The Great Collision of Yin and Yang

Chapter 66: No Man's Village 08


The tower was very quiet, even the baby that had been crying non-stop had calmed down. The woman coaxed the baby to sleep and hid in the corner. Others did not dare to make trouble at this time, their brows were furrowed and their faces were full of worry. They were not sure whether the celestial masters could save them, but they knew that tonight would be a night of terror. The sun only appeared during the noon period during the day, and the yang energy was definitely not enough. There were so many people here, and two more came...

Zhao Yao curled her lips and whispered to the old professor, "Professor, they stared at us many times." She thought her eyes were obscure, but who couldn't see it? They were just blaming them for hiding two living people in the tower to increase popularity.

The old professor said: "It would be better for them to organize the information and think about why Zhao Gang was replaced three or four days ago without being discovered."

Zhao Yao: "Professor, didn't you notice it either?"

"Am I the same as you? Even if you were replaced now, I wouldn't be able to recognize you!" The old professor said confidently, leaving Zhao Yao speechless.

Liu Quanning laughed and said, "Normative people wouldn't think of that, and Xu Ani dared to pretend to be Zhao Gang, so he must have made preparations in advance."

"That's true." Zhao Yao nodded, then looked at Master Zhong Tianshi who was resting with his eyes closed under the moonlight: "Master Zhong Tianshi, are you okay?" She felt that Master Zhong Tianshi would suddenly turn into a zombie in the next moment.

Liu Quanning looked at Master Zhong Tian, his expression was quite solemn: "I hope everything is fine." He also noticed something was wrong. Master Zhong Tian, who was obviously just poisoned by the hungry ghost corpse, gave him a bad premonition under the moonlight. Liu Quanning lowered his eyes and his gaze fell on Master Zhong Tian's ten fingernails, and his pupils suddenly dilated.

Tianshi always likes to grow nails, but usually only the little finger is left. Because long nails are easy to break, it is difficult for Tianshi to make hand seals and draw talismans. Now Zhong Tianshi spread out his ten fingers and overlapped them in front of his abdomen. The nails are about three centimeters long. This appearance is clearly a corpse transformation.

Liu Quanning went forward to check, and Master Zhong suddenly opened his eyes and looked at him unexpectedly. Master Zhong asked, "What's wrong?" Liu Quanning replied calmly, "The moonlight is too bright, it will make the corpse poison restless. Why don't we go to a dark place?"

Master Zhong Tianshi looked tired: "No need, I feel very comfortable here."

It is normal for zombies to feel comfortable while absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon to cultivate. Liu Quanning suddenly grabbed Master Zhong's hands and dragged him away from the place where the moonlight shone. Master Zhong threw Liu Quanning away in anger, with infinite strength. He ran to the window to bathe in the moonlight, madly absorbing the essence of the moonlight.

Old professor: "Corpse."

Zhao Yao looked at her wound in horror, wondering if she would also become a zombie. The old professor dragged Zhao Yao to a place far away from the moonlight: "Although I don't know if you have also been poisoned by zombies, it's always a good idea to stay away from the moonlight."

Zhao Yao: "Professor, if you weren't studying folk culture, I would have thought you were a celestial master."

The old professor rolled his eyes at her, and when the two retreated, they found that there were people behind them. It turned out that the six ordinary people saw Master Zhong's corpse and ran to the farthest place from Master Zhong to hide. Liu Quanning and another Master Qian worked together to subdue Master Zhong and dragged him back to a place without moonlight.

Master Zhong Tian regained consciousness and remembered his corpse-like self, so he said to the two of them, "Tie me up. If I completely turn into a corpse, pierce my heart with a peach wood sword and burn it immediately."

Liu Quanning tied up Master Zhong Tian and said, "I won't let you die."

Suddenly, someone pointed out the window and shouted, "There are so many hungry ghosts downstairs!" His startled breathing attracted the attention of the hungry ghosts outside the tower, and at the same time woke up the baby in the woman's arms. The baby felt the ghost's aura and burst into tears. The dark, skinny and deformed hungry ghosts who ate children heard the baby's cry, and scurried to the front, climbed up the tower, and rushed to the window.

Several people fled to other places, but the woman holding the baby was frightened and stood still, shaking all over, her legs weak, and her face pale as she stared at the hungry ghost that was rushing towards her. Seeing this, Liu Quanning threw the peach wood sword to Qian Tianshi: "Watch it." Then he took a few steps and grabbed the woman's shoulders and pulled her behind him, and stuck the Five Thunder Spirit Talisman in his hand on the hungry ghost that rushed towards him.

The hungry ghosts were immediately burned to ashes, but they could not stop the hungry ghosts that continued to rush in. Liu Quanning kicked the wooden board on the ground with his toes to block the window, and the hungry ghosts that kept rushing in made a "bang bang" sound.

"Ah, there's one here too!" Someone pointed at the hungry ghost climbing up from the other window, and the ghost rushed over and bit his arm. He screamed in fear, and the others tried to avoid him. Zhao Yao grabbed the child-eating ghost's tail, pulled it off, and threw it to the floor, then stepped hard on its swollen belly, directly stepping on the ghost to death.

The old professor grunted as he carried a piece of wood to block the window, holding his waist to fend off the hungry ghosts outside and yelling, "Why don't you young and strong people come over to block the wood? Are you really waiting for all the hungry ghosts to rush in and eat you all?"

Those people suppressed their fear and leaned against the wooden board to block the hungry ghosts outside. When they touched the wooden board, their hearts and lungs were almost knocked out of their throats. The old professor breathed a sigh of relief, supported his waist and walked away slowly: "Young man, come on." As soon as he finished speaking, a sharp ghost claw penetrated the wooden board and reached in front of the professor, only two centimeters away from the professor's eyeball.

The ghost claw made a grabbing motion in front of the professor, and the professor slowly took two steps back, holding his heart, and was almost scared to death. The ghost claw stopped moving when it couldn't grab anything. The people who were pressing the wooden board didn't dare to breathe, and looked at the ghost claw carefully. The ghost claw suddenly turned and poked to the left. The person on the left reacted quickly, lowered his body, and looked up at the ghost claw above his head.

If he hadn't reacted quickly, the ghost's claw would not have pierced the wooden board, but his crown. Then they heard a "creaking" and "creaking" sound behind them, so they all turned their heads and stared at the wooden board beside their ears, and the next second they all ran forward. The wooden board was pierced by the ghost's claws and fell to the ground. The two-meter-tall hungry ghost hunched over and climbed into the window. Seeing this, Master Qian handed the peach wood sword to Zhao Yao: "Help me keep an eye on Master Zhong." Then he stepped forward to deal with the murderous hungry ghost in front of him.

Liu Quanning mixed cinnabar while holding the wooden board, and then poured cinnabar on the edge of the window sill. After Qian Tianshi kicked out the murderous hungry ghost, he leaned over and held the wooden board against the window, bit his index finger and drew a talisman on the board to suppress evil spirits. The force of the hungry ghost hitting the wooden board became weaker, but the talisman could not resist for long, and the hungry ghosts continued to come.

Master Qian shouted to Liu Quanning, "Lend me the cinnabar."

Liu Quanning couldn't run away with the cinnabar in his hand, so someone volunteered to come over and give it to Master Qian. Master Qian poured the cinnabar on the edge of the window sill while drawing a talisman to suppress evil spirits. Cinnabar is yang in nature and can resist evil spirits.

Zhao Yao held the peach wood sword, and felt the tense atmosphere, his heart beating like a drum. Suddenly, he heard a rustling sound above his head, and when he looked up, he saw a small window on the wall two meters away from the ground. The child-eating ghost crawled in through the small window, with his limbs pressed against the wall, staring straight at the baby in the woman's arms.

Zhao Yao: "Fuck!" She swung the peach wood sword in disorder, but the child-eating hungry ghost was as fast as a ghost, not only did she not get hurt at all, but her cheek was cut open. Moreover, four or five child-eating hungry ghosts came in from the small window, but Liu Quanning and Qian Tianshi each occupied a window to block the hungry ghosts outside, and could not help her here.

Seeing this, Master Zhong Tianshi said, "Help me untie the rope, and I will deal with the hungry ghosts."

Zhao Yao shook her head: "You can't see the moonlight." The most important thing is that she didn't know if Zhong Tianshi, who had transformed into a corpse, would kill more people in the tower after he was released. She didn't want to do stupid things like picking up sesame seeds and throwing away watermelons, "You teach me."

Master Zhong Tian glared angrily: "Nonsense!"

"I am not the reincarnation of Xu Ani. I have some talent. Teach me quickly, quickly!" Zhao Yao yelled anxiously. She could not protect the baby behind her. Seven or eight hungry ghosts that eat children had already run in. If they were not dealt with, someone would die.

Master Zhong took a few deep breaths and tried his best to save the situation: "The Taoist sword can act on behalf of the gods and exorcise demons and slay evil. Have you learned swordsmanship?"

"My grandma taught me Tai Chi swordsmanship, okay?"

"… Never mind, whatever. Listen carefully, Master Du's sword-killing spell says: The Supreme One has commanded, and all spirits are informed…"

Zhao Yao paced and chanted: "... Wind and fire fight together, destroy the evil and strangle the spirit!" The peach wood sword in his hand swung out, and it was like a steel sword that chopped the ferocious child-eating hungry ghost into ashes. He was delighted and turned back to Master Zhong and said: "See, I said I can do it."

Tianshi Zhong was surprised, but he was relieved. But he was too early to be relieved. Zhao Yao was not a Taoist priest after all, and he had just started to learn Taoist magic. Even if he had good talent, he could only hit the hungry ghosts two or three times with one sword. What's more, the hungry ghosts were fast and cunning, and Zhao Yao couldn't even touch them. Soon, Zhao Yao had countless wounds all over his body.

Four child-eating ghosts entangled Zhao Yao, and the other four were staring at the baby in the woman's arms. Although there were others to help, they could not defeat these terrible monsters. One of the child-eating ghosts climbed onto the woman's face and opened its mouth full of barbs towards the baby's head. The woman screamed and bit the child-eating ghost's tail fiercely. Although she stopped the child-eating ghost, another one took the opportunity to climb up and opened its mouth wide.

Before they could stop him, the others screamed and closed their eyes. The baby's mother stared at the child-eating ghost in despair, her eyes full of hatred that she wanted to destroy everything. The next moment, a red rope was put around the thin neck of the child-eating ghost and it was thrown against the wall. Chen Yang whipped the seven or eight child-eating ghosts in the tower into ashes with neat and handsome movements, and asked, "Is anyone injured?"

Zhao Yao answered excitedly: "No!" When Master Zhong and the others saw Chen Yang, they all showed relieved and happy expressions. Liu Quanning called Chen Yang: "Chen Xiaoyang, come over and help me for a while."

Chen Yang went over and opened the wooden door, kicking the tall man-eating spirit hungry ghost out. He quickly set up a magic circle by the window, with red ropes forming a formation, and an ancient bronze coin buzzing in the center. The yang energy was overflowing, and the hungry ghosts dared not approach.

Seeing this, Master Qian asked Zhao Yao to throw the Seven Star Sword from his backpack over. The Seven Star Sword is one of the ten great swords in Taoism and is also Master Qian's magic weapon. Master Qian inserted the Seven Star Sword on the windowsill to temporarily suppress the murderous hungry ghosts, then turned around and asked Liu Quanning: "How are you going to deal with the hordes of hungry ghosts outside?"

Liu Quanning: "Send the ghosts to the underworld. Let them return to where they came from."

The so-called sending ghosts into the underworld means that any array method can be used to insert the dagger into the ground to achieve the unity of man and array. There is a saying in Maoshan magic: "Any magic that uses the extreme yang to treat the extreme yin has the power of "entering the earth". When the yin is strong, the yang will decline and die. However, when the yang is strong, it will be placed in the underworld and cannot be reborn." That is, the extreme yang is used to fight against the extreme yin. If the yin overcomes the yang, the caster will die. Otherwise, the evil ghosts will be sent to the underworld and cannot be reborn.

The hungry ghosts outside were extremely yin, so Liu Quanning wanted to transform himself into extremely yang, merge with the formation and send all the hungry ghosts back to hell. He took out a purse from his pocket and poured out 17 Tongmei from the purse: "Have you heard of the Seven Star Soul Nailing Formation?"

Chen Yang and Qian Tianshi nodded. Maoshan Sect is famous for its formations. Among them, the formation that cuts off the seven gates of vitality and seals off all ghosts is called the Seven Star Soul Nailing Formation. The seven gates are Yunken, Shangxun, Zichen, Shangyang, Tianyang, Yusu and Taiyou, which are the main checkpoints for the flow of vitality in a region. Once the vitality is sealed, the flow of vitality in the entire region stops and falls into a dead end. This is a formation that violates the order of yin and yang, hurting others and oneself.

This formation requires the use of raw chicken bones to nail the dead meridian points at the seven gates. The so-called raw chicken bones are the chicken's throat bones, which have extremely strong yang energy. When the vital energy is nailed and cannot flow, it will affect the judgment of the evil ghost, making the evil ghost unable to sense the vital energy and constantly wandering in the same place, unable to move an inch.

Chen Yang: "There is no time to go out and look for the location of the seven levels of the uninhabited village now."

"I know, so I used the Soul Sealing Formation. I used seventeen Tongmei coins to forge a small seven-level barrier to trap all the hungry ghosts outside in the formation, and then used the method of sending ghosts into the ground to send them all to hell." Liu Quanning placed seventeen copper coins in his palm.

Tongmei is an ancient copper coin with a boy's eyebrow, because the boy has the most yang energy. The yang energy of boy's blood and boy's eyebrow cannot be compared with cinnabar and other things. Use 17 Tongmei to forge the Xiaoqiguan, seal all the yin energy in the formation, and then use the method of sending ghosts into the ground to send all the hungry ghosts into hell.

There was a sudden clang, and Master Qian looked over to see that his Seven Star Sword had been knocked askew by the hungry ghosts: "This group of hungry ghosts is really ferocious."

Chen Yang: "It's normal for them to be ferocious after being touched by blood and flesh." Hungry ghosts have been hungry for hundreds and thousands of years, and finally they will become more ferocious after being touched by blood and flesh. There was another squeaking sound coming from the small window above the head. In addition to the child-eating hungry ghost, other hungry ghosts also climbed in through the small window frantically, but their big stomachs got stuck and they couldn't get out. "It's just right, to block the other hungry ghosts. Master Liu, just do as you said, forge the Seventh Gate, and send the ghosts into the underworld."

Liu Quanning gave the twelve Tongmei to Chen Yang and Qian Tianshi respectively, and kept two for himself. Chen Yang and Qian Tianshi took the Tongmei and left the tower and ran in two directions. Some hungry ghosts who smelled human energy roared to the sky and chased them.

The seven gates correspond to the Big Dipper, so it is not difficult to forge them. Chen Yang quickly buried the Tongmei in the seven gates, and Qian Tianshi also buried the Tongmei on the other side. The two returned to the tower again and swung the door to block it. Chen Yang blocked the door with his shoulder and said to Liu Quanning, "There is only one more gate left."

The last level used the place where Liu Quanning stood as the pulse eye. When he buried the magic into the pulse eye and activated the formation, the breeze stopped and all the vitality in the formation stopped flowing. Ordinary people were not very sensitive, but just felt a little irritated and uncomfortable. The hungry ghosts outside the tower were greatly affected by the formation. They stopped attacking and stayed where they were.

Chen Yang opened the door a crack and looked outside. A two-meter-tall hungry ghost pounced on him, opening its mouth full of sharp barbs. Chen Yang stared at it motionlessly, and after a while it turned around and continued to wander.

As expected, it was invisible. Chen Yang made an 'OK' gesture to Liu Quanning, who then plunged the dagger deep into the ground and shouted: "Those who defy me shall die,... by my Zhenyang! Hurry and obey the command!"

Yang energy poured into the top of the head, and the invisible Yang energy gathered into a shining golden light that gradually enveloped the hungry ghosts in the formation. The surface of the ground cracked to reveal the magma hell, and the hungry ghosts were caught off guard and screamed and fell into hell. Seeing this, other hungry ghosts fled in fear or looked for a place to stay, but dry ghost hands stretched out from the magma hell to grab the hungry ghosts' ankles and drag them in.

There are countless evil spirits in hell, all suffering from torture. Once hell is opened, they will be eager to climb up, but often fall back down when they reach the top of hell. Therefore, they will be jealous of other things standing on the surface and pull them into hell as well.

The Yang energy gradually weakened, and Liu Quanning's Yang energy from the mountains and rivers still couldn't resist the Yin energy of the hungry ghosts. Although Eguiling was a mountain, its Yang energy had long been eroded by the Yin energy and was originally less than the Yin energy. The land where Liu Quanning stood began to crack, and if he lost, he would be dragged into hell.

Zhao Yao's eyes widened: "It's dangerous!"

The professor glanced at her and said, "Aren't you afraid of blinding the dog?"

"How can a dog's eyes be as important as a Heavenly Master? Although I don't quite understand it, it seems that Heavenly Master Liu is in danger." Although she said so, in fact the professor and other ordinary people could not see the golden light and hell at all. They only felt fear, the boundless fear that was like a mountain pressing down on them, making them dare not breathe.

Chen Yang dismantled the red rope formation and re-formed the Yang formation around Liu Quanning. He flicked the ancient copper coin, which was buzzing, and took out half of the Fengdu Emperor's seal from his neck, combined with the Fengdu Emperor's heart seal to assist Liu Quanning. The speed of the cracking of hell accelerated, and the hungry ghosts felt the Fengdu Emperor's seal when they escaped, and they fell to the ground in fear. In addition, there were ghosts in hell who heard about the Emperor's seal and came to capture the hungry ghosts. With the help of several parties, all the hungry ghosts were sent back to hell.

One of them bravely glanced toward the window and shouted in surprise: "All the hungry ghosts have disappeared!"

Liu Quanning breathed a sigh of relief and collapsed. His face was pale and his Yang energy was insufficient. He said, "Let me take it easy first. I am old and my physical strength is not good."

Qian Tianshi came over to help him up and said, "Your power has not increased since you became the president of the Guangdong Taoist Association. A mere Seventh Level and Sending Ghosts to the Underworld can make you exhausted. If it weren't for Chen Xiaoyang's help, you would have died here today."

Hearing this, Liu Quanning pushed Qian Tianshi away: "Go away, go away. I'm strong and can kill a cow with one punch. I don't need your support, just go away." Qian Tianshi obediently let go of his hand, and Liu Quanning almost stumbled and fell.

Master Qian and Master Zhong laughed at this. Master Zhong was relieved that he was not exposed to the moonlight and returned to normal. Chen Yang told him that the well in the ancestral hall had been poured with zombie blood. Master Zhong suddenly realized: "No wonder I have the symptoms of corpse transformation."

Chen Yang said: "Witch Master Yi is currently saving the souls of the vengeful ghosts and will be able to leave tomorrow morning. The corpse poison that Master Zhong was infected with is not too deep and can be removed."

Hearing that they could leave the next morning, the others were visibly relieved and said, "We must go to the Taoist temple to ask for talismans to exorcise the evil spirits when we get back. This is so unlucky. I just went out for a trip and I encountered these weird things. It's so unlucky."

"I didn't believe in ghosts and gods before, but now I have to believe in them."

Everyone was talking at once, their tense nerves finally relaxed and they had time to chat. Chen Yang smiled, and Zhao Yao moved over and asked, "Master Chen, did you catch my previous life?"

Chen Yang thought of the cat ghost that was crushed by the mountain of meat, and coughed softly: "I caught it... Do you want to see it?"

"No, no, I don't think she is a good person. She is a tamed cat ghost and a zombie. As a good citizen, I'd better stay away from her. I just want to ask Da Pang, she is the only cat that doesn't hate me." Zhao Yao said excitedly.

Chen Yang glanced at Zhao Yao, thinking that she was really confident. It was obvious that Da Pang wanted to kill her as soon as they met: "If you want to keep it, you should give up the idea. It is a thousand-year-old cat ghost and is not suitable to live with ordinary people. If you keep it for a long time, it will damage your merits, luck and yang energy."

"Is that so?" Zhao Yao said with some regret.

Fatty held his head high while the black cat struggled helplessly under his butt, making a few "duangduang" sounds from time to time. The black cat felt as if all its internal organs were squeezed out, and it rolled its eyes and weakly scratched Fatty.

She thought she would die at the hands of some vengeful Shangqing Heavenly Master, or be escorted to the underworld for trial. She never thought that one day she would die under a mountain of flesh. She was still struggling to climb out, and she never wanted to die in such a humiliating way.

Big Fatty was as steady as a rock, but suddenly his hair stood up. After a shrill scream, he showed his agility and ran away. Xu Ani finally exhaled the breath that was suppressed in her chest, and before she could stand up, she felt the terrifying momentum enveloped her.

The black cat shivered and curled up into a ball. He raised his head tremblingly, and uttered a trembling voice in fear: "I have seen... the emperor."

Du Shuo lowered his eyes and kicked Xu Ani to the front of Wuchang in the middle road: "Take him back to Fengdu."

"Yes." Zhonglu Wuchang grabbed the back of the neck of Xu Ani, who was trembling and dared not resist, and took her back to Fengdu.

Du Shuo suddenly looked up in the air. A small light dot paused in the darkness, then slowly retreated. In the air was a small drone, taking long-distance aerial photos of the uninhabited village. Du Shuo quietly watched the drone fly away from the uninhabited village, and when the drone breathed a sigh of relief, he broke off a dead branch and threw it through the drone.

"Fuck!" Wu Lingjiu looked back at the computer and found that 90% of the video recorded by the drone had been copied, and the remaining 10% was completely destroyed because of the drone crash. "That's enough."

Wu Lingjiu had a gloomy face and decided to speed up the restoration of the Ghost Kingdom. The Great Emperor Beiyin, who had not left Fengdu for ten thousand years, actually appeared in the world of the living. The implementation of his plan might become more difficult. Moreover, he seemed to have a close relationship with Chen Yang. When Xu Ani was about to give a hint, Da Pang fell from the sky. Wu Lingjiu missed the most important hint, otherwise he would have given up the idea of attacking Chen Yang's body.

Witch Chief Yi spent two hours to help the ghost to reincarnate, and then he took the other four people to meet Chen Yang and others. They left the No Man's Village at dawn. There were still people from the Taoist Association stationed outside the No Man's Village Egui Ridge, and they immediately sent people to help. Master Zhong and Zhao Yao were immediately called to remove the corpse poison, and the three young people who were originally villagers of the No Man's Village were imprisoned for premeditated murder.

The incident of the deserted village has come to an end for the time being, but Wu Lingjiu is still on the run. Taoist associations and Taoist priests from all over the country have cooperated to drive Wu Lingjiu to the south bank of Xiangquan River in Ali Zada County, which is the site of the Guge Kingdom. Wu Lingjiu turned all the people in the city into zombies here, and now he wants to settle the cause and effect here.

The author has something to say: Yesterday, my mother told me that before the grandfather of a man in the same village died, he offended a Feng Shui master. The Feng Shui master tampered with the tomb where his grandfather was buried, causing the man to suddenly go crazy. It is said that this man was 16 or 17 years old, and was very smart and lively, but he suddenly went crazy a month after his grandfather was buried, and he has not recovered until now.

It seemed that his grandfather had a quarrel with the Feng Shui master over a very trivial matter, and then he was retaliated against.

I don’t know if I can believe it or not. It feels quite strange.

Thank you for the nutrient solution and mines~~~

(:3_ヽ)_Throws 1 mine

Throwing time: 2018-07-07 13:00:17

Mao Afei threw a mine

Throwing time: 2018-07-07 13:04:09

Mao Afei threw a mine

Throwing time: 2018-07-07 13:10:52

30259202 threw 1 mine

Throwing time: 2018-07-07 13:38:35

Pancake threw 1 mine

Throwing time: 2018-07-07 14:35:03

Baobao Aicirou threw a mine

Throwing time: 2018-07-07 18:56:22

Baobao Aicirou threw 1 grenade

Throwing time: 2018-07-07 18:56:29

Mu Yu threw a mine

Throwing time: 2018-07-08 00:59:44

It's a bad guy. He threw a mine.

Throwing time: 2018-07-08 10:05:54

Zui Feng Ran Mo ゞ threw 1 grenade

Throwing time: 2018-07-08 12:59:48

Vivi threw a mine

Throwing time: 2018-07-08 14:52:05

Eleven threw a mine

Throwing time: 2018-07-08 14:59:20

Vivi threw a mine

Throwing time: 2018-07-08 15:04:20

The double-chinned girl threw a mine

Throwing time: 2018-07-08 15:08:08

Mao Afei threw a mine

Throwing time: 2018-07-08 15:51:25

Clouds come and go and throw a mine

Throwing time: 2018-07-08 16:15:46

Green Fox threw 1 mine

Throwing time: 2018-07-08 18:36:52

It was Baozi who threw a mine.

Throwing time: 2018-07-08 22:01:02

Xiao Xiao Xiao threw a grenade

Throwing time: 2018-07-08 22:01:45

Xiao Qian threw a mine

Throwing time: 2018-07-09 10:26:05

27722528 threw 1 mine

Throwing time: 2018-07-09 12:18:00

27722528 threw 1 rocket

Throwing time: 2018-07-09 12:18:28

Smoke threw a mine

Throwing time: 2018-07-09 13:36:29

Meng Xiaoxi threw a mine

Throwing time: 2018-07-09 16:04:39

Yan Dan___ threw a mine

Throwing time: 2018-07-09 16:30:14

Li Zhen threw a grenade

Throwing time: 2018-07-09 18:37:18

Xuanyuan Zilong threw a mine

Throwing time: 2018-07-09 21:40:10

Yaoyao threw a mine

Throwing time:2018-07-10 03:03:41

Li Zhen threw a grenade

Throwing time: 2018-07-10 11:32:13