The Great Collision of Yin and Yang

Chapter 78: Placenta 04


Chen Yang hurried to the school, and as soon as he stepped into the teacher's office, he heard a shrill noise. He pushed through the crowd and saw Wei Xuan sitting on a chair, his feet not even touching the ground, quiet and well-behaved. Wei Xuan seemed to sense something, raised his head and smiled first: "Chen Xiaoyang."

The crowd suddenly quieted down and all looked at Chen Yang. The handsome and gentle young man, perhaps because of his experience as a director in the past two years, had an aura that could not be ignored. He walked in front of Wei Xuan, checked him and found that Wei Xuan was not injured before he stood up and looked around with sharp eyes: "Teacher Lin, what happened?"

Teacher Lin is Wei Xuan's homeroom teacher. She was being harassed by two scoundrels and had a headache. She was relieved when she saw Chen Yang coming. She was about to explain to him but was pushed away by the person behind her. She stumbled and almost fell. Fortunately, Chen Yang supported her. After standing firm, Teacher Lin thanked Chen Yang gratefully, then frowned and shouted at the two people behind her: "If you don't know how to restrain yourself, I will have to call the police!"

Chen Yang: "Haven't you called the police yet?"

Teacher Lin: "I wanted to call the police, but I was worried that it would have a bad impact on Wei Xuan. So I hope to see what you think."

Chen Yang nodded, his sharp eyes fell on the two rogues. They were indeed bruised and swollen, and their arms were a little twisted, probably broken. He said, "Are you two trying to abduct our Wei Xuan?"

Wei Xuan paused in swinging his legs, held his face with both hands, and looked at Chen Yang with a smile. He swung his legs faster, like a wagging tail. Chen Xiaoyang said, "Our Wei Xuan", so happy.

The two scoundrels immediately shouted, "We were kind enough to send her home, but she tricked us into the alley and beat us up! Good intentions don't go unrewarded, I don't care, you must pay for the medical expenses! Don't deny it, I know you want to say it's impossible for two grown men like us to be beaten by a little girl. But this is the fact, she is a martial arts master! I tell you, she can fly, she is a martial arts master. We were beaten for no reason and we had no power to fight back, we must pay for it!"

This incident caused quite a stir, and the teachers all gathered around to watch. When they heard this, they instantly refreshed their new understanding of the bottom line of shamelessness. Teacher Lin said with disdain: "Martial arts master? Then I must be a sword immortal."

Chen Yang asked Wei Xuan with a serious expression: "Did you beat them?"

Wei Xuan stopped swinging her calves and turned to look at the two scoundrels. Her expression was innocent and well-behaved: "I patted them lightly, and my hands turned red." She stretched out her hand, and it was indeed red. Seeing this, several female teachers softened their hearts and gave the two scoundrels a fierce look.

"How shameless! A social scum! Bullying a little girl, shameless."

The two scoundrels met Wei Xuan's cute smile and hugged each other reflexively, their bones aching. The teachers felt that they were even more shameless, and they actually acted out, too shameless.

Chen Yang asked again: "Are they going to take you home?"

"Yeah." Wei Xuan nodded: "They said they would take me to find Chen Xiaoyang. I asked them where Chen Xiaoyang was, and they said he was at home. So I followed them home."

The teachers were heartbroken and stared at the two rogues with even more hostile expressions. Several male teachers quietly blocked the road to prevent them from sneaking away. They were indeed human traffickers. Teacher Lin suggested: "Mr. Chen, call the police."

Chen Yang nodded: "Thank you." He called the police immediately. The two hooligans wanted to escape, but they were held down by the teachers who were ready to fight. They also happened to hold down their broken arms and legs, and they screamed.

Not long after, the police arrived. After the routine procedures were completed, they arrested the two thugs and told them to educate Wei Xuan more and not let her be deceived by strangers. Chen Yang nodded seriously, and Wei Xuan also nodded as if he understood. She looked particularly cute, which made the police almost want to touch her.

Wei Xuan looked up: "Chen Xiaoyang, are we going home?"

"Wei Xuan, did you beat them?"

Wei Xuan nodded and looked at Chen Yang's face anxiously: "Is Chen Xiaoyang angry? But they want to lift up my skirt and touch me, and I don't like it."

Hearing this, Chen Yang regretted not crippling the two scumbags just now. He warned Wei Xuan: "Don't fight when you meet such people in the future. Kick them in the lower body. It doesn't matter if you kick them to pieces or even tear them to pieces. If anything goes wrong, the whole police station will take responsibility for you."

"Okay!" Wei Xuan nodded heavily, smiling. He climbed down from Chen Yang, held his hand and said, "I've seen them before. They wanted to trick me into the warehouse. I heard them say they wanted to scare me, and mentioned the price and the hotbed. After I scared them away, I saw them again today. But they were not scared, and they still wanted to seduce me. I could feel that they were very calm when they lifted up the skirt. Their intention was not to scare me. After I broke their arms and legs, they should have gone to the hospital immediately instead of wasting two hours waiting for a situation that was completely disadvantageous to them."

Chen Yang stopped and looked down at Wei Xuan. "You mean their goal is not to do anything to you, but to use your fear to make you a breeding ground for something? And they may not even feel the pain?"

"No." Wei Xuan shook her head: "It's not that they can't feel pain, but they are fearless." Zombies can't feel the physical pain caused by physical attacks, so she knew clearly that the two people just now were not incapable of pain. It's just that their fearless emotions made them not afraid of pain, nor afraid of her weirdness.

"It seems that they have other purposes." They knew it was ridiculous for two grown men to be beaten by a nine-year-old girl, but they still went to the school to make a scene. Even if they called the police, it would be unreasonable. Unless they had other purposes, Chen Yang asked Wei Xuan to get in the car first, and then he sat down and asked, "Did you encounter any other strange things?"

Wei Xuan: "There is a classmate in the class who is not doing well."

"What do you mean?"

"She is jealous of me, and she is also connected with the two people just now. She was the one who tricked me into the warehouse before, and she seems to know the hotbed. In addition, her emotions are very tense and she may explode at any time."

"Emotional illness?" Chen Yang murmured, and then asked: "Take me to meet your classmate tomorrow, and we need to investigate those two people just now." Wei Xuan patted his chest and introduced his hairy subordinates. Chen Yang raised his eyebrows: "Are they in the branch?"

Wei Xuan thought of his homework, and nodded cautiously while observing Chen Yang's expression without changing his expression: "I just got here. They are worried about me. But they are hiding well, and they won't go out and scare people."

When Chen Yang returned to the police station, he saw two hairy zombies standing in the corner with their heads down. When the two hairy zombies saw Wei Xuan coming back, they immediately showed a wronged and sad look. Chen Yang asked Ma Shanfeng: "Uncle Ma, what happened to them?"

Ma Shanfeng sighed: "When I went out today, I saw an old lady and a child in the community who were scared."

Chen Yang wondered for a moment if he had heard an extra word: "Who was scared?"

Ma Shanfeng nodded his chin towards the two furry zombies hiding in the corner: "They."

Chen Yang immediately requested Ma Shanfeng to broadcast live, and Ma Shanfeng then described the situation with emotion: "They haven't been to the human world for many years. When the sun was not so strong in the evening, they sneaked into the community with umbrellas. At this time, the community was full of old men and women walking their dogs and playing with their cats, as well as children who had just finished school. Seeing that their faces and bodies were covered with hair, they all came to watch. They were mistaken for patients with hypertrichosis, and various hair removal products were enthusiastically recommended to them. In the end, it inexplicably turned into a blind date meeting. They were scared back and happened to be caught by us. Now," Ma Shanfeng lowered his voice: "It's a big blow, don't provoke them anymore."

Chen Yang nodded, indicating that he knew. He just suggested before going upstairs: "Most hair removal products cannot be trusted. The more you use them, the more hair grows. You should use them with caution."

Mao Xiaoli thought about it and said to them, "I suggest you go to a beauty hospital for permanent hair removal, but your hair grows very fast, so it will probably only last for a while. But after hair removal," she carefully looked at the two hairy faces. The white hair on their faces was thin and short, but their facial features were still good: "Your appearance will definitely improve."

Hearing this, the two hairy zombies raised their heads at the same time, their eyes full of hope. Wei Xuan covered his face and didn't want to talk to them, but Mao Xiaoli was moved by their gazes and stayed to tell them how good it would be to shave off the hair. For this reason, she even ran back to her room to take down her eyebrow razor and gave it to them: "You guys try it."

So when Kou Xuanling and Lu Xiuzhi returned to the police station, they saw two Mao Xiaoli standing stiffly in the corner, their faces covered with foam and looking pitiful. Mao Xiaoli stood in front of them, eager to try, and when she saw Kou Xuanling coming back, she shouted without turning her head: "Old Kou, lend me your razor."

Kou Xuanling refused: "Men's razors are like underwear, so I won't lend them to you."

"Stingy." Mao Xiaoli muttered, looking down at the eyebrow razor in her hand and sighing, "The eyebrow razor can't shave cleanly, it's too small." Zhang Qiudao came downstairs and suggested using a kitchen knife. Mao Xiaoli's eyes lit up immediately: "Great." She shouted downstairs: "Brother Chen, can I use the kitchen knife to shave their hair?"

Chen Yang came out of the room and looked downstairs: "There is a brand new kitchen knife in the cabinet under the kitchen. Use that one. Don't mix it with the others after use, and it's best not to put it back in the kitchen."

"I know." Mao Xiaoli quickly ran into the kitchen to get the kitchen knife back. The kitchen knife shone with a sharp silver light. Although the two hairy zombies were invulnerable, they were still frightened by this. They wanted to refuse, but they were speechless and were suppressed by Mao Xiaoli. It took two hours to shave all the hair on their faces. Then they washed off the foam, revealing their original handsome faces.

"Handsome!" Mao Xiaoli praised with her mouth wide open. Kou Xuanling was slightly surprised. Lu Xiuzhi stood in front of him with a cold look in his eyes. He glared at the two hairy zombies. Even Ma Shanfeng came out with a teacup in his hand and sighed, "How energetic."

Chen Yang also wanted to go downstairs to see after hearing the sigh, but Du Shuo pulled him back: "Just come to see me." Chen Yang waved his hand: "You can come anytime. It's been several years. It's rare for them to see it. Maybe their hair will grow back tomorrow."

It was just a casual remark, but Du Shuo could sense a sense of crisis in it: "You mean, you're tired of it?"

"Ah?" Chen Yang didn't know how Du Shuo came to this conclusion. He was anxious to go downstairs to take a look at the two hairy zombies, but when he turned around and saw Du Shuo with an expressionless face, he stopped. Du Shuo let go of his hand and went back to his room: "It's up to you."

Chen Yang was stunned, looking down at the bustling downstairs. Mao Xiaoli became interested in the bodies of the two zombies because their fur had shed and their handsome faces were exposed, so she wanted to strip off their clothes and shave off their fur. The two zombies were frightened and ran away like a cat with its tail stepped on.

"Ah." Chen Yang sighed and went back to his room. He closed the door and saw Du Shuo with his back to him under the light. He walked closer and found that he was spreading out a newspaper from a few days ago and pretending to read it. Chen Yang pushed his shoulder: "Are you angry?"

Du Shuo shook the newspaper and looked straight ahead. Chen Yang looked at his expressionless and dignified face and didn't think he was angry. He took the newspaper from his hand and stuffed himself into Du Shuo's arms: "I'm just a little curious. If you don't like it, I won't read it."

"No." Du Shuo denied that he was unhappy about something, put his arm around Chen Yang's waist and pushed the newspaper thrown next to the sofa away to make room. "It's your business whether you read it or not, I don't care."

"Oh." Chen Yang stood up: "Then I'll go downstairs and take a look now, it should still be in time."

Du Shuo pushed Chen Yang onto the sofa and whispered, "Go down after you're done."

After working until late at night, Chen Yang fell asleep in bed exhausted. He climbed onto Du Shuo's arm and slapped his hands away. He warned him in a hoarse voice, "If you do this again, we'll sleep in separate rooms."

Du Shuo withdrew his hand awkwardly, staring at Chen Xiaoyang's sleeping face in silence. After a while, he turned off the light and lay down, pulling Chen Xiaoyang back into his arms and hugging him to sleep. In the darkness, he was still thinking whether their marriage had reached the stage of boredom, Chen Xiaoyang actually wanted to see another man!

The next day, Chen Yang really didn't see the faces of the two hairy zombies under their white fur. They had grown longer than yesterday after a night. Because Mao Xiaoli chased the two hairy zombies for several hours, they developed a fear of shaving. Compared to shaving, doing middle school homework is a blessing. It turns out that my little master is the best.

Wei Xuan waited for Chen Yang to wake up, and sat on the sofa with his small schoolbag on his back, looking very well behaved. When he saw Chen Yang coming down, he asked the two hairy zombies to drag out two large boxes: "Open them." The large boxes were full of precious magic tools. Wei Xuan nodded with satisfaction: "Chen Xiaoyang, pick whatever you want."

Chen Yang: "Where did you get so many magic weapons?"

"They are all in the thirty-six tombs, and they are basically used to suppress me. But now they can't be suppressed, so I will dig them out for you to use. Don't worry, there are still a lot in the tombs, just use them casually and throw them away when they are broken." After all, Wei Xuan is a flying zombie who owns a two thousand year old tomb and thirty-five subsidiary tombs. Rich is her representative word.

Chen Yang laughed: "No matter how many magic weapons you have, it's useless if you don't use them well." Wei Xuan was immediately disappointed, so he had to rub her head and comfort her in a gentle voice. Then Ma Shanfeng came back after taking care of the flowers and plants in the yard. Seeing this scene, he seemed to suddenly realize something: "I have a bad memory when I get old. I almost forgot. Xiaoli came back and mentioned that your copper coin was missing. I also mentioned it to the old men in the Tianshi world. They mailed a lot of magic weapons this morning. You can pick them too. Oh, and there is also a copper coin sword."

Chen Yang was surprised: "If you lose a copper coin, you can get it back. It doesn't take that much trouble." Ma Shanfeng has an old man WeChat group, which is full of big names in the Tianshi world. He mentioned that Chen Xiaoyang lost his magic weapon, and all the big names picked out a magic weapon from their collection and mailed it to the branch. Nothing in their collection is ordinary.

Ma Shanfeng: "Anyway, they have a lot of them privately. If they are not taken out for the younger generation to use, they will accumulate dust and rust." He pointed to the pavilion outside the courtyard: "They are all piled there, you can pick whatever you want."

Those unusual instruments were wrapped in ordinary delivery boxes, and some were simply stuffed into delivery bags, piled up in the pavilion like cheap goods. Zhang Qiudao and Mao Xiaoli came downstairs to prepare for breakfast, and saw the delivery in the pavilion without any surprise: "The logistics is very fast, and it is a five-star rating."

Ma Shanfeng: "Is there any express delivery from you in there?"

Mao Xiaoli: "Didn't Brother Chen lose his magic weapon? We need a replacement during this period. I mentioned it to my family and they said they would mail it to me today. I don't know if Brother Chen can use it smoothly. Why not try it now?" Zhang Qiudao nodded. His situation was similar to Mao Xiaoli's.

Wei Xuan's face was tense, and he said nervously: "Chen Xiaoyang, you pick mine."

Chen Yang was in a dilemma for a moment. He couldn't accept so many magic weapons. He didn't need so many magic weapons. But it would be bad to accept any one of them individually, especially when Wei Xuan was staring at him expectantly. He could only say with a straight face: "Wei Xuan, go to class quickly, so as not to be late."

Wei Xuan climbed into the car reluctantly. Ma Shanfeng happily sat in the driver's seat and said with a smile, "I'll take you there." He stepped on the accelerator. He had recently been immersed in the vanity of his nine-year-old genius granddaughter going to junior high school. He walked Wei Xuan outside the community every day and humbly accepted the admiring looks of the old men and women. He was extremely hypocritical.

Kou Xuanling came in with soy milk and fried dough sticks, and Lu Xiuzhi followed. This couple was hopeless. Everyone in the branch office thought they were in love, except one of the parties who believed that he was innocent from beginning to end. After understanding what happened, Kou Xuanling sipped the soy milk and said, "How can this be argued... Didn't the Du Bureau already prepare Chen Xiaoyang's magic weapon? They must use the magic weapon given by the Du Bureau."

Du Shuo happened to come downstairs, and upon hearing this, he admitted that he had indeed prepared a replacement weapon for Chen Yang. He took out a string of ancient copper coins tied with red thread, about twenty of them. He said, "Yang Yang, stretch out your hand." While wrapping the whole string of copper coins around Chen Yang's wrist, he said, "There are a total of twenty ancient copper coins, you can use them individually or string them together to form a copper coin sword."

The whole string of copper coins wrapped around Chen Yang's forearm. Because of the unique shape, it didn't look strange, but rather very beautiful. Chen Yang's expression was dull: "Where did these ancient copper coins come from?"

"It's the magic weapon of the Wu clan's ancestor. At that time, the Bashu Ghost Kingdom had not yet perished. I wanted to give it to you when I found it before, but I was worried that you would not be used to it." After binding, Du Shuo raised his eyes and said, "It just so happens that the magic weapon is lost this time, so I replaced it with a copper coin sword. The copper coin has plenty of yang energy, and the sword is dangerous. It is the king of all weapons, born to kill, and has the best effect in suppressing evil."

Chen Yang murmured: "Didn't Grandpa Wu say that there was only one ancient bronze coin left?" The magic weapon of the Wu clan's ancestor has been passed down from generation to generation. It is full of yang energy and powerful, and it has become more and more new over time. Therefore, he cherishes it very much.

Du Shuo paused and chose to keep silent. Kou Xuanling said: "Taoist magic tools will not use only one ancient copper coin. Generally speaking, the ancient copper coins are strung together to form a copper coin sword. The magic tools with only one ancient copper coin left have long been eliminated and cannot be used as magic tools by successive clan leaders. So Chen Xiaoyang," even though he was reluctant, he laughed and told the truth: "You have been deceived."

Chen Xiaoyang, who seemed to be very shrewd and handled things very well, was actually deceived by such an obvious lie. Kou Xuanling laughed: "I thought you knew that the ancient bronze coin was not replaced because it was a gift from a relative. It turns out that you don't know that the ancient bronze coin is a magic weapon passed down from generation to generation. It's just a lie to fool a child, but you actually believed it."

Kou Xuanling laughed while looking for allies, but Zhang Qiudao and Mao Xiaoli looked at him coldly. Because they also believed the words of the kid, Kou Xuanling's ridicule made them particularly unhappy.

Chen Yang didn't believe it, so he asked Wu Kui, who was now the City God of Pingcheng, to ask. Wu Kui recalled the ancient copper coin: "I remember that I didn't have a good talent and could only get a copper coin that no one wanted. Later, Wei Xuan taught me magic, and I changed my magic weapon. That copper coin has enough yang energy and magic power, and it is the most suitable self-defense weapon for you."

Chen Yang said indifferently: "So it's not a magic weapon passed down from generation to generation?"

"You can't say no. After all, it is the magic weapon of the Wu clan's ancestor. Even if there is only one left, it is still an ancestral treasure." Wu Kui's face was serious. He couldn't remember how he had deceived the innocent and well-behaved Chen Xiaoyang. "Why are you asking about this suddenly?"

"No." Chen Yang grabbed Grandpa Wu's beard and teased him, scaring him so much that he finally broke free and ran away after giving him a few casual instructions. Chen Yang was so angry that he looked like a pufferfish version of Chen Xiaoyang. He glared at Du Shuo and said, "You didn't tell me either!"

Du Shuo: “… I thought you knew that too.”

Chen Yang was instantly deflated: "That copper coin is really powerful. The red rope that is tied to the copper coins also has the power to whip evil spirits." He stared at the twenty ancient copper coins wrapped around his forearm, which was the smallest copper coin sword. The Taoist copper coin sword is divided into twenty-one, forty-nine and one hundred and eight copper coins, with the largest being forty-nine. The copper coin sword wrapped around the forearm is missing one, which is the one that was embedded in the monster's back. "One copper coin is so powerful, if there are twenty, the power should be even greater."

Hearing this, Du Shuo's eyes turned a little strange. He carefully considered his words and said, "Yangyang, have you ever thought that it's not the magic weapon that's powerful, but the person who uses it?"

Chen Yang looked up, puzzled: "Huh?"

Du Shuo raised his hand and pinched Chen Yang's soft face, and said with a smile: "Do you have a misunderstanding about yourself? Wu Kui is the City God of Pingcheng after all. He has no outstanding qualities and cannot accumulate the merits to be a City God. The magic skills are basically taught by Wei Xuan. After more than 2,000 years of flying zombies, the magic skills can't be too bad. And me, the disciple trained by Fengdu Emperor, how bad can I be?"

Chen Yang felt a little dreamy and couldn't believe it: "I don't quite understand."

"Yangyang, you are amazing. Your ability to catch ghosts and exorcise evil spirits does not rely on magic weapons, but on your own strong abilities. The magic weapons are not powerful in themselves, but because you are amazing when you use them. To someone else, it would be a copper coin with stronger exorcism ability." Du Shuo looked at the dazed Chen Yang, his eyes full of smiles: "Why else do you think they mailed so many magic weapons when they heard you were throwing them away? They let you choose from a variety of magic weapons instead of choosing similar ones to replace the ones you usually use."

"They all saw that you don't have your own magical weapon yet."

The author has something to say: The Emperor: "Chen Xiaoyang looks at other men."

Grandmaster: "Tired."

Emperor: "How can I make Chen Xiaoyang regain his interest in me?"

Grandmaster: "Learn from me and change your face. You will instantly regain your passion and enjoy endless happiness."

ps: I will resume the normal update schedule as soon as possible tomorrow, Pen Refill.