The Great Collision of Yin and Yang

Chapter 54: Evil Ladder 01


Chen Yang walked into the police station and saw Mao Xiaoli sitting on the sofa and browsing Weibo, so he asked her: "Xiaoli, did Du Shuo come back yesterday?"

Mao Xiaoli looked up: "No. Did you catch the Wutong God? Didn't Zhang Qiudao and I help the police to arrest those who were fooled by the Wutong God? When we were arresting them, we found a large cult site, which was a statue of the Wutong God. Zhang Qiudao took pictures and asked his family, and found out that it was the statue of the God of Anle. In addition, we encountered many things, including a fierce ghost demanding our lives. Tsk tsk, the scene was dangerous-"

Chen Yang interrupted her: "Where is Zhang Qiudao?"

"Keep helping. We'll split up to assist the police. I've finished my work here, and he still has a case to deal with."

Chen Yang: "I see. I'm a little tired. I'll go upstairs to rest first." He went upstairs and came down after a while. At the stairs, he said to Mao Xiaoli: "If Du Shuo comes back, please notify me on WeChat."

"Okay." Mao Xiaoli nodded, staring blankly at Chen Yang's back as he disappeared around the corner. She turned to face Kou Xuanling who was sitting next to her, raised her thumb and pointed in Chen Yang's direction, asking in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

Kou Xuanling poured a cup of water and drank it to calm down: "Miss you."

Mao Xiaoli was surprised: "Didn't we just meet yesterday?" They are an old couple and they still act like they missed each other so much after just one day apart

"They have always had a good relationship." Kou Xuanling raised her eyelids and glanced at Mao Xiaoli: "You have never been in love, so you don't understand."

Mao Xiaoli was not convinced: "Do you understand?" She dared to guarantee that even if she gave birth to a baby, even the straight man in the universe, Kou Xuanling, might not be single.

Kou Xuanling chuckled twice: "I have never been in love, but I understand that feeling."

Mao Xiaoli was silent for a while, sitting quietly beside Kou Xuanling, looking at him with sparkling eyes that were full of gossip: "Do you have a crush on someone?"

"It's not you." Kou Xuanling answered directly. Mao Xiaoli almost wanted to blow his head off. Universe Steel could just end the whole topic with one sentence and pull down full of hatred.

"Thank you for your kindness." Mao Xiaoli did not give up gossiping: "How do you understand that kind of feeling? When did you understand it? Who is the other party?"

Kou Xuanling: "I understood it when I was sixteen." Mao Xiaoli made a pause gesture, pulled the melon seeds across from her, and gestured to him while cracking them. Kou Xuanling continued: "When I was sixteen, I first received an order to travel far away. I was young and inexperienced, and I was carsick and vomited a lot. I went to sleep as soon as I arrived at the place, but when I got up in the middle of the night to worship the ancestors, I actually forgot to bring the portrait of the ancestors!"

Mao Xiaoli stopped eating melon seeds. She no longer had the urge to eat more and even wanted to throw the shells at his face. Kou Xuanling still had lingering fears when he recalled the feeling at that time: "I painted all the portraits of the ancestors myself. The portraits sold outside are all fake and not easy to buy. Basically, they sell portraits of the Three Pure Ones." He sighed: "It took three days to complete that task. It felt like I hadn't seen the ancestors for ten years. I bathed and fasted as soon as I came back to worship the ancestors. From then on, the portrait of the ancestors never left my side."

Mao Xiaoli: "One day without seeing you feels like three years, three days without seeing you feels like nine years."

Kou Xuanling: "Round off."

"Oh." Mao Xiaoli threw away the melon seed shells indifferently. Due to the large amplitude of the movement, a piece of melon seed shell fell on Kou Xuanling's big toe. She looked at it and snorted coldly.

Kou Xuanling suddenly felt that he was being targeted, but he didn't know when he had offended Mao Xiaoli. Ma Shanfeng happened to come out and heard Kou Xuanling's complaint: "Women's hearts are like needles in the sea."

Ma Shanfeng: "That depends on the person." Kou Xuanling was puzzled, and Ma Shanfeng did not explain, but said: "I just heard Director Chen mention Director Du in the office? How... did he get exposed?"

If Ma Shanfeng had asked Kou Xuanling the day before, he would definitely not know. So today, Kou Xuanling looked at Ma Shanfeng's all-seeing eyes with shock, while Ma Shanfeng saw the answer he wanted to know from Kou Xuanling's expression.

Kou Xuanling: "Uncle Ma, I just now realize that you are the most secretive person in the branch." Du Shuo is the most secretive person, but he does not belong to the branch.

Uncle Ma waved his hand: "It's easy to see if you have experienced a lot and seen a lot. Is Director Chen angry?"

Kou Xuanling: "It doesn't look like it. Hiss! Director Chen is getting married to a ghost? How can a living person get married to a ghost? And he is also getting married to that big shot. I feel like I am having a ridiculous dream."

Ma Shanfeng said he could help Kou Xuanling wake up, but was rejected. Ma Shanfeng said: "Director Chen doesn't look like he will live long."

Just this sentence alone contains a lot of information worth studying. Kou Xuanling: "Will it involve forbidden techniques?"

Ma Shanfeng dispelled his suspicion: "If any evil spirit from the underworld had a secret relationship with Director Chen, it could be suspected to be a forbidden technique. But Director Chen's target is the one from Fengdu, what kind of forbidden techniques can be used on that person? Look at the way they get along, that person loves Director Chen very much. If Director Chen wasn't here, that person wouldn't even show up here, let alone chat with us like friends."

Fengdu Emperor, a Taoist deity, naturally has his pride. Although he does not disdain mortals, he will not get involved in the crowd of mortals in the world of the living. Fengdu Emperor appeared in the General Administration as the director four years ago. He was only seen a few times in large lists involving the fate of the country. The rest of the time, he was mysterious and disappeared without a trace.

Kou Xuanling respected Du Shuo very much, and regarded him as the only one he respected and strived for besides his ancestors. He said to Ma Shanfeng: "I used to think that Du Ju was the leader of some mysterious sect, and sometimes he would not be seen for a year. After I came to the branch, I found that I often saw him, and then I realized that he was accompanying his partner. Now that I think about it, Du Ju is really busy, taking care of the headquarters and Fengdu, and going home frequently. Sometimes I get up in the middle of the night and see him rushing back, and leaving in the early morning. This kind of heart is worthy of praise."

Kou Xuanling was not stingy with his praise, and added: "I heard that a few people in the Taoist Association know Du Ju's true identity?"

"Some people know that it was that person who suddenly appeared in front of them when he came to the mortal world and mentioned it to them." Ma Shanfeng laughed twice: "It is the style of the Du Bureau. Although it is a bit inhumane, it is open and aboveboard, and also straightforward and efficient."

Kou Xuanling: "It seems that Director Chen didn't know Director Du's identity before." Seeing Ma Shanfeng's surprised look, he added: "But now he knows."

Ma Shanfeng had not expected that Du Shuo had concealed such important news from Chen Yang: "How is Director Chen feeling?"

Kou Xuanling thought for a moment and chose the most appropriate word to describe it: "Calm."

“The calmer it is, the more terrifying the eruption will be. Beneath the calm is rolling magma and surging river water. Once there is a gap, the eruption will cause heavy casualties.” Ma Shanfeng said with sympathy.

Kou Xuanling: "Do you have experience?"

"I hid some private money and it was discovered by your sister-in-law. She was calm for a few days, but I was trembling with fear for several days, just to get out the private money I had saved for more than ten years. I worked so hard, but it was like the time before liberation overnight." Ma Shanfeng sighed, and after receiving Kou Xuanling's sympathetic look, he waved his hand and said, "Don't get involved in the affairs of Director Chen and Director Du."

After saying that, he turned back to the office, closed the doors and windows, and after confirming again and again, he took out the box from a hidden place and counted it. The private money was not missing. The example of himself just now made him feel the fear of his private money being confiscated suddenly looming like a shadow, and he had to count it to feel relieved.

After Zhou Qi reported the matter of the sanatorium to Du Shuo, Du Shuo responded calmly that he knew about it and asked him to deal with it. Zhou Qi felt that he should flatter the Emperor of Fengdu appropriately, so he quickly reported the matter about his sister-in-law.

Du Shuo was indeed interested. Although his expression did not change much, he was listening carefully. As he listened, his expression changed subtly: "You said that when Yang Yang shouted 'Five Directions Ghost Emperor Zhou Qi under the rule of Fengdu Emperor', you responded?"

Zhou Qi nodded: "Yes. But when I asked my sister-in-law what it was, she didn't tell me."

Looking at Zhou Qi's honest and serious face with a beard like a halberd, and then seeing him flattering her with the words "sister-in-law" in his previous and next sentences, Du Shuo nodded and forced a smile, successfully making Zhou Qi shut up and show a horrified expression.

"Zhou Qi."

Zhou Qi responded with a startled voice and shuddered at the same time.

"You go and manage the Dangzhong Mountain. It's very busy there recently."

Zhou Qi was stunned for a moment and said, "Isn't there a Ghost Emperor governing that place?" Dangzhong Mountain is the area governed by the Western Ghost Emperor. It is far away from his Baodui Mountain, and Dangzhong Mountain in the West is famous for its many things and busy business.

"I know, it's busy over there."

"Okay. Then Baodui Mountain..."

"You handle it."

Zhou Qi looked at the emperor with a little hurt, and finally left in silence. He should have understood that he had no talent for flattery.

Du Shuo had remained calm and composed until Zhou Qi left. As soon as Zhou Qi left, he stood up and hurriedly left Fengdu and appeared at the door of the branch. He walked into the first floor and hesitated a little. When he saw Kou Xuanling painting the portrait of the ancestor, he asked him, "How is Yangyang today?"

Kou Xuanling put down his paintbrush, thought for a moment and said, "Calm down."

Du Shuo had a bad feeling and became even more hesitant. But he still had to face what he had to face, and Kou Xuanling said to him solemnly, "Come on, take care." Du Shuo looked coldly at the portrait on his desk, and Kou Xuanling made a gesture to seal his mouth to indicate that he would not watch his show.

After Du Shuo went upstairs, Ma Shanfeng opened the door and silently asked Kou Xuanling, who raised his index finger and pointed upstairs, saying silently, "He went upstairs."

So Ma Shanfeng informed Mao Xiaoli to pay attention to the situation. Mao Xiaoli did not dare to open the door to look openly, so she secretly used the drone. This thing was used by a girl who took a photo of the abstinent Taoist priest Kou Xuanling to bribe her, and now it came in handy. But when Du Shuo heard the buzzing sound above his head, he looked up and glanced at Mao Xiaoli's room.

The drone paused in the air for a while, then quietly returned to the room. Mao Xiaoli was scared.

Kou Xuanling: “Coward!”

Mao Xiaoli snorted twice: "If you can do it, you go ahead." No one dared to go up, but Mao Xiaoli didn't dare to watch, but listened secretly.

Du Shuo stopped knocking on the door and used the key to open it. He knocked and walked in, and found Chen Yang sewing clothes with his back to him. Du Shuo stood behind him and secretly glanced at him, and found that Chen Yang was sewing his clothes. There was something embroidered on his clothes, and the outline of it was a pig.

Du Shuo was silent. When Chen Yang was angry, he would secretly sew various pigs on his clothes. When he was very angry, he would openly sew in front of him. Although it seemed like a harmless way to vent his anger, Du Shuo actually had to wear clothes embroidered with pig heads when he went out to work. Only in this way would Chen Yang calm down.

Chen Yang: "Are you here?"

Du Shuo responded, "Yeah." Then he sat beside him, quietly watching him embroider the pig's head, and praised his craftsmanship, "It looks good."

Chen Yang glanced at him, smiled and said, "Thank you." After thinking for a while, he added, "I'm honored." After that, he tied a thread. Du Shuo quickly handed over the scissors. Chen Yang took the scissors and cut off the thread. He picked up the clothes and shook them to check the embroidered pig head.

Chen Yang has good craftsmanship, and the pig head he embroidered is vivid, but it is located in the center of the chest. People will be amazed when they see it, but it would be embarrassing to wear it. But Du Shuo couldn't help but praise it: "It's really beautiful. Yangyang is clever and skillful."

"No, I am deft at heart. Otherwise, I wouldn't know the identity of the person next to me, and I'm planning to raise money to help him gain merit and get promoted." Chen Yang put the embroidered clothes aside and picked up another one to continue embroidering.

Du Shuo took a quick look and saw a total of seven pieces of clothing. This showed that Chen Yang was really angry. In the past, he had never embroidered more than five pieces of clothing with pig heads, but now he had prepared seven pieces! And he embroidered them openly in front of him! The emperor was in the wrong, so he quickly coaxed him softly, "It's my fault for not telling you in advance and hiding it from you."

"You hinted to me a long time ago that half of the jade ring is half of the seal of Emperor Fengdu. I just didn't realize it." Chen Yang took the blame on himself, but anyone would know that he was so angry that he didn't want to vent his anger on others, let alone find the culprit.

Du Shuo held Chen Yang's hand, and the latter tried to break free but couldn't. Du Shuo kissed the back of Chen Yang's hand and whispered, "Yang Yang, please don't blame me, okay? I didn't mean to lie to you. At first I thought it was unnecessary to talk about my identity, but later I didn't know how to start."

When they first got married, Du Shuo didn't take their marriage seriously, so he didn't reveal his identity. After he fell in love, he didn't know how to speak. Chen Yang was anxious and worried, and his heart and eyes were full of him, which made the emperor reluctant to reveal his identity. The old Buddhist young man who had been single for a thousand years had a family before he fell in love. Naturally, he couldn't think carefully when he fell in love. When he wanted to think carefully, he didn't know how to say it.

Chen Yang was very trusting of those he loved and loved, so he never doubted Du Shuo. Although Du Shuo secretly gave him half of the seal of the Emperor of Fengdu as a wedding ring, he also wanted to see if he could find it himself. But Chen Yang didn't find it for several years, and Du Shuo had no choice but to keep giving himself the identity of a little ghost who was oppressed and exploited, and to get promoted for himself.

When Chen Yang scolded him, he couldn't join in scolding himself, he could only nod in agreement.

Chen Yang didn't look at Du Shuo directly, but just glanced at him: "What else are you hiding from me?"

Du Shuo: “No more.”


Du Shuo nodded, then hesitated for a moment. Seeing this, Chen Yang frowned and said, "What else are you hiding from me? Tell me everything now."

"The underworld of Fengdu knows about your relationship with me."

"I knew it—" Chen Yang suddenly stopped and stared at Du Shuo in disbelief. He had previously thought that Du Shuo was a little ghost messenger, so he was very casual when summoning the underworld of Fengdu. He thought that Du Shuo had established good relationships with his colleagues and asked them to help take care of it. Every time he sent away the ghost messengers of the underworld, he would treat them to a meal and give them some hard work fees as Du Shuo's partner.

Therefore, those ghost messengers from the underworld were not helping him to build good relationships simply because he was the "sister-in-law"!

Du Shuo comforted him: "There are still some ghost officials who don't know the situation. They think that someone of your ancestors works in the underworld." Although they knew more, they often fought with each other in order to snatch Chen Yang's summoning quota.

The ghost messengers of Fengdu Netherworld were eager to grab the spot summoned by Chen Yang. One reason was that Chen Yang was generous, and the other was that they all wanted to meet the wife of Fengdu Emperor and came to pay a visit to "Sister-in-law".

Chen Yang threw the clothes embroidered with a pig's head into Du Shuo's arms, then picked up another piece of clothes and planned to embroider a bigger pig's head: "Go out first, I don't want to see you."

Du Shuo grabbed Chen Yang's hand and kissed him again and again, staring into Chen Yang's eyes all the time: "Yang Yang..." He also showed a pitiful expression. Du Shuo was handsome and indifferent, and it was hard to blame him for pretending to be pitiful. But Chen Yang had been with him for many years, and although he rarely showed weakness, this time was different from usual.

Chen Yang pulled his hand back and pointed at the clothes in his arms: "Go out first, I don't want to see you."

Du Shuo put on the clothes with the pig head embroidered on them and stood in front of Chen Yang to calm him down. Chen Yang took a look and glared at him. Du Shuo said, "Then I'll stand at the door first."

He walked to the door, looking back every few steps, and closed the door at Chen Yang's request. As soon as the door was closed, his expression immediately returned to indifference. He lowered his head to look at the pig head on his chest, touched the stitches, and praised his wife's craftsmanship in his heart. Although the pig head undermined the majesty of the emperor, it was actually quite cute after looking at it for a long time.

The emperor thought everything about Yangyang was good, even the pig head embroidered on his clothes was very cute. He stood at the door, thinking about how he should calm Chen Yang down.

Ma Shanfeng passed by holding a teacup, glanced at the emperor and then at the pig head on his chest, and said calmly: "I'll go find Mao Xiaoli and urge her to finish her summer homework."

The emperor looked at him coldly. Ma Shanfeng walked over with a serious expression and knocked on Mao Xiaoli's door. Mao Xiaoli showed her head, stared at the pig head on Du Shuo's chest, made way for Ma Shanfeng to enter, and then closed the door.

Du Shuo stared coldly at Mao Xiaoli's door for a long time before he looked away. After a while, Kou Xuanling passed by with a newly painted portrait of the ancestor, stopped in front of Du Shuo and explained calmly: "I want to dry the painting, Mao Xiaoli's balcony has a good wind direction. I'll borrow her balcony."

After greeting her politely, he knocked on Mao Xiaoli's door, and the heads of Mao Xiaoli and Ma Shanfeng appeared from the door. Du Shuo looked over and asked softly, "Does it look good?"

The three of them slipped into the room, closed the door, and sat together to inform Zhang Qiudao to come back to watch the show. They also wanted to see the pig head on Du Shuo's chest again. Mao Xiaoli praised: "Brother Chen's embroidery skills are really amazing, and the pig head is very cute."

Kou Xuanling: "Chen Yang was very angry and even drove Du Ju to the door to make him stand there as punishment. Chen Yang had always been very well behaved in front of Du Ju and they had a very good relationship. Now that Chen Yang is so angry, will it lead to a breakdown in their relationship?"

Ma Shanfeng: "No. They fight at the head of the bed and make up at the foot of the bed. It's the same between husband and wife or husband and wife. The more they quarrel, the deeper their feelings are."

Mao Xiaoli: "Then let's continue watching the show, won't we help?"

"Uncle Ma advises you not to interfere in other people's love lives."

Mao Xiaoli: "What if the Bureau comes to our door?"

“Friendly advice.”

"Deputy Director Ma is very experienced?" Du Shuo suddenly appeared behind Ma Shanfeng. Ma Shanfeng stood up calmly and faced him. Du Shuo sat down: "Why not give me some friendly advice?"

Ma Shanfeng: "No problem." He pointed at Du Shuo and then at himself: "I'm an experienced person."

Mao Xiaoli and Kou Xuanling tried to reduce their presence as much as possible, squatting beside and listening quietly, never interrupting a word. But Du Shuo still noticed them and looked at them quietly. Although the two tried hard to stay, they couldn't stand Du Shuo's cold and stern eyes, and left in disgrace.

After closing the door, Mao Xiaoli suddenly realized: "Why was I kicked out of my room?"

Kou Xuanling: "You have to pay to watch the show." After that, he went downstairs to his room and dried the portrait of the ancestor. Mao Xiaoli thought about it and felt that she didn't have the courage to watch the show alone, so she might as well go downstairs and wait for Zhang Qiudao to come back and persuade him to come with her. So she followed him downstairs and waited for Zhang Qiudao in the living room.

Du Shuo and Ma Shanfeng discussed in the room for half an hour. After half an hour, Du Shuo returned to his room and closed the door. Chen Yang did not go downstairs that night. At dinner time, Zhang Qiudao rushed back to watch the show, but saw the closed door. After dinner, during the fruit time, several people were enjoying the cool air in the courtyard. Mao Xiaoli asked curiously, "Uncle Ma, what did you do with Director Du?"

"No trick. What trick is there? I told you, outsiders should not interfere in marriage matters. This is advice from someone who has been through it." Ma Shanfeng smiled honestly, "Fight at the head of the bed and make up at the foot of the bed. It's normal for a husband and wife to have some small conflicts and some emotions."

Kou Xuanling and Zhang Qiudao looked at each other, then looked at Ma Shanfeng, who was being pestered by Mao Xiaoli but smiled and said a few words to avoid the topic. They both felt that the old ones were the wisest. The Buddhist old man Ma Shanfeng should not be offended.

The next day, Chen Yang and Du Shuo went out and their relationship was back to normal.

Chen Yang sent Du Shuo out and brought him breakfast: "Are you busy again?"

Du Shuo pinched Chen Yang's chin and kissed him again and again. The two were very close. After responding, he said, "I still have some loose ends to deal with last time. I will be back in the evening."

"Aren't you coming back for lunch?"

"I'll try my best and send you a message when I'm free."

"Okay. I'll wait for you then."

Chen Yang watched Du Shuo leave, then turned around to see Ma Shanfeng and the other three staring at him: "What's going on?"

The four of them glanced at the red mark on Chen Yang's neck, shook their heads and drank the porridge. After Chen Yang went back to catch up on his sleep, the other two people except Mao Xiaoli looked at Ma Shanfeng with meaningful eyes.

Mao Xiaoli was still confused: "Uncle Ma, has Brother Chen forgiven Du Ju?"

"Yeah. We're reconciled."

"Then why is Duju still wearing clothes with pig heads embroidered on them?"

"Forgiveness does not mean exemption from punishment. Besides, when the two of you reconcile, the punishment becomes a show of affection, understand?"

Mao Xiaoli shook her head, not understanding. She looked at Zhang Qiudao and Kou Xuanling: "Do you understand?" They also shook their heads.

Zhou Qi's eyes would always uncontrollably glance at the pig head on the emperor's chest. Finally, he couldn't bear it any longer and asked, only to receive a meaningful look and a snort from the emperor.

Du Shuo said: "Yang Yang embroidered it for me."

Zhou Qi: "My sister-in-law is very clever and skillful, she is different from others."

Du Shuo sneered twice.

Zhou Qi said dryly: "The emperor and his sister-in-law are really in love, they love each other, and they are a perfect match made in heaven."

Du Shuo's expression lightened up a little.

The author has something to say: The ghost messenger from the underworld of Fengdu: There is a pig head embroidered on the emperor’s clothes?!

Zhou Qi: What do you know? My sister-in-law embroidered it herself!

Ghost Messenger from the Underworld of Fengdu: My sister-in-law is clever and skillful, and she is unique.

Thank you for the nutrient solution and mine feeding ^v^

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28551925 threw 1 mine

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A few glazes threw a mine

Throwing time:2018-06-28 02:02:00