The Great Immortal Fighter

Chapter 447: Top three


In the world of Immortal Monarch, Lu Cheng stood on a high hill and looked up. There were dense demons in front of him, but the strange thing was that these demons were killing each other.

If there is a master passing by, it can be clearly seen that these demons were originally divided into two batches, one batch is almost identical to the human race, and the faces of the other group are as cold and pale as ghost repairs.

This is Lu Cheng's army of demons and demons.

Three days later, Lu Cheng didn't know how many points he would get to win the place, but he passed all the way, all the monks he encountered were beheaded by him, and all the demons he encountered were also killed. died.

He has tried his best, and now he can only see where he can rank after he will go out.

But, on this road, why didn't you encounter Gao Yuanfeng? If you don't cut him, the top three will definitely have his share, so I only have a 20% chance

"Woo woo woo" there are fewer and fewer demons under the hills. Lu Cheng’s army of demons learned Lu Cheng’s magical powers, and some even distributed magic weapons. It took less than a quarter of an hour to eat the demons below. Clean.

There are too many demons killed, I don't know how many points it is? Lu Cheng put away the army of ghosts and demons. After thinking about it, he continued to move forward. He estimated the time, at most there will be half an hour, so hurry up and kill a little more.

Swipe, he went all the way forward, and continued to search for the demons. After killing a few more batches, suddenly his divine mind collided with another divine mind in midair.

The two divine thoughts collided and separated, and they felt a faint familiarity with each other.

'Fang Jianheng? 'No, Fang Jianheng's divine mind is arrogant and arrogant, and he has the aura of despising others all the time.

This divine thought is gentle and watery, plain and unremarkable, and even the killing intent in it can't even be felt. Can such a monk live to the present

The two divinely met within a few miles, and they separated at one touch, and then hurried to each other.

who is it? Why are you so familiar? Both of them thought so in their hearts.

Whoosh, the person on the other side was caught in his own eyes at the same time.

"Ah----" Lu Cheng looked at her incredulously: "Warm?"

"Ah---" A girl on the opposite side, who looked exactly like the warmth of the ancient star, looked at Lu Cheng suspiciously: "Who are you?"

Lu Cheng never expected that warmth could be seen here. Although the expression on the girl's face didn't seem to know Lu Cheng at all, her appearance, voice, expression, and expression were exactly the same as warm.

Why? Why did you see the warmth that has died in the fairy god realm again

"Who are you?" The girl continued to ask, and at the same time her vigilance suddenly strengthened. After each monk meets here, the first thing is to kill his opponent, even if he is not someone he knows, he must be more careful.

"My name is Lu Cheng, a disciple of the eternal fairy king, senior sister? Are you not warm?"

The other party's expression was slightly relaxed, because she saw that Lu Cheng seemed to have admitted the wrong person, as if there was no killing intent in Lu Cheng's eyes, but she still took a few steps back to keep her distance: "My name is Gan Rumeng, I am the fairy king of the dream. Disciple, you have admitted the wrong person, I am not so warm?"

"You? How many years have you been in the Immortal God Realm?" Lu Cheng still couldn't believe it. He was so alike. How could there be such a person

"I came from a family and entered the virtual fairyland at the age of sixteen. At the age of eighteen, I was accepted as a disciple by a leader under the seat of the Great Dream Immortal King. After 1,300 years, I was promoted to the Golden Immortal. Disciple, it has been 320,000 years since the Jinxian Sect."

After Gan Rumeng said these things interestingly, he looked at Lu Cheng with a smile.

Three hundred and two hundred thousand years? Then it can't be warm? Lu Cheng stared blankly at Gan Rumeng, who suddenly covered his mouth and smiled: "What are you in a daze? I want to kill you now, don't you have no resistance?"

"Ah---" Seeing her smile suddenly, Lu Cheng came back to his senses, like, really like.

"Stupid." Gan Rumeng covered his mouth and smiled: "A person like you can live to this day? Hehe" Whoosh, her beautiful figure turned and flew away, leaving Lu Cheng with a faint scent all over the air.

Why isn't it warm

Looking at her back, Lu Cheng could not forget for a long time. To say that the last thing he regretted in his life was that he didn't save Warm. No matter what Warm did before, what Lu Cheng knew was the warmth of the ancient stars.

He stood there, thinking about his thoughts in a daze, and didn't get back to his senses for a long time.

At this moment, someone behind him said: "A woman makes you so obsessed with it. It turns out that you haven't made any progress from the ancient stars to the present?"

Gao Yuanfeng

Lu Chenghuo turned around and finally saw Gao Yuanfeng again. Although his appearance was different, his eyes and expression were exactly the same.

"Who shall I call you? Gao Yuanfeng? Fang Jianheng?"

"Who do you like to call, the name is just a code name, I can also be called Lu Cheng, I can also be called Wenxin." Gao Yuanfeng looked at him, and did not make a move. Same.

"The important thing is, how many people will remember this name in the future." He walked slightly, as if he didn't mean to shoot at all: "Have you been waiting for me? Looking for a chance to win with me?"

There was no expression on Lu Cheng's face either: "It wasn't you who said that you want to die with me here, to determine the cause and effect?"

"Killing you is just one of them. My biggest wish is to be in the top three. Now, I have achieved it. So it doesn't matter if I kill you or not. You said, let you get the top three and meet the fairy. Get a reward, and finally kill you when you are proud of it? Will it make me happier?"

"Haha." Lu Cheng smiled: "How do you know that you are in the top three? If I kill you, wouldn't my ranking be higher? No, maybe I'm one step ahead of you a long time ago."

"Now I am the first, and the sweet dream just now is the second, and you are the third. No one will catch up with us anymore."

"How do you know?" Lu Cheng was surprised.

The two of them originally wanted to meet to kill each other, but they chatted here for a long time like good friends.

They must have been promoted from the ancient stars. Lu Cheng would also like to thank Fang Jianheng for leaving him with the Golden Light Profound Sky Pagoda. For a while, the two of them didn’t do anything, and talked like an old friend they hadn’t seen for many years. .

"I hold the Heavenly Dao Treasure, from all the ancient artifacts on the ancient stars, and many of the spiritual treasures handed down from the ancient times here are from the Heavenly Treasures. There is a spiritual treasure outside, called the'Xianjun Bang', which has a function that can be recorded. The ranking and points of this conference."

Lu Cheng now understands that Gao Yuanfeng can learn other people's magical powers in the ancient stars, and use other people's magic weapons for his own use, and it is the same now. No wonder this heavenly Taoist book is also one of the most famous ancient spiritual treasures in the ancient times.

"You were obviously arrested that day, why?"

It turned out that Fang Jianheng was arrested that day, and that person was a god. Seeing that Fang Jianheng's body seemed to be an ancient spirit treasure, he was immediately shocked. The ancient spirit treasure was a magic weapon used by immortal monarchs in the fairy god realm. There is their share.

Therefore, he wanted to practice Fang Jian horizontally, transform him into an ancient spirit treasure and then beat him into his body, training his body to be the same as an ancient spirit treasure.

As a result, it was naturally a tragedy.

Not only was it unsuccessful, but Fang Jian succumbed to it.

That person was called Gao Yuanfeng. After success, Fang Jianheng was the same as Lu Cheng. He was first in some small factions, then he ascended step by step, and finally entered the Haotian Gate of the Immortal God Realm and became the current Gao Yuanfeng.

"Well, the time is coming. After you go out, I hope you will cherish the present, because you may not live long."

Fang Jian smiled horizontally, looking at Lu Cheng, he didn't even make a move, swish, his figure flew away.

Lu Cheng's heart was slowly sinking.

Because he saw that Fang Jianheng was promoted to the ancestor.

His profound energy has far surpassed Lu Cheng.

No wonder he is so sure that he wants to get rewards for Lu Cheng, and kill him when he feels happiest, and let him fall from heaven to hell.

Buzzing, there was a buzzing sound in the air, and the whole world began to vibrate.

Is the time finally up

Lu Cheng hadn't experienced the world of immortal monarchs, he felt a white light flashing before his eyes, and he returned to the outside world.

Xianjun world, one year inside, one day outside.

They have been inside for three days, and the time outside is now about eleven minutes.

Everyone said a few words and watched more and more red names on the wall. After a few quarrels, time passed.

"It's out, it's out."

Countless powerful spiritual thoughts descended from mid-air, one by one, to detect the alive people.

Although the names of the living monks on the immortal monarch list are different from the names of the dead, they will eventually have a fluke and hope that the immortal monarch list makes a mistake and some people will not die.

For example, Qi Changhai's father Hunyuan Xianjun, how hopeful this Xianjun list went wrong.

"Chang Hai? Chang Hai?" His divine thoughts swept past, a meeting of three thousand people, less than three hundred people came out alive, a full 90% of the wounds.

"Huh, the mountain of Hunyuan?" This Immortal Hunyuan didn't know what magical power he used, but he sensed the mountain of Hunyuan that had already recognized Lu Cheng as his master, and he glanced at Lu Cheng with a glance.

"It was you, did you kill Qi Changhai? Still dare to seize my Hunyuan Mountain? Hand it over."

The supreme fairy suddenly shot.

Bang, the sky where Lu Cheng was in collapsed instantly, and a huge black hole opened immediately, and Lu Cheng was about to be swept in.

"Stop, do you dare." The eternal fairy's voice was like a rolling thunder, bang, bang, and several energies fell from the sky, forcing the idea of Hunyuan Xianjun away.

"What are you doing? Now you have to count the rankings and give out prizes. You didn't accept your bet. If your disciple was killed, you wanted to mess around, didn't you?"

In the void, there are many immortals scolding one after another.

"Yes, I died in a united battle under the seat of the Five Elements Xianjun, and I didn't say anything, Hunyuan Xianjun, don't provoke the majesty of the Xianjun Conference."

"Okay, let him live a little longer, as soon as the conference is over, he will die." Hun Yuan Xianjun stared at Lu Cheng, but Lu Cheng completely ignored him.

"Next, Ben Xianjun announces the top three in this competition, the first place, Gao Yuanfeng's 3.91 million points."

"Wow" at this conference, the next ones waiting to watch are masters above the sages of various factions, and you can come and watch if you are interested. Although you can't see the competition inside, many people are here for the immortal king list. Hearing this integral, I was immediately amazed.

This is the best result for many years.

"The second place is Gan Rumeng, with 2.63 million points."

"Wow" everyone screamed again.

"The third place, Lu Cheng, 2,21 million points."