The Great Immortal Fighter

Chapter 428: I met the holy immortal again


Oh, a full 10,000 yuan of fairy ghosts and demons suddenly emerged with one hundred thousand golden fairy demons.

The secrets in the picture of Wangui Swallowing the Sky were once again revealed in front of others.

The extremely powerful icy cold swept through everything immediately, almost immediately frozen to death below the heavenly immortal, the earth was surrounded by frost, the sky was invaded by the cloudy air, the overwhelming Yuanxian Jinxian shocked the two profound immortal masters who had caught up.

A Xuanxian's mana is no more than one hundred Yuanxian, but there are ten thousand Yuanxian and one hundred thousand golden immortals.

"Wow" tens of thousands of immortals are shot at the same time, using the ancient star supernatural powers taught by Lu Cheng, countless big hands are tearing the world, countless supernatural powers are leveling mountains and rivers, and tens of thousands of various strengths are in the air. Intertwined into a big net of mana, covering the sky and the sun, covering everything.

The power of tens of thousands of immortals gathered together, even the holy immortals would be amazed by it.

"Wow!" One hundred thousand golden immortals dispersed in an instant, killing people, and plundering crystal cannons. They have a clear division of labor. They are scattered around like the tide, and the virtual celestial below collapses instantly like a ruin.

"Fire" This time, Lu Cheng's army of demons fired first.

He had already looted nearly 30,000 crystal cannons back and forth, and he threw them out at the same time by his Ten Thousand Ghosts Swallowing the Sky. With an order, he fired volleys of 10,000 cannons.

The Xuan Luo army artillery formation in the distance was still staring at the countless demons in the sky, just listening to'boom boom boom'.

The Xuan Luo army's artillery array was instantly razed to the ground.

"Damn it, what kind of devil is this?" The two profound immortals were frightened and angry. They were surrounded by ten thousand yuan immortals, running side by side, endlessly killing them.


Lu Cheng's first shot cleared the artillery array closest to him, which could threaten him, and the second shot directly directed at the two profound immortals.

"Not good" The two profound immortals' dead souls came out of their bodies, and never thought that anyone could throw tens of thousands of crystal cannons at the same time in this forbidden formation.

"Bang Bang Bang" Jing Cannon directly hit the battle place between Yuan Xian and Xuan Xian.

Hundreds of yuan immortals were blown to pieces on the spot, but the two great Xuanxians were not doing well.

Qing Chang had a Lingbao bodyguard, and both were seriously injured. The two of them couldn't be prevented. One of the bombed body shattered on the spot, leaving a head and half of the body, then swish, reorganize the body in the air, and wanted to turn around. escape.

The other situation was better. A better magic weapon blocked it, but he was also in a panic, with injuries everywhere.

"Sword of Destiny"

Lu Cheng shook his figure and activated the sword of destiny. The long river of destiny billowing in midair waded between the sky and the earth, surrounded by two profound immortals like a lingering river and mountains.

Their fate was revealed from the long river scene after scene.

"Ah, who is this, isn't this me?"

"Who is in the river? Is it me?"

The two profound immortals were both startled and terrified.

"Boom boom boom" the second round of shelling sounded.

The two profound immortals were smashed into pieces almost at the same time.

Then he saw the sword light flashing, and Lu Cheng made two consecutive swords, smashing the broken dantians of the two profound immortals.

In the sky, the earth-shaking screams sounded, that kind of unwillingness, dissatisfaction, and unbelief deeply shook the surrounding Xuan Luo army.

Xuanxian, was killed by Jinxian? This is something that has never been seen in ancient history.

Huh, hundreds of millions of profound energy entered Lu Cheng's side, and he felt his own strength increased again.

Hey, the golden immortals and demons swept across all the army, and a steady stream of profound energy was being produced. Lu Cheng followed the footprint of the army's charge, and a large amount of profound energy was absorbed by him.

One million, ten million, one hundred million, one billion.

I don't know how many virtual immortals and celestial immortals have been killed by these 100,000 golden immortals. Lu Cheng sucked along the way, and his whole body mana surged upward.

Plundering, this is naked murder and surrendering. Lu Cheng finally understands that plundering profound energy is the fastest way to advance in the Immortal God Realm.

The first question is, you have to have this ability.

He looked back and saw that the place where the two great sages were fighting was in the direction of Zhengdong. He simply boldly launched the Ten Thousand Ghost Tuntiantu to go to the Zhengxi, leaving them far away.

As he walked, his mind moved slightly, and the Ten Thousand Ghosts Swallowing Sky Picture became bigger and bigger, and finally it almost became obscuring the sky and the sun. The huge picture swallowed and vomited, and countless vortices appeared in the air.

The Immortal Crystal Cannon that Lu Cheng released, whoosh, whoosh, was absorbed into the Ten Thousand Ghosts Swallowing Sky Map again.

Kill, rush, Lu Cheng commanded Yuanxian and Jinxian to kill to the west.

Slaughter, this is a unilateral slaughter.

No one thought that there would be so many Jinxian and Yuanxian appearing in this forbidden battle. They swept all the way, and they would fire a few shots when they encountered a fast-reacting army, killing a group of demons, most of the army. He didn't even have time to react and was killed by the demons.

"Wow" Lu Cheng was surprised to find that the more people he killed, the more new ghost repairs in the Ten Thousand Ghosts Swallowing Sky Picture.

One hundred, one thousand, ten thousand.

Unbelievable, why didn't you find it before

It turned out that it was to kill a hundred cultivators to add a ghost cultivator to him. The number of people killed before was no more than one million people, and 10,000 new ghost cultivators were thrown into his Ten Thousand Ghosts Swallowing Sky Map without noticing it.

Too many people were killed this time, and tens of millions of Xuan Luo army were quickly killed, and hundreds of thousands of new ghosts appeared in his Ten Thousand Ghosts Swallowing Sky.

That's great, so you won't be afraid of consumption, and there will be a steady stream of ghost repairs that can be produced in the future.

It turns out that killing enemies can increase ghost repair

Lu Cheng carefully observed that the more senior sergeant, the more likely it is to become a ghost cultivator. It is no wonder that only one out of a hundred people can become a ghost cultivator. Basically, those who become ghost cultivators are in the realm of the army's small leader Tianxian and above.

Only the gods and the others, who understood a little law of the heavens and the earth, even though they were killed, still had their spiritual thoughts in the sky, so they were absorbed and turned into ghost cultivators.

In this artillery battalion, Xuan Luo's army is tens of billions.

The two holy immortals were happily fighting in the east, and Lu Cheng was thrilled to kill in the west.

A large amount of profound energy and a large amount of new ghost cultivation have been obtained by him.

In less than an hour, Lu Cheng went from 40 billion Taoist profound energy to 60 billion.

At this moment, a loud noise suddenly rang from the east.

"Boom" The entire array is forbidden to sway.

Then I saw a chick in the sky, cracking a huge light curtain.

Hey, is this the holy immortal of the eternal immortal king who is going to escape? Has he completed the task

But it was almost the same. The army let me kill a little and a half. I looted the Xianjing Cannon by more than one million. In addition, the Saint Xian personally shot it, and this Jing Cannon camp also lost almost half.

"Go" Lu Cheng burned a lot of fairy crystals, whoosh, and quickly caught up with the gap in the light curtain.

"Hahaha, Ji Wuling, you are nothing more than that, I will go." The holy immortal under Eternal Xianjun laughed loudly and left.

"Stay." With a stern shout, a big hand came from the air, and even Lu Cheng grabbed it.

This Ji Wuling's holy immortal, seeing that there are still people about to escape, his nose is almost crooked.

"Huh" the eternal fairy king's holy immortal was shocked when he saw that Lu Cheng was still not dead.

Okay, let me help you.

He waved his hand, brushed it, and agitated the sword in midair, traversed an unknown number of miles, and slapped Ji Wuling's big hand fiercely.

"Boom, boom"

The light curtain shook again, and the holy immortal's big hand shattered.

Brush, Lu Cheng fled to the holy fairy: "Haha, thank you senior for your help, let's go."

"Okay, nice boy, let's go."

The two looked at each other with a smile, swish, one flew around, and the other hid in the iron drum.

The two rays of light almost fled to the territory of the eternal fairy at the same speed.

Boom, boom, boom, countless artillery sparks shot into the sky behind him. This was to remind the troops in front of Jing Cannon Camp that a major enemy invaded the interior and fled.

Yes, kid, Ji Wuling is doing his best. He didn't expect that this Lu Cheng could always follow his own speed, and it seemed that he still had enough energy, but he just wanted to follow him.

Although it is a spirit treasure, it is indeed a remarkable figure to be able to use the spirit treasure to this speed.

"Senior, did we escape?" Lu Cheng knew that there were still tens of billions or even hundreds of billions of troops to intercept.

Originally, he wanted to escape directly back, but seeing this holy immortal help out, he had other thoughts.

"Try it. I'm here this time with the belief that I'm going to die. Even if they can compromise their 30% crystal cannon, the mission is complete."

"Boy, how many doors did you have?" He meant breaking, breaking, and he didn't know that Lu Cheng had plundered so much.

"Well, hundreds of thousands." Lu Cheng shrank the data ten times.

"Yes, my holy immortal only broke thirteen million."

"-------" Lu Cheng was speechless. He used hundreds of thousands of ghosts to plunder more than one million, and this holy immortal broke more than ten million during this time.

Sure enough, it is the immortal of the saint, powerful, it is too powerful.

The average sacred immortal is a million billion yuan of profound energy, which is equivalent to several thousand times that of Lu Cheng, so it is not a power that Lu Cheng can imagine.

Just as the two exchanged a few words, a shadow appeared in front of them, and I wonder if it was the master of the unit who successfully stopped in front of them.

The holy immortal is also the holy immortal, in this immobile army of tens of billions of billions, the holy immortal emerges as if it does not need money.

"Stay." The holy immortals drank together and shot, buzzing, facing a high mountain that was pressed down by the head. This high mountain turned out to be a spiritual treasure, which looked like a mountain, but was as heavy as a few stars.

Before the mountain was lowered, the surrounding space had already started to faintly chuck, and the speed of Lian Lu Cheng's iron-blooded anti-the sky drum suddenly dropped by more than half, and he clearly felt the shrinkage of the space.

"Looking for death," the holy immortal sent by the eternal immortal, called Zheng Biao, is a very old and powerful holy.

Seeing a big mountain facing him, he waved his hand into a knife and brushed it. The kind of sword light just now went away, like an endless rainbow running through things, very beautiful.

"When" his sword light was in the middle of the mountain.

"Boom Boom" The mountain was divided into two, but it continued down as if it had become two spiritual treasures.

"Swords around the world"

Zheng Biao swung his long knife, and the light of the 10,000-zhang sword was in his hand, like a soft knife that drives like an arm, brushing in the air circled countless knives in a circle, densely packed, forming a layer of knives. Line of defense.

"Ding Ding Ding" the sound of countless metal collisions was endless. In this moment, his blade light collided with these two mountains at least tens of thousands of times.

"Hua Hu Hu" the other side's Lingbao mountain, one divided into a thousand, and then divided into tens of thousands, tens of thousands of small pieces of gravel, flying down like a meteor shower, continue to attack.