The Great Collision of Yin and Yang

Chapter 82: Placenta 08


Chen Yang turned around and saw the Demon Mother running after him: "She's still following."

Du Shuo was paying attention to the road conditions. Hearing this, he said, "The Demon Mother will pour all her motherly love into the child who stays behind, and she can even die for this child. So she will definitely follow us to the police station." He took the time to glance at He Anan in the back seat. The latter frowned and seemed to be about to wake up in pain. "Don't let her wake up, otherwise it will be troublesome."

"I know." Chen Yang used a tranquility charm and spell on He Anan, and when he looked up again, he found that the car had stopped. Du Shuo calmly explained: "Traffic light." The emperor who valued rules was very law-abiding, and he could not accept being deducted points for running a red light.

Chen Yang looked out the window and saw the Demon Mother squatting on the roof of a car three meters away, staring at him. She was afraid of Du Shuo and was anxiously wandering around trying to find a chance to save her child.

When the traffic light turned green, the Demon Mother jumped up and pounced on Chen Yang's car with all her might, but before she could touch the roof of the car, she was hit hard by the golden light. She howled in pain, flipped in the air, hit a truck, and fell to the ground. The truck was hit sideways and into the green belt due to the unexpected impact, but fortunately there were no casualties. The driver was just horrified and said that he seemed to have hit something huge, but there was nothing in the surveillance.

Ordinary people cannot see the whereabouts of the Demon Mother. Chen Yang retracted his gaze: "She is still following behind. If she hadn't used innocent girls to give birth to the devils for her to restore her strength, this motherly love would be quite touching." The Demon Mother gave birth to the devils and treated them as tonics. If she picked out the strongest one and kept it as a child, she would love and protect it with all her heart.

Next, Chen Yang used Mao Xiaoli's three-day blessing talisman, and returned to the police station without any problems. It was almost dusk when he came back, and the afterglow of the setting sun fell on the courtyard. Many people in the community came out for a walk or a dog walk. Suddenly, they felt a chill passing through their bodies. They thought the weather was going to turn cold, so they wrapped themselves tightly and planned to go back to check the weather forecast to remind their children to bring some clothes to work tomorrow.

The car stopped outside the branch. Chen Yang entered the courtyard and looked up and said, "They are on the rooftop." Du Shuo picked up He An'an and went up to the rooftop with Chen Yang. The Demon Mother quickly jumped onto the stone table in the branch courtyard, making a mumbling sound, and looked at the branch with a pair of compound eyes. She suddenly looked up at the rooftop and ran up, but when she reached the rooftop, she found that the edge was covered with evil-suppressing talismans. The Demon Mother was caught off guard and was injured by the evil-suppressing talismans and fell to the ground.

The rooftop was covered with yellow cloth, with Tai Chi Bagua painted on the back, and dozens of young girls and old women lying on their backs on the front. Most of them were old women, who were probably angry girls who were sucked away by the devils, and there were also a few girls with big bellies. Some of them were awake and witnessed everything, and although they were terrified, they also had hope.

Lu Xiuzhi set up the altar and lit eight ever-burning lamps around it, distributing the eight gates of the Eight Trigrams. Mao Xiaoli kept drawing talismans to suppress evil spirits around the rooftop, and Zhang Qiudao mixed clear wine with cinnabar for her to use. Kou Xuanling naturally accompanied Lu Xiuzhi to set up the altar to borrow the vitality of mountains, rivers and lakes. The demon mother fell and let out a shrill howl, which made them pause and then continue with their work.

Chen Yang looked up, the sunset was extremely brilliant, beautiful and vibrant, and shocking. The best time for Tai Chi to gather Qi is Zi, Wu, Mao, and You, which correspond to morning, noon, evening, and early morning, respectively, when the Qi is most intense. It was almost five o'clock, and it was the time when the four yin and two yang Qi were intense and majestic.

The imperial capital has a long dragon vein, and the vitality is endless. In addition, it is surrounded by the Yellow River, with Mount Tai on the left and Mount Hua on the right, and the blue dragon and white tiger are around. The Yellow River is one of the three main dragons in China, and it starts from Kunlun, which is even more energetic. It is an excellent Feng Shui treasure land and the best place to build a capital. Therefore, it is actually the easiest to use the mountains and rivers to generate Qi in the imperial capital.

Lu Xiuzhi lit the incense without fire, bowed three times to the heaven and earth, and inserted it into the incense burner, then picked up the wind flag and informed the mountains, rivers, and lakes. Within the four seas, the mountains, rivers, and lakes with rich vitality are all spiritual, and if you want to borrow something from spiritual things, you naturally need to inform them.

Chen Yang walked up to Kou Xuanling and patted his shoulder: "How is it?"

Kou Xuanling turned around and saw the two of them, smiled and said, "If nothing goes wrong, they should all be saved. It's just that their vital energy was sucked away, and their bodies are fundamentally damaged. Unless they recuperate well, their lifespans will be affected."

"It would be much better if he could be rescued." Chen Yang didn't see Ma Shanfeng, so he asked, "Where is Uncle Ma?"

"Let's go home. Anyway, we can handle it. He still needs to keep in touch with Tibetan monks and the Taoist Association. We will disturb him here." Kou Xuanling took out the magic weapon, listened attentively, and suddenly said: "Did you hear any sound?"

Chen Yang walked to the edge of the rooftop and looked down. The courtyard was empty and there was no sign of the Demon Mother. It was quiet and silent. Mao Xiaoli stopped drawing the talisman, looked at Zhang Qiudao, and then slowly leaned over to look down. They also saw the empty ground. Chen Yang: "The Demon Mother can't be willing to leave." Then he heard a rustling sound, but he listened carefully and it was gone.

Suddenly Du Shuo grabbed Chen Yang's wrist and pulled him behind him. He quickly and accurately grabbed a strange little baby and smashed it to death. Everyone looked closely and found that it was a one-eyed devil. Although the demon mother was suppressed in the Jokhang Temple in Tibet, she gave birth to ten children every day. Even if only one devil was left in ten days, there would be tens of thousands of devils to drive after a thousand years.

Mao Xiaoli saw this, turned over and jumped to the edge of the rooftop, bent down and looked down. The walls were full of devils climbing up, driven by the demon mother to climb silently. Mao Xiaoli shouted: "There are devils all down there."

Chen Yang: "Aren't they afraid of the evil-suppressing talisman?"

Hearing this, Mao Xiaoli looked down and said, "Obviously not." She climbed up and said, "Do you know how the ants get out of the fire circle?"

Zhang Qiudao frowned, "No way." Chen Yang jumped to the edge of the rooftop and looked down. He saw the devils climbing the front rubbing their bodies against the evil-suppressing talisman, which made a slight rustling sound after being burned. He turned his head to look at Lu Xiuzhi, who had already started to borrow air. The clouds above Lu Xiuzhi's head were thick, forming a huge vortex, which was a spectacular sight.

Mao Xiaoli stepped on a Japanese soldier and stabbed him to death with the peach wood sword thrown by Zhang Qiudao, but she saw more Japanese soldiers rushing up from below and felt troubled: "There are too many Japanese soldiers. If we continue like this, there may be mistakes." There are only five of them, and they may not be able to stop so many Japanese soldiers. If someone runs in and disturbs Lu Xiuzhi from borrowing energy, it may be a waste of all the previous efforts and kill those girls instead. "Brother Chen, what should we do?"

Chen Yang put away the copper coin sword: "Old Du, leave it to you." He retreated to Du Shuo's side: "Order them to leave quickly."

Du Shuo scratched his nose lightly and said helplessly: "I can't give orders."

Chen Yang was surprised: "How could it be?" Isn't Emperor Fengdu the highest god in the underworld and the leader of all ghosts

Du Shuo: "Orders alone may not work. The demons will obey the orders of the Demon Mother and will not disobey. They are in awe of me, but absolutely obedient to the Demon Mother. Even if I am the Great Emperor, there are evil demons who do not obey me." Just like the emperors in the world, there are always people who want to rebel. Du Shuo is a Taoist god and a natural god. The Demon Mother is actually also a natural god. Her branch has existed since ancient times. In terms of status and power, she is indeed qualified to be fearless of the Great Emperor. If she had not been suppressed by the Jokhang Temple in Tibet for causing trouble to the world later, her strength would have been greatly weakened. I am afraid that she would dare to challenge the Great Emperor face to face at this time.

He stretched out his hand to hook the red line around Chen Yang's neck, and took out the remaining Fengdu Emperor Seal: "Orders alone are not enough, we can only suppress them by force. The appearance of these devils in the world of the living is already a violation of the law."

Chen Yang's eyes lit up, and he quickly took off half of the Fengdu Emperor Seal from his neck and gave it to Du Shuo: "Then hurry up."

Du Shuo glanced at Chen Yang, took half of the Fengdu Great Emperor Seal and put it on his thumb, with the other half on his thumb. With a subtle "click" sound, the two Fengdu Great Emperor Seals came together. Chen Yang, who was closest to him, suddenly became dazed for a moment, and then regained consciousness. He stared at the complete Fengdu Great Emperor Seal on Du Shuo's thumb, knowing that its power was terrifying and could directly command and suppress the thousands of evil spirits in hell!

Chen Yang took a step back and said softly, "This is the first time I've seen them work together to unleash their power. I'm quite looking forward to it."

Du Shuo pinched Chen Yang's neck and kissed the tip of his ear. He took a step forward and looked down at the many devils below. In the eyes of the devils, it was as if they were in hell. The gods above their heads made them dare not even think of resisting. But the brothers' wailing for help and the devil mother's shrill and crazy orders forced them to move forward, but this behavior destined them to be suppressed in hell.

"All the devils, do not leave the underworld without permission, disrupt the order of the world, reverse yin and yang, and help the tyrant to commit atrocities. You will be punished to fall into the scorching hell, and you can only enter the reincarnation after you have redeemed your sins." Du Shuo overlapped his palms, and rubbed the seal of Fengdu Emperor on his left thumb with his right thumb. When he finished reading, a seal appeared out of thin air and turned into a light spot that hit the bodies of thousands of devils below, becoming an indelible mark. Unless one day their sins are redeemed and the mark disappears, they can re-enter the reincarnation path.

As the accomplices of the Demon Mother, they had helped her to do evil in the past, and Du Shuo could only let them go for the time being because he could not catch them in the act. But now he saw with his own eyes that they had committed a serious crime by leaving the underworld without permission, not to mention that they had attempted to kill people in vain, which was an even greater crime.

Ghosts and spirits are not allowed to leave the underworld without the consent of the underworld, otherwise they will disrupt the order of the living world, reverse yin and yang, and cause chaos in the living world. Therefore, ghosts and spirits are captured and registered in the underworld. After verification, those who can live in the underworld houses or those who have no graves or tombstones will be released back to the living world for some reason to live on grass and trees. All of them have marks, and if they leave the underworld without marks, they will violate the laws of the underworld.

Mao Xiaoli held the rooftop and looked down. The courtyard seemed to have turned into an active volcano, capturing all the Japanese soldiers who were climbing to escape. The Japanese soldiers fell into the volcanic rocks and turned into skeletons in an instant. Even if they kept struggling, they could not escape. The shrill howling resounded throughout the police station. Fortunately, she had drawn a sound insulation before, so no matter what sound, it could not be heard in the police station.

Mao Xiaoli gasped in fear, quickly climbed up to the rooftop, patted her chest and said, "Is this the scorching hell? It's so scary."

Zhang Qiudao laughed at him, "If you don't do bad things, you won't be afraid of the eight cold and eight hot hells. Did you cheat people out of their money?"

"Get lost." Mao Xiaoli rolled her eyes at him. Zhang Qiudao mocked her mercilessly, but he carefully helped Mao Xiaoli, whose legs were weak, and pulled her to a safe place: "Sit down, you coward." Mao Xiaoli was so angry that she kicked him hard and almost fought with him.

Dushuo's Fengdu Emperor Seal not only suppressed the demons below, but also suppressed the unborn demons still hiding in the girls' bellies. Their cries gradually died down, and they dared not howl anymore, let alone absorb the vital energy. Of course, with Chen Yang and Mao Xiaoli's evil spirit talismans, they couldn't absorb the vital energy even if they wanted to, and Lu Xiuzhi had successfully borrowed the rich vital energy from the mountains, rivers and lakes to gather on the girls. The rich vitality from the outside world and the dry vital energy in the abdomen formed two poles that forced the demons to be unable to survive. Once they took the initiative to crawl out of the girls' bellies, they would be killed immediately.

The clouds above were stacked one after another, like a nine-story palace, extremely magnificent and gorgeous. The rich vitality gathered in the branch office to form a brilliant glow, attracting countless birds to fly and circle over the branch office. The flowers and herbs in the courtyard were almost withered due to the yin and death brought by the many ghosts, but now they are revived, and the mice and other insects in the caves all crawled out to enjoy this rare rich vitality.

Zhang Qiudao and his companions took the opportunity to cross their legs and breathe in. It would be beneficial to the body to digest such a rich vitality. The pale faces of the girls gradually became rosy, and the white-haired old woman also began to recover her original girlish appearance. The vitality gradually repaired their broken internal functions. The generous and selfless gift from the mountains, rivers and lakes should enable them to regain health.

The girls gradually woke up, and the fear of finding themselves in a strange place was not even one percent of their surprise to find that they had returned to their original appearance. They cried and laughed, touching their faces and smooth skin, forgetting to think about anything else, and only immersed in the joy of regaining what they had lost.

Suddenly, fine and continuous raindrops fell from the top of my head, cold and icy, and it felt so comfortable when it fell into my hands and melted into my pores. The rain, which contained rich vitality, was enough to revive all things, comparable to the first spring rain.

Kou Xuanling suddenly opened his eyes and shouted, "Hurry up and bring the jars to collect the rainwater. Uncle Ma specifically told us to collect a few jars of rainwater if it rains. He keeps it for brewing wine." Upon hearing this, Zhang Qiudao, Lu Xiuzhi and even Du Shuo quietly brought jars to collect the rainwater. This is enough to show how many drunkards Ma Shanfeng's brewing technology has attracted, especially Lu Xiuzhi, who would get drunk even if he drank beer.

Chen Yang laughed, and suddenly remembered something and slapped his head: "Oh no, Demon Mother!" He ran downstairs quickly, and remembered Wei Xuan halfway, so he ran to her room. As expected, he saw the door was open, and hurried in to find Wei Xuan sitting on the back of the Demon Mother, holding a knife and seemed to be prying something. "Wei Xuan, are you okay?"

Wei Xuan just happened to pry open the copper coin behind the Demon Mother, took it out and handed it to Chen Yang: "Chen Xiaoyang, I found your copper coin. Here you go."

Chen Yang breathed a sigh of relief and picked up Wei Xuan. He glanced at the unconscious Demon Mother from the corner of his eye and twitched his mouth: "What happened?"

Wei Xuan opened his big innocent eyes and said, "I was doing my homework, and she suddenly ran in and wanted to put something nasty in my stomach. I was frightened and knocked her out, and then I found the same copper coin as Chen Xiaoyang's behind her back, so I dug it out."

"Are you hurt?"

"No. She suddenly became very weak."

Chen Yang guessed that the Demon Mother coveted Wei Xuan's body and wanted to put a ghost in her body to ripen and eat it immediately. But in fact, even if the Demon Mother successfully put the ghost into Wei Xuan's body, it would probably die young, because Wei Xuan was a flying zombie and had no life at all. The sudden weakening of the Demon Mother should be completed by Ma Shanfeng's contact with the Taoist Association and Tibetan monks to suppress the original body of the Demon Mother in the Jokhang Temple, causing her clone to become weaker. In addition, the ghost was suddenly thrown into the scorching hell, without the support of the power source, so it was normal for the Demon Mother to be overwhelmed by Wei Xuan.

"I'm glad you're okay." Chen Yang turned his head inadvertently, his face suddenly became ugly. His tone was very calm: "Wei Xuan, you said you were doing your homework, then what are they doing?"

Wei Xuan froze up, as if she had forgotten that she had told the two hairy zombies to finish their work first no matter what happened. So when she was beating up the Demon Mother, the two hairy zombies had no way to fish in troubled waters. And because of her cold and selfish skinning behavior, she now had to face the situation of being skinned.

The author has something to say: I have something to do in the afternoon, so I will update twice in the evening.

The next chapter is - Tomino's Hell.

We will talk about popular science in the next chapter.