The Great Collision of Yin and Yang

Chapter 77: Placenta 03


The security guard at the security booth was a middle-aged man. He said in a rambling voice, "He's really not a human. I saw the girl throwing herself at him affectionately and calling him daddy, but to me he looked like a monster. How else would someone look like that? I shouted at her to warn her, but it was too late. Just think about it, being in an elevator with a monster, it's lucky if you're not scared to death."

Chen Yang asked: "Can you describe what the monster looks like?"

"Why not?" The security guard gestured and said, "It should be very tall. It is two meters tall even with its body hunched over. It wears a red skirt, has dark green skin, and has hundreds of teeth growing outward. It is very creepy. Oh, by the way," the security guard recalled that he had a look at the monster when he rushed to the elevator door, and said, "Its eyes are like those of lizards and flies. You will feel fear if you are stared at."

Chen Yang: "Did Su Nini have any other reaction? Didn't you notice her sneaking out of the community in the middle of the night?"

"No, really not. I'm also very surprised when I talk about this. I stayed in the security booth the whole time... unless she sneaked out while I was going to the bathroom. It's normal to go to the bathroom, it's not dereliction of duty. But I knew it when she came back. I saw that she looked dazed and uneasy, looking back from time to time. I felt something was wrong and wanted to go out and ask her. As a result, when she saw me, she was scared as if she saw a monster and turned around and ran away." The security guard didn't want to care about Su Nini anymore, but when he couldn't help but look back again, he found that Su Nini threw herself into the arms of the monster, which scared him to death.

"Oh, we got it. Thank you." Chen Yang turned and left the community, and asked Mao Xiaoli who came with him: "Did you write it down?"

Mao Xiaoli: "I've got it. I'll send the characteristics of the monster to Uncle Ma so he can see what it is."

The case of Sunini going crazy was soon clarified with scientific reasons, because she suffered from an emotional disorder, a phobia that was magnified invisibly. So Sunini was suffering from a phobia attack, and she thought that everyone was the target of harming her. She hid in the empty elevator and imagined a monster that scared herself crazy. This is a very serious phobia. Unfortunately, Sunini's parents did not pay attention to this emotional disorder, which led to the tragedy.

This explains why Sunini went crazy. As for what the security guard said, no one believed it. Because they found from the surveillance video that Sunini was alone from beginning to end. She talked to the air, entered the elevator, and fainted in the empty elevator. It was clearly a manifestation of mental disorder.

But because Su Nini suffers from emotional illness and encounters so-called supernatural events, Chen Yang and Mao Xiaoli come to investigate. Mao Xiaoli asks: "Brother Chen, should we look for other people with emotional illness?"

Chen Yang hesitated for a moment and said, "Let's go see Su Nini first."

Mao Xiaoli: "Okay."

The two went to the hospital where Su Nini was, where they met her parents. Su's father and mother blamed each other for not taking good care of their daughter, being busy with work and not paying attention to her phobia.

Father Su retorted loudly: "Who knows what she is afraid of? How could she have such a strange disease as phobia!" He kicked the wall to vent his anger: "She called me last night. I was working overtime. I finally asked my boss for leave and rushed back. How come I was still a step late!"

Su's mother cried on the side. They only had one daughter and usually loved and spoiled her, but they could not help but neglect her due to their busy work. Moreover, they never thought that emotional illness was terrible, and just thought it was just a pretentious way to attract attention, so they did not pay much attention to their daughter's phobia. Now her daughter has gone crazy, and she regrets it.

Chen Yang and Mao Xiaoli stood in front of them and said, "Su Nini's parents?"

Father Su turned around, looked at Mother Su with red eyes, and asked, "Yes. Who are you?"

Chen Yang and Mao Xiaoli introduced themselves first, of course they did not mention the identity of the Heavenly Master, they just said they were investigating Su Nini's condition. Chen Yang said: "Recently, we have discovered many cases of emotionally ill patients, so we suspect that Su Nini's emotional illness is caused by human factors."

"Man-made?" Father and mother Su were surprised, and then angry. Father Su said, "I was wondering why Nini got emotionally ill for no reason? She used to be very lively and confident. She dared to go to the haunted house, ride roller coasters, and jump off the bungee when she went to the amusement park. She was always very brave." It was because their daughter had always been very brave that they couldn't believe that she suddenly got a phobia.

Chen Yang said gently, "Did Su Nini come into contact with any special people or go to any special places before or after she developed the phobia?"

Su's father and mother recalled what happened before and after their daughter became ill, and both shook their heads: "No. Nini is more dependent on her family. If she meets a special person or goes to a special place, she will tell her."

"What if she didn't tell you because she was afraid?"

Su's father and mother were stunned when they heard this. They had never thought of this possibility. According to Su Nini's extreme fear, she probably didn't dare to tell them. Chen Yang understood what was happening and asked, "What was the reason for Su Nini's illness?"

Su's mother said, "I know this. About two months ago, Nini went on an outing and encountered a rainstorm. She went to a damaged house for a trip. But she accidentally fell into a pit under the house, which was full of insects. She was scared and she kept dreaming that her body was crawling with insects and those insects were biting her. She couldn't sleep well every night, and gradually developed a habit of screaming when she saw something green at home. Later we took her to see a doctor, who said she was suffering from a phobia and prescribed medicine but it didn't help."

"By the way," Su's father added, "Nini has always said that there is a monster following her body and wants to parasitize her."

Chen Yang: "Can we go meet Su Nini?"

"This..." Father Su hesitated for a moment and said, "Okay, but don't irritate her."

Chen Yang nodded, and together with Mao Xiaoli, he followed Su's father and mother to visit Su Nini. Through the glass, Su Nini could be seen curled up in the corner of the ward, with a dazed look on her face, and she seemed to be mumbling something. Su's father said sadly: "Nini kept shouting 'She's in front, she's approaching, she's in front of me, she's in my stomach', and I couldn't understand it at all."

Chen Yang looked at Mao Xiaoli, who gestured to indicate that she had written it down. He saw from the corner of his eye that Su Nini seemed to be in a bad mood, so he observed her carefully and said, "Something is wrong."

"What's wrong?" Su's father and mother looked confused.

Su Nini was twitching, but not very noticeably. She rolled her eyes, and her hands and feet were twitching slightly, gradually increasing in frequency. Suddenly, she stopped moving, no longer twitching, and curled up quietly in the corner. Su's father and mother did not see the change, and still did not know what was wrong. Suddenly, Su Nini raised her neck and let out a high-pitched scream of pain, scratching her stomach, and crawling around the room.

Su's father and mother were so nervous that they wanted to rush in, but the door wouldn't open. The doctor heard the noise and ran over: "Get out of the way! Don't block the way! One person goes in first to prevent the patient from biting his tongue, quick!"

After a hurried but orderly operation, the door opened. The nurse who opened the door was stunned. Why did she open the door by herself now when she couldn't open it just now? But before she could think about it, a doctor rushed in with a medical box. After taking only three or four steps, Chen Yang realized something was wrong and shouted, "Don't go in!"

Unfortunately, he was a step too late, and the door slammed shut. Except for the doctor who entered first, everyone else was locked out. The doctor suddenly turned around and knocked on the door, his expression was also confused. Although he didn't know what happened, he already had a bad premonition in his heart. His colleagues knocked on the door outside, and suddenly showed a horrified expression and pointed behind him.

The doctor heard a rustling noise behind him. He turned his head with his neck stiff and saw Sunini lying on the ground. Her belly suddenly swelled up, like a woman in her eighth month of pregnancy. Then it suddenly deflated, and then a monster slowly crawled out from under Sunini's hospital gown. It had dark green skin, scary teeth, and insect compound eyes that kept turning.

The monster cub opened and closed its mouth, making a slight rustling sound. Its eyes were still covered with a thin membrane, and it seemed that it could not see people. Its disgusting and terrifying head turned in the air, smelling something, and suddenly turned its head to stare at the doctor. It crawled forward, with the umbilical cord still connected to Sunini's body, and the placenta slipped out as it crawled forward.

The monster crawled out, and the people outside also saw it. They all gasped and cried out in surprise. Mother Su couldn't imagine that this thing came out of her daughter's stomach, and she screamed and fell into a coma. Father Su hugged Mother Su, and both of them were worried, and shouted, "Why are you still standing there? Hurry up and open the door!"

The nurse holding the key card trembled and couldn't help crying out of fear: "The door can't be opened." Her hands were shaking so much that she was about to collapse, but she tried hard not to cry. At this time, the monster opened its terrifying mouth and pounced on the doctor, biting his throat. The doctor reflexively stretched out his hand to block it, and a piece of flesh was torn off directly.

The doctor endured the pain and tore the monster off and threw it out. The monster fell to the ground and quickly got up, chewed the piece of meat a few times and swallowed it. Although it couldn't see, it could detect the doctor's position by smell, and its head moved with the doctor's movement. It suddenly pounced on him, and the doctor ducked to avoid it. The monster pounced directly on the transparent glass window, facing the little nurse's face.

The young nurse fainted from fright, but the door still couldn't be opened. Mao Xiaoli: "Kick the door open." She kicked the door with a whirlwind kick, and the door shook violently twice, but still didn't open.

Chen Yang leaned on the glass window and peeked at the door, meeting a pair of insect compound eyes. There was also a big monster lying behind the door. It noticed Chen Yang's gaze, so it turned its head and looked at him, with a terrifying grin on its mouth. Chen Yang frowned and pulled Mao Xiaoli away: "I'll do it."

He took off the ancient copper coin and pressed it against the center of the door. Holding the copper coin in his left hand, he quickly drew a talisman with his right hand and chanted, "The evil will dissipate, the Dao Qi will last forever, hurry up and obey the command!" The copper coin instantly passed through the door and embedded itself into the tall monster outside the door. The Yang Qi on the copper coin burned the monster.

It left the door, revealing its original form. Although it was hunched over, it was about two meters tall. Everyone present was terrified. At this moment, Father Su finally believed his daughter's words. It turned out that she was not lying. There had always been a monster following her, approaching her, and finally living in her stomach.

The monster grabbed the newborn baby monster and put it into its mouth, chewing and eating it up. Even through a layer of glass, people outside still felt that they could hear the sound of flesh and bones being chewed, which was creepy. The doctor inside kept backing away and huddled in the corner. The monster stared at the doctor, and at this time Chen Yang used the card to swipe open the door of the ward.

As a last resort, the monster gave up the doctor, took the placenta and jumped out the window. The ward was on the tenth floor. After Chen Yang entered the room, he took a red rope and put it around the monster's neck, trapping her in the window. She was so strong that she pried the walls on both sides of the window, instantly causing cracks to appear on the walls. Seeing this, Chen Yang shouted, "Mao Xiaoli!"

"Here!" Mao Xiaoli took out the peach wood sword and the Five Thunder Spirit Talisman, stepped on the bed and the table and chairs and jumped up, stabbing the monster hard in the shoulder socket. The monster howled in pain, turned around, grabbed Mao Xiaoli's peach wood sword and broke it with force.

Mao Xiaoli was surprised: "Fuck!" She quickly turned over to avoid the palm wind from the monster, and a large handprint was directly slapped on the wall. Chen Yang wrapped his hands around the red rope and wrapped it around his palms several times, but was still dragged forward by the monster for several steps. He shouted: "Xiaoli, throw me the Five Thunder Talisman!"

Mao Xiaoli quickly took out a stack of five-thunder talismans from her backpack and handed them to him. When Chen Yang took the talisman, the monster pulled him hard and dragged him out of the window. Mao Xiaoli was shocked: "Brother Chen!"

When Chen Yang was dragged down the window, he simply relaxed all his strength, rushed to the monster, stuffed all the Five Thunder Talismans in his hand into the monster's mouth, then loosened the red rope, grabbed the broken peach wood sword in the monster's shoulder socket to stabilize his body. He used the force to flip in mid-air, stepped on the monster's shoulder and used the red rope to circle the horizontal column of the hospital building, and landed steadily on the horizontal column below. He raised his hand seal and detonated the Five Thunder Talisman.

The monster suddenly disappeared in mid-air, and it was unclear how badly she was injured. Many people in the hospital saw this scene, and they all gathered below to discuss it. It is estimated that it will soon spread all over the Internet about the supernatural events that occurred in a certain hospital.

Chen Yang sat on the horizontal pillar and sighed. It was troublesome. He had to go back and ask Ma Shanfeng to report this matter to the Taoist Association and polish it so that they could handle this supernatural incident. As he thought about it, he wrapped the red rope back around his wrist and suddenly found that the ancient bronze coin was embedded in the back of the monster and he had not taken it back.

Chen Yang came down from the horizontal column and returned to the ward, receiving countless secretive and amazed looks along the way. What happened in the ward on the tenth floor spread to the floors above in just a dozen minutes, especially to the doctors and nurses.

After Su's mother woke up, she hugged her unconscious daughter and cried, blaming herself. Su's father was anxiously walking around the door, with Mao Xiaoli standing next to him. Seeing Chen Yang from a distance, Su's father hurried over: "Master, please take a look at my daughter, can you save her?"

Mao Xiaoli also came over and asked: "Brother Chen, are you hurt?"

"I'm fine." Chen Yang shook his head, pushed open the door of the ward and walked in. As he walked, he asked Mao Xiaoli, "Have you checked on Su Nini's physical condition?"

"Not very good. The vitality is almost gone, just like those emotionally ill patients before. When the vitality is almost gone, it will become like an old woman, craving for flesh and blood. If the vitality cannot be restored in time, I am afraid..."

The unfinished words foreshadowed a bad outcome. Father Su almost felt weak at the knees after hearing this. He regretted in his heart why he had not taken his child's affairs to heart. He always thought that the child was carefree at a young age, and that all those weird things were just to attract the attention of his parents. He once complained that the child was ignorant and willful.

There was a doctor in the ward, and he helped Su Nini put on a glucose drip. Chen Yang asked the doctor, "How is it?"

The doctor was the one who was locked in the ward and almost became the monster's meal. After bandaging her arm, he came back to check on Su Nini's condition as a doctor. All he could do was put a bottle of glucose in her. When he heard Chen Yang's question, he replied, "She's really not in good condition. She's weak and her body functions are all declining. She's like an old man in his seventies or eighties. On the verge of... death."

The doctor looked solemn and in a heavy mood. He witnessed this strange incident with his own eyes, and he still felt terrified, but his kind nature made him sympathize with Sunini. This girl was only 14 years old, and her life was ruined. To be honest, he also thought at first that Sunini was suffering from a phobia caused by an emotional illness, and her mental state was so bad that she had hallucinations.

But what he just witnessed could not be called an illusion. Even a grown man would be scared to death, let alone a little girl! What was even more terrifying was that she was the only one facing this fear. She was the only one who was in a state of panic, watching the monster slowly approaching, but no one noticed. She was the only one, isolated and helpless.

Su's mother collapsed and knelt on the ground begging Chen Yang: "Please save my daughter, please, I beg you. Master, save my daughter, she is only 14 years old, not yet an adult. She is so lively and smart, and she is also very kind. Please, let me die if I have to."

Chen Yang pulled Su's mother up with great difficulty, but he just pulled Su's mother up, and Su's father knelt in front of him and begged. Chen Yang sighed: "I will try my best, but I can't guarantee it."

Although Su's parents were desperate, the current situation was much better. At least there was still hope. They stood up and kept bowing to express their gratitude. Chen Yang said, "Let her stay in the hospital. If she develops any symptoms, she can be treated in time." After a pause, he added, "I will go back and think of a solution."

Su's parents were finally relieved, and Chen Yang said goodbye to them and left. When they ran to the elevator, the doctor chased them and asked, "Excuse me, do you really have a way to save Su Nini?"

Chen Yang shook his head: "I'm not sure."

"But there is a way, right?" the doctor asked hopefully, and then said, "If you can save Sunini, then they can be saved too."


"Yes. I guess you have heard about the recent attacks by emotionally ill patients. They have actually been treated in this hospital before. I have taken over several girls, basically between 15 and 18 years old. Some are fearful, some are jealous, some are anxious... In short, they have all kinds of emotional illnesses. They originally had a normal life, but then they aged rapidly. Some... have passed away, and I have a list of the rest. I have been looking for ways to treat them, but unfortunately, I am only a psychiatric and psychological doctor."

The doctor's words were a bit confusing, but Chen Yang understood: "Did they also have the same situation as Su Nini?"

The doctor shook his head: "I don't know. But there was a phobia patient with similar symptoms to Sunini. As for whether those monsters crawled out of his stomach, I don't know. But I guess, there is not much difference."

Chen Yang pondered for a moment and said, "Okay. Can you give me the list?"

"I have it at home. I can send it to you."

"Okay, add a contact number." Chen Yang added the doctor's WeChat and said goodbye to him, then pressed the elevator button and left with Mao Xiaoli. "Xiaoli, did you write everything down?"

Mao Xiaoli took out a notebook and said, "I've written down all the key points." She inadvertently noticed that the copper coin on Chen Yang's wrist was gone, and asked in surprise, "Brother Chen, where is your copper coin? Didn't you get it back after embedding it into the back of that monster?"

Chen Yang: “No.”

"What should we do then?"

"She escaped. We can get her back if we find her." The elevator door opened and the two stepped out. Chen Yang said, "Take photos of the key points you wrote down and send them to the group so that others can follow and see... Did you take photos of that monster?"

Mao Xiaoli: “I took it.”

"Okay." Chen Yang nodded: "By the way, has Lu Xiuzhi joined the group?"

"He joined the group a long time ago. After you agreed to let him join the branch, Kou Xuanling couldn't wait to add him to the group. Tsk tsk, the thirst of an old straight man."

Chen Yang glanced at Mao Xiaoli, who spread her hands. He shook his head helplessly and said with a smile: "You are about to start school?"

"It will be done soon." Mao Xiaoli said, "After finishing this order, we won't be able to take any big orders for a few months."

"Studying is important." Suddenly, the phone rang and a call came in. Chen Yang answered the call: "Hello?"

"Excuse me, are you the parent of classmate Chen Weixuan?"


"It's like this. Chen Weixuan met two men at the school gate. According to the video recording, the two men are suspected of abducting Chen Weixuan. The video shows that they took Chen Weixuan into an alley and ran out shortly after, with a black eye and a swollen face. Now they insist that it was Chen Weixuan who beat him up. They are simply shameless." The teacher could not suppress his contempt while describing the situation. They are simply social scum and human scum.

How can a nine-year-old girl beat up two grown men? Lying without basis in reality, IQ is defeated by shamelessness.

Chen Yang's eyelids twitched: "I'll go over now."

Mao Xiaoli: "Wei Xuan's teacher?"

"Well. Xiaoli, you go back to the police station first. If you see Lu Xiuzhi, ask him if he has any way to make a lifeless person regain life. I'm leaving first." After giving the instructions in a hurry, Chen Yang rushed to Wei Xuan's school.

The author has something to say: If there is no update after 1 o'clock, please check the introduction. If the introduction gives the later update time, it will probably be at that time. If not, it will probably be updated before 1:30.