The Great Immortal Fighter

Chapter 423: Massacre army


Double cultivation is to be absorbed by people.

Ordinary cultivators, unless they are really badly qualified and unable to be promoted, they choose to be double-cultivation, or being captured and unable to beat others, so they have to commit themselves to wait for them.

There are also Jinxians who have been double-cultivated by Xuanxian and want to make money to buy yuan elixir, but such people are, after all, a minority.

Now being called to double repair by some pioneer general, it must be no good, and it will lose mana.

How are these two golden immortals willing

Especially one of them may be promoted in a few thousand years, so if you can absorb the magic power for Shuangxiu, then you don't know when to wait.

"What's the matter? Do you dare to resist the order?" Yuan Xian on the left had a grim expression: "You have now surrendered to us Xuan Luo Xianjun, you are the people of Xuan Luo Xianjun, you don't listen to this little command? Then I'm going to ask you. Now, is it true or false?"

A dozen male cultivators sighed at the same time, looking at these two female cultivators.

"Then I will not surrender." One of the female nuns gritted her teeth: "I want to return to the Taihuang faction, I will not surrender personally."

"I won't surrender either." The other also simply gave up.

"No? That's the enemy." Yuan Xian furiously shot, and the entire Taixu Hall that was hit by the first punch with an iron fist'bang' was shattered, and the two golden immortals flew out together.

"Walk" The two gold fairy Xiufei hadn't landed before she fell out, whizzing, she turned into two spirits and was about to flee.

"Flee there?" Another Yuanxian grabbed it in the air, and a big Taotian hand turned into a flying eagle's claw and grabbed the two spirits into his hand.

With a strong thump, the two golden fairies fell heavily under their feet, and the clothes on their bodies shattered everywhere.

"Hahaha, little Jinxian can't help it?" Yuanxian's eyes glanced at the golden fairies in front of them, and the others were eager to see. The golden fairies who wanted to take action seemed to take a half step back at the same time.

This is the power of Yuanxian, a hundred times the master of Jinxian, directly defeated by reaching out.

"Pretend to be pure? Are women just for men to play with? Now that you like to pretend, I took off your clothes and hung them at the door of Taixu Gate."

One of the Yuanxian said something viciously, and the scared two female cultivators came out of their bodies one by one.

"I'll go, I'll go, woo woo woo-" the low-level Jin Xian surrendered in shock.

"Sister Fei---" The one with high realm still refuses: "You rob the female cultivator, I want to report to Xuan Luo Xianjun."

"Haha, report, report, bitch, if you are not convinced, believe it or not to cultivate you into an immortal."

Hearing these words, the golden fairy really changed color.

The meaning of Xiucheng Tianxian is to find countless military Yuanxian, Jinxian and her dual cultivation, suck her mana bit by bit, until the final level drops, the strength is greatly damaged.

Putting it in the world means treating her as a military prostitute.

This time, this high-level golden immortal was too scared to speak.

Haha, the two Yuanxians looked at each other and smiled. They are cheap. They don't cry if they don't see the coffin, and they don't scare you. They don't accept one by one, right

Just when the two were proud, under the mountain of Taixu Gate.

"Boom" there was a thunderous sound.

Chi Chi, countless thunder and lightning, facing the place where the five thousand immortal crystal cannons are, it is like a rolling tide.

A huge hammer was like a meteor falling from the sky, directly smashing into the group of immortal crystal cannons.


Those virtual immortals who controlled the fairy crystal cannons died instantly, the crystal cannons shattered, and the army collapsed. With a force of more than twice that of Yuanxian, Lu Cheng hit with a single hammer, and one half of the five thousand fairy cannons that he directly hit were transformed into a half. Shattered, nearly a thousand troops died on the spot.

"Woo woo woo" tens of thousands of golden immortals and demons rushed up, one by one looking for the surviving immortal crystal gunner.

The entire army of millions collapsed instantly: "Underground Demon Race."

"No, it's not the Demon Race, it's even stronger than the Demon Race."

"Help, help."

"Shoot and shoot."

"How did they get in, how did they get in?"

This army is forbidden to go there, no one thought how the enemy got in, how could it hit the Xianjing Cannon.

They never expected that after seeing the power of the Xianjing Cannon the last time, Lu Cheng secretly pinned a little bit of his mind on the previous batch of Xianjing Cannons. This time he saw the five thousand Xianjing Cannons below, using golden light The Xuantian Pagoda tried, and it turned out that the batch of cannons that injured Qing Shang last time came to the center of the cannon formation in an instant.

The only way to deal with the army was to destroy the artillery array. Lu Cheng hit nearly a thousand doors with one blow, and then sent tens of thousands of demons to sweep the army. When the army was in chaos, the prohibition would be useless.

"Damn it, who is it?"

The two Yuan Xianhuo turned around, and the two pairs of eyes directly saw the bottom of the mountain directly from the mountain.


There was a sudden gust of wind above his head, and a fist was slammed down.

"Bang" Yuan Xian on the left was hit by Lu Cheng first. With the help of the iron-blood against the sky, Lu Cheng came here from the center of the army instantly and hit the Yuan Xian's head with a punch.

"Pump" Yuanxian was attacked by Lu Cheng and died in one blow. More than a billion yuan of profound energy flew into Lu Cheng's body.

"Ah--" Another looking dead soul came out of his body, shot a magic weapon between his eyebrows, just half of it was sacrificed.

Lu Cheng took another step forward, and the dragon head roared and shouted, swallowing the Yuanxian and even the magic weapon in one bite.

"Wow," Yuan Xian stumbled out of the dragon's head in a scream.

Before the battle was stabilized, there were two punches behind'Bang Bang', and hundreds of millions of profound energy increased Lu Cheng's strength.

After Lu Cheng appeared, he almost only used three punches to beat the two great Yuanxians alive.

The dementia of Taixumen Jinxian was completely present.

"Wow!" Flying dragons were rampant in mid-air, shuttled through the army.

Lu Cheng killed the two great Yuanxian and came to the army again. Below, was an army of millions of Xianxian and even half-step Xianxian.

No matter how small a mosquito is, it is meat.

Surrounded by an army of demons, he hunted empty-handed, and a large amount of profound energy flew into his body.

The army of a million, excluding tens of thousands of demons, killed more than half, and finally was beaten to death by Lu Cheng more than 100,000, which once again added billions of profound energy to him.

His profound energy has reached an astonishing 40 billion, which is equivalent to the power of four profound immortals.

This one-sided battle was all over in less than half an hour, and the entire Taixu Gate was completely shocked.

Xuan Luo Xianjun's army, all killed, not one left.

Even the corpse was eaten cleanly by the army of demons and strengthened its own strength.

Is this Lu Cheng a human or a devil? The highest peak of Taixu Gate, everyone who lost Taixu Hall stood beside Mo Nianhong, who was also inhumane.

No one thought that Lu Cheng would put such a vicious hand.

"Withdraw, let's withdraw with all the original intentions." Mo Nianhong spoke. Lu Cheng's massacre of the opponent's one million army this time was an earth-shattering event in Xuanluo's ears.

If Taixu Gate is here again, all factions are likely to be slaughtered.

All the golden immortals nodded again and again, and immediately began to plan the retreat.

There was almost no need to explain. Taixumen went up and down, seeing so many Xuanluo Xianjun's army dead below, everyone chose to withdraw.

Taixumen chose to retreat intensively, and Lu Cheng stared at the more than 3,000 Immortal Crystal Cannons below that were still intact, drooling.

On the ground, there are many whole boxes and scattered fairy crystal shells.

Each shell is made of ten high-grade fairy crystals plus'Xianling Jade', which is worth a thousand high-grade fairy crystals. It is quite expensive to fight with cannons. It is not an army of immortal monarchs. The general sect is Can't afford it.

Because only one thousand cannons are fired together, it will have a strong lethality against Jinxian when they hit the same target, and only five thousand cannons can threaten Yuanxian. Ten thousand cannons are fired at the same time against Xuanxianqing. Chang is also extremely lethal.

Just now, Qing Shang was hit by 5,000, 8,000, and more than 10,000, hitting three shots in a row, and was seriously injured, showing the power of the fairy cannon.

A salvo of 10,000 cannons consumes more than 10 million immortal crystals, which can be consumed by ordinary schools.

Lu Cheng didn't even think about it, rushing, confiscating all the intact Xianjing Cannonballs, and all the remaining Xianjing Cannonballs, before flying back to the Taixu Gate.

All the golden immortals saw the little heavenly immortal that was painful in the past, and now they have become golden immortals again, and they beat the two great Yuan immortals with one stroke of their hands, and they all didn't know what to say.

I have to thank Lu Cheng and hate him.

"Hurry up. The news here will soon be spread to Xuan Luo's army. When the army of nearly 100 million is approaching, the Taihuang faction will evade the edge temporarily." Lu Cheng persuaded them to leave.

"Well, we just discussed it and decided to go to Yangzhou. There are hundreds of millions of eternal fairy kings guarding Yangzhou. It is said that a battle was planned on Yangzhou." Mo Nianhong's face was still blushing. Hold him.

Lu Cheng has no idea, do you still go to the war there

Another Jinxian said: "You can only go there. Eternal Fairy Lord gave an order. All the retreats must gather there to select the soldiers and fight again with Xuanluo's army."

No wonder you are about to surrender. This eternal fairy is not a good bird. Those who retreat are only allowed to retreat to Yangzhou. You are forcing people to surrender.

These immortal monarchs are high above the top, seeing the monks below their lives like ants, fighting all day long.

According to Lu Cheng, the two immortal monarchs find a place to go head-to-head. Whoever wins will give up the land, and whoever will be the boss will do

Cut, Lu Zhan despised him.

Without culture, why do monks cultivate immortals? It is longing for longevity, and the higher the climbing position, the more afraid of death. Without giants, they have become absolute giants, figures like hegemons, and they are fighting for a bit of territory. What if they lose their hands and fall

This kind of little thing, just let the people below hit it.

Therefore, in some places, between Xianjun and Xianjun, the troops below have been fighting back and forth for hundreds of millions of years.

Anyway, there are people in the Immortal God Realm, but there are still monsters if there are not enough people. I heard that there are fairy monarchs of the demon clan, all of whom are demon soldiers.

No matter how many people below die, it's okay, as long as it doesn't affect Xianjun.

Listening to the explanations of everyone and Lu Zhan, Lu Cheng was speechless.

This is the misery of the weak, and even oneself can't choose what to do.

Hmph, I, Lu Cheng, must call the shots and do what I want to do.

"Hurry up and withdraw, I'll leave first." Lu Cheng was about to flash people.

"Lu Cheng." Mo Nianhong stopped him.

After a pause, his face turned red, and his voice was transmitted through his divine spirit: "When can we see you again?"

This sentence is a bit like what Lu Cheng said when he went to the Taihuang faction.

Lu Cheng was secretly proud and thought for a while: "Maybe I will see you in Yangzhou in the future."

Whoosh, Lu Cheng disappeared into the air with an iron-blooded drum against the sky, leaving countless Taixumen disciples in deep admiration for him.