The Great Collision of Yin and Yang

Chapter 83: Tomino's Hell 01


When Ma Shanfeng received the call and rushed over, the rain was still falling. He put away his black umbrella and shook off the raindrops on his body, put the big black umbrella in the bucket at the door and came in. The atmosphere in the living room of the branch office was very solemn, and everyone was there. The girls who had regained their spirits took a ride home, but they all said that they would definitely come to thank them in person. In this regard, the people in the branch office were a little perfunctory, because compared to being thanked, another thing was more important.

Ma Shanfeng was the first to take a look at the current layout of the branch. Mao Xiaoli and Zhang Qiudao sat beside the dining table. The former was drawing talismans and occasionally secretly looking at the living room, while the latter was concentrating on playing games. Kou Xuanling held a bowl of tonic soup to feed the exhausted Lu Xiuzhi, while the latter looked weak and exhausted, trying to attract Kou Xuanling's attention.

Chen Yang sat on the sofa and looked through Wei Xuan's homework, his face was so gloomy that it seemed like water could drip out. Du Shuo sat on the armchair opposite, shaking out the newspaper and staying out of the matter. Ji Jiang stood by and said nothing. Wei Xuan stood in front of Chen Yang, twisting his fingers and not daring to speak. The two hairy zombies carefully stuck to the wall and tried to reduce their presence.

The atmosphere was so tense that no one dared to breathe heavily. Even the King of Fengdu flipped through the newspaper more slowly. Chen Yang suddenly closed his homework book and threw it on the table. He said to Wei Xuan, "Write a few words and see."

Wei Xuan's thin shoulders trembled, and he looked at Chen Yang pitifully. Ma Shanfeng was distressed and strode over: "The Demon Mother has been caught, and those girls have been saved. We must celebrate. I will treat you to a midnight snack. How about crayfish? Let's go together."

"Okay." Mao Xiaoli jumped up, then met Chen Yang's cold eyes and sat back awkwardly: "No, not so good."


Wei Xuan picked up the pen and wrote stroke by stroke with trepidation. As soon as he had a model of a word, Chen Yang frowned fiercely. Ma Shanfeng came over and said, "What's wrong? Haven't you finished your homework yet? Oh, the child is not in good health. He is only nine years old and has to go to junior high school. Junior high school homework is really a lot. I have to discuss with the teacher tomorrow not to let Wei Xuan do so much homework. He is still growing up—"

Chen Yang interrupted Ma Shanfeng: "Uncle Ma, who notified you to come back?" As soon as he finished speaking, Kou Xuanling kept coughing, and when Chen Yang looked over, he coughed even more violently. Lu Xiuzhi was so scared that he didn't dare to pretend to be weak, and snatched the tonic soup to feed him. Kou Xuanling buried his head in the tonic soup and drank it, ignoring Chen Yang's cold eyes and Wei Xuan's eyes for help.

Chen Xiaoyang was usually gentle, and even Du Shuo gave in when he got angry. Others didn't dare to offend him at this time, and Kou Xuanling had done his best to secretly get help for Wei Xuan.

Ma Shanfeng smiled and said, "Aren't you worried about the things in the branch? You were worried at home, your heart was pounding, and you came back to check if you felt something was wrong. But it seems that everything has been resolved, so I'll just treat everyone to a midnight snack. Chen Xiaoyang, you and Director Du should go too." Usually Ma Shanfeng called Director Chen, which was to firmly maintain Chen Yang's dignity. Now he called Chen Xiaoyang directly, just to get close to him and calm his anger.

Chen Yang: "No. Uncle Ma is here, let's sit down and look at Wei Xuan's calligraphy. You should have accompanied Wei Xuan to buy pens and copybooks. After practicing for several days, it should be effective. It's a good time to take a look today."

Ma Shanfeng's smile froze, he cleared his throat and returned to his seat. Chen Yang retracted his gaze and reached out to Wei Xuan: "Bring it here for me to see." Wei Xuan's distress signal had been sent to Ma Shanfeng, Ji Jiang and Mao Xiaoli countless times, but was ruthlessly blocked. She drooped her head and handed the notebook to Chen Yang, who took it and looked at it.

He flipped through the pages calmly, then suddenly threw the book onto the table. The sound frightened everyone present, even Du Shuo couldn't help but raise his eyes and move his fingers slightly. Others thought Chen Yang had a mild temper, but Du Shuo knew that Chen Xiaoyang had a lot of temper, but he usually hid it and only showed it in front of him. Du Shuo thought about it, crossed his legs and continued to flip through the newspaper. The child was disobedient and was disobedient, so he should be taught a lesson, and he would not get involved.

Chen Yang threw several notebooks on the table and said, "Look at all the handwriting on these books! Wei Xuan, you are awesome! You let two hairy zombies do your homework for you behind my back. Don't you see that they still have nails on their wrists? Do you think they have the strength to write? You can't stop doing your homework even when the Demon Mother breaks in. You have to do your homework for you during lunch breaks from Monday to Sunday and even on holidays. Even Zhou Bapi is not as good as you!"

Wei Xuan pouted and said, "They write so slowly and always make mistakes."

"Is this still their fault? You can write it yourself!" Chen Yang put his hands behind his back and lowered his head to scold Xiao Weixuan.

Ma Shanfeng quickly tried to smooth things over: "Wei Xuan is still young, she is still growing up. Wouldn't it drain her intelligence and stop her from growing taller if she has too much homework? As a parent, do you want her to be 'inferior' in the future? Besides, Wei Xuan knows how to do those homeworks, and she is always the top student in the grade, so it doesn't matter whether she does them or not. And listen, even when Mao Jiang made mistakes in his homework, it was Wei Xuan who corrected him. You know how hard and tiring it is to correct people, it is even more tiring than doing homework."

Two hairy zombies: I even copied the answer wrong, I’m sorry.

Chen Yang: "Uncle Ma, don't talk now. The more you talk, the angrier I get. Now go back to your seat and sit down and don't talk. How can a child be ok without being taught?" He raised his voice, obviously really angry.

Ji Jiang was silent from beginning to end, not saying a word and not reminding the people present that Wei Xuan was not a nine-year-old child but a flying zombie over two thousand years old. She thought it was good, in their hearts, Wei Xuan was just a child. And Chen Yang and the others did treat Wei Xuan as a child, protecting him when they should love him, and being harsh when they should teach him a lesson.

Chen Yang said with a straight face: "Wei Xuan, do you know you are wrong?"


"What's wrong? What should you do after you know you're wrong?" Chen Yang continued to lecture with a stern face.

Wei Xuan raised her head and looked around until she met Chen Yang's gaze. She then climbed onto the sofa and knelt down. She pinched her earlobe with her little hand and admitted her mistake obediently: "Chen Xiaoyang, I shouldn't have lied to you and asked another furry zombie to do my homework for me. I should have done it myself. I shouldn't have lied to you. I will complete the next homework independently." After she paused, she tilted her head: "Meow meow meow?"

Critical hit! Chen Yang covered his chest and wanted to hug Wei Xuan and kiss him hard, but Ma Shanfeng was one step faster than him. He rushed over like a whirlwind and hugged Wei Xuan, shouting: "You are a good child if you know your mistakes. Grandpa will forgive you and buy you some candy."

Seeing that the crisis was over, Mao Xiaoli quickly jumped over and shouted, "Uncle Ma, you promised to treat me to a midnight snack, don't think of refusing to do so."

"Not bad, let's go. Let's go together."

Wei Xuan looked at Chen Yang cautiously: "Chen Xiaoyang, do you want to go or not? If you don't go, I won't go either."

Chen Yang said unhappily, "You are not allowed to order anything too spicy. Wei Xuan is a flying zombie, and he can't eat hot food from the mortal world, let alone spicy food."

"No problem, Brother Chen. Uncle Ma is now committed to being a healthy Buddhist elder. He knows which restaurants are the most healthy." Mao Xiaoli picked up Wei Xuan and ran to the door and then looked back: "Let's go quickly. It's early and the rain is light now, so there are many restaurants to choose from."

The alarm was lifted, and the others got up and went out one after another. The newspaper in front of Du Shuo was taken away, and he looked up and grabbed Chen Yang's hand and rubbed it flatteringly: "Let's go together?"

Chen Yang glared at him angrily: "You didn't say a word the whole time."

Du Shuo smiled faintly: "Isn't it enough to have you here?" Besides, how could he have the chance to speak in that situation

The two walked out hand in hand. When they reached the door, Chen Yang looked back and saw Ji Jiang and the two furry zombies still standing there, so he asked curiously, "Aren't you going together?"

Ji Jiang was stunned for a moment, then reacted: "We are hairy zombies, we can't eat hot food from the living world."

"It's okay. Wei Xuan can eat it, and you can eat most of the cold food."

Ji Jiang shook his head and smiled: "The young master is a flying zombie, different from us."

"It's no different after a talisman was sent down. Zombies can't eat hot food from the living world, and the same goes for ghosts. But ghosts can taste food from the living world after offering sacrifices or giving food at rituals. Mao Xiaoli designed a talisman that allows zombies to eat hot food from the living world based on this principle. Otherwise, with the frequency of Uncle Ma taking Wei Xuan out to eat secretly every day, Wei Xuan would have had a stomachache a long time ago." Chen Yang said as they walked, "Let's go together if you want to go. It will be more lively with more people."

The two hairy zombies were tempted. They hadn't eaten hot food in the mortal world for a long time, so they were very excited. But without Ji Jiang's consent, they didn't dare to follow rashly. Ji Jiang lowered his eyes and paused for a moment, then smiled and said, "Then let's go together." The two hairy zombies quickly showed stiff smiles and followed.

Chen Yang and his friends met a fat guy who was blocking their way at the door. When he heard that they wanted to have a midnight snack, he immediately shouted that he wanted to go with them. He was severely mocked and despised for his weight. Unfortunately, the fat guy was generous and didn't care.

When they were full of food and drink, it was still raining outside. After the fun, everyone followed Ma Shanfeng to get a foot massage. Wei Xuan was small, Ji Jiang and the other two hairy zombies were all zombies, so they just watched from the side. Chen Yang saw that they had nothing to do, so he took out Wei Xuan's homework: "Be good, I'll watch you do your homework."

Wei Xuan was so shocked that tears almost fell from his eyes: "Chen Xiaoyang, why did you bring your homework?"

Chen Yang felt no guilt: "I thought if you have nothing to do after eating, you can finish your homework at the dining table. Then you can go to bed early when you come back, right?" He has become one of every mediocre parents in the world who rushes to urge their children to finish their homework.

Wei Xuan was lying on the small table doing his homework with a wronged look on his face, and his two hairy friends were standing by to urge him. Others were soaking their feet or getting a foot massage, feeling so comfortable that they were almost drowsy!

This situation and scene can be said to be the reality of the world.

Wei Xuan finally fell asleep and was carried back to the bedroom of the branch. Ji Jiang covered him with a small quilt, turned around and whispered, "Sleep soundly." Chen Yang nodded, then turned around and left the room. Ji Jiang closed the door and said to him, "Thank you for your help."

Chen Yang shook his head and said only: "You shouldn't have cooperated with her to deceive me."

Ji Jiang chuckled, her smile not as stiff as the other two zombies: "She lied to you because she was afraid you would be angry and she didn't want to do her homework, so she acted like a spoiled brat. I couldn't bear to interrupt her."

"If you want her to live in the world of the living, you can't be too indulgent." After saying this, Chen Yang returned to his room. When he opened the door, he saw Du Shuo standing in front of the window looking at the rain outside. The rain had been going on since the evening and had not stopped.

Du Shuo waved at him: "Yangyang, come here." He hugged Chen Yang into his arms and sighed: "Watch the rain with me."

Chen Yang: "What's so good about rain?" It was almost midnight and it was pitch black outside with only a thick curtain of rain.

Du Shuo smiled faintly: "The rain is not interesting, but the things in the rain are interesting?"

"Besides the rich vitality, what else is there in the rain?"

"There is also the carnival of life." Du Shuo pulled his recliner over to the window and pulled Chen Yang to lie down together. Chen Yang couldn't see anything else in the rain, and he was a little sleepy after having a foot massage. Now he gradually fell asleep listening to the sound of rain.

Du Shuo lowered his eyes and looked at the sleeping Chen Yang, stroking his hair and shoulders, and changed his position so that he almost half of his body was lying on him so that he could sleep more comfortably. Then he continued to look at the heavy rain outside the window, as if something was really reveling in the rain.

The rain stopped until the early morning. When the sun came out, the crisp chirping of birds sounded, and the air was incredibly fresh. The fresh smell of soil mixed with the fragrance of grass, and the flowers on the branches bloomed, dripping with dew. Many people got up early in the morning to do morning exercises, and the whole community was active and full of vitality.

That morning, the families of the rescued girls came to the police station to express their gratitude. Ma Shanfeng came out to comfort them and then personally sent them off. Mao Xiaoli, on the other hand, took the opportunity to sell many talismans and made a fortune. Afterwards, the Taoist Association called to inform them that the Demon Mother at the Jokhang Temple had been re-suppressed and that she would not be able to harm people in the next few decades. They also decided to re-seal and suppress the Demon Mother every few decades to never let her have the opportunity to harm people.

In the afternoon, Chen Yang, under the surveillance or secret observation of the police station, called Wei Xuan's class teacher, hoping to reduce the amount of homework for Wei Xuan. After all, with Wei Xuan's body at the age of nine, it is not suitable to be overwhelmed by a large amount of homework.

Fortunately, Wei Xuan's grades were really good, and the head teacher finally agreed to discuss with other teachers to reduce Wei Xuan's homework. Ever since seeing Wei Xuan's amazing performance, all the classmates in the class have treated her as an extraordinary person. When they learned that her homework load was reduced, they were not jealous but admired her even more.

After dinner, Mao Xiaoli received a new order: "Our branch has made a name for itself, and the employer specifically requested that our branch take the order. But the new order is also very dangerous. Do you want to take it?"

Chen Yang: "How high?"

Mao Xiaoli: "Four stars, in the difficult section." She looked around at everyone present: "Do you want to take it?"

Chen Yang looked at Ma Shanfeng, who said, "You decide."

Everyone looked at Chen Yang, and Chen Yang took a deep breath: "Take it."

The author has something to say: Speaking of supernatural events, my mother has encountered one before. She said that when she first got married, an old lady she didn't know pinched her in her dream, and when she woke up, there were pinch marks on her neck. When she asked the master, he said that the old lady had died here before, and now they want to worship her.

Then my mother described the old lady's appearance and found out that my grandmother and my great aunt did know each other and did live in that house before.

When I was young, I would pray at a corner of my house on the second and sixteenth day of every lunar month. When I was young, I would clap and urge the paper money to burn faster. Now I know that it was to worship the old lady.

Generally, people worship on the first and fifteenth day of each lunar month, while those who are to be worshipped should do so on the second and sixteenth day.