The Great Immortal Fighter

Chapter 399: The first show of magical powers


Now Tian Jifeng knew that he was wrong.

Sure enough, as the rustling in the distance got closer and closer, the boundless dark demon came from all directions.

"What to see, run." Lu Cheng took the lead and ran away. The lowest demons here are all virtual fairyland.

With so many imaginary immortals pouring up, the heavenly immortals will also be killed by them.

He turned around and ran wildly, and everyone followed closely behind. No one thought that he would be forced to flee by the demons before they walked far.

There is extensive access here, and they mark each section of the journey, so they still follow the same path and return to the original path.

"Woo woo woo" one by one dark golems finally appeared behind them, and several dark golems issued certain orders, screaming in unison, and booming, the whole dark golem rushed over like a tide.

"Senior Brother Lu, over there is the way back."

When everyone fled halfway, they saw Lu Cheng turning to the other side. Someone immediately yelled, but Lu Cheng still didn't listen, so everyone stomped their heels.

I saw Lu Cheng turn left and right, and came to a passage about ten feet long.

"Go in, it's easy to defend and hard to attack here."

Lu Cheng stood in front of the passage and motioned for everyone to go in first.

Now everyone understands that the way back is very wide. In case the Dark Demon catches up, everyone will be attacked from all sides. The place Lu Cheng chose is a one-foot-wide channel. In this channel, everyone only needs to defend. Ten people away from the front can be divided into five groups to take turns to defend.

Everyone looked at Lu Cheng high.

No one noticed this passage when they passed by just now, but Lu Cheng didn't expect it to be recorded.

Tian Jifeng thought for a while, and stood side by side with Lu Cheng at the forefront.

As soon as the ten people entered, a large formation of dark demons rushed here.

"Kill" Lu Cheng gave an order, and He Tian Jifeng shot at the same time.

Tian Jifeng brought a bow similar to the Zhuxian Killing Divine Bow of the Ancient Star. There is no arrow but a bow. Pull it with bare hands and it will automatically become a sword.

What Lu Cheng took was a magic weapon here, like a spear radiating blood and killing.

This channel was only one foot wide. Lu Cheng divided the ten people into three teams, and he and Tian Jifeng were the strongest team to be the first team. When the mana was not enough to kill, he changed to the second team.

The second team consists of Song Chengzhong, Han Jin and Han Chao.

The third team is Nie Xiaoshuang, Anping, Jingjing, Ren Weiyi and Xu Youming.

The dark demons succeeded, Lu Cheng and Tian Jifeng went with their bows and spears, and they were invincible. No dark demons were their enemies at once.

This dark demon can only get close to a person, or penetrate into the monk's body to explode him, or bite the monk's body. There is no magic power or supernatural power.

The two killed for half an hour, and I don't know how many they were killed. The people who picked up the corpse found their hands weak, and finally felt that their mana was weak.

"Substitution." The second team quickly connected.

The three teams took turns to slaughter, like killing pigs and dogs, killing them for a long time. Among the boundless dark demons, it was unknown which one made a long whining sound.

They receded like a tide, Tian Jifeng and others sighed.

"Twenty-eight thousand pieces, haha, although this one has only one point, it's also twenty-eight thousand points." The quiet little face flushed with excitement.

It's not a common occurrence to get so many points in most of the day.

"Two thousand and eight per person, write it down." Lu Cheng said lightly.

Everyone stayed at first, and then they were overjoyed.

In accordance with the traditional rules, the leader of the team basically has to divide a little bit more. Those with poor character scores are more, those with good character scores are less, and those with average scores are almost rare.

Everyone admired Lu Cheng again.

They rested for a while, and the troops continued to walk back to the old path just now. The Dark Demon had no attack, and probably moved to another place.

Lu Chengyi walked in the forefront for a long time: "Everyone must be careful, the dark demons may make a comeback, and the rest of the demons are everywhere."

"Brother Lu--" Tian Jifeng hesitated and continued: "I think the demons are still trivial, and people in other groups can't help but guard---"

After speaking, he looked at Lu Cheng's eyes and gritted his teeth: "Senior Brother Lu, you are upright and you are not in the same category, but with each experience, you have killed your own people and robbed you of profound energy."

The demons are not terrible, but terrible are the same.

Everywhere in the realm of cultivating immortals is the supremacy of interests, after Tian Jifeng finished speaking, everyone nodded and said yes.

Lu Cheng also remembered what Tian Bohu said, should he look good when newcomers experience? Did Tian Jifeng remind himself so kindly? Or when are you going to look good for yourself

Lu Cheng would not think that his personality charm has reached the level of conquering Tian Jifeng and surrendering himself. It seems that everything must be handled carefully.

"Look, this is a Yin Ling grass." Not long after she left, the woman quietly dug up a low-level fairy grass. In fact, many people have seen it, but everyone is embarrassed to argue with the woman.

Quiet adds another five points. Quiet now has the highest score in the team.

The team went all the way down, and the terrain became wider and wider, and sometimes encountered the demon clan and sometimes encountered the fairy grass, but fortunately, there were not a large number of dark demons like just now.

Killing all the way like this, digging all the way, two days later, they came to an underground gorge.

That's right, here is a canyon, like above the surface, in two hills of more than 30 meters, the continuous mountains form a long canyon.

To this kind of topography, it proved to be deep underground, and it is estimated that it has reached the center of the first floor.

The sound of woof is flying everywhere in the valley. Not only do there are more demons here, but you may encounter them as well as doors.

"Bang" "Dang"

As soon as they arrived at Taniguchi, they heard fierce fighting from inside.

"Someone?" Tian Jifeng and others raised their heads to look at Lu Cheng. Lu Cheng knew what they meant without guessing, and left immediately and ignored them.

However, this is not the style of the buddies, now buddies must work hard to be the glorious image of the master master. Lu Cheng chuckled, "Go, go in and take a look."

The helpless people went inside with Lu Cheng.

Sure enough, there were people from Taixumen who were trapped by the underground demons.

This group was originally ten people, but Ruyi only had seven people. The three corpses were scattered all over the place. At first glance, they knew that they were invaded by the demons and survived the violence.

There are also seven people, forming a semicircle, hiding under a corner of a mountain wall, resisting the demons in all directions.

"It's the Huntian Demon Clan, who can attack from underground." The people on Lu Cheng's side also saw it.

In the current group of seven, two of them are dedicated to defending the soles of their feet, fearing that the Huntian Demon will attack from underneath.

The other five people resisted the surrounding monsters together. It was very difficult, because they had no way of retreat, and the place was so large that they couldn't take turns fighting. Sooner or later, they would kill all the monsters.

As soon as they appeared, the other party also found them: "Help, help, brothers, help me."

"Woo woo woo" Hun Tian demon discovered the newly invaded, and divided a small part of the troops to come to them. At the same time, the attack over there was even more fierce.

"Senior Brother Lu." Tian Jifeng and the others looked a little anxious. There are still thousands of yards here. We don't have the topography just now. We definitely can't. Let's go.

"Everyone is at the same door, help me, our points can be given to you----" The people over there were afraid that Lu Cheng and the others would turn around, and offered conditions.

Nonsense, Song Chengzhong sneered. When you are dead, we will come back again. The points are also ours, and the monsters will not collect corpse materials.

"Go." Lu Cheng turned around and backed away, Tian Jifeng and others were overjoyed.

"Asshole, you beasts---" the people over there scolded when they saw them leaving.

But Lu Cheng retreated to Taniguchi, turned a corner, raised his palm, and Kakaka, a magical artifact that hadn't been used for a long time, appeared magically in front of the virtual immortals.

The ordinary organ artifacts that used to be on the ancient stars, after the transformation of profound energy in Lu Cheng's body, already had a magical aura.

This hall is exactly the'Zhanxian Hall' where many monks have been beheaded for him.

All the monks were dumbfounded, and it is estimated that this mechanism technique is relatively rare in the fairy god realm.

"Is this a mechanism technique popular in ancient times?"

"Yes, you go in first and stay at the door. I'll rescue them." Lu Cheng gestured for a moment and slid into the valley.

"Ah, Senior Brother Lu." The crowd looked at the figure he was going away and had to gritted their teeth and stood guard at the door.

"Woo woo woo" On the side just now, the Huntian Demon stepped up its attack.

But that group of monks saw the hope of someone coming to save them. Suddenly those people turned and left, and endless disappointment flooded their hearts, and the attack in one of them slowed down.

He was entered by a bullshit and swished around him.

"Wow" Huntian demon bit his neck with one bite, and he screamed on the spot when he bit, and then the whole Huntian demon chuckled in from his wound.

"Ah----help me---"

"Bang" Huntian demon squeezed in his body, and his whole body was shattered on the spot.

The team suddenly became chaotic.

At this moment, a sword light pierced through the sky like a rainbow, like a sword of heaven that splits the sky and the earth. A long wind of swords was set off and swept across the sky after several tens of feet.

Heavenly master? The people in the field almost thought it was a knife cut by a master of heaven.

"Peng" and "Woo" Lu Cheng's knife used a magic weapon purchased by the Taixumen Exchange. With a single cut, he almost killed all the monsters in the tens of meters.

"Quickly go." There were still six people alive, all of whom did not care about the body of the same family, and jumped up to Lu Cheng's side.

"Let's go," Lu Cheng pressed into the formation after breaking, brandishing a long knife, and the slashed monsters were shattered in pieces.

When he reached the corner, his sword light shrank several times, and even Tian Jifeng and the others didn't know that Lu Cheng had just used his power to cut out the power of the heavens with the realm of virtual immortality.

He was promoted to a heavenly immortal with no more than one million profound energy. Lu Cheng now has more than 100 million profound energy in his body, which is almost like a golden fairy's mana flowing in his body.

If you play all of it, you absolutely must scare everyone present to death.

They smashed through the blood and rushed into the Zhanxian Hall.

"Woo", the uncountable number of Huntian Demon surrounded them all.

"All come in." Lu Cheng called everyone into the hall, and everyone was strange.

With a wave of his hand, Lu Cheng smashed the few Huntian demons who had rushed into the hall.

"Slash the Immortal Sky Thunder Seal"

The Zhanxiantian Thunder Seal of Zhanxian Temple was played for the first time in the Immortal God Realm.

Lu Cheng, just want to try, whether the current Zhanxiantian Thunder Seal can cause harm to the Xuxian Demon Race in the Immortal God Realm.

In the Ancient Stars, Huashen triple or above was basically unkillable, so Lu Cheng also used less later.

"Boom boom boom" in the stunned cultivators, the sky was rolling outside, and countless thunder marks fell like raindrops.