could even do something like giving gifts and red envelopes to the coach to prevent Zhang Qiudao from getting a driver's license.

While waiting for the bus, Zhang Qiudao saw Du Shuo coming out of the opposite building. So he asked Chen Yang to look over there. As soon as Chen Yang looked over there, Du Shuo looked over there and saw Chen Yang at a glance.

Chen Yang smiled and walked over. Du Shuo had just walked out of the building. He didn't know what he did, but the people behind him looked at him respectfully. A two-meter-tall man with a firm and serious face followed him. When Chen Yang saw him, he somehow remembered the image of the Five-Directions Ghost Emperor with a beard like a halberd.

Chen Yang and Du Shuo met and talked for a few words, describing the situation of both parties in a few words. Then he asked about the big man beside Du Shuo, and Du Shuo said: "His name is Zhou Qi." He did not introduce Chen Yang, but Zhou Qi seemed to know.

When Chen Yang smiled politely in response, Zhou Qi stared at Chen Yang with sharp eyes and said in a loud and clear voice: "Hello, sister-in-law!"

Zhang Qiudao almost choked on his own saliva. The person involved, Chen Yang, smiled and glanced at Du Shuo, who remained calm and said, "Little brother." Chen Yang then took out a paper gold ingot and handed it to Zhou Qi, "A gift for meeting you."

Zhou Qi hesitated to accept it, but Du Shuo said, "If my sister-in-law gives it to you, just accept it."

So Zhou Qi reached out to take the paper gold ingot. When Chen Yang put it in Zhou Qi's hand, he made a hand seal, and the paper ingot instantly ignited. The next moment, a yellow gold ingot appeared in Zhou Qi's hand.

Zhou Qi thanked him, then said he had something else to do, so he said goodbye. Zhang Qiudao looked around at the two of them, and said he also wanted to go to the e-sports city, so he left first. Chen Yang and Du Shuo were left alone, and seeing that no one was around, Du Shuo took Chen Yang's hand and interlocked their fingers: "My car is in the parking lot, let's go back together?"

"Okay. Why are you here?" Chen Yang suddenly thought of this when he walked to the parking lot.

Du Shuo opened the car door and let Chen Yang get in first. Then he returned to the driver's seat and said, "Something happened in Fengdu recently. Fasten your seat belt."

Chen Yang said as he fastened his seat belt: "What's going on? Is it serious?"

"Some people's causes of death seem normal, but something strange has been detected. An investigation is already underway." Du Shuo leaned over and kissed Chen Yang on the lips, then said, "Let's go."


The author has something to say: Look at the title, it's a game of cheating. The one who plays with others is also the one being played with.

Zhou Qi: One of the Central Ghost Emperors among the Five Ghost Emperors, ruling over Baodui Mountain.