The Great Collision of Yin and Yang

Chapter 80: Placenta 06


Du Shuo: "Ghosts grow by eating the vital energy of heaven and earth, which is transformed by the seven emotions and six desires. Amplifying one emotion alone can adjust a person's vital energy to its highest concentration, but it is an irreversible overdraft behavior. Those girls who suffer from emotional illness are because a certain emotion has been amplified and cultivated to the point where the vital energy is the most concentrated and reaches its peak. Then putting a ghost into the girl's body can give birth in the morning and eat in the evening."

Chen Yang: "Does that mean that even if the devils put it into the girls' bodies, there will still be a day to rescue them?"


Chen Yang: "There is no deliberate time limit of giving birth in the morning and eating in the evening, right? Su Nini gave birth to the devil at noon. When the devil was born, the Demon Mother would appear to snatch the devil away, but she would not eat it immediately but would choose to wait until the devil matures. The devil matures in less than a day, so she can accumulate strength quickly, but it takes a certain amount of time to cultivate the girl into a nutrient container suitable for the devil's production." He suddenly turned around and looked at Wei Xuan: "Wei Xuan was almost targeted before."

Wei Xuan nodded: "They want to make me feel scared."

"Wei Xuan is smart, cute and well-behaved. In the eyes of the other party, she is the best container. Otherwise, they would not have chosen her when they knew that her body was immature. The most common emotion for a nine-year-old child is fear." Chen Yang analyzed.

Wei Xuan's eyes sparkled, and she smiled with her hands on her mouth. Chen Xiaoyang praised her for being cute, smart and well-behaved, and she was very happy. Ma Shanfeng's soft heart was instantly touched when he saw Wei Xuan's little appearance, and he immediately took out a handful of candy and gave it to Wei Xuan. Seeing this, Chen Yang immediately said seriously: "Children can only eat two candies a day, otherwise they will get cavities."

He spread out his palms and signaled Wei Xuan to hand over the rest of the candies. Wei Xuan obediently kept two and gave the rest to Chen Yang. Just as Chen Yang was about to throw all the candies into his pocket, he heard Du Shuo coughing lightly.

Du Shuo: "Take it out."

Chen Yang took out the candy reluctantly and put it in Du Shuo's palm and handed it over. Du Shuo didn't even look at the candy in his palm, but continued in a deep voice: "There is more."

Chen Yang shouted, "There are only four left in my pocket, and I haven't eaten them today."

Du Shuo turned his gaze to Wei Xuan: "How many candies did Yang Yang steal today?"

Wei Xuan looked around. She didn't want to betray Chen Xiaoyang but she didn't dare to lie to Du Shuo. Finally, she threw herself into Ji Jiang's arms who was coming down the stairs and said, "Jiang, I want to eat candy." So Ji Jiang peeled a candy and gave it to her. Wei Xuan, with a candy in her mouth, said that she had no mouth to speak.

Chen Xiaoyang proudly put his hands on his hips and said, "I didn't eat candy today." Du Shuo narrowed his eyes slightly and whispered in his ear, "Go back to the room to check." Chen Yang immediately shrank, his cheeks flushed, and he obediently handed over all the candy. Du Shuo saw this, but felt a little regretful. The two people's demeanor was not surprising, and everyone looked at the information.

Ji Jiang blocked Wei Xuan's eyes so that she could not see, while Kou Xuanling sighed and said, "You bastard." Upon hearing this, everyone present looked at him and Lu Xiuzhi with strange eyes, including Wei Xuan who pulled off Ji Jiang's hand.

Kou Xuanling was puzzled: "Why are you looking at me?" He used his elbow to nudge Lu Xiuzhi who was sitting next to him: "Azhi, say something."

Lu Xiuzhi: "Hiccup." He looked a little surprised, his lips pursed tightly, and his eyes were a little straight. He sat upright, his back straight. After a while, he tilted his head: "Ah?"

"…" Kou Xuanling helped Lu Xiuzhi up: "He is drunk, I will help him go upstairs to rest first."

Zhang Qiudao was curious: "It smells a bit alcoholic, did you guys go out for a drink this afternoon?" He stood up and made way for Kou Xuanling to help Lu Xiuzhi walk over, saying as they walked: "Azhi suddenly said he wanted to drink, so he drank two boxes of beer at the food stall outside the community. He was a little drunk to begin with, but he sobered up a little after getting some fresh air just now, and now he's drunk again as soon as he sits down."

Ma Shanfeng: "Can he drink beer?"

Kou Xuanling: "I wasn't used to it at first, so I drank it all up one cup after another."

Lu Xiuzhi suddenly stopped moving, and Kou Xuanling couldn't move him no matter how hard she tried. Kou Xuanling coaxed him in a gentle way: "Azhi, you are drunk. Let's go back to the room and rest."

Lu Xiuzhi had an expressionless face and looked indifferent. He glanced at Kou Xuanling as if he didn't recognize him. After a while, he hesitated and said, "Xuanxuan."

Wei Xuan turned around: "Are you calling me?" Ji Jiang quickly pulled her back and covered her mouth to signal her not to speak, then he curled up on the sofa, grabbed a handful of melon seeds, and watched the show like everyone else.

Kou Xuanling's cheeks felt a little hot because Lu Xiuzhi was too close to him, making him feel uncomfortable. Lu Xiuzhi lowered his head and sniffed Kou Xuanling's cheeks and neck. He was handsome and lazy and particularly attractive. He said in a low and hoarse voice, "It's you."

A faint smell of alcohol hit him in the face. For the first time, Kou Xuanling felt that a beer that cost five yuan a bottle could actually be intoxicating. He swallowed and tried to keep as much distance from Lu Xiuzhi as possible: "You are drunk. I will take you back to your room. Let's go upstairs now. You, you lift your legs—"

Lu Xiuzhi chuckled and bit the tip of Kou Xuanling's ear. The latter almost screamed. If he hadn't taken into account the brighter eyes of his colleagues behind him, he would have really screamed. He grabbed Lu Xiuzhi's arm and whispered, "Azhi, you are really drunk. Let's go back to the room first."

"Go back to the room?" Lu Xiuzhi glanced at Kou Xuanling with a half-smile, nodded at the latter's uneasy eyes, and then asked: "What are you going back to the room for? Hmm? Are you going to sleep with me?"

Oh no! Kou Xuanling could already imagine the wolf howls and satisfied gossips of the colleagues behind him. He was so anxious that he dragged Lu Xiuzhi back to the room. He cursed in his heart: You said you won't get drunk, you are just bluffing!

As a result, Lu Xiuzhi really fell asleep after returning to his room, with his hands folded in front of his abdomen, sleeping in a very correct posture without even the slightest snoring. Kou Xuanling stared at Lu Xiuzhi's sleeping face and pinched his handsome face angrily.

The crowd downstairs who had read enough gossip were very satisfied. Mao Xiaoli clapped her hands, swept the melon seed shells into the trash can and said, "I didn't expect that Lu Xiuzhi usually looks like a gentleman, with an immortal temperament, but it turns out that in his bones... Hehehe."

Zhang Qiudao glanced at her and asked, "Are you still a woman?"

"What did I say?" Mao Xiaoli and Zhang Qiudao stared at each other for a moment, and suddenly both sides started to fight and kick each other, like two big kids fighting and pinching each other. Mao Xiaoli's whole face was squeezed by Zhang Qiudao so that her facial features could not be seen, but she still insisted on shouting: "Isn't your head full of rubbish? You dare to say that you didn't think about 'hehehe' just now!"

"A normal adult would think about that, but would never say it out loud." Zhang Qiudao's fingers were twisted back by Mao Xiaoli, and his face turned green in pain. So he pinched Mao Xiaoli's face even harder and threatened: "Let go!"

"You go first!", "I won't, you go first.", "Ladies first!", "Get lost.", "Say 123 and let's go together."... Chen Yang seemed a little worried in the background: "Can Zhang Qiudao and Mao Xiaoli still find a partner?"

Ma Shanfeng laughed calmly: "They are still very good at pretending outside. They are still young now. Take your time and wait for them to get wise. Old Kou has found a partner, let alone the two of them?"

The situation is different. Chen Yang is still a little worried: "Old Kou has had a unique vision for investment since he was a child. At a young age, he knows how to make money day after day to support his partner... No, to move his partner. Zhang Qiudao and Mao Xiaoli, one is addicted to games and the other is addicted to making money by playing small games. It seems that they are destined to be alone."

Ma Shanfeng rubbed the rim of the cup and smiled inscrutablely: "Don't worry, I have a lot of connections and resources at hand." After that, he took out a thick notebook from under the table and spread it out in front of Chen Yang and others' puzzled eyes, saying: "This is the connection I have accumulated in the past few years. Young people of the right age in the Taoist priests, business, politics, education, etc. have left their information with me."

He raised his eyes, which made Chen Yang feel that he had the aura of a big boss. Ma Shanfeng pushed the book and said proudly: "Pick whatever you want."

Wei Xuan asked curiously, "What is it?" Ji Jiang replied calmly, "The blind date booklet."

"Children, don't read this." Chen Yang took the notebook back from Wei Xuan, glanced at it and returned it to Ma Shanfeng: "Uncle Ma, you are only missing the measurements. The records are too detailed, including both men and women. What are you doing?"

Ma Shanfeng laughed: "I'm just bored. Besides, it's so hard to find a partner nowadays, our branch office should be more considerate and guarantee a partner."

At this time, Mao Xiaoli and Zhang Qiudao noticed this after the fight, so she asked, "What are you talking about? Uncle Ma, you took out that thick criminal file record again." Seeing Chen Yang's puzzled expression, Mao Xiaoli explained, "Everyone's information in it is so detailed, just like the criminal file record."

"Don't talk nonsense. Marriage is a lifelong matter. How can you be careless? Of course, the more detailed the better, so as not to harm the person for life." Ma Shanfeng smiled harmlessly: "Good in-laws can accumulate good connections. Uncle Ma has accumulated a lot of connections over the years by pulling in people." Then he looked at Mao Xiaoli, more lovingly: "Xiaoli, don't you worship the two immortals of harmony and unity as your ancestors? This booklet will be left to you in the future, and you will continue to accumulate connections in the branch."

Hearing this, Mao Xiaoli's eyes lit up: "Sure." She thought it was interesting, and accumulating connections was more useful than making money. She had long coveted Ma Shanfeng's terrifying and vast network of connections. "Uncle Ma, can I take him home to see him tonight?"

"Okay. I'll take you with me next time there's a matchmaking job."

"Thank you, Uncle Ma."

Chen Yang patiently waited for them to finish their fight, then clapped his hands and said, "Let's get back to business. Is there any way to save those girls whose vitality has been completely sucked away?"

Mao Xiaoli flipped over the sofa and fell in: "They lost their vitality, so why not replenish it?"

Chen Yang: “It’s not that easy.”

Ma Shanfeng: "In fact, the only way now is to restore their vitality, but it is not so easy to do. Life energy is invisible and traceless, how to capture it? How to let those girls absorb this life energy? How to ensure that this life energy can save the girls' lives? These are all big problems." He pondered for a moment and looked at Du Shuo: "I wonder what Du Ju thinks?"

Hearing this, Chen Yang also looked at Du Shuo, which made it impossible for Du Shuo to refuse. He replied: "Qi Gathering Formation."

"The origin of the Qi of heaven and earth, people have Shengqi, Yuanqi, and Yangqi. The Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic says: The origin of life is based on Yin and Yang. People have Yin and Yang Qi, which circulate in the five internal organs and six bowels. The Yin and Yang Qi of the gate of life is Yuanqi, which promotes the Yang Qi of the Yin and Yang five internal organs, so that the Yang Qi can circulate. The Yin and Yang Qi of the five internal organs and twelve meridians are called Shengqi, which is the origin of the Qi of heaven and earth. Without Yangqi and Yuanqi, people will at most be physically weak and mentally depressed, at least they can be cured by medicine or food. If they don't have Shengqi, they will completely wither. Shengqi exists between heaven and earth and all things. A plant will wither without Shengqi, and a city will die if it loses the flow of Shengqi. If a person loses Shengqi, just like this group of people, they will quickly wither and age until they die." Du Shuo raised his head: "So gather Qi and store Qi to continue their Shengqi."

"How to do it?" Chen Yang turned around and massaged Du Shuo's shoulders, saying flatteringly, "Please tell me in detail."

Du Shuo glanced at Chen Xiaoyang, who was too lazy to even hand him clothes after he came back for a long time, but now he can massage his shoulders. He smiled but didn't embarrass him: "One Qi gives birth to all things. Among all things, only mountains, rivers, lakes, and the earth have the most abundant Qi. As the saying goes, the land is outstanding and the people are talented. The land is outstanding first and the people are talented later. The mountains, rivers, and lakes have abundant Qi, which nourish all things. The more people there are, the more vigorous the Qi, and then feed back to the earth, and life will never end. So if you want to continue their Qi, you have to borrow the Qi of mountains, rivers, lakes, and the earth. It's best to be in a prosperous and developed city with a huge flow of people."

"Does borrowing vital energy have any impact on the city and its residents?"

"No, it will continue to grow. As long as you don't extract a large amount of the city's life energy, the little life energy that the Qi Gathering Array extracts is like taking a drop of water from the ocean." Moreover, it is basically impossible to extract the life energy of a city. As long as the mountains and rivers are alive, the continuous generation of life energy cannot be cut off. Unless you massacre the entire city's citizens, destroy the feng shui of the mountains, rivers, and lakes, and block the life energy. Turning the life energy into luck, but this will sooner or later backfire.

Ma Shanfeng suddenly realized: "Duju used the principle of Feng Shui to store wind and gather energy." Du Shuo nodded, and Ma Shanfeng explained: "Feng Shui emphasizes the storage of wind and gathering of energy. From cities to families, from mountains and rivers to family layout planning, it is required to store wind and gather energy, and to obtain water. Among them, energy is the most important, and water is wealth. If you don't gather energy, everything will be scattered. Therefore, there are many Feng Shui formations that use mountains, rivers, lakes, or the popularity of a city. This is feasible."

Chen Yang asked, "What kind of Qi gathering array do you use?"

"Tai Chi Qi Gathering Formation." Tai Chi generates yin and yang, and the yin and yang Qi of the five internal organs and twelve meridians are called Sheng Qi. Tai Chi Qi Gathering is fierce and violent, suitable for girls who have no Sheng Qi. After all, they are facing withering and decay at this moment, and no matter how slowly they nourish themselves, it may not be as fast as the decay.

"Okay, let's get ready now. Leave the Qi gathering formation to Lu Xiuzhi, Xiaoli and Qiudao will be responsible for contacting all the girls whose vitality has been sucked away, and bring them to the branch office for Lu Xiuzhi's arrangements." Chen Yang picked up his phone and checked the time: "Big Fatty should be tracking down the school council member soon, and we can use her to capture the Demon Mother."

Ma Shanfeng: "This Demon Mother is probably one of her incarnations." The Demon Mother's real body is still in the Jokhang Temple in Tibet, so it may be useless to capture the incarnation.

"I know. But I guess she doesn't have many incarnations. She gives birth to ten sons a day, so in her heyday, she can only have ten incarnations at most. Now she is suppressed in the Jokhang Temple in Tibet, and her magic power is consumed greatly. There are no more than four incarnations, and each incarnation is precious. Even killing one incarnation is a great harm to the Demon Mother. Uncle Ma, I have to trouble you to contact the Tibetan monks and make sure to suppress the Demon Mother."

Ma Shanfeng: "I will contact them now, but I am afraid it will take some time for the Taoist Association to certify it."

"No problem." Chen Yang stood up and clapped his hands: "Now everyone go and get ready, Xiaoli and Qiudao, I will send you the list of girls who need to be contacted later."

Mao Xiaoli and Zhang Qiudao responded: "Okay."

Wei Xuan raised his hand: "What about me? Chen Xiaoyang, what should I do?"

"Have you finished your homework?" Chen Yang asked back.

Wei Xuan nestled into Ji Jiang's arms feeling aggrieved, saying that middle school students have no human rights.

At this time, Da Pang jumped in from the window. When he saw Wei Xuan and Du Shuo, he rolled his eyes in shock and fell to the ground with a loud bang. Wei Xuan was surprised: "I thought it would float down." I didn't expect it to have weight.

Chen Yangguang stepped on the fat body of Big Fatty and asked, "Big Fatty, have you found the student council member?"

Big Fatty buried his head in his flesh and held up the cardboard. On the cardboard was a trembling period. He was so scared that he dared not speak and even his hand was shaking while writing. Chen Yang raised his eyebrows and said to Ji Jiang, "Jiang, please take Wei Xuan back to her room and tell her to finish her homework."

Ji Jiang obeyed him and carried the expressionless and unwilling Wei Xuan upstairs. Wei Xuan climbed up Ji Jiang's neck and threatened Da Pang fiercely with his fangs bared. Da Pang was angry and scared, his hair stood up and his throat grumbled. Du Shuo glanced over lightly, and Da Pang's grumbles were cut off.

Chen Yang: "Fatty, where is that girl on the student council?"

Big Fatty held up the card: "Run home."

"Can you still walk? Do you want me to carry you?" Chen Yang squatted down and asked Da Pang. Da Pang was about to nod, wagging his tail, because his legs were weak. The next moment, he found a shadow above his head, and caught a glimpse of the emperor's gloomy and terrifying face from the corner of his eye. He was so scared that he ran to the door: "I can walk!"

Du Shuo retracted his gaze, pulled Chen Yang up and interlocked their fingers: "Let's go."

As Chen Yang was being dragged away, he turned back and reminded, "Don't make any mistakes. Also, remember to tell Lao Kou and Lu Xiuzhi about the Qi Gathering Array."

Only Ma Shanfeng, Mao Xiaoli and Zhang Qiudao were left in the living room, and the lively atmosphere suddenly became quiet. Mao Xiaoli pinched her arm in discomfort, and then she heard Ma Shanfeng's phone call. He picked up the phone: "Hello, wife." He got up and went into the office to talk in private, which made Mao Xiaoli even more uncomfortable. She pinched her arm and was silent for a while before saying: "How about we go and have a relationship?"

Hearing this, Zhang Qiudao raised his eyes and glanced at Mao Xiaoli, then silently stepped back. Mao Xiaoli: "I didn't tell you." Zhang Qiudao breathed a sigh of relief, took out his phone and opened the game interface: "Oh."

Mao Xiaoli kicked him and said, "You deserve to be single." She picked up the booklet and said, "No, I'm fed dog food every day and I can't stand it anymore. There are only a few people in our branch, and most of them are single. There are only two of us left, don't you feel lonely?"

"Isn't there still Wei Xuan?"

"Beast! How can children be included?" Mao Xiaoli glared at Zhang Qiudao and continued to look through Ma Shanfeng's blind date book: "I have to find a way to get out of being single as soon as possible."

Zhang Qiudao sneered, his fingers moved quickly, and the screen of his phone crackled. "Do you know what it means to be single? It means that you have to spend all the time you normally spend making money to watch those boring and stupid movies with your boyfriend, go shopping with your boyfriend, get up two hours early every day to put on makeup and dress up, and then act coquettishly in front of your boyfriend, so weak that you can't even open a bottle cap."

Mao Xiaoli was frightened, hesitant and alert: "You lied to me. If the real situation was like this, you would have pushed me into the fire pit. How could you be so kind to remind me?"

"Am I that bad?" Zhang Qiudao raised his eyes and said, "We are colleagues after all. I am just reminding you not to jump into the fire pit."

Mao Xiaoli was puzzled: "Brother Chen and Director Du seem to have a good atmosphere."

"That's because they are familiar with each other and just happened to meet the right person. Can you guarantee that the person you meet is the right one? There is a 90% chance that you will meet a scumbag, and the remaining 9% will treat you as a sister or friend."

“What about the remaining one percent?”

Zhang Qiudao leaned closer to Mao Xiaoli, who stepped back nervously with her arms around her chest, until her back rested against the sofa. Mao Xiaoli asked nervously, "What are you doing? Zhang Qiudao, you have to calm down. We are good brothers who stick together. Don't be so desperate—"

Zhang Qiudao supported himself on both sides of Mao Xiaoli with his hands, a sly smile on the corners of his lips. He leaned in close like a predator, making people feel a little scared. His face was close to the increasingly nervous Mao Xiaoli, and after a while, he said: "Tsk!"

Being enveloped by predatory fear and tension was not a pleasant experience. After Zhang Qiudao stepped back, Mao Xiaoli was able to breathe: "What are you doing?"

Zhang Qiudao looked disdainful: "With your level, you still want to fall in love. You will be eliminated in an instant, and your looks will only last you three seconds at most." After saying that, he turned and walked towards the door: "Let's go and contact those girls."

Mao Xiaoli stared at Zhang Qiudao's back with her mouth slightly opened, and after a while she reacted: "Oh my god! Zhang Qiudao, where did you learn this skill? Aren't you a dead otaku who only knows how to play games? Tell the truth quickly, do you have a girlfriend secretly outside?"

Zhang Qiudao rolled his eyes when he heard this. He quickened his pace and moved away from the noisy Mao Xiaoli. Mao Xiaoli jumped up and chased after him, and suddenly realized: "Ahahahahahaha Zhang Qiudao, did you just admit that I am good-looking? Don't you?"

Zhang Qiudao rolled his eyes until only the whites were left. In the end, Mao Xiaoli only paid attention to her appearance. She may not be very smart at ordinary times, but she is extremely clever at critical moments. As expected, all the Mao family members are the same, stubborn and unintelligent!

The author has something to say: 炁 and 氣 are the same, with the same pronunciation and meaning. Taoists generally use 炁 to replace 氣, but here we use 炁 to replace it because we want to distinguish between anger and life. So in fact, 氣 and 炁 in this article have the same meaning.

The Tibetan terrain in the "Map of Tibetan Demon Suppression" is a witch image, which should be a Rakshasa witch, and has nothing to do with the Demon Mother. I just linked them together. According to legend, the twelve demon-suppressing temples are nailed to the witch's joints and heart, and the Jokhang Temple is the one that nailed the witch's heart. My writing that the Demon Mother was suppressed in the Jokhang Temple is fabricated.

However, in Tibetan culture, there are two legends about the Rakshasa witches, one of whom is the ancestor of the Tibetan people, and the other is the mother earth who nurtured Tibet. But I don’t know why the Demon-Suppressing Temple was built to suppress the Rakshasa witches. The belief culture there seems to be quite complicated. In short, it is really complicated. Sometimes I can’t understand it after reading it. For example, the Rakshasa witch is obviously vicious and bloodthirsty, but in the legend, a Rakshasa witch married a macaque and gave birth to the Tibetan people, becoming their ancestor.

If you are interested, I will explain it in the next chapter.