The Great Collision of Yin and Yang

Chapter 52: Play until hang 08


Silence spread in the room, and after a while the door opened. Chen Yang turned around and saw a girl standing at the door, holding the door handle with a red rope tied around her wrist. The girl walked in, tapping her shoes, and shouted, "Dad! Mom! I'm hungry!"

Meng Xi stared at the girl with a gloomy look, but the girl was completely unaware. When she met Meng Xi's eyes, she became angry and picked up the cup and smashed it on his face. It happened to hit the wound that had hit the ground before, causing blood to flow. The girl yelled angrily: "Why are you staring at me?! I hate your eyes, I hate seeing your face, you are not allowed to look up."

After that, she took out some milk from the refrigerator and drank it, ignoring Chen Yang and Kou Xuanling the whole time. After drinking the milk, she shouted again: "Dad! Mom! I'm back!!"

She took off her shoes, picked up the remote control and turned on the TV, laughing from time to time as the old programs on TV played. Meng Xi retracted his gloomy gaze, took out a tissue to wipe his face, and said calmly: "My sister, Meng Yao."

"Who is your sister?!" Meng Yao suddenly screamed and threw the remote control in her hand. Meng Xi dodged it, and this action irritated Meng Yao, causing her to suddenly scream wildly. "Get out! Get out!"

Meng Xi left the living room, and Chen Yang and Kou Xuanling were also driven out. The door slammed shut, and Meng Xi shrugged: "She hates me, but it doesn't matter." He smiled happily: "I hate her too, I wanted to throw her away, but if I throw her away, we can't be considered a family. I have no choice but to bear the disgust and bring her back."

"You didn't kill her?"

"Why do you want to kill her?" Meng Xi smiled strangely: "If you kill her, my parents will be sad. If you kill her, she won't be able to experience the pain of being without parents."

Chen Yang did not ask any more questions about Meng Xi's family. This family was not normal. He said, "My red string is with your sister? You gave it to her."

"The red rope is not your magic weapon, which means it is useless. The God of Anle threw away the red rope, and Meng Yao picked it up and used it as a bracelet. Ever since her parents became puppets, no one has bought jewelry for her, so she has fallen to the point where she will pick up and wear any ordinary red rope she sees." Meng Xi was quite pleased.

Chen Yang: "What's in the sanatorium lake?"

Meng Xi stopped, his face changed, and fear appeared in his eyes: "There are monsters in there. You suspect that the God of Anle is under the lake? Then I can only say that you guessed wrongly, it itself is afraid of the monsters under the lake. How powerful do you think the God of Anle is? It just betrayed its loyalty and deceived those fools who believed in it. They really thought that it would kill people if they did not follow its orders. Don't be funny, if it dared to kill people by itself, would it go to such great lengths to plot against others?"

"I know that thing is a wild beast, at least it has deceived many believers." Chen Yang interrupted him. He naturally knew that the Anle God was a beast pretending to be a Bodhisattva, relying on the faith of believers to gain powerful magic power. Without the faith of believers, it is just a statue occupied by a demon and can be easily subdued.

The Anle God is good at playing with people's hearts, and has gone to great lengths to design traps to kill people. Playing with others for fun is one reason, and lack of strength is another reason. But the power of faith it absorbs is indeed not to be underestimated.

Chen Yang: "So what's in the lake?"

"Fuck deer." Meng Xi suddenly pulled a patient over and pushed him towards Chen Yang and Kou Xuanling. He then went into the house next door, locked it and said, "You still have an hour. To be honest, I'm very kind to tell you so much. Don't kick the door. Kicking the door will anger the patients in the sanatorium. This is my advice to you. In addition, if you can survive tonight, we will definitely meet again. You can beat me up then."

Chen Yang paused in kicking the door, turned his head and said to Kou Xuanling: "Step back seven or eight meters first." After Kou Xuanling did as he was told, Chen Yang suddenly kicked the door of Meng Xi's room, then stepped on the outer railing, grabbed the pillar and turned away from here. The patients near the sanatorium were indeed stimulated and suddenly rushed to the door, scratched and slapped the door, and even fought.

Across the crowd, Chen Yang vaguely heard Meng Xi curse, and the door trembled and shook under the pushing of the patients. Kou Xuanling and Chen Yang walked side by side: "I thought you would not be able to help but beat him up, or compromise and leave."

Chen Yang waved his hand: "I'm not that kind of person."

Kou Xuanling: "Do you think he is trustworthy?"

"You can't believe it all. But you can believe the things about the sanatorium and the God of Peace. He has no faith in the God of Peace." People can't hide their beliefs because they subconsciously put faith in the most respected position in their hearts. When they mention faith, they can't hide this respect. Chen Yang didn't see any respect in Meng Xi's eyes. "Let's go back to the room first."

When they arrived at the original room, which was the vacant doctor's office on the fourth floor, they found that the nameplate on the door was gone. Kou Xuanling: "Is this what Meng Xi meant by 'one more hour'? Did Ye Youyou take the nameplate away?"

"Should." Ye Youyou repeated several times that the room without the nameplate was unsafe, but she stole the nameplate when they were away. She lied to them. If she killed Chen Yang in this way, she should be able to become a disciple of Anle God, and she could be more guaranteed to save her sister.

They walked to Ye Youyou's room and found the door was locked. Kou Xuanling pushed the door and said, "It's locked. You can't kick it." Kicking the door would cause the patient to go crazy.

Chen Yang casually pulled out a thin wire from the dilapidated corridor water pipe, half squatted down to unlock the door. After a while, he opened the lock, looked up at Kou Xuanling's silent eyes, and said, "Do you still remember the Qiu family siblings?"

Kou Xuanling nodded. The Qiu siblings had great lock picking skills. He was quite surprised: "You actually learned it?"

Chen Yang nodded: "Two days after I went back, Qiu Shengmin sent me a video. The explanation is very detailed. Do you want it?" Kou Xuanling replied that he did and asked him to send him a copy of the video.

Kou Xuanling said it was very convenient, and they should have pried open Meng Xi's door and pulled him out to beat him up. Chen Yang said, "I want to test whether he is lying. He may lie about himself, but he is not lying about other things, and I can't get anything out of him. At most, I can beat him up, and there will be another chance later."

They went into the room to check and found that Ye Youyou was not in the room. Chen Yang said: "Either she lied to us and was able to leave the nursing home on the same day instead of having to wait until the next day. Or this is not her room, she is hiding in another room. Do you know what her room number is?"

"I don't know. She never showed her nameplate to us."

Chen Yang looked up at the sky: "The sun has set." The sky gradually darkened, and the entire sanatorium was shrouded in dead silence. He continued: "The patients and doctors are gone."

As they unlocked the door to check Ye Youyou's room, the patients and doctors in the sanatorium began to disappear again, and the silence returned to its dead silence. There were at least patients wandering in the corridor before, but now there is not a single one. Kou Xuanling: "I guess Ye Youyou is still in the sanatorium."

"After dark, there are a group of wronged souls hiding in the sanatorium, and there are also patients living there. Meng Xi said that there are dried deer hiding in the lake, and there are dried deer outside the sanatorium, and there are a group of wronged souls inside. The sanatorium is also a place where Buddhism and Taoism are combined to suppress the wronged souls. Before, three heavenly masters killed flying zombies here. Although they died, their power is still there." Chen Yang said puzzledly: "How can this place maintain balance with people, ghosts and evil spirits living together, and no one has discovered it for five years?"

Kou Xuanling: "I am more curious about why there are dried muntjacs in the lake?"

The dry muntjac is a type of zombie. It was originally a Yunnan miner who died in a mining accident and was pressed into the ground. After hundreds of years of nourishment by the earth and metal, the bones did not decay and turned into mummies. When it sees someone, it will beg others to take it out of the mine, but when it sees the light, it will turn into corpse water, which is extremely smelly and prone to plague. If you encounter a group of dry muntjacs, they will attack you.

Flying zombies had appeared in the sanatorium before, so they didn't think it was unusual to see zombies. There are many nicknames for zombies, so why did Meng Xi choose the nickname "dried deer"

"Or maybe the lake was a mine? There are rich geological mineral resources around the imperial capital. If there were mineral resources here in the past, it makes sense that some miners were crushed by the collapsed mine tunnel and turned into deer."

The sky was completely dark, and after a moment of silence, the sanatorium suddenly erupted with sharp and mixed wailing and laughter, as well as the sound of doors being smashed. Chen Yang walked to the door and saw a line of souls who were as dry as skeletons and wearing striped patient clothes. They were knocking on the door one by one. When they found someone, they used all kinds of methods to kick the door. After kicking the door open, they pulled out the doctor in a white coat and rushed over to tear his limbs.

After tearing the doctor into pieces, they scattered the body parts everywhere, making strange laughter, and continued to move forward to the next door and repeat the same thing. Chen Yang took a step back and was about to close the door when he happened to meet the eyes of the wronged soul on the opposite side. The wronged soul stared at this side, attracting the attention of a group of wronged souls. The group of wronged souls stopped at the same time and all looked over here. The next moment, they suddenly appeared in front of him.

Chen Yang slammed the door shut, and a loud bang was heard the next second. The group of wronged souls outside were banging on the door crazily, mistaking them for doctors. Kou Xuanling took out the Five Thunder Spirit Talisman and stuck it behind the door. The loud noise outside stopped for a moment, and a minute later the Five Thunder Spirit Talisman ignited without fire, and the wronged souls banged on the door again. The door was banging, and I'm afraid it won't last long.

Kou Xuanling was surprised: "The Five Thunder Talisman doesn't work either."

"This place is indistinguishable between good and evil, with humans and ghosts living together, and Buddhism and Taoism combined. I'm afraid ordinary Taoist instruments will not be able to deal with it." Chen Yang checked the room: "Rooms without nameplates will be broken into, we need to leave. There are too many wronged souls, and they are full of resentment after being stained with blood. They repeat the painful scenes of their previous lives during the day, and turn into evil ghosts that kill doctors at night. This cycle repeats again and again, and even ordinary earthbound spirits will become evil ghosts."

Chen Yang walked out of the window and opened the curtains: "Fuck deer."

Ye Youyou's room also faces the lake, and she can see the scenery outside by opening the window. At this moment, under the pale moonlight, the lake is rolling with black water, and black and shriveled heads emerge from it. They climbed ashore, their bodies dry as if only a dried skin was left, and only two black holes were left in their eyes, which suddenly looked at Chen Yang.

Chen Yang frowned and took a closer look, and found that the dried deer were not looking at him, but at the entire sanatorium. Layers of dried deer climbed onto the shore and rushed towards the four-story building of the sanatorium. However, when they touched the building, a layer of golden light appeared and turned them all into a pool of sewage. The pungent stench filled the air.

Kou Xuanling: "The golden light has become weak and will not last long."

Chen Yang: "I'll ask Zhou Qi to come up and report the situation to Fengdu."

The author has something to say: I can’t finish this unit.

I was so busy that I didn't have time to update until around nine o'clock in the evening.

There are also foreshadowings in this chapter, and there are several problems with some of the characters.