The Great Collision of Yin and Yang

Chapter 59: No Man's Village 01


Chen Yang saw Du Shuo looking at something like a file on the sofa in the room, so he hugged Du Shuo from behind and leaned on his back, resting his chin on Du Shuo's head and looking down: "What is this?"

Du Shuo shook the file in his hand like a newspaper, closed it and put it aside, then took Chen Yang's hand and pulled him into his arms, hugging him intimately, with hands and feet intertwined. "The files of the wronged city requesting Fengdu to state their grievances were just delivered today, and they are almost finished."

Chen Yang nestled in Jin Shuo's arms. Hearing this, he picked up the file beside him and asked, "Can I take a look?" After getting a positive answer, he flipped it open and read, "Hmm? The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law often quarreled. The mother-in-law was so angry at her daughter-in-law that she drank pesticide and committed suicide. So she wanted to come back to life on the seventh day to teach her daughter-in-law a lesson, but she accidentally scared her to death... Uh, do you have to judge such a thing?"

Du Shuo pressed his slender index finger against his forehead, his face darkening. "Before, there were the Five Ghost Emperors, the Seventy-two Underworld Officials, and the Underworld Prison Master and Judge. Basically, these trivial matters can be handed over to them for judgment. Those who are not guilty of heinous crimes do not need to be reported to Fengdu, let alone presented to me. But some time ago, Wu Lingjiu escaped from hell, and the ghost officials of the Underworld were implicated, resulting in a shortage of manpower now."

Chen Yang chuckled a few times: "You deserve this, don't you?" If Du Shuo had not been so angry that he implicated the judge of the underworld for failing to guard the place properly, he probably wouldn't be so busy that he almost never returns home at night.

Du Shuo bit Chen Yang's cheek helplessly and whispered, "Are you happy to see me busy? Didn't you feel sorry for me being so busy that I didn't have any vacation time before? Now you've changed so quickly, not only do you not feel sorry for me, you even laugh at me."

Chen Yang hunched his shoulders and smiled, "Before, I thought you were a little devil, and you must feel bad for being exploited and oppressed. Now I know that you are the biggest slave owner, why should I still feel bad? Besides, when I scolded the King of Fengdu in front of you before, you really listened to me scolding you without changing your expression, and you didn't show any anger or embarrassment at all. Your acting is really good, my King of Fengdu."

Du Shuo smiled silently but didn't respond. He was really worried that his wife would bring up the past. Now he was still wearing clothes embroidered with pig heads in front of his subordinates. Those ghost officials didn't know what was going on. They thought it was some new underworld magic that even embroidered pig heads on their clothes. The embroidery skills of one or two of them were so poor that the embroidery was simply embarrassing.

Later, the useless ghost messengers went to the City of the Dead and the underworld to find old embroiderers who had not been reincarnated for hundreds of years to do embroidery. The styles were good and there were more styles. The emperor secretly observed and compared them, and finally decided that his young wife's embroidery skills were the best.

As for Chen Yang, he felt sorry for him at that time and complained to him in front of him that the Emperor of Fengdu exploited his employees too much. As the original Emperor of Fengdu, Du Shuo couldn't scold him, and he couldn't explain, so he had to remain calm and act as his loyal little ghost messenger.

Chen Yang huddled up. Du Shuo had long arms and legs, and was a head taller than him, with much broader shoulders. After all, one was an adult man, and the other was a young man who had just gotten rid of his childishness. His figure was still a little thin in comparison. When Chen Yang curled up his arms and legs and got into Du Shuo's arms, he was like a big child being held in his arms.

The posture is intimate and safe. Chen Yang likes to curl up his arms and legs and be held by Du Shuo and put in his arms. Chen Yang leans against Du Shuo's chest, and the latter rests his chin on his shoulder.

Chen Yang asked: "Are you still busy now?"

Du Shuo pulled out the file in his hand and threw it aside, saying, "The underworld has already arranged to replace the ghost messenger who failed in his duties. The Five Ghost Emperors, the Six Cases Gongcao, and the Ten Yama Kings have each performed their duties. The panic caused by Wu Lingjiu has subsided. The underworld, Fengdu, and the City of the Dead have returned to normal operations. Zhou Qi went to the Dangzhong Mountain to take the Western Ghost Emperor to govern the Dangzhong Mountain. There was some chaos there, but now it has returned to peace."

Everything was in order and back to normal. When Wu Lingjiu escaped from hell, he planted some evil roots in the underworld. After hiding for twenty years, it suddenly erupted, causing chaos in the underworld and Fengdu, giving Wu Lingjiu a chance to prepare for his grand plan to restore the ghost kingdom in the world of the living. Because of this, Du Shuo was furious and implicated the ghost messengers in the underworld, eliminating some of those who were not doing their job and replacing them with new ghost messengers in the underworld. After he was busy for a while, it was just the right time for Wu Lingjiu to implement his grand plan in the world of the living.

Du Shuo was not worried about Wu Lingjiu escaping from Hell, but he informed the Taoist Association to arrest Wu Lingjiu. As for himself, he immediately dealt with the crime of dereliction of duty in the underworld and restored the order of the underworld. He said: "Wu Lingjiu has escaped from Hell for 20 years, so he must have a way to hide his whereabouts. If we actively look for him, we may not be able to find him, and he may find his whereabouts and play with us. So it is better to wait until he can't bear it anymore and takes the initiative to attack, and then he will reveal his true colors."

Wu Lingjiu likes to play with people's hearts and is good at guessing others. Even if he takes the initiative, his plan will be seen through quickly and he will be led by the nose. So he simply uses stillness to control movement, anyway Du Shuo has time to play with Wu Lingjiu. Wu Lingjiu may not have time to waste, he has spent twenty years in the world of the living, and he may not be able to waste any more. As long as he makes a move, the wandering ghosts, the ghost messengers in the underworld, including the heavenly masters and police in the world of the living can find him.

If anyone finds him, the entire Tianshi world, including the underworld, will know about it. No matter how powerful Wu Lingjiu is, he is not as powerful as the entire Tianshi world and the underworld. Moreover, the other party has brought trouble to Du Shuo and angered him, so how can he get away with it

Du Shuo narrowed his eyes slightly, with a dangerous and terrifying emotion in his eyes: "The most unacceptable thing is that Wu Lingjiu dared to have ideas about you." He pinched the back of Chen Yang's neck and kissed his white skin: "How audacious!"

Chen Yang grabbed Du Shuo's hand across his waist and said, "He has a similar physique to mine. Could he be planning to take my physical body? If he tries to take my physical body from me, I may not be able to defeat him."

Chen Yang was almost certain of Wu Lingjiu's conspiracy. They both had extremely yin constitutions and practiced ghost magic together. Wu Lingjiu was more than 700 years older than Chen Yang. He had 700 years more cultivation than him and was also an evil ghost who had been in hell for hundreds of years. If the other party really wanted to snatch Chen Yang's body and revive him, then Chen Yang would definitely not be able to fight back.

Du Shuo paused while pinching the back of Chen Yang's neck, stretched out his index finger to hook the red string around Chen Yang's neck, and took out the half jade ring from his neck and put it in front of Chen Yang. He said, "This is half of the seal of the Great Emperor Fengdu. Seeing the seal is like seeing me. If combined with the heart seal of the Great Emperor Fengdu, it can fully exert its full power. At that time, all ghosts will not be able to invade, and all evil will be killed. Even the Wu Lingjiu can't do anything to you."

Chen Yang knew the power of Fengdu Emperor's seal. There were countless Taoist seals, and the seal of Fengdu Emperor ranked first in the list, except for the seal of Tianshi Zushi. Fengdu Beiyin Emperor was a Taoist god, commanding all ghosts, deciding to pardon, judge criminals, or be refined and ascend to heaven, and all ghosts dared not disobey. The seal condensed the power of Fengdu Beiyin Emperor. Seeing the seal was like seeing the emperor, and all ghosts were killed, and no evil could invade.

Chen Yang held half of the Fengdu Emperor Seal, looked back sideways, and met Du Shuo's eyes: "Give this to me, isn't it troublesome to use the seal normally?" The Fengdu Emperor Seal is needed to handle the Fengdu incident. The missing half of the Fengdu Emperor Seal is equivalent to the loss of half of the magic power. Can the loss of half of the magic power still deter the 100,000 wronged souls and evil spirits in the entire underworld

Du Shuo: "I still have the heart seal."

Chen Yang asked softly: "Will it be inconvenient?"

"No." Du Shuo took back half of the Fengdu Emperor Seal from Chen Yang's hand, put it back into Chen Yang's clothes and said, "For me, there is no big difference between using the heart seal and the method seal."

Chen Yang curved his lips, his eyes and eyebrows smiled, he held Du Shuo's hand wearing the half jade ring and kissed the jade ring: "Although Grandpa Wu taught me the magic of ghosts, and later you urged me to learn witchcraft, but the real reason why the evil spirits no longer covet the flesh is because of this half jade ring."

In the first year of their engagement, Du Shuo had not yet given him the jade ring. At that time, he relied on the yang energy on the ancient copper coins left to him by Wu Ye to suppress the yin energy in his body. As he grew older, the ancient copper coins could no longer suppress the yin energy in his body. One day, Chen Yang was still worried about this, so Du Shuo put half of the jade ring strung with a red string around his neck.

Half of the Fengdu Emperor Seal was like an invisible cover, covering the yin energy of his body, but also brought some evil spirits and ghosts who coveted the Fengdu Emperor Seal. Until later, his witchcraft became stronger and stronger, and he could slowly hide the pressure of the Fengdu Emperor Seal, making the ghosts unaware and unable to covet it. But at that time, Chen Yang didn't know that half of the jade ring was actually the Fengdu Emperor Seal, and he just thought it was a problem with his physical condition.

Du Shuo: "With this, I will know immediately if you are in danger."

Chen Yang tilted his head, raised his neck and reached back to capture Du Shuo's lips. As soon as they touched, they were entangled tightly as if they could not be torn apart. When he felt that he was being captured and had difficulty breathing and wanted to retreat, Du Shuo pinched the back of his neck as if pinching his lifeblood. Not only could he not escape, but he automatically gave himself up.

"Hmm..." Chen Yang unconsciously let out a few moans, but soon his lips, tongue and voice were swallowed by Du Shuo. Du Shuo always occupies an overwhelming position in sex, with a strong desire for possession and control. If it weren't for Chen Yang who habitually relied on and trusted him, I'm afraid others would not be able to bear it.

After a long time, Du Shuo pulled away, and used his thumb to press Chen Yang's tongue, which he had not had time to retract when he pulled out. His tongue was sucked until it turned red, silver threads slid down the corners of his lips, his cheeks were flushed, his eyebrows and eyes were full of emotions, and his whole body seemed to be immersed in a large pool of eroticism, wet.

Chen Yang frowned and retracted his tongue. His tongue was very uncomfortable being pressed, and he complained in a low voice: "Don't keep touching my tongue, my throat is uncomfortable." If the tongue was pressed when it was extended out, he would feel like vomiting.

Du Shuo chuckled: "Don't use your hands, just use your tongue, right?"

Chen Yang rolled his eyes at him and said, "The older you get, the less serious you become."

Du Shuo touched his face, no wrinkles. He sighed inwardly. Ever since Chen Yang knew that he was the King of Fengdu, he liked to say that he was old and frivolous. As a young man who had lived a Buddhist life for thousands of years, Du Shuo didn't mind it at first, but most men would care a little about age when facing a partner who was much younger than themselves.

Du Shuo turned around and pushed Chen Yang under the sofa and said, "The bride is eighteen and the groom is eighty, and the pear blossoms overshadow the crabapple tree."

Chen Yang shuddered all over and kicked Du Shuo's calf, and all his lust disappeared. Du Shuo saw this and laughed: "Did I say something wrong?" After a pause, he said: "Indeed, I was wrong. The age difference between you and me is more than sixty years."

Chen Yang was quite depressed. He used to tease Du Shuo about his age. It was particularly funny to see him being upset but not embarrassed to say it out loud. Unexpectedly, when Du Shuo realized what was happening, he became the depressed person. He said depressedly, "As expected, the older you are, the wiser you are."

Du Shuo said slowly: "Don't bully the old man. The bridge I have crossed is farther than the road you have walked."

Chen Yang puffed his cheeks and frowned: "Let's not talk about age. It always feels weird." As long as age is mentioned, the impulse is extinguished. They are not special lovers, and the conversation between the two is completely a fire extinguisher. He suddenly remembered something, reached out and grabbed Du Shuo, touched it, and suddenly laughed so hard that his stomach hurt: "Hahaha, so you also... hurt others and yourself hahaha..."

Du Shuo looked at him helplessly, pulled Chen Yang up and rubbed his abdomen to prevent him from laughing too much and having a stomachache. He said, "Do you think I want to? Chen Xiaoyang, next time, if you mention age again, I'll spank you."

The fire extinguisher naturally extinguished both the opponent's and their own fire. They were not people with special fetishes, so how could they still get hard under such a topic

Chen Yang held Du Shuo's left hand, spread his belly and let Du Shuo rub it for him, and continued to laugh. After laughing enough, his stomach was indeed a little sore, but fortunately Du Shuo helped him rub his belly, and the strength was moderate and quite comfortable. Chen Yang simply spread his limbs to make himself more comfortable. He said lazily: "In two days, I will go to the uninhabited village in Nanyue at the invitation of Witch Chief Yi. Will you go with me?"


Chen Yang was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized: "You're going with me?"

Du Shuo glanced at him and said, "What else? How long will you be gone? It would be better if I go with you. Now you know my identity, so you don't have to hide like before. Besides, I feel more at ease if I go with you."

Chen Yang lay back in Du Shuo's arms, smiling foolishly: "Eh? You can't say that, I'm also very capable. When you say that, it seems like I will never grow up."

Du Shuo whispered in Chen Yang's ear: "If you don't grow up, can I do anything to you?"

Chen Yang's pupils dilated, revealing his surprise. He suddenly stood up and threw Du Shuo to the ground, wrapping his hands and feet around him: "Tell me, tell me who you are? You are definitely not the old antique in my family. You must be pretending to be me, right? Let me feel you and tear off your skin."

He moved very quickly, reaching under Du Shuo's clothes to touch him, and he became addicted to it. Du Shuo had delicate skin and even bones, and his skin was as good as silk. Once he touched it, he couldn't leave it. Once he saw it, he couldn't leave it. Chen Yang seemed to be bewitched and kissed him unconsciously.

Du Shuo groaned, looking down at Chen Yang, seeing that he looked like he had tasted the finest food and couldn't let it go, liking the way he was obsessed with himself. Du Shuo's eyes gradually turned black, as if they were splashed with ink and unfathomable. He also reached into Chen Yang's clothes, stroking his back as if to comfort a small animal, and encouraged softly: "Yangyang, be good, go down."

Chen Yang looked up, his black pupils were wet, and he stared at Du Shuo quietly. Du Shuo couldn't resist the temptation, so he held Chen Yang's arm, lifted him up, and leaned over to cover him.

After the intense passion, the temperature in the room seemed to still be hot, and it took a long time for it to cool down. Du Shuo lifted the blanket and covered Chen Yang's shoulders. Chen Yang felt uncomfortable in a half-awake and half-asleep state, so he kicked the blanket away and only covered the area below his abdomen.

There were bright red marks all over his abdomen, showing how intense it was. Chen Yang said vaguely, "Hot."

Du Shuo ignored him. If he didn't cover himself with a blanket, he would definitely catch a cold. He lifted the blanket and wrapped it around Chen Yang's shoulders. Chen Yang grumbled in dissatisfaction and tried to struggle.

Du Shuo hugged him tightly, and then lowered the temperature of the air conditioner by two degrees. Chen Yang felt comfortable and stopped struggling. He curled up and cuddled up to Du Shuo, falling into a sweet dream.

Chen Yang handed over the affairs of the branch to Ma Shanfeng, who was fully responsible for it. The speed was very fast. After all, Ma Shanfeng was responsible for most of the things before, so when he handed it over to him, he just asked him to urge Mao Xiaoli and Zhang Qiudao to practice more and not indulge in blogging and games.

As for Kou Xuanling, let him indulge in blogging and games. After all, what he is most addicted to is worshipping the ancestors, which is not conducive to the physical and mental development of an older single young man.

Du Shuo took the backpack and suitcase from Chen Yang, and just as he was about to open the suitcase to check, Chen Yang came over and asked in confusion, "Brother Du, what's wrong?"

Du Shuo shook his head and before he could say anything, Chen Yang pulled him into the car: "Let's go to the airport quickly, the car is here."

The suitcases and backpacks were placed in the carriage, and Du Shuo didn't have time to check them when Chen Yang pulled his arm and whispered to him. When going through security at the airport, the security personnel checked the suitcases and backpacks of the two people and found nothing unusual, so they let them go.

Du Shuo was able to dispel his doubts a little bit, and boarded the plane with Chen Yang. After getting off the plane, they arrived at K City in Nanyue, where they met people from the Taoist Association who came to greet them and took them to the hotel to stay.

On the way, Chen Yang asked where Yi Wuzhang and others were now. The person who received them replied: "Yi Wuzhang and several other heavenly masters entered the uninhabited village three days ago. We don't know what the situation is now."

Chen Yang: "You guys haven't been in touch?"

The receptionist: "No. Any contact will be invalid once entering the No Man's Village. There is no way to contact. The No Man's Village is a place isolated from the outside world, but Witch Chief Yi and several Heavenly Masters left a voodoo doll before entering the No Man's Village. Each voodoo doll has their heart blood on the chest. We can learn about their current whereabouts and life safety from the voodoo doll."

Chen Yang nodded, indicating that he understood.

When checking into the hotel, Chen Yang took the opportunity to open the suitcase while Du Shuo went to take a shower. The suitcase contained a 50-pound fat man. The fat man was wrapped in layers of clothes, and he was slumped like a pancake, with a cat-like face that looked hopeless.

Chen Yang whispered, "Fatty, come out quickly."

Da Pang shook his hair, and the soft wavy lines were dazzling again. Da Pang jumped out of the suitcase lightly and took out a card: "I'll hide first."

Chen Yang made an 'OK' gesture, and Big Fatty tried to jump out of the door, but he fell straight down in the air, his chin hitting the ground. However, when he fell, it was so soft that there was no sound at all, which showed how soft the fat was.

After falling, Fatty stuck to the floor and didn't move, like a corpse. Chen Yang looked up and saw Du Shuo standing at the door in a bathrobe with an expressionless face. His heart trembled twice, and he said calmly: "Fatty, why are you so naughty? If you want to follow me, just say it directly. Why do you have to be so sneaky?"

Da Pang twisted his almost invisible neck with difficulty and looked at Chen Yang in shock. Chen Yang smiled at Du Shuo ingratiatingly: "But since he is here, let him stay here."

Du Shuo glanced at Chen Yang indifferently, sat down and asked, "When did you decide to get this thing?"

"A week ago, Dapang said he wanted to come and see an old friend." Chen Yang said, leaning on Du Shuo's shoulder.

Du Shuo: "Why don't you push the pot out?"

Chen Yang: "No, I won't push it. You won't be angry with me anyway." He looked like a man who was spoiled by his favorite.

While the two were flirting, Big Fatty tried to kick his hind legs, sliding quietly out of the house like a giant sponge. His pair of mandarin duck eyes were now filled with despair. He was against the couple and would never appear in front of them again.

Du Shuo glanced at the fat man who had already slid to the door, but he didn't remind Chen Yang or call him. Instead, he stroked Chen Yang's neck, his eyes thoughtful.

The uninhabited village in K City is 5 kilometers away from K City, located in the rural suburbs. It used to be a prosperous village, but later it gradually became desolate and uninhabited. It was gradually forgotten. If it weren't for the accidental discovery of someone entering the uninhabited village and not coming out, I'm afraid no one would realize that there was a problem.

The No Man's Village is also known as a ghost village in K City. Originally, it was just because there were no people in the village that people had the illusion of a ghost village. Later, something happened and it became a real ghost village.

Zhang Qiudao almost died in the No Man's Village before, and he wanted to go with them. But Ma Shanfeng refused, because with Zhang Qiudao's current level, going to the No Man's Village would mean he would be killed. If Zhang Qiudao insisted on going, Ma Shanfeng would tell his family. Helplessly, Zhang Qiudao could only compromise and not go.

Chen Yang and Du Shuo came to a place 100 meters away from the entrance of the No Man's Village. A yellow cordon was set up around it, prohibiting tourists or explorers from entering. The person leading them said, "The No Man's Village had a reputation as a ghost village before, so many people came here to explore. Later, something happened, so they cordoned off this area to prevent ordinary people from breaking in. However, after someone disappeared in the No Man's Village, its reputation grew, and more people came here. Although many people were stopped, some young people still broke in. Before, Witch Chief Yi and other Heavenly Masters entered the No Man's Village in advance because eight young people broke in secretly."

Chen Yang opened the cordon and went in with Du Shuo. As they gradually approached the entrance of the uninhabited village, a sense of panic suddenly swept over them.

The panic caused by emptiness and silence makes people feel uneasy.

The author has something to say: You cannot get married at the age of sixteen, so I would change it to Yangyang meeting the emperor at the age of sixteen, but getting married at the age of eighteen.

So there will be a few changes today, but if there are any that you forgot to change, you can tell me.