The Great Immortal Fighter

Chapter 438: A blessing in disguise


At the Jade Emperor Hall, before Lu Cheng arrived, the five great ancestors had already quarreled together.

"Lu Cheng must die, this bastard, lying in my class and listening to the class, even dared to kill Qingye, must die, must die." Qi Zu was going crazy.

According to conscience, the immortal skills that Lu Cheng performed that day left him deep in his memory, and he was still very fond of him. However, he was so courageous to kill his righteous daughter. He couldn't help it at all. He couldn't help it now. Go and kill Lu Cheng.

"No, you can't move him." This person was Feng Zu, Zheng Biao's master: "Immediately Haotian let Gao Yuanfeng come, Sun Ye and Qing Ye are not as good as others, and only Lu Cheng, my Jade Emperor, can deal with him. The face of the teacher is important, but the life of a woman is important."

"Fart, is there no one in my Jade Emperor? There are countless holy immortals, when will it be his turn to be a Yuanxian?" Qi Zu scolded angrily.

"It is said that Gao Yuanfeng is only Xuanxian and can kill the holy immortal across the border. Should we use the holy immortal to defeat him, or should we use Yuanxian to defeat him?" This woman was named Hongzu, Hongye's master.

Yuzu was a middle-aged man, he looked more than 40 years old, his eyes swept away, Yunzu, Yunzu pretended not to see, bowed his head and made no move.

Two to one. Now that Feng Zu and Hong Zu do not approve of planting Lu Cheng, Yun Zu does not speak to remain neutral. Even if his Yu Zu voted, it is still two to two.

The Jade Emperor's Church is not alone in the final say? Yuzu sighed in his heart, loving and hating this Lu Cheng.

Cherish that he is a talent, hate him for being bold, even my Yuzu disciple dared to kill, it is really lawless, even if he is not restrained, he must be warned bitterly.

"Lu Cheng pays homage to your ancestors."

Outside the hall, a young voice rang.

The old ancestors who had just cursed the street immediately turned into an old-fashioned style.

"come in."

Lu Cheng went in alone. In front of the hall, five ancestors sat cross-legged.

The middle one must be Yuzu.

"Lu Cheng has seen all ancestors." Lu Cheng respectfully saluted several ancestors.

"Lu Cheng, where is my Qingye? If you don't hand it over, today is your death date." Qi Zu was angry on the spot and wanted to do it.

"What are you doing, are you crazy?" Feng Zu and Hong Zuhuo stood up.

However, Qi Zu ignored them at all, staring at Lu Cheng with both eyes, as if he would act immediately as long as he said a no-word.

Yuzu didn't say anything, and watched coldly. If Qizu killed him, it would be best. If he couldn't kill him, it would be fine.

"I won't hand it over, did you kill me?" Lu Cheng said astonishingly, earth-shattering, and the five great ancestors of the whole hall were eyelids twitching.

Seeing him standing there, standing with his hand held down, he is obviously a small Yuanxian, but he seems to be like a giant on top.

Qi Zu took a long sigh of relief, his eyes gleaming constantly, as if he was wondering whether or not to take action against Lu Cheng.

The ancestor of the immortal scared a Yuanxian, and it would make people laugh to death when he said it, but Lu Cheng was obviously confident, and he would definitely not talk about it.

"I surrendered Aoba, won't I not be guilty of my crime?" Lu Cheng first said a bit of hate, and let them give himself off the horse, and immediately pretended to be soft, and wanted to surrender Aoba.

"Okay." Qi Zu was overjoyed when he heard the words: "You hand over Aoba, my Qi Zu promises not to control your sin." He doesn't care about Yuzu's mood, as long as Aoba is alive, he can talk about anything.

Besides, setting aside this grudge, Lu Cheng is indeed one of the geniuses he appreciates.

Yuzu looked at it, it was not good, it was three to one, and quickly said: "You hand over Sun Ye, and the door will assume that this hasn't happened."

Lu Cheng smiled and said, "Sun Ye told me to kneel down and climb three times, insulting my personality, and forcing me to escape Class 6. There is only one way for this kind of person, that is, a dead end."

"Pump" Aoba appeared above the main hall.

"Foster father, Supreme Master, help, this Lu Cheng is a devil, a devil."

Yuzu and Qizu each have different expressions.

One is angry, the other is surprised and happy.

"Okay, shut up." Qi Zu saw Qingye like that, he knew it was terrible, but now is not the time to listen to her: "We know about you, let's go out." Whoosh, he has long sleeves Shaking, he threw Qingye out directly, leaving only the five great ancestors and a small Yuanxian in the hall.

Sun Ye died, was actually killed by Lu Cheng? Each of them has a different mind.

But only Yuzu was truly angry. His disciple was killed. This was undoubtedly a slap in the face of his master master. If he didn't plant Lu Cheng, where would his majesty be in the future

However, it seems that Qi Zu really just let it go? Even if Yunzu helped himself, he would only have two votes

"Master Master, Lu Cheng is wrong. You shouldn't kill the same door with anger for a while." Lu Cheng suddenly changed his tone and began to apologize.

Everyone looked at him with rewarding gazes. This young man can judge the situation, be fierce when he should be fierce, and be soft when he should be soft, and he is really serious about it.

If you admit your mistakes, it's useful to admit your mistakes? Yuzu is the only person who is unhappy with him right now. Do you still have me as the Supreme Master in your eyes

"Senior Brother Yu, Sun Ye is too arrogant, and he is always forced to kneel down and climb in circles. This is more hateful than murder."

"Yes, this kind of humiliation is more uncomfortable than killing someone else. Sun Ye did too much."

At this time, Feng Zu and Hong Zu spoke for Lu Cheng at the same time.

Lu Cheng also continued: "When Lu Cheng was young, there was a master in the world, and the master taught me that men, you can retreat, you can't be humiliated, brother Sun Ye is defiant and lawless. , Forcing people to climb the circle, Zhangjiao Zhizun, Shu Lu Cheng speaks too much, the brothers below hate Sun Ye, but they are unable to speak. They must have complaints against Zhangjiao Zhizun. Sun Ye did this, yes. A major event that affects the Supreme Master."

Yes, the son does not teach, the father's fault, Sun Ye is so arrogant, others will have no resentment towards the Supreme Master? Everyone looked at Yuzu together.

Yuzu's face was red and white, and I don't know what the expression was.

He admitted that what Lu Cheng said makes sense, but this cannot be an explanation for what you did wrong. The majesty of my master teaches you just a few words

"Let's do it." Yun Zu, who has not spoken, said: "In a few days, the Gaoyuan Peak of the Haotian Gate will arrive. This matter is very important to my Jade Emperor's Cult. Why don't you let Lu Cheng be the squad leader for our Jade Emperor. Teach against Gao Yuanfeng. If you win, you will make up for the mistake. If you lose, you will have to punish and punish them thoroughly."

Kao, Lu Cheng rolled his eyes, you old thing, the most insidious? However, he looked at Yunzu's eyes, but he was respectful, as if he were very grateful.

"Yes, Gao Yuanfeng stepped on several sects in succession. I heard that the eternal fairy has already noticed him. If he is allowed to step on our Jade Emperor's Church, then no one of our Jade Emperor's Church will be able to enter the eternal immortal's eyes this time. "

More importantly, the Heavenly Ancestor of the Haotian Gate must laugh at Yuzu alive.

Tianzu and Yuzu are deadly rivals. If Haotianmen stepped on the Jade Emperor's Church, the Haotianmen's Tianzu might have laughed off their teeth.

Yun Zu’s reminder was very timely. As the most outstanding Sun Ye among the younger generation, he was killed by Lu Cheng, so only Lu Cheng could use it against Gao Yuanfeng.

When Feng Zu saw that Yu Zu was stunned there seemed to have room for maneuver, his eyes rolled: "Lu Cheng, you still don't worship Yu Zu as a master, we Jade Emperor teaches every genius, we need a genius master."

Worship this old thing as a teacher? Of course, what Lu Cheng wanted to worship most was Feng Zu, but Feng Zu said so obviously for his sake: "Lu Cheng pays homage to Master."

He was also fast, saying goodbye to him, and Qi Zu was stunned by the rapid change of color.

Hey, Yuzu has nothing to do now.

Everyone didn't want to plant Lu Cheng, and for him, the most important thing was face. Sun Ye's death was not important. There were countless disciples of his Yuzu, and it didn't matter how many disciples died, just that he couldn't lose face.

Now, Lu Cheng is giving him face.

"Well, okay, Lu Cheng, even if you worship me as a teacher, there is nothing to give as a teacher. This Profound Immortal Pill is even a meeting ceremony." Yuzu pushed the boat along the water and accepted Lu Cheng as his disciple.

Old fox? When the ancestors looked at Yuzu's expression, they knew that this old fox had long wanted to accept Lu Cheng as his disciple.

The next day, the Jade Emperor gave a decree.

Sun Ye is arrogant, and when he moves, he insults the same family. He often forces people to kneel down and humiliates the same family. He is lawless. After thorough investigation in the door, the evidence is conclusive and it is a capital crime.

The whole faction was shocked, and Class 6 was shocked.

Later, there was even more shocking. Lu Cheng performed well and was unparalleled in genius. He was promoted to the sixth squad leader with the same treatment as Mr. Yuzu. He was also accepted as a closed disciple by Yuzu.

Yuzu hadn't accepted a disciple for hundreds of millions of years, so he took Lu Cheng as a disciple this time.

Rumors abound in the door, and they have a broad mind towards Yuzu. Not only did they fail to curb the crime, but instead he took Lu Cheng as a disciple and praised him greatly. The thing that originally weakened Yuzu's face was passed down, and everyone admired Yuzu very much.

Yuzu's prestige skyrocketed instantly in the door.

And Lu Cheng, at this time, was hiding in his own world, his blood against the sky.

In front of him, there were six Xuanxian Pills.

Now his mana has nearly three trillion Dao Xuan Qi, which is equivalent to three Xuanxian, but he is far from being promoted Xuanxian.

He wants to be promoted to Xuanxian, one trillion.

I don't know how many holy immortals have to be killed to be promoted. This time, I finally took the opportunity to kill some, but it was still far from enough. Xuanxian Pill was the fastest way to promote.

He got a pill from below, and this time he was accepted as a disciple of the supreme leader, and every one of the five great ancestors gave out one pill.

Now he realized that he had the benefit of the master, Yuzu accepted the disciples, and immediately asked the other ancestors to also give out one pill each to drag them into the water.

Feng Zu and Hong Zu were happily handed over.

Qi Zu and Yun Zu also smiled bitterly and handed in one pill. If they didn't do it, they would look down on Lu Cheng, and all the good things that he had just said to him were dazzled, so Lu Cheng suddenly had five more Profound Immortal Pills.

For Lu Cheng, these things turned out to be a blessing in disguise. The only uncomfortable thing was that some of his classmates were calling him Lu Crazy.