The Great Immortal Fighter

Chapter 407: Beheaded and killed


Big Sunset Thunder Knife

Tang Beng got up and flashed his sword, the long sword pierced the air, and the entire Demon Flame Hollow was shining brightly in midair.

With a bang, Tang Beng, who was promoted to a heavenly immortal, shot, the entire Demon Flame Hole opened from it, and a blade of light broke through the air, and it was clearly visible in a radius of thousands of miles.

"Good knife."

Lu Cheng praised his good sword. This immortal Tang Beng was promoted in a year, and the profound energy in his body may not be as thorough, but his supernatural powers were more than ten times stronger than Zhou Mi.

This is the difference between Tianxian and Xuxian.

He stretched out two fingers, looked at the light of the sword that opened the sky and the earth, and gently squeezed it, Tang Beng was able to smash the high-grade artifact and was caught in Lu Cheng's hand.

Tang Beng's expression of horror didn't appear yet, Lu Cheng twisted it hard, and Tang Beng's knife broke on the spot.

His knife is a magic weapon, equivalent to a high-grade artifact. In his hand, it can smash other people's high-grade artifacts, but it was broken on the spot by Lu Cheng's two fingers.

Lu Cheng waved his "pounce" with a lightning backhand and the broken knife sank into Tang Beng's eyebrows.

Hissing, only five thousand profound energy poured into Lu Cheng's body.

This is the newly promoted heavenly immortal, and his profound energy is really too little.

Tang Beng opened his eyes wide and with an expression of disbelief, he fell to the ground with a thump.

It was too simple and completely vulnerable. It was easier for Lu Cheng to kill him than to kill a dog. It didn't take any effort at all.

Asking you to pretend to be compelling, I hate that others follow me to pretend to be compelling, what genius, I babble. Lu Cheng despised Tang Beng a thousand times.

"You--" Lu Zhanguai called: "Didn't you say you don't kill geniuses?"

"For a promise, he killed someone he didn't know him. This kind of person thinks he is a hero. In fact, he is not as good as a beast and doesn't cherish other people's lives. Why should I keep his life?"

Woo, a demon in the distance smelled the smell of human blood here and made a long whine. Lu Cheng looked at Tang Beng and turned away.

There are still four days before the end of the experience, but a large number of people have gathered outside.

Basically, most people will come back early, because they are afraid that if they make a good time and come back, if there is a change in the middle, they will be sealed in it for one year after more than 30 days. No one can guarantee that they will be alive and wait for the next session. Experience.

There have been such people in Taixu, but very few. Three people were sealed in the last session. Three people persisted for a year, and they were not rescued until the beginning of the next session.

Lu Cheng was about to look up, and saw that Lu Cheng's sharp eyes were brushed on him.

"Are you Lu Cheng?"

"Ah, have you been promoted to a god?"

"What? How is it possible?"

These three people are all Tianxian brothers in the door.

The first voice was very fierce.

The second one saw that Lu Cheng was a god, and his tone suddenly became a lot softer.

The third voice is even more pitiful.

They were ordered to take Lu Cheng away and plant him.

But once they are promoted to Heavenly Immortal, not only is it something they can't manage, but even the sect has to consider whether or not to report to the Shangxianmen Taihuang faction.

The three of them froze for a long time, and the first face was a little annoyed: "Go, Elder Xu wants to see you and come with us."

Their attitude has changed a lot.

Lu Cheng smiled and followed them forward.

Countless disciples around began to point at this time.

"If you see it, that's Lu Cheng from the Yunjian Academy."

"It's him. I heard that he killed many people in it and grabbed dozens of points from the same door?"

"Originally it must have been a capital offense, but now it's alright. It's incredible to break through and be promoted to a heavenly immortal?"

"That's a fart. He has only been promoted to Xuxian for one year. Now he is promoted to Tianxian. He has little profound energy. You must know that the lowest standard of Tianxian is one million profound energy. A virtual fairy with more than one million profound energy can definitely treat him It's suppressed."

"You just fart, you don't understand. The gods and the gods are not a concept at all. One is a magic weapon, and the other is a fire stick. Everyone's strength is a thousand times different. The magic weapon is also a sword to cut a wooden stick. The wooden stick of ten thousand profound energy is not the enemy of a thousand profound energy divine soldiers."

"Senior Brother Cheng is right, you haven't heard of it in class? A celestial being is a celestial celestial being. An imaginary celestial being cannot be called a real celestial.

"Anyway, the more profound energy I take in the class, the more powerful it becomes."


Lu Cheng walked all the way and couldn't help but secretly amused when everyone was arguing.

What both parties said is reasonable. The more profound energy the immortal god realm has, the more powerful it is. It is true that Lu Cheng now has more than 100 million profound energy compared to a golden immortal, which can completely contend with an ordinary golden immortal.

However, the magical powers of ordinary monks who have lost a realm are much different. Just like someone else said, the realms are different. One is a magic weapon and the other is a fire stick. No matter how profound energy is, the essence is much worse. .

Lu Chengqiang, because he not only has a lot of profound energy, but is also a magic weapon in essence, so it is said that what these two people said is reasonable, and both are suitable for Lu Cheng.

"Brother Lu."

As he walked all the way, he finally saw his group of nine people. Now all of them looked down at Lu Cheng in despair. It seemed that they were very bad.

Lu Cheng gave them a consoling look, and continued to follow the three celestial beings to the side of the mountain.

There is a small palace on the mountain. It seems to be a temporary construction. It should be the palace of the elders in charge of this experience.

"Lu Cheng, you robbed the same team of points to the same group, which also harmed them. Their points are now cleared to zero, and they may be punished. It all depends on how you explained to Elder Xu."

One of the three immortals kindly reminded Lu Cheng.

so it is? Don't they have a bad face? Lu Cheng didn't expect to harm them? Thankfully glanced at this god.

"Senior brother respected the surname?"

"My name is Gu Zizhou, and this is Lan Xiaotu, He Zhongwen."

Except for Gu Zizhou, the other two only glanced at him slightly, without even nodding their heads.

In a blink of an eye, the four came to the hall on the peak.

"See Elder Xu." The three of Gu Zizhou respectfully bent over to salute, and immediately Lu Cheng felt a powerful spirit sweeping over with supreme majesty.

It turns out that the elders are masters of the golden immortal? Lu Cheng had seen more of the Golden Immortal Demon Clan underground, and he could instantly sense that this was the god of the Golden Immortal master.

"Huh? Who is he?" The elder Xu inside was named Xu Zong, who was in charge of this conference.

There are less than a thousand disciples of Tianxu from Taixu Gate, and he basically knows them all. Unexpectedly, there will be one more Lu Cheng.

"Disciple Lu Cheng pays homage to Elder Xu." Lu Cheng clasped his fists and saluted him.

"Lu Cheng? The murderer Lu Cheng?" Xu Zong was shocked first, then furious.

"Bring him here for what? Killing the same door, grabbing points, this is a capital crime." A big hand in the Huda Hall instantly came out and caught the four of them.

"I told the three of you to execute him, did you bring me here?"

Four people were caught almost at the same time.

Lu Cheng calmly looked at the person in front of him, an old man in a white robe, who looked more than 50 years old, his face flushed with anger.

"Dare to look at me?" Xu Zong said furiously: "Do you think that you can't deal with you when you are promoted to a heavenly immortal? I, Xu Zong, want to curb your sins."

Say, he is about to do it.

"What's my sin?" Lu Cheng said, his eyes fixed on Xu Zong for a long time: "Dare to ask Elder Xu, what is Lu Cheng's sin? I have been to dozens of major states in Hengzhou, Yanzhou, Xingzhou, and Luozhou. The case should be investigated for crimes committed by the government. Could it be that I am too unreasonable to commit crimes, and you are the one who Xu Zong talked about?"

"Bold" Gu Zizhou yelled and winked at him.

Lan Xiaotu and the other two watched coldly and sneered secretly.

Xu Zong was very angry and smiled: "Hahaha, okay, okay, you have a personality, what is your sin? Call them all, today I will confront you and let you die."

Lan Xiaotu and He Zhongwen turned around, and within a short while, more than forty people who caused Lu Cheng to beat him violently once, plus the nine people from Lu Cheng's group, all came to this hall.

Xu Zong winked, and the blue picture took a step forward: "Lu Cheng, here are forty-one fellows. Let’s impeach you for killing Xu Feixin and Cheng Shanhe in the cave. They also took away all their points for your fellows. Group, you have recognized all nine people in the same group, what else do you have to explain?"

Lu Cheng glanced over the 41 people one by one, as if he wanted to count their appearances in his mind. Many people lowered their heads, and some raised their eyes and glared in front of Elder Jin Xian.

"You have nothing to say, I will start to control your crime." Xu Zong's murderous aura flashed in his eyes, and the majesty of the golden immortal made the hall very depressing.

"Of course I did, I ask you." Lu Cheng pointed to one of the forty-one people, and he almost jumped up in shock.

"Why should I kill someone for points?"

After the man stayed for a while, he looked at Xu Zong and Lu Cheng.

Xu Zong said: "If he asks you, you just say, to be honest, you must let him die."

"You, you, because Senior Brother Xu Feixin and Cheng Shanhe didn't follow your words." This person stammered, a little scared.

"Fart, go ahead? Why don't you follow me?"

That person is a bit inexplicable, after thinking and thinking about what else is in front of him

"Because before we killed the enemy, we sent Senior Brother Lu to seduce the Demon Clan. After Senior Brother Lu returned, Xu Feixin and Cheng Shanhe gave him no points on the excuse that Senior Brother Lu did not participate in the killing."

Nie Xiaoshuang was talking.

Nie Xiaoshuang, who was in Lu Cheng's group, his eyes opened wide, staring at Lu Cheng.

"Elder Xu, did you hear clearly? Our team went in, and the first one picked me, Lu Cheng, to be the bait. What was the bait? I was still in the realm of imaginary fairy, and called me an imaginary fairy to the second depth. To lure the demons, they could be killed at any time. I managed to return and attracted countless demons. They retreated without enemy and were pursued and killed. It was me, Lu Cheng, who saved their lives at the last moment."

He pointed to another group of people he had saved: "You said, did I save you?"

"Yes, yes, it was Senior Brother Lu who came over and drove away the Mozu to save us." The man nodded quickly. He didn't speak for Lu Cheng last time, so he didn't dare to talk nonsense this time.

When he opened his mouth, all the monks looked ugly.

"I dedicated my life as a bait, but I can't score points? Elder Xu, if you are there, can you kill someone?" Lu Cheng pressed Xu Zong, and the following words were even more earth-shattering: "I didn't kill them all, just watch For the sake of everyone in the same door, I knew there was today, so I would kill them all on that day."

"His" everyone took a breath and took a mad step back.

"Asshole." Xu Zong heard such arrogant and vicious words and started shooting the crime.