The Great Collision of Yin and Yang

Chapter 92: Tomino's Hell10


Wei Ning ran down from upstairs barefoot and saw Qi Yin lying on the ground. He ran over and grabbed Qi Yin's wrist: "Mom, how are you?"

Qi Yin woke up from her coma immediately after hearing Wei Ning's voice. She grabbed his wrist with her backhand and said, "Ning Ning, go find Master Chen and the others quickly. Don't leave their side. Go quickly, quickly!"

Wei Ning's wrist was pinched and hurt: "Mom, I'll go find them to save you." After saying that, he stood up and wanted to run back to the second floor to find Chen Yang and the others. Qi Yin climbed up with difficulty behind him, enduring the severe pain in her leg. She didn't want to implicate her only son.

As soon as Wei Ning stepped onto the stairs, he bumped into Wei Guangming. He looked up at his father standing in the shadows and turned around and ran without thinking. But Wei Guangming quickly grabbed him and picked him up, limping back to the study. His face was gloomy and his eyes were sinister, extremely scary.

Qi Yin was so nervous when she saw this scene that her heart almost jumped out of her chest. If it was usual, she would never doubt that Wei Guangming would harm Wei Ning, after all, even a tiger would not eat its own cubs. But the memory she just recovered told her that Wei Guangming was more vicious than a tiger. He could torture and kill his own children to satisfy his perverted hobbies. What else could he not do

Now, whenever Qi Yin thinks of the pale and tired look on Wei Ning's face every time she sent him to Wei Guangming's study, she feels heartbroken. In Wei Guangming's mind, children are divided into useful and useless. He is kind to Wei Jie only because they share the same hobby. As for the remaining Wei Xiaoxiao and Wei Zhizhi, which one of them has not been used thoroughly

She was not naive enough to think that her son was an exception.

Qi Yin dragged her broken leg and suddenly jumped forward when Wei Guangming passed by, hugging Wei Guangming's legs: "Guangming, Guangming, I beg you, I beg you to let Ningning go. If you have anything to do, come to me, okay? Don't hurt Ningning, I beg you, you can take my life now if you want it. Let Ningning go, let him go—"

She burst into tears, and Wei Guangming pried open Qi Yin's hands: "What's the use of your life?" Qi Yin hugged his legs tightly and couldn't pry them apart. Wei Guangming kicked her angrily, but he couldn't kick her away. He was so angry that he grabbed the copper cup next to him and smashed it on Qi Yin's head.

Qi Yin didn't have the strength to hold Wei Guangming's legs anymore, and slowly let go and fell to the floor, with bright red blood all around her. Wei Ning's screams of fear and terror echoed in her ears, mixed with Wei Zhizhi's sharp screams when she was beaten. Her memory began to blur again, and the forgotten past gradually became clearer.

Wei Zhizhi appeared in front of her and squatted down to look at her. Qi Yin grabbed Wei Zhizhi's skirt as if grabbing a life-saving straw, crying and laughing and begging her: "Yes, I'm sorry... I was wrong, I'm sorry for you. But Ningning didn't let you down, he loves you the most..." She cried hoarsely: "Can you save him? My life... Oh, I'll give it to you."

Wei Zhizhi blinked: "Wei Guangming said your life is worthless, what's the point of compensating me?"

Qi Yin was so excited that she struggled regardless of the wound on her head: "Zhizhi, please, can you please? For the sake of Ningning calling you sister, please save him. Do you want Ningning to be killed by Wei Guangming like you?"

Wei Zhizhi's face changed drastically, staring at Qi Yin. A huge force lifted Qi Yin up, as if an invisible giant hand was pinching her neck, and suddenly let go when she couldn't breathe. She was about to hit the wall, and the people inside the wall were visibly surging crazily, scrambling to grab Qi Yin.

Chen Yang jumped down from the building, stepped on a place to stabilize his body, and caught Qi Yin, and inserted the copper coin sword into the wall to suppress the things inside. Mao Xiaoli took Qi Yin from his hand, tested her breath and checked her wounds: "She's still alive, but she's seriously injured."

Chen Yang: "Take her and hide in the room."

"Okay." Mao Xiaoli carried Qi Yin into a nearby room and bandaged Qi Yin's external injuries.

Kou Xuanling and the other two went downstairs and saw this scene. Before they could say anything, they saw Wei Zhizhi turn around and run to Wei Guangming's study. She stopped there and turned back to look at Chen Yang and the others. Kou Xuanling: "What's going on?"

Chen Yang thought of Qi Yin and immediately responded, "Wei Ning? Kick the door open." Zhang Qiudao was close, and he glanced at Wei Zhizhi unconsciously when he passed by her. Her cute appearance made it hard to believe that she was a ghost. The door was kicked open with a bang, and everyone saw Wei Guangming in the study room holding a knife and trying to stab Wei Ning in the stomach.

Lu Xiuzhi picked up the object in his hand and shot it, hitting the knife in Wei Guangming's hand. After blocking his action of killing Wei Ning, Zhang Qiudao kicked Wei Guangming against the wall with a flying kick.

Wei Zhizhi looked over suddenly, and the dark golden Sanskrit on the wall began to flow. The "people" in the wall stretched out their thin arms to grab Wei Guangming, and their sharp claws tore his clothes and cut his flesh. But when they touched Wei Guangming's blood, they screamed and fled like a tide.

Wei Guangming didn't care about what happened to him, let alone the wounds on his body. He looked at Wei Ning who was held in Kou Xuanling's arms, his eyes full of covetousness and ruthlessness: "Sarira, you guys want the sarira too? How about we split it in half? No one can leave without the sarira."

Wei Zhizhi stood at the door, watching the scene calmly and indifferently, then turned and walked towards the gate. She opened the door and looked at the woman in white in the heavy rain. The woman in white had long lost her mind due to killing. She wandered day and night, trying to find a way to break in. However, ghosts who were not invited could not enter the collection hall.

"Mom, come in." Wei Zhizhi said softly.

The woman in white rushed in, ignoring Wei Zhizhi, and ran to the clock upstairs to look for her little daughter. But the clock was empty, so she wandered around the second floor, searching room by room, crying and wailing.

Wei Zhizhi followed the woman in white holding the clown doll, accompanying her in searching the rooms one by one. She looked at the woman in white with some curiosity and greed. After she became an irrational ghost, she was actually very ugly, with a numb and pitiful expression, not as gentle as she remembered. But she was her mother.

Wei Zhizhi hugged the woman's legs, put her face close to hers and said affectionately: "It's okay, I still love you very much."

Wei Guangming downstairs looked crazy, slapping the tables and chairs and howling like a madman: "Without the relic to suppress it, the evil ghost will kill everyone in the collection hall, including you. Don't think you can escape it just because you are a heavenly master. Now we have no choice but to cut open Wei Ning's stomach and take out the relic. He is a child and cannot digest the relic at all. Take it out now while you can, as soon as possible!"

Kou Xuanling's eyes were full of disgust. He had never seen such a beast as Wei Guangming. Even the most vicious people and the most ferocious ghosts would not hurt their own flesh and blood, but in Wei Guangming's eyes, his children were objects that could be killed at will. He said, "Wei Ning was given anesthesia. There were needle holes on his arms. He should have been used as a mobile blood bank for Wei Guangming to draw blood for consumption. I will carry Wei Ning to Qi Yin first, so that the mother and son can stay together."

Chen Yang nodded: "Go ahead."

Kou Xuanling left with the child in her arms, followed by the ghostly Lu Xiuzhi. Chen Yang glanced at him sideways: "Lu Xiuzhi, stay."

Lu Xiuzhi paused, glanced at Chen Yang and Zhang Qiudao who were looking at him coldly, and then looked at Kou Xuanling who walked out of the study without looking back. He sighed silently, wondering if joining the branch was a mistake. His main job was to chase his wife, so why did he make a wrong move

He turned around, looked at the ugly Wei Guangming and said, "Wei Guangming disregarded human ethics and laws, had no kindness at all, poisoned his own son, was cruel and ruthless, gouged bones and crushed marrow, and persisted in his evil deeds. He is truly a beast in human form, and should be killed. After his death, he will go to the Avici Hell to pay for his sins in his lifetime."

Zhang Qiudao quietly approached Chen Yang and whispered, "He was angry because he was not allowed to stay with Lao Kou."

"No." Chen Yang replied in a low voice: "He wants to solve it as soon as possible and go to accompany Lao Kou as soon as possible. I know it well and have experience."

Zhang Qiudao suddenly realized that people with experience would understand this kind of thing better. After thinking about it, he actually wanted to have this kind of experience, but it didn't matter, he could learn it in advance.

Chen Yang patted Zhang Qiudao on the shoulder, then went to Wei Guangming and said, "You said the relic is in Ningning's stomach? Can he bear to eat that relic?" The relic is an extraordinary thing, how could a child bear it

"Not dead?" Wei Guangming sneered.

Chen Yang watched him quietly, and suddenly punched Wei Guangming when he was caught off guard. Shaking his wrist, he said, "Mr. Wei, speak properly, don't be sarcastic."

Wei Guangming spat out blood foam, indeed afraid of being beaten again, and he also wanted to get the relic to protect his collection. So he held back his anger and said: "Wei Ning swallowed the relic when I was three and a half years old when I wasn't paying attention, and he didn't die."

"You were the one who wanted to swallow the relic?" Chen Yang sneered, "The relic can drive away all the dark evil spirits. For someone like you who is unrepentant, swallowing the relic is just like eating □□."

Wei Guangming retorted: "Impossible! Wei Ning was fine after eating it, how could a grown man like me be in a worse physical condition than him?"

Lu Xiuzhi said: "It is precisely because Wei Ning is a child, he has no concept of good and evil, and is innocent and naive. The relic was originally the reincarnation of a great monk who passed away. He is compassionate and will only protect children and inspire their wisdom. Therefore, Wei Ning is precocious and quiet at the age of five, and his eyes can see the essence through appearances."

Wei Guangming looked sinister: "What do you mean?"

Lu Xiuzhi: "Of all the people in the collection, only you and Wei Ning know that Wei Zhizhi died a long time ago. She is a wronged spirit, wandering in the museum, torturing and threatening you. Wei Ning can see that Wei Zhizhi is a wronged spirit because he has a relic that allows him to remain clear-headed and see through all illusions. As for you, Wei Zhizhi has no intention of deceiving you. She wants you to live in fear and terror."

After Lu Xiuzhi said this, Chen Yang understood: "After Wei Ning swallowed the relic, you wanted to cut open his stomach and take out the relic. But he was protected by Wei Zhizhi, so you had no way to do it. So you only dared to take blood from Wei Ning to prevent Wei Zhizhi from suddenly killing you." He squatted down and grabbed Wei Guangming's collar: "Tell me, what did you do to Wei Zhizhi?"

Wei Guangming: "I accidentally killed her."

Chen Yang: "I have seen the body in the clock. Wei Zhizhi looked like this before she died. Her hands and feet were tied, her bones were twisted, and she was covered in scars and emaciated. She was terribly abused when she was alive. She is your daughter, so there must be a reason."

Wei Guangming remained silent. Chen Yang nodded and said, "It doesn't matter if you don't say anything. The blood in your body won't last long. There are many things hidden in the wall behind you. They were imprisoned in there for fifteen years by the monks you invited who wrote the Shurangama Mantra in Sanskrit. Now the imprisonment has weakened. Do you believe that I will let them out and eat you up bit by bit? I'm not threatening you, Mr. Wei."

As Chen Yang spoke, the wall behind Wei Guangming began to twist again, and countless pairs of bony hands stretched out from it, trying to scratch Wei Guangming frantically. Wei Guangming was terrified and had to say, "Yuan Tong, my collection room is missing a perfect Yuan Tong doll."


Although Wei Guangming was terrified, he became excited when talking about his collections: "Any collection would be incomplete without a resentful child doll. Even if you collect as many corpses and human skins as possible, it would not be perfect without a resentful child doll. I once met a master collector who had a perfect resentful child doll in his collection room. It was so beautiful. I wanted to ask him to sell it to me, but he refused. I tried to steal it, but he broke my leg and told me how to make a resentful child doll."

A resentful child, as the name suggests, is a child who died with great resentment, whose eyes cannot close after death and whose soul wanders for a long time. If a secret method is used to imprison the soul of a child in the body, a resentful child doll will be formed.

Wei Guangming smiled and said, "Legends about vengeful ghosts of children are circulated all over the world. They have deep obsessions and deep resentment. They were abused or even killed during their lifetime. After death, their resentment does not dissipate, and they live in dolls or their original bodies, becoming perfect collections."

"So you tortured and killed Wei Zhizhi and made her into the resentful child doll you wanted, just because you wanted to add a collection to your collection room?"

"What do you know? Without me, Wei Zhizhi could have been born? I let her be born because I wanted a resentful child! Otherwise, she wouldn't even have been born. Her blood and her life were all given by me. What's wrong with me taking back my own things? If you hadn't been too proud and careless and put her together with another evil spirit, giving her the opportunity to devour the evil spirit and break free from the secret magic, otherwise, where would you have been?!" Wei Guangming suddenly struggled violently and successfully broke free from Chen Yang's restraints. When he crawled back, he accidentally touched the ghost hand behind him and was suddenly caught in the wall. Not long after, the sound of wolfing and chewing came from inside.

Chen Yang and the other two stood there, with no intention of rescuing Wei Guangming. "Let's go and find other people."

Not long after the three of them left, the door of the study slammed shut. The silent wall was suddenly pierced open, and a hand that had been bitten to the point of blood and flesh revealing white bones grabbed the wall, stretched its fingers a few times, and rested on the wall.

Wei Xiaoxiao stood on the second floor holding the portrait and saw the woman in white, her mother. Watching her mother wandering around for several times in search of her long-dead little daughter, Wei Xiaoxiao smiled silently, with a fleeting sadness in her eyes. Wei Zhizhi was pitiful when she was alive, at least her mother thought about her until her death. On the other hand, she herself was used by her father and ignored by her mother. Poor Wei Zhizhi was luckier than her.

When his mother was raped and killed by Dr. Hao, Wei Guangming watched from the sidelines and ignored his mother's requests for help. But Wei Guangming didn't know that his mother was not asking for help from him, but from her hiding far away. Wei Guangming was simply a beast, so how could his mother ask for help from him when she knew his true nature

Wei Xiaoxiao was there at the time, but she didn't say anything. She even felt happy watching the scene. Who made her mother only see Wei Zhizhi being abused, but not her living in hell

Wei Xiaoxiao whispered to the painting: "Do you want to try the taste of a ghost? It shouldn't be worse than human flesh." Why didn't he choose to save her at that time? Even if he found out about her situation, she would feel that at least someone loved her.

The painting trembled slightly, and the evil ghost in the painting slowly opened its bloody mouth, aiming at the irrational ghost. Wei Zhizhi suddenly appeared behind them and screamed. Wei Xiaoxiao's eardrums hurt, and she lost her balance and fell to the ground.

Chen Yang and his companions heard the sound and headed upstairs. At this time, darkness gradually enveloped the entire collection hall. There was no light at all, and everyone inside was in an absolutely dark space. The Sanskrit Shurangama Mantra on the wall was covered by darkness and could no longer suppress the things in the wall. They climbed out of the wall one after another, drinking blood and reveling.

Chen Yang: "Fengdu pardon token?"

Under the amnesty, there are no taboos.

The author has something to say: Second update in the evening