The Great Collision of Yin and Yang

Chapter 49: Play until hang 05


Chen Yang: "Where is that sanatorium?"

Kou Xuanling: "Changhe Town in the suburbs."

Hearing this, Mao Xiaoli and the others looked surprised, as if they had heard of the sanatorium. Chen Yang asked, "Is there something wrong with this town?"

Mao Xiaoli: "Changhe Town is not a town, it is a charity cemetery. In the past, there were many unclaimed bodies, and there was no way to deal with them, so they were all placed in the charity cemetery."

In ancient times, the Yizhuang was a place where families set up schools and ancestral halls to settle their family members. It was also a place to place unclaimed coffins. In modern times, due to wars, it has become a place to place corpses and a place where wandering ghosts often linger.

Changhe Town, also known as Changhe Yizhuang, had long been abandoned, with only occasional rumors of ghosts. There were no houses nearby, but many young people went there to adventure, but they were always scared away, and no one was killed. But a few years ago, someone went there to explore, and saw a picture of a fierce ghost painted on the wall on the third floor of the Yizhuang in the middle of the night, and ran out in fear.

A person was found hanging in the corridor. The explorer fainted from fear. The next day, he saw the body above his head and called the police. After investigation, the police found that the deceased was a homeless person who used the charity cemetery as a place to stay. The cause of death was that the blood in his body was drained out, and he looked like a mummy. There were two holes in his neck.

The police officer in charge of the case was an experienced old policeman. He immediately blocked the news and informed the Taoist Association. At that time, the Taoist priests in the imperial capital included the Three Caves and Five Thunders Taoist priests of Baiyun Temple, the temple master of Lu Zu Temple, and the monks of Dafo Temple. After listening to the old policeman's description, they immediately guessed that it was a zombie.

So the three of them set out to subdue the zombie, but unfortunately they underestimated the zombie's strength, which resulted in the death of the two disciples they brought with them. The three heavenly masters, feeling grief and guilt, exterminated the zombie at the cost of their lives.

"He actually sacrificed himself for his cause?" Chen Yang: "Is that zombie so powerful?"

"That's a flying zombie." Zombies are corpses that have not decayed and have not been processed for a hundred years. They are divided into different levels according to their cultivation. The lowest level is the Yin corpse, which is the process of transformation between corpse and zombie, and the highest level is the flying zombie. It is said that the flying zombie has cultivated for thousands of years, is not afraid of sunlight, and is good at magic.

Dead bodies that do not decay will haunt for a hundred years. Dead bodies decay, but bones that do not decay for thousands of years are called undecayed bones. Like zombies, they can transform into wandering corpses by absorbing moonlight and practicing, which is the flying yaksha.

The skeletons encountered in the Miyun Haunted House were the ones that did not dissolve into bones. If Chen Yang had not dealt with them in time, they would have turned into hidden corpses. Undissolved bones that do not dissolve for a thousand years become hidden corpses. A hidden corpse that obtains the essence of the sun and the moon becomes a flying yaksha.

Zhang Qiu said: "Later, there were Taoist spells, Taoist prayer flags and five-element flags in Changhe Yizhuang, as well as Buddhist scriptures. Moreover, the structure of Changhe Yizhuang is a combination of Taoist Bagua and Buddhist pagoda. Although Buddhism and Taoism are not as incompatible as outsiders think, they are still clearly distinguished in some aspects. Especially when it comes to the Yizhuang, when looking up information, no one knows who built it, but it is recorded in historical materials that it should have been built during the Southern and Northern Dynasties."

Changhe Yizhuang was originally a combination of Buddhism and Taoism. It happened that during the Northern and Southern Dynasties, Buddhism and Taoism could not coexist peacefully, but later there was a period of integration. Chen Yang said, "Changhe Yizhuang is a product of the cooperation between Buddhism and Taoism, used to suppress the flying zombie?"

Kou Xuanling: "According to subsequent in-depth investigations, this is the most likely scenario."

Chen Yang: "What happened to Changhe Yizhuang later? Why did the address of the nursing home appear there?"

"That's the problem." Kou Xuanling moved the mouse and clicked on the Ye sisters' profile, which showed their volunteer experience. He said, "It describes how the Ye sisters sent their mentally ill foster mother to the Changhe Sanatorium - yes, this sanatorium was later renamed the Changhe Sanatorium, and was built on the original site of the Changhe Charity House. Because they didn't have much money to pay for their foster mother's stay in the sanatorium, they reduced some of the expenses by volunteering in the sanatorium."

He clicked on another photo. "This is a picture of the original site of Changhe Charity Manor. The exterior hasn't changed much after it was converted into a sanatorium. But the situation inside is unclear because no one is allowed in. Also, because the flying zombies were killed and there were Buddhist and Taoist instruments to suppress them, most evil spirits didn't dare to approach, so the Heavenly Masters didn't pay any attention. I don't know why the relevant department personnel secretly approved Changhe Charity Manor to be a sanatorium, but it's understandable that ordinary people would be possessed by ghosts."

"This sanatorium has always been very low-key, so low-key that no one noticed anything unusual in the five years it was in the suburbs of the imperial capital. And they treated it as a normal sanatorium. However, during these five years, unknown sanatoriums appeared in various provinces one after another, using various methods to kill doctors. The police asked the family members, but none of them could tell the name of the sanatorium because it was also confidential. Even if they went to the sanatorium, they would not know the name. But if we investigate the sanatorium where the dead doctors worked before, we will find that it is called Changhe Sanatorium. The location is also at the original site of Changhe Yizhuang in the suburbs."

Chen Yang: "So, is it possible that the mysterious organization behind this is in this parent and sanatorium?"

"We can track down this nursing home and submit a volunteer application to it," said Kou Xuanling.

Mao Xiaoli: "Will they agree? If it is really that so-called mysterious organization, they will not approve volunteer applications casually."

"They will agree." Chen Yang said confidently. Mao Xiaoli was puzzled. Chen Yang explained: "Their target is us. I can now roughly understand Meng Xi's purpose - do you remember Meng Xi?"

Mao Xiaoli nodded. Chen Yang continued, "I thought he wanted to divert us so that Dong Hong could kill people. But now I think his goal is the red string on my wrist." He fiddled with the ancient bronze coin on the red string: "If my magic weapon is the red string instead of the ancient bronze coin, then my red string would have been taken away by someone else."

"There is indeed a conspiracy. However, there are so many Taoist temples and Buddhist temples in the capital, as well as the General Administration, why did they choose us?" Mao Xiaoli's eyes widened, quite angry: "Are you picking on the weak?!"

Chen Yang sometimes didn't know whether he should be pleased that Mao Xiaoli knew herself better than anyone else, but he felt that she was right. There were so many Tianshi sects and headquarters in the imperial capital, but they chose a branch with only five members, the highest level of which was a third-grade Tianshi. It was quite unpleasant.

As he was talking, Du Shuo and Zhou Qi walked in. Chen Yang caught sight of them and immediately waved them over. Kou Xuanling stood up and made way for Du Shuo. Du Shuo sat next to Chen Yang and saw the video and documents in front of him. He could tell what they had done with just a glance.

Chen Yang knew Du Shuo's eyes and expressions best, even if he was expressionless or didn't show any emotion at all. After all, they had known each other for almost seven years and had been married for almost five years. The husband and wife had been close for a long time and could tell what the other meant by just one look. So Chen Yang asked, "You're not surprised at all. You knew it a long time ago?"

Du Shuo: "I knew it one day earlier than you did."

Chen Yang perked up instantly: "Do you know who is behind this?"


"What is it?"

"Wait until you go in and find out for yourself." Du Shuo changed the subject and pulled Zhou Qi in: "He will go with you." Seeing Chen Yang's puzzled look, he explained: "Because this incident is within Zhou Qi's responsibility, he should handle it. And I feel relieved to let him go with you."

"You won't come with me?"

Du Shuo pinched Chen Yang's neck and touched his earlobe, saying as a consolation: "I'm too busy to leave."

Chen Yang was a little confused, but fortunately he knew his identity as a ghost messenger. Considering the others present, he did not ask any more questions. So he looked at Zhou Qi, who nodded to Chen Yang with a serious expression: "Sister-in-law."

Chen Yang smiled and took out a gold ingot and gave it to him. Zhou Qi took it, and then ignored the emperor's cold gaze and called her sister-in-law more respectfully. The others were quite surprised. They thought Zhou Qi was a human, but when they saw Chen Yang burn the gold ingot and give it to Zhou Qi, they realized that he was actually a ghost messenger.

Zhang Qiu said, "Zhou Qi is Du Ju's younger brother." He and Kou Xuanling both guessed that Du Shuo was the director of the General Administration, Chang Beibei. They called Du Ju directly several times at the branch office, but seeing that Ma Shanfeng was not surprised at all and Mao Xiaoli didn't realize it at all, they had no scruples and called Du Ju directly.

Kou Xuanling and the others were all surprised. They knew that Du Ju was very powerful and might be a Heavenly Master of the Upper Pure Land. They didn't expect that he could directly recruit a ghost messenger as his subordinate. But it was also true. It was said that the Heavenly Master of the Upper Pure Land had half a foot in the immortal world and could command the heavenly soldiers and generals and could turn beans into soldiers, let alone a ghost messenger from the underworld.

Ma Shanfeng's eyebrows jumped after hearing Zhang Qiudao's words. He originally felt that Zhou Qi's name was familiar, but he also thought it might be a coincidence. After all, it was not a very special name. But after learning that he was a ghost messenger, his premonition became stronger and stronger. He carefully observed Zhou Qi's appearance. It looked very much like the portrait of the Five Ghost Emperors with gray beards like halberds.

Looking at his casual respect for Du Shuo and Du Shuo's attitude, he had a rough idea in his mind. He felt vaguely that the branch he was in seemed to have a great backer. Their director had the entire Fengdu underworld as his backer. Looking at the entire Tianshi world, I'm afraid no one could have such a background.

The shrewd Deputy Director Ma met the emperor's eyes that seemed to see through everything. While serving tea to the emperor, he silently expressed that he was just a Buddhist old man. Du Shuo picked up the teacup and nodded to Deputy Director Ma. The interaction between the two was very ordinary in the eyes of others. In the eyes of others, apart from their appearance, Du Shuo was the same age as Ma Shanfeng.

Zhou Qi stretched his hands behind his back and held in front of him the fat man with his limbs spread out like a pancake and a look of despair. The fat man's neck was pinched, and his fat drooped like a pancake. Zhou Qi shook it, and the fat on the fat man's body became bright wavy lines, making a rhythmic sound of "duangduang".

Dapang looked even more hopeless. Zhou Qi said, "I saw this cat ghost at the door, climbing the wall stealthily." In fact, Dapang just wanted to test whether Du Shuo was there.

"He just came to eat for free." Kou Xuanling stood up and picked up Da Pang, weighed him and frowned: "Da Pang, you must be 50 kilograms."

Chen Yang looked over and also felt that he had gained weight. He said, "How about Da Pang, why don't you try to lose weight?" Da Pang suddenly felt that the whole world was bullying him, a poor guy.

Ma Shanfeng asked Kou Xuanling to put the fat guy next to him, and then said, "Not bad." He looked at him carefully for a moment: "Not fat, at most plump. Being plump is good, it means you are blessed."

Ma Shanfeng smiled, and after everyone observed him for a while, they finally confirmed that he was sincere and thought that Da Pang was just fat and not lying. Perhaps this is the generation gap. After Kou Xuanling submitted a volunteer application to the Changhe Nursing Home, Zhang Qiudao received a call from Mr. Qian. On the other end of the phone, Mr. Qian begged very humbly, and his voice was full of fear.

After comforting him with a few words, Zhang Qiudao hung up the phone and said: "The ghost face sore on Mr. Qian's back has begun to eat away at his flesh." This means that the ghost face sore on Mr. Qian's back has matured and he has begun to speak human language and eat.

Chen Yang was surprised: "Didn't he feed the ghost face sore enough?" Generally speaking, as long as the ghost face sore is fed, its flesh and blood will not be eaten.

Zhang Qiu said, "I have fed him. They said they hired people to feed him 24 hours a day, but if he slacked off for a moment, his flesh would be eaten."

"It seems that Mr. Qian has no remorse at all." The ghost face sore grew on Mr. Qian's back and could also feel his mood changes. The ghost face sore only needed three meals a day. For someone like Mr. Qian, it is very likely that he angered the ghost face sore without any remorse.

Chen Yang asked again: "Do you want to go and have a look?"

"Go." Zhang Qiudao stood up and went upstairs to get his backpack. "See if you can pry something out of him. I think Mr. Qian is afraid of death and selfish. He will probably tell you something when his life is in danger."

The rest of the people were busy again, while Ma Shanfeng chatted with Zhou Qi to build a good relationship. It was estimated that they would often interact in the future, so Ma Shanfeng was a little friendly when talking at this moment. Mao Xiaoli went back to draw talismans and practice magic. She seemed to have opened up a little recently, and vaguely felt that her magic power was insufficient and needed to practice diligently.

After Kou Xuanling closed his computer, he went to burn incense and offer sacrifices to the ancestor, then sat cross-legged to meditate. Zhou Qi asked Ma Shanfeng in surprise, and Ma Shanfeng replied: "Try to enhance the induction with the ancestor, and hope to have more exchanges and communication."

Zhou Qi was even more surprised, and then he looked at the portrait of the ancestor: "Is he the descendant of the Northern Heavenly Master Dao?" Seeing Ma Shanfeng nod, he said: "Then we should worship Kou Tianshi and regard him as the ancestor, or worship the Three Pure Ones. How come he is none of them?"

Ma Shanfeng was stunned. Although he saw Kou Xuanling worshipping the ancestor every day, he had never carefully looked at the portrait of his ancestor. He knew that Kou Xuanling was not worshipping the portrait of the Three Pure Ones, but only thought it was the ancestor who founded the Northern Heavenly Master Sect. Now, hearing Zhou Qi's words, he was also surprised. He asked, "Who else is he worshipping?"

Zhou Qi took a closer look and realized that the portrait of the ancestor was definitely not a real person. He identified the portrait priest by the magic tools he held and the hand gestures he made: "He is also the Heavenly Master of the Northern Heavenly Master Dao, and he is indeed a priest."

He didn't say anything more, and Ma Shanfeng wasn't that curious, so he didn't ask any more questions. So the two of them changed the subject and continued their friendly conversation.

Chen Yang and Du Shuo entered the room. Du Shuo sat down, and Chen Yang walked around in front of him for a few circles. He grabbed Chen Yang and said, "Don't walk anymore. I'm dizzy. Sit down and tell me if you have any questions."

"If you refuse to tell me who the mastermind is, then I won't ask. I can find out by myself anyway, but you have to tell me if the mastermind has done anything else? Disrupt the Fengdu underworld."

"It's not a big deal." After Du Shuo denied it, he saw Chen Yang's sideways gaze and sighed, "There was an evil ghost in hell that escaped, and it escaped twenty years ago. But no one noticed it, if it weren't for the fact that a ghost who committed suicide in the Wrongful Death City suddenly woke up a few days ago and beat the drum to complain. As soon as I took over the investigation, the wronged souls beat the drum one after another to complain, and it almost caused a riot in the Wrongful Death City. I went to the Wrongful Death City to suppress it and ordered an investigation, only to find out that there was an evil ghost in hell that escaped from the world of the living for twenty years."

"How will Fengdu punish the Yinchai for failing to guard properly?"

Du Shuo looked indifferent: "All of them will be punished. All the ghosts and devils who are related to guarding the underworld will be punished."

Chen Yang asked worriedly: "You have also been convicted?"

"I didn't." Du Shuo's expression eased a little, and he held Chen Yang's hand tightly and said, "I'm in Fengdu, not in the underworld. It's just that the City of the Dead almost rioted, and there are evil spirits escaping from Hell, so there has to be a retrial, and I can't accompany you."

Chen Yang shook his head and said gently that it was okay. He then asked him, "Is the escaped evil ghost related to the mastermind behind the scenes?"


Chen Yang nodded, having made up his mind.

When Zhang Qiudao first saw Mr. Qian, he thought he had recognized the wrong person. Mr. Qian was now emaciated, with bones protruding from his face as if they were about to pierce through his flesh. He was slightly hunched over, with a face full of pain and fatigue. He was sitting in a wheelchair, wearing a hospital gown, and it seemed that he had been planning to see a doctor for surgery to remove the two acne scars.

Mr. Qian said, "It failed. As soon as the scalpel moved, I would still wake up in pain even with a large dose of anesthesia. I know that once the ghost face sore is cut off, I will die of pain. Master Zhang, please save me. I was wrong. I was really wrong. I regret it. I prayed for them, did good deeds for them, and held a ceremony for them. Please let them go."

Zhang begged: "Mr. Qian, I don't understand what you are talking about."

Mr. Qian told Zhang Qiudao all about how he murdered his two children, wife and mother-in-law, and only asked Zhang Qiudao to save him. Zhang Qiudao looked at him coldly: "I can't see that you have any remorse."

Mr. Qian was stunned, and he grabbed Zhang Qiudao and repeatedly said that he knew he was wrong and had begun to repent. Zhang Qiudao pushed his hand away, sat down and said, "Then please answer some questions for me, Mr. Qian."

"Sure, if you have any questions, just ask and I will answer them."

"Who or what ordered you to do those things?"

Mr. Qian was stunned and laughed dryly: "I don't understand what you are talking about."

"Mr. Qian, neither you nor I are stupid. We can find out more than you think. You think you can play with others at will by relying on the instructions of that thing, but have you ever thought that you are one of the people being played with?"

Mr. Qian remained silent.

Zhang Qiudao: "Mr. Qian's son is gone, and the property has collapsed."

This sentence irritated Mr. Qian. He tore off his hypocritical surface and said with red eyes: "I can tell you about that... that thing, but I want to see Chen Yang. I want to see him. When he comes, I will tell you about the person who ordered me."

Zhang Qiudao looked at him coldly, stood up and walked towards the door while saying, "You can say it or not, no one is forcing you."

Mr. Qian was panting heavily, the pain in his back almost made him lose his mind. He shouted: "If Chen Yang doesn't come, I will never tell you. Even if you can help me get rid of the ghost face sore, I can't live if I tell you! Let him come, I will tell you everything!"

Zhang Qiudao paused and went back. After hesitating for a while, he told Chen Yang about it, "Director Chen, are you going?"


"I always feel that he has a conspiracy, otherwise why would he let you go? His current behavior clearly shows that he has known you for a long time, but the last time we went to see him together, he pretended not to know you. And the last time was the first time you met. His current behavior makes me feel that some organization is planning to deal with you."

"I know he must have known me for a long time. His expression was not right last time. But this shows that he really intends to deal with me. If that's the case, I should go and take a look."

Chen Yang really went to see Mr. Qian, and Mr. Qian's eyes immediately lit up with surprise when he saw him. He beckoned Chen Yang to come closer, with a greedy expression on his face.

Chen Yang stood three meters away from Mr. Qian: "Mr. Qian, tell us what you know now."

Mr. Qian was displeased: "Come closer."

Chen Yang looked at him quietly. Mr. Qian felt a little scared, and then he reluctantly accepted the distance between them: "What do you want to know?"

"What is the name of that mysterious organization? Who is the mastermind behind it? How do you get in touch?"

Mr. Qian smiled and said, "There is no secret organization. There are only believers and gods. We are the believers and it is God. The way of contact is of course through the oracle, which appears naturally in our minds and hearts, and we follow our hearts."

"Speak more clearly."

Mr. Qian: "We are all believers. It is the Bodhisattva of Peace and Joy. As long as we believe in it devoutly in our hearts, it will send down oracles by itself even without offering sacrifices, and solve our problems through dreams. It will make us peaceful and happy." Even at this point, when Mr. Qian mentioned the Bodhisattva of Peace and Joy, his face and eyes were full of piety and faith, and he was very respectful to that Bodhisattva.

"I don't know which evil beast came out of nowhere to pretend to be a Bodhisattva, teach you how to do bad things, and tempt you to kill people, and also want you to believe in it? The Bodhisattva of Peace and Happiness? Are you happy and at peace now? Why doesn't it help you get rid of the ghost face sore on your back?"

"Because I disappointed the Bodhisattva. I could have done it perfectly. I shouldn't have ignored the two children and let them know the truth, giving them someone to take revenge on. I was too proud and complacent, and I disappointed the Bodhisattva. But it doesn't matter, I will make up for it!" After saying that, he suddenly jumped up from the wheelchair, holding a knife in his hand and rushed towards Chen Yang fiercely. His face was very distorted: "Kill you and offer it to the Bodhisattva! It will forgive me and save me!!"

Chen Yang dodged the attack coldly and stepped on Mr. Qian. Because of Mr. Qian's sudden twisted mentality, the ghost face sore on his back gnawed at his flesh and blood crazily, causing him to scream in pain again, begging Chen Yang to save him.

Chen Yang called the police and sent Mr. Qian to prison for attempted murder. Mr. Qian, who was bankrupt and had no money to hire a lawyer and was tortured by the ghost face sore, was afraid of death and dared not commit suicide after entering prison. In the end, he endured the torture of the ghost face sore for several years before dying.

Chen Yang felt that this trip was quite rewarding. At least he had learned the name of the mastermind behind the scenes. He should be able to find out after going back and checking.

The author has something to say: Ma Shanfeng: See through things but don’t speak them out, be a qualified Buddhist elder.