The Great Immortal Fighter

Chapter 388: Selling vegetables is also a virtual fairy


This big man was called Zhu Gui, a citizen of Hengzhou, one of the 30,000 states under the jurisdiction of the eternal fairy king.

That's right, he is just an ordinary citizen. He is usually like the secular dynasty of the ancient stars. He grows the fields, does work, eats food and clothing, and practices exercises when he has time. They have more than a thousand households in Murakami, and they are half-step virtual immortals. There are more than 300 people.

However, a half-step Xuxian is useless. If you can be promoted to Xuxian, you will be eligible to be an official in the government and serve in the army.

Unless you are the offspring of some immortal faction or high-ranking official, but Zhu Gui said that their Hengzhou prefect is the realm of heaven, and their son is born as a virtual immortal.

Since many, many years ago, after the three legendary giants disappeared, the originally calm fairy god world began to enter a situation of hegemony among the heroes, one fairy kings in order to expand their territory, grab resources, and fight each other.

This Immortal Monarch Xuanluo is a powerful immortal monarch with forty thousand states in the east. He conquered and fought with many immortal monarchs around him. The eternal immortal monarch has been fighting with him for hundreds of millions of years.

Hengzhou is very close to the front line, so many refugees and deserters will flee here.

A low-level cultivator like Lu Cheng, if he encounters an immortal army, he will be arrested as a soldier and be used as cannon fodder on the front line.

Hearing Zhu Gui said, the mountains and plains in the front are full of half-step virtual immortals. Usually, in an army of 10,000 people, nine thousand are half-step virtual immortals. If the eternal fairy is not enough, it will not. Grab the monk of Huashen to recharge.

The cultivator of God in the fairy god realm is a little thing inferior to pigs and dogs.

When Lu Cheng heard this, his angry nose was crooked, the number one master of the dignified ancient star, he was not as good as a dog in the Immortal God Realm

He was protesting. A dog barking came from behind'Wang Wang'. When he looked back, he almost fainted again. A half-step imaginary little yellow dog yelled at him twice, expressing his contempt.

Forget it, I'll go back to the ancient star, Lu Cheng was shocked and extremely depressed. After thinking about it, he glared at the dog immediately: "What kind of dog things, the Sixth Layer of the Ancient Star Yuanshen can transform into a human form. You are still a dog in half a step, and you deserve to be a dog for a lifetime."

Lu Cheng and Zhu Gui chatted for a while, took the ancient artifact clothes, and headed for Hengzhou City.

Now, he finally knows a little bit about the Immortal God Realm.

Compared with the ancient stars, the immortal god realm is huge and endless. It is said that there are more than 30 famous immortal monarchs, and each immortal monarch is in charge of several thousand to hundreds of thousands of big states. A big state is more than an ancient star and a secular one. The dynasty is still big, with a population of trillions.

The power of the fairy god realm is all kinds of fairy monarchs. Some of these fairy monarchs founded sects, some established dynasties, and some of them called themselves eternal fairy monarchs. Like eternal fairy monarchs, they call themselves eternal fairy monarchs. There are more than 30,000 below. In the big states, each state is managed in the official way of the dynasty, and supplies are handed in to him every year.

There are also immortal monarchs who call themselves immortal emperors, establish a dynasty, grant rewards to the vassals, and live the emperor's addiction.

The most are sects, claiming to be the supreme master or some sect master, and the following states are sub-rudder or tangkou.

Hundreds of immortal monarchs divided the entire fairy god realm into an unknown number of pieces, with countless influences. The average golden immortal spent his entire life, and it is impossible to travel all the land of the immortal god realm.

It is said that the total population of any state managed by a fairy monarch can almost exceed all the monks and secular populations of the ancient stars.

With Lu Cheng's current mana, it would take at least tens of billions of years to fly from Hengzhou to the other.

Unless you use the ancient artifact Iron-Blood Guardian Drum to jump the space, the problem is that the space of the fairy god world can’t jump, because the ancient stars have countless spaces created by the masters of the fairy god world, so everyone can tear it apart. Space to jump.

But the fairy god realm has only one space, unless the magical power reaches the ancestors and can tear a little space, or use ancient artifacts to tear the space and shrink the ground into an inch.

After arriving in Hengzhou, a small character like Lu Cheng may die for a lifetime and will not be able to fly out. If you want to go out, you have to take the teleportation array, but the teleportation array costs hundreds of immortal crystals. Gone.

He tried to fly fast in the air with Yuanyu Jing Cui moving iron and blood against the sky, but found that the speed was slower than his own flight. The sky of this fairy god realm was as hard as steel.

Finally, he tried the Golden Light Xuantian Pagoda. After he pinned his spirit under the big tree that hung him when he came, he could return there instantly no matter how far he went.

This is really a supreme treasure to escape. However, the Golden Light Xuantian Pagoda can only escape for one time, and the iron blood against the sky can't be used.

"It's a big loss, it's a big loss," Lu Cheng shook his head and regretted. He originally had the ghost star master gave him in addition to Wang Pin Xianjing, but he used it up when the ancient star fought with Fang Jian.

Now I don't have any money in my whole body, it's all Yuanyu Essence and some materials. If you look at any tree on the ground here is a high-grade artifact, you know that the materials of the ancient stars are worthless here.

The first task right now is to make money.

Only with the fairy crystal can all kinds of artifacts be activated and long-distance flight can be carried out.

As he headed to Hengzhou, he was thinking about how to make money.

Zhu Gui talked to him about several ways to make money. One is to work as a slave to a wealthy house and earn a few celestial crystals every month. The other is to dig celestial grass and crystal mines in some dangerous places, but most of them have them. Monster beasts, all monsters in the Fairy God Realm are all imaginary immortals, celestial celestial beings, half-step imaginary celestial beings are cute puppies who guard the door. The third is to be a soldier, with a salary, a few yuan a month of low-grade fairy crystal.

After hearing these three methods, Lu Cheng ignored them all.

Take a look at Xiancheng City. With my Lu Cheng's ability, even if I fudge, I have to fudge a little bit of money.

The most important thing for Lu Cheng now is to see how far away he is from the master Xuxian.

At the time of the Ancient Stars, Fang Jianheng wanted to leapfrog the master Xuxian, but Lu Cheng had no chance to use his swordsmanship, he also wanted to see if he could resist the master Xuxian. The people outside the city are all people, and only inside the city can there be real masters of imaginary immortality.

When he reached Hengzhou City all the way, there were a few half-step Xianxian guards standing at the gate: "Stop, that's the one who came? Do you have an identity badge?"

When people saw him dressed like this, in tatters, they knew he was a refugee who had fled here from the front.

Lu Cheng's hatred was despised again.

The guard did not embarrass him. He registered his name and asked him if he wanted to be a Hengzhou resident. If he did, he would live in Hengzhou in the future and issue identification cards, allowing him to enter and exit all thousands of cities in Hengzhou at will.

If you don't do it, it's okay, and forget it when you enter the city for the first time.

I heard that you only have a few low-grade fairy crystals for a month of slavery, and you have to pay one for each time you leave the city, and one for each time you enter. The slaves enter and leave once, and the hard work is gone in half a month.

"Don't do it." Lu Cheng thought for a while and shook his head. Fortunately, I was clever and put a bit of spiritual thoughts on the big tree when I came. If I want to go out of the city, the Golden Light Xuantian Pagoda can help me leave in an instant.

The guard smiled faintly and let him in.

Walking on the streets of Hengzhou, Lu Cheng was shocked by the Immortal God Realm once again. The half-step virtual immortals on the street were full of virtual immortals, and the extremely powerful virtual immortals were mostly ordinary people here.

The young women, children, street vendors, and fast hunters who are just like the world, many of them are in the realm of virtual immortals, but it can be seen that they are in the realm of virtual immortals but they should not have any magical powers. They are placed in the realm of immortals and gods. Just ordinary people.

But Xuxian is Xuxian, and the majesty of Xuxian is all over the street. Lu Cheng saw many slaves of the Sixth Transformation, walking on the street with horrified faces and low back bending.

They couldn't stand the majesty of Xuxian and couldn't raise their heads, so they looked even more wretched.

"Would you like green vegetables? It costs a penny and a catty, it's delicious and fresh."

The cry of an Xuxian caught Lu Cheng's attention. He turned his head to look at it, right, the vegetables are all Xuxian, and it still makes people unable to live.

This kind of imaginary immortal is still not good for Hengzhou. A powerful imaginary celestial can obtain a fame and become an official position, and a fierce imaginary celestial can join the army and enter the sect.

Lu Cheng hurriedly walked over: "Hello, uncle."

Xu Xian was very polite: "Okay, young man." His eyes lit up slightly, and Lu Cheng brightened up: "Would you like vegetables, a penny and a catty? Just picked it in the morning." This young man, as a god But walking freely on the street, he immediately felt his uniqueness.

"Is this OK?" Lu Cheng took out a piece of gold.

On him, besides the essence of Yuanyu which is gold, the gold was left in the countless storage bags obtained by killing the same door and the town monster star Dabi when he killed the sapphire jade. The iron and blood is in the drum.

"Golden?" Selling vegetables Xuxian's eyes brightened: "You have five or two, I can't find silver, or? Xianjing, do you want to change the lower-grade Xianjing?"

Can I change the fairy crystal

Lu Cheng bought a pound of green vegetables and talked with the uncle selling vegetables.

It turns out that immortal crystals are not used to trade everything here. Generally, people use silver more, and wealthy people like to use gold more.

One tael of gold can be exchanged for a hundred taels of silver, or a piece of low-grade fairy crystal.

One or two gold can be exchanged for a low-grade fairy crystal? Lu Cheng was unbelievable. In the Ancient Stars, a piece of low-grade Yuanjing Jade could be exchanged for a thousand taels of gold.

It turns out that the gold mines in this fairy gods are very scarce, but gold is very popular, especially some big sects, high-ranking officials and nobles, all like to use gold as ornaments, leading to the ratio of gold to low-grade fairy crystals reaching one to one. .

In the world of immortals, things related to cultivating immortals are generally traded with immortal crystals, and transactions related to life are all traded in gold and silver, and when there is no immortal crystal, gold can be used instead, but ordinary people are not willing to use immortal crystals instead of gold. Unless this person has a lot of gold.

so it is? Lu Cheng bought a pound of green vegetables and finally understood.

Grandma's, go buy a set of clothes first, and then have a big meal. Hahaha, Lu Cheng immediately found out that he had become a super rich man again.

He was a small master in Segu, and later entered the Qingyumen. When he killed the first Qingyumen monk, he found a lot of gold in his storage bag. Later, he became a gold collector like ordinary monks. Habit.

Especially after arriving at Demon Star Town, when she first saw Red Wolf and the others, she gave him countless storage bags, all left behind by the low-level monks who died on Demon Star Town. These low-level monks have one characteristic in common. Most of them were once mundane. The middle and lower class people, after successfully cultivating immortals, all like to collect gold.

So a large amount of gold came into Lu Cheng's hands, and the monsters he brought from Zhen Yaoxing helped him build palaces with gold and even build city walls when nothing happened.

Lu Cheng's gold can't be described by the number of Ganges sand.