The Great Collision of Yin and Yang

Chapter 65: No Man's Village 07


The moon rose to the sky, and a dark cloud floated over and blocked the moon. The white moonlight that was pouring on the ground disappeared in an instant, and the ground fell into darkness and silence again. The old professor raised his hand to look at his watch: "It's almost midnight. The water burial time is generally between 11 and 2 o'clock. It is said that the yin energy is the strongest at this time, ghosts and spirits are everywhere, and all kinds of things come out. It is most likely to encounter evil spirits."

Zhao Yao came up and said, "Professor, I also think that the time from 11 to 2 is the most weird. Every time I have to stay up late to complete the assignments you give me. When I wake up the next day, I am in a very bad mental state, and all my energy has been sucked away by the ghost. Can you give me fewer assignments next time?"

"Sure." The old professor was very easy to say: "Come and report to me next year."

Zhao Yao quickly put on a smile: "I love staying up late, I love the project, and I love the professor." The professor coldly told Zhao Yao to stay in the corner and not make a sound. Zhao Yao squatted in the corner feeling aggrieved.

Chen Yang glanced at the sky outside, turned back and said to Chief Witch Yi: "Let's go to the ancestral hall now." Chief Witch Yi nodded and pulled up the three young men who were tied together. The three young men refused to cooperate and refused to move. Chief Witch Yi took a drop of blood from them and wrapped it in a talisman to control their movements.

From them, I learned that two of the other four companions were not villagers of the uninhabited village. I don’t know where they are now, but it is very likely that they will lead the other two to the ancestral hall as sacrifices. Chen Yang asked Du Shuo: "Brother Du, will you go to the ancestral hall with me?"

Du Shuo: “Yeah.”

Chen Yang: "That's it, Master Liu and Master Zhong stay where they are to protect the others, and we'll go to the ancestral hall with Chief Witch Yi." Liu Quanning and the others had no objection, and things were arranged that way.

Chen Yang and his two companions led the three young men to the ancestral hall. It was pitch black inside. The dark clouds dispersed, and the moonlight fell on the patio. The narrow well on the patio had swallowed up many innocent lives. There were hundreds of tablets on the altar facing the well, standing quietly. The three young men were terrified. If they had not been unable to control their bodies, they would have run away long ago.

Du Shuo looked up at the moonlight, and suddenly whispered in Chen Yang's ear: "I'll go up to the roof and take a look."

Chen Yang nodded and said, "Be careful." After that, before he could see Du Shuo's movements, he disappeared in front of him. Looking up, Du Shuo was standing on the roof, looking down at him. Chen Yang smiled and waved at him.

Du Shuo was facing the moon, so Chen Yang couldn't see the expression on his face clearly, but he could guess that he must be smiling. Witch Chief Yi narrowed his eyes and said, "You two have a really good relationship."

"Well, we've been married for almost five years." Chen Yang crossed his arms over his chest, hiding in the dark with his back against the wall. Hearing this, he smiled and answered Witch Chief Yi, and suddenly remembered something, so he asked her: "Strange, how do you know that Brother Du is Du Ju? He looks different now than when he was Du Ju, and last time Brother Du said he was married, I didn't stand up to recognize him. You look very calm."

Chief Witch Yi: "No one can mistake Du Ju's aura. Although I have seen Du Ju only a few times in the past three years, I have left a deep impression. Later, when I presided over your ordination, I saw that you two were behaving intimately, so I asked my eldest brother. My eldest brother said that you were husband and wife. The last time the Taoist Association held a meeting, Du Ju broke the news of his marriage. Thinking about the two names Du Bei and Du Shuo, as well as the relationship between the two of you, Master Meng also broke the news to us about the secret relationship between the branch director Chen Yang and the director of the general bureau."

Yi Wuzhang's brother was the master of the Changdao Temple in Sichuan Province, and Master Meng was the master of the Fire God Temple. At that time, he was the only one outside the branch who knew that Chen Yang was the heavenly master of the Du Bureau's partner.

Chen Yang: "What do you mean by a secret relationship?"

"Master Meng said so." Witch Chief Yi quickly distanced himself from the matter and dragged Master Meng Fu of the Fire God Temple out to take the blame: "The news of your relationship has long been spread throughout the Heavenly Master world. Meng Fu has a big mouth, and any secret is known to everyone. And in order to avenge the two of you for scaring him, he used a lot of ambiguous words to describe you two, describing your relationship as a secret relationship."

Chen Yang was speechless for a long while: "I can't tell."

"You'll get used to it. People in the Heavenly Master world are quite double-faced, especially Meng Fu, that big mouth. He loves to exaggerate things. When it comes to serious matters, he's very serious. For other things, just trust him halfway."

Chen Yang glanced at the voodoo doll, which had become particularly soft-tempered after dripping the blood of his heart, and thought that the people in the world of heavenly masters were indeed two-faced. The voodoo doll saw Chen Yang peeking at it, and was immediately overjoyed: "Yangyang, kiss and hug~"

Chen Yang picked up the voodoo doll, smiling. The voodoo doll opened its arms for a kiss, but suddenly felt dangerous. Looking past Chen Yang, it saw Du Shuo with the moonlight on his back, and his hair was all blown up. Between Yang Yang and life, the doll chose Yang Yang, quickly kissed Chen Yang on the cheek, and quickly fled back to Witch Chief Yi's pocket and pretended to be dead.

Yi Wuchang sighed: "Wawa really likes you."

Chen Yang smiled and said, "I like dolls, too."

Wawa covered her face shyly and murmured softly: Wawa also likes Yangyang.

Du Shuo withdrew his gaze, put his hands behind his back and looked sideways at the rooftop in the distance. There was a black cat squatting there. When it caught Du Shuo's eye, it was so scared that it bent its body and took a defensive posture. Seeing that Du Shuo had no intention of attacking, the black cat stepped back and tried to escape. Seeing that Du Shuo still did not move, it quickly shuttled across the rooftop and fled. Not long after it fled, the meat mountain followed closely behind.

When the dark clouds dispersed and the moonlight shone again, hungry ghosts with skinny but big bellies crawled out of the tower covered with green plants, with deformed and horrible bodies. Some hungry ghosts were only nine inches tall, while others were two meters tall. They wandered in groups in the alleys of the deserted village, looking for people. Some of them came to the ancestral hall, but the gloomy ghost aura of the ancestral hall made them linger at the door for several times and finally chose to leave, heading towards the tower where Liu Quanning, Zhong Tianshi and others were hiding.

Today, during the day, the sky was overcast, and there was no sun in the morning and afternoon. The Yang energy in the tower weakened, and two more people joined. The increased popularity made this group of hungry ghosts ignore the fear of Yang energy and marched towards the tower.

Du Shuo tapped the back of his left hand with his right index finger, his eyes indifferent. In the cold and quiet alley, within a few minutes of returning to calm, mummies appeared one after another. These mummies staggered out of the woods and headed towards the ancestral hall. The first mummies arrived at the ancestral hall and used their bodies to knock open the door of the ancestral hall.

The door opened wide and the mummies poured in. When the mummies reached the patio and stepped into the hall, they suddenly stopped and sniffed the air with their rotten noses. Chen Yang and Witch Chief Yi each put a talisman on themselves to hide their auras, turned around to look at the three shivering young men, and gave them a talisman. The mummies, who were sniffing around, stopped moving, went around to the coffin behind the altar, and dragged out two bodies.

Chen Yang took a step forward and saw the corpse he had seen during the day, and another one... still breathing, a living person. The mummies were even more excited to see the living people, and they surrounded the living people and made excited hoarse noises. The living person slowly woke up and screamed in fear when he saw the mummies surrounding him. The sound attracted all the mummies outside, and he found that there were more mummies, and his eyes went dark and he fainted.

The mummy abandoned the mutilated corpse, grabbed the living man's ankles and dragged him to the narrow well in the courtyard. Two other mummies came up, holding extremely sharp wooden knives. There were four more mummies holding the living man's limbs, and the other mummies took out incense and candles from the altar, lit them, and knelt to worship the tablet on the altar.

Their actions were very pious, as if they really regarded the hundreds of tablets in front of them as Bodhisattvas who saved people from suffering, with a sincere belief in them. They didn't care whether others were willing to be their Bodhisattvas or whether they were willing to use their lives to save a group of animals.

The tablet on the altar stood quietly, and below it were groups of mummies kneeling and worshipping. The scene was quite ironic.

The captured person quietly opened his eyes and happened to see Chen Yang and his companions hiding in the dark, and hurriedly tried to call for help. Chen Yang raised his index finger to his mouth, and the person opened his mouth, but no sound came out in the end.

After the offering, the mummy grabbed the living person's limbs, and the other mummy raised a sharp wooden knife and was about to chop off the living person's joints. The living person, seeing that he could no longer pretend to be asleep, struggled and shouted, "Help!"

Seeing this, the mummies bent the wooden sword in midair, bypassed the joints and reached the throat of the living man. They raised the wooden sword and stabbed it down with the tip of the sword. Before Chen Yang could make a move, Chief Yi pushed the three young men out first, and the three men screamed. All the mummies in the ancestral hall looked over at the same time and stood still.

The three young men turned and ran towards a small door of the ancestral hall, but the surrounding mummies caught them and held them by the well. They cried and said that they were also villagers of the uninhabited village, and begged the mummies to spare their lives. But the mummies only knew how to dismember living people or corpses and offer them to the river god in the well, and knew nothing else.

Chief Witch Yi sneered, "They themselves are afraid." The next moment, Chief Witch Yi walked out of the darkness and exposed himself to the moonlight. The group of mummies surged again, but they fell down one after another before they got within three meters of Chief Witch Yi. Within two minutes, the mummies that fell to the ground slowly melted into bones.

There was a dark mass in the white bones in the abdominal cavity, which spread out and flowed into other mummified bodies. This was actually the poisonous insect placed by Witch Chief Yi. The poisonous insect burrowed into the mummified body and devoured it into bones. But the poisonous insect avoided living people and only ate rotten meat.

Chief Witch Yi said to Chen Yang behind him, "I will deal with these mummies first, so that they won't cause trouble. But how are you going to deal with the ghosts in the well?"

The ghosts in the well were originally the nameless tablets of the dead souls on the altar, which were transformed from hatred. They cursed their enemies to be unable to reincarnate, and once they were eaten, their souls would be scattered. Now they have all turned into ghosts, and it is very difficult to save them even if you want to.

Chen Yang: "Do you have any solution?" Although he had a solution, he felt it was not very reliable. Wu Chang Yi often dealt with ghosts, so maybe he had a solution.

Chief Witch Yi: "Have you ever heard of Nuotan?"

"Please ask the divine soldiers and officers from the four barbarians, eight wildernesses, nine states and ten roads to exorcise ghosts and perform Nuo rituals, report to the heavens and the underworld, and state your petition?"


The so-called Nuotan is a Taoist ritual, which involves asking the divine soldiers and officers, the gods of heaven and hell to descend on the altar to suppress all the ghosts, and presenting the grievances to the gods of the eight directions, asking them to make a decision. The soldiers and fierce gods of the underworld are asked to subdue the evil ghosts. Nuotan has different rituals in different places. Yi Wuchang refers to the Nuotan ritual of the Wu clan.

Chen Yang didn't know how to perform the Wu tribe's Nuo altar ritual, so Wu Chief Yi said, "I'll teach you now. I'll tell you and you do it. Now take out the Nuo altar documents, the Three Pure Ones, the Marshal Ma, the Wang Lingguan, the Master's Altar, and the Seven States and Five Temples from my backpack and set up the Nuo altar."

The backpack of Yi Wuzhang was placed on the ground. It was a gray-white cloth bag. It looked flat, but I didn't expect that there were many Taoist god pictures hidden inside. Chen Yang took out seven god tables and Nuo altar documents from it. The Nuo altar documents were placed in a book first, but they had not been written yet. Then he hung up the seven god tables according to the instructions and made a simple Nuo altar.

After Chen Yang finished looking at the seven divine pictures, he turned around and said to Wu Chang Yi: "Is there no divine picture of Fengdu Emperor?"

"No. The King of Fengdu..." Chief Witch Yi looked around and whispered to Chen Yang, "He can't be invited. Someone with experience can tell you, don't invite anyone to invite the King of Fengdu. No one can invite him. I bribed the ghost messenger to ask, and I heard that he doesn't like to come to the world of the living."

Chen Yang's eyebrows twitched: "Isn't it just staying at home?"

Witch Chief Yi looked at him quietly: "You are really excellent." His summary is always so insightful.

Dushuo, the Northern Yin Emperor of Fengdu, watched them silently from the rooftop, and Chen Yang gave him a flattering smile. Then he hurriedly hung up seven god tables. The Nuo altar was divided into three layers: upper, middle and lower. The top layer was the statues of the Three Pure Ones. Next were the statues of Wang Lingguan, Ma Yuanshuai and others, and finally the Seven States and Five Temples. The Seven States and Five Temples Map was also called the Gongcao Map, with a total of 19 statues, divided into five layers. The main function of the Gongcao Map was to convey the documents of petitions from the Yang world to the heaven.

Next is the Wuchang God, a minor god that the gods dispatch to chase souls and catch ghosts. Wuchang God is also called Wutong God, and is a popular evil god in the southern region. There are many Wuchang Gods, and the Wuchang God in the Nuo Altar is the fierce god who is in charge of the five routes and five camps of the underworld. Therefore, it is necessary to set up a Wuchang platform next to the Nuo Altar and hang a picture of Wuchang's thousands of troops.

After the Nuo altar is set up, the gods on the Nuo altar are invited. The first to be invited are the four minor gods and the five fierce soldiers and horses. The five fierce soldiers and horses intimidate and capture the evil spirits, and the four minor gods convey the documents to the gods in heaven.

Chief Witch Yi released all the carrion-eating poisonous insects on his body, creating a vacuum zone with a radius of three meters. He also dragged the three frightened young men and the living person who pretended to be dead into the vacuum safety belt. The living person who pretended to be dead immediately jumped up and beat up the three young men when he saw that he was safe, and then introduced himself to them: "My name is Xie Ranran, the sun rises in the east, and the rising slowly is Ranran."

Voodoo Doll: "Why don't you call out 'Rise Up'?"

"Good question." Xie Ranran said with a serious face: "I also want to know why it is not called 'Sunrise', 'East', or 'Rise', but Ranran... Hey, who is talking?!"

The voodoo doll hid in Witch Chief Yi's pocket and kept silent, causing Xie Ranran to stare at Witch Chief Yi with horror. Witch Chief Yi asked him, "Why are you here?"

Xie Ranran: "I am their classmate. They lied to me that the No Man's Village is a complete and pristine ecological park. As a result, they put me in a coffin while I was sleeping in the middle of the night. Later, I met you and the mummy."

Chief Witch Yi: "You didn't meet any hungry ghosts?"

"What the hell? There are hungry ghosts?" Xie Ranran couldn't help but beat up the three classmates again: "What a bullshit ecological park, it's full of weeds! There are not even insects to be seen. If you want to lie to me, please at least be true!"

Chief Witch Yi said a few words to him, asking him to be careful not to kill anyone. Then he told Chen Yang the formula for inviting the Five Gods: "Nuo altars exist in both the north and south. The Nuo altars of ethnic minorities are also different from the traditional Taoist Nuo altars. At least the gods invited are different, and the formula for the Five Gods is also different. Then it is Bu Gang Ta Dou."

Chen Yang sang along: "Reward the Lord, worship the gods, worship the five gods of the five directions... the five gods of the east, the five gods of the south... the five gods holding spears and spitting swords. Command!" As soon as the words fell, gusts of cold wind blew from all directions, and dark clouds covered the moon tightly. Wu Chang Yi and others could only vaguely see the shadows of the mummies in the ancestral hall, as well as the tall ghost soldiers that appeared one after another.

They could still vaguely hear the sound of chains colliding and dragging, and the cold wind whistling, bringing with it the shrill voices of people wailing and begging for mercy. After a period of chaos in the darkness, peace returned, and all the mummies lay prone on the ground, not daring to act rashly in front of the Five Underworlds.

The five gods who commanded the five battalions of the five divisions stood at the four corners, their tall bodies erect, their eyes lowered to look directly at the ancestral hall below. The five gods in the middle stood on the roof, and saw a figure standing in front of him, but he could not smell any yang energy, and thought it was a hungry ghost who dared to act rashly in front of the ghost.

Zhonglu Wuchang approached the figure and was about to use the mourning stick in his hand when he saw the figure slightly sideways. He was wearing a black robe with gold edges, and he looked extremely noble. Zhonglu Wuchang was startled and quickly bowed and said, "Greetings, Great Emperor."

Although Wuchang is a minor god, he often deals with the chaos of ghosts. Therefore, he was fortunate to meet Fengdu Emperor. At this time, Wuchang recognized the emperor by just glimpsing his side. While he was shocked, he couldn't help but think of the person who performed the Nuo altar ritual under the ancestral hall. Was it the legendary "sister-in-law"

Wuchang in the middle would never think that it was the Heavenly Master below who summoned the Emperor of Fengdu, because the Emperor has not left Fengdu for a thousand years. He is a homebody, and except for the "sister-in-law" who is still alive in the world, who can make the Emperor leave Fengdu

Du Shuo retracted his gaze and waved his hand to signal Zhonglu Wuchang not to speak. Zhonglu Wuchang then stood quietly behind the emperor, keeping silent.

At the bottom of the ancestral hall, Wuzhang Yi taught Chen Yang how to step on the steps. Stepping on the steps is a Taoist ritual step, and also a Nuo altar step. The original name of stepping on the steps was Yu Bu, which is said to be a step created by Dayu. Later, it evolved into a Taoist ritual step, also called stepping on the nine states and stepping on the eight trigrams.

There are 72 kinds of Nuotan Gangbu, and the one taught to Chen Yang by Witch Master Yi is the Five-Step Ghost Worship Gangbu, which is similar to the Taoist Big Dipper Gangbu principle. It borrows the nine directions of the Taoist Bagua to represent the names of the nine states. Stepping on the nine states, controlling the eight gates, and restraining ghosts, gods, and all things.

Chief Witch Yi stepped on the Gang Steps: "Step on the first step of Yizhou, Li Erjiu Li Gong Nanyang... Lie in the middle palace and stand, Yuzhou will recruit soldiers."

This is the Yu step of stepping on the Nine Provinces, and then the Eight Gates of the Nine Provinces, which are governed by eight Laojuns. Chen Yang followed the steps of Yi Wuzhang: "Lingbao Laojun is in charge of Qianmen,... He is now in charge of Yuzhou City."

On the Nuo altar, stepping on the Nine Provinces is like stepping on the Nine Heavens, and the Gang Steps are like stepping on the Nine Palaces and Eight Diagrams, as if a flying god is possessed, subduing evil and destroying all ghosts. Chief Witch Yi: "Now write a document and submit it to the Heavenly Court."

Chen Yang picked up a pen and dipped it in cinnabar to write a petition: "Please grant me this petition, I humbly ask... believers to offer incense, flowers, fruits and five kinds of offerings in front of the table, to invite the gods to come, to pray with incense, and to pray, the gods are mighty. ... Now there is an unknown person who died unjustly, and turned into a ghost and could not enter the reincarnation path. Please ask the ten gods of the nine provinces to discuss together..."

After the statement was made, the document was burned and sent to the heaven and hell, waiting for a response. Du Shuo on the roof had a thought, and the petition document that Chen Yang had just burned appeared in front of him. After reading the familiar handwriting, he picked up the pen and wrote "approved" on it, and then stamped it.

The first golden word "准" appeared on a piece of paper in front of the Nuo altar under the ancestral hall, followed by dozens of "准" words, indicating that the ten gods of the Nine Provinces all agreed that Gui Yuan would return to the reincarnation path. Seeing this, Chen Yang smiled and looked up at Du Shuo standing on the roof.

The ten gods of Jiuzhou agreed to let the ghost resent the reincarnation path, and the rest was to save the soul. Chief Yi was in charge of the salvation, and Chen Yang assisted the Wuchang soldiers in dealing with the mummies, burning them all to ashes, and then pulling out the three souls and seven spirits that were still huddled in the mummies. The Wuchang soldiers locked the souls back to the underworld to wait for their fate, and in the process of dealing with the mummies, Chen Yang also discovered that the reason these mummies were able to lock their souls and not reincarnate was because they had drunk diluted zombie blood.

I'm afraid that Wu Lingjiu threw zombie blood into the well water and used secret methods to turn it into a mummy. Yi Wuzhang and others have also eaten fish from the well water. Without the secret method of transformation, nothing should happen. No, Chen Yang suddenly remembered Zhong Tianshi who was scratched by the hungry ghost.

Master Zhong Tian was poisoned by corpses and drank fish soup mixed with zombie blood. No wonder his wound symptoms were so similar to those of zombie poison. The moonlight is bright tonight, and I am afraid that corpse transformation will occur.

After quickly cleaning up the mummies, Chen Yang saw that Chief Witch Yi was still saving the souls of the dead, so he jumped onto the roof in two or three steps and said to Du Shuo, "I'll go back to help Master Liu and the others first, can you stay here?"

Du Shuo pinched Chen Yang's neck and said, "Go ahead. The sooner you go, the sooner you will be back."

"Okay." Chen Yang turned around and jumped off the roof, running through the alley back to the tower. After running for a while, he thought that he might encounter hungry ghosts blocking his way, so he might as well go directly over the roof. As soon as he jumped onto the roof, he saw the majestic figure of Meat Mountain Fatty in the distance. Curious, he went over to see that there seemed to be a skinny and helpless black cat under Fatty's butt.

Chen Yang: "Big Fatty?"

Big Fatty turned his head, licked the blood on his paw and said, "What's the matter?"

"What is that?" Chen Yang pointed at the black cat under his butt. He felt that the black cat was almost suffocating from the pressure.

Big Fat: "Cat ghost."

"Anything else?"

"Xu Ani's spirit is in this cat ghost. She is very strange, not like a hairy zombie." Big Fat couldn't figure it out and shook his head. There was implicit pride on his cold fat face: "She laughed at me for being fat and inflexible and unable to climb the wall, so I crushed her to death."

Chen Yang: “…Oh.”

The author has something to say: There was a power outage early in the morning and my computer and cell phone were out of battery.

I used my brother's computer, but I wasn't used to it, so I couldn't finish coding the entire chapter.