The Great Immortal Fighter

Chapter 449: Empowerment and promotion


Lu Cheng stood behind and tried to look up to see the appearance of these three giants, but every time he looked up before he could see it, he felt that he brushed on the top and shot down from the eyes of the three giants. Lu Cheng Her eyes felt like acupuncture and couldn't open them. Only when they saw elsewhere would they recover.

"Don't offend the giants." Fa Xianjun seemed to sense that Lu Cheng wanted to see the appearance of the three giants, and quickly whispered at him. Lu Cheng pretended to be honest and looked down at the ground.

The three statues in the "Buzzing" hall began to vibrate, and a ray of light fell from the top of their heads, slowly forming a pale golden light on their hands.

The infusion is about to begin, and the nine people watching below are also very nervous.

Fa Xianjun said that every time he was promoted less than half, then the first person had better fail.

At this time, everyone hopes that the other party will fail when it is not their turn.

Brush, the golden light of the three giant statues went to the tenth place at the same time.

"Ah----" With a scream, the tenth monk seemed to endure all kinds of pain. The pain on his face was completely deformed, and the whole person lay on the ground and screamed.


While he was screaming, the countless profound energy in the place where he was was like the turbulent rivers, pounced and buried his whole person there, and everyone could feel the rapid growth of the profound energy in his body only by their spiritual thoughts.

One trillion, two trillion, three trillion-billion---

Boom, a strong energy in front suddenly erupted, except for Lord Fa Xian, who was shaken back for a few steps before stopping.

Zuxian, another Zuxian appeared.

"Huh?" Many people's eyes flushed with jealousy, and this tenth place succeeded.

The first one was successfully promoted, and this person's profound energy was three trillion, which surpassed Lu Cheng's current profound energy.

"Okay, let's go ahead and win." Fa Xianjun was overjoyed: "Next."

The ninth place trembles, shaking forward. If you are promoted in one fell swoop, how many millions of years of penance will be saved

Lu Cheng looked a little baffled, and felt that these people didn't need to be so excited.

But I don't know how many years it took him to be promoted to the present, and how many years it took for others. This is called standing and talking. Lu Cheng, like them, has practiced step by step until now, and tears will soon burst into his eyes.

Buzzing, the three major carvings began again.

The ninth place failed.

Wow, some people are whispering in the crowd, and some are snickering secretly.

The eighth place failed.

Some people in the crowd are happier. In theory, there are more failures in the front, and more successes in the back.

But then, the seventh, sixth, and fifth place all failed.

Five consecutive failures.

The audience was affected, and everyone's expressions were gloomy. At this moment, the people behind were a bit panicked. Everyone looked at Lord Fa Xian, who also looked blank.

Although the five people who failed all benefited, the profound energy increased a lot, but the difference between not being promoted to an ancestor and being promoted to an ancestor is unknown.

"fourth place."

Fa Xianjun continued to call his name, and his face was also a bit heavy.

Five people in a row were unsuccessful, and he presided over an unknown number of sessions of the Fairy Fairy, which he had never seen before.

The fourth place is like Gan Rumeng, she is a female nun, she is very beautiful, but now here, no one pays attention to her appearance, just want to see her success.

The woman's screams were more to make men whimsical. When the female nun screamed, there was a strange look in the audience. Only Gan Rumeng's face was flushed, biting her lip and she didn't know what she was thinking.

She swept away, and saw Lu Cheng's face full of ****, where she stared at the female sister's screams.

'Indecent' she secretly cursed these male cultivators.

The fourth place succeeded.

Lord Faxian let out a sigh of relief, thinking that the giant statue suddenly didn't work.

"Third place."

Finally it was Lu Cheng's turn.

Lu Cheng walked over slowly, staring at the statue's feet all the way, secretly cursing in his mind, the damn giant wouldn't even let him look at it, they must be very ugly and weird.

Buzzing, I don't know if I can feel Lu Cheng's thoughts, the sound of the three giant statues this time is more vibrating than before.

Everyone was startled, and subconsciously stepped back a few steps, and then saw three rays of light shining on Lu Cheng's body.

These three essences seemed to open a space-time channel on Lu Cheng, and then a rush of profound energy like dragons and tigers rushed in, passing these three essences to Lu Cheng's body from nowhere.

These profound auras are too strong, too much, enough to hold the monk's body alive, but these three spirit lights protect the monk's body at the same time, so that they will not die in violence no matter how much oppression they are.

Lu Cheng finally understood that the monks in front were going to scream so screaming. This kind of violent body was about to be restrained, and they were in a dilemma. The painful desire to live is to describe their current feelings.

"Ah---" Lu Cheng also felt that only by yelling out loudly could the pain be relieved.

Chi Chi Chi, the profound energy in his body is getting more and more, and the giant sword sword in his body is gradually changing.

The transparent body of the sword of life changes to the entity little by little, 70%, 80%, and 90%.

Lu Cheng was overjoyed. Whether he was promoted to the ancestor was not important. The important thing was to turn the sword of life into an entity. This giant's profound energy was surging and could actually change the quality of his sword of life.

As long as the sword of life evolves into an entity, he will directly become a giant.

Hurry up, turn my sword of life into an entity, Lu Cheng shouted in his heart, shouting excitedly.

Ninety percent one, ninety five, ninety-nine.

Just when the Sword of Life completed ninety-nine percent, swish, the light on it suddenly disappeared, and the infusion was finished.

"Ah---" Boom, Lu Cheng was also promoted instantly and became an ancestor.

However, ninety-nine percent of the sword of life is still transparent.

****, you almost die? Will you die if you instill it again? Lu Cheng almost jumped up and yelled in anger. He was about to become a giant, and you stopped suddenly.

The rage turned to rage, but he honestly retreated.

Promoting to the ancestors is already the peak of a monk, and then to promote to the emperor, that is the highest point of standing on the peak, the position of the height is limited, not everyone can stand up.

Although Fa Xianjun said that everyone who went out here could become a fairy monarch, he did not say that of the ten people who went out, only one or two could grow into a fairy monarch alive in the end.

The vast majority of people died before being promoted to Xianjun. Those who survived were finally promoted to Xianjun. Yes, it sounds good. Everyone can become Xianjun, but the prerequisite is that you have to survive.

Like Lu Cheng himself, the front foot went out, and I don't know how many Xianjun asked him for trouble.

Lu Cheng and Gao Yuanfeng understood this very well, because before they came in, Eternal Fairy Monarch had told them that the ten people who had survived to become Fairy Monarchs were only Eternal Fairy Monarch alone.

"Next." It was Gan Rumeng's turn.

This time, Gan Rumeng's performance was shocking. She actually resisted not yelling loudly. I don’t know if the female nuns in front of them made the men’s cheeks smashed into them. Screaming, the result is dying.

She resisted the yelling, and still had a small scream, but a woman's scream was more turbulent than a loud scream, and Lu Cheng had a shameful response.

When Gan Rumeng came back in sweat, she saw Lu Cheng's reaction somewhere, and her face was humiliated and "rogue", and she defined Lu Cheng as a rogue in her heart.

"Next one." Fa Xianjun's expression was a little relaxed. This group of promoted people was also expected. There were not too many failures, which was acceptable.

"Lord Fa, can I not accept the indoctrination?" When it was Gao Yuanfeng's turn, Gao Yuanfeng shocked the surroundings with a single sentence.

what? What? Is there anyone who doesn't want to be promoted to the next level

Even Lu Cheng never thought that Fang Jianheng would have such an abnormal behavior, brother, please don't be so arrogant, OK, my Lu Cheng's limelight will be overshadowed by you.

"Fair Immortal, since I stepped into the fairy gate, I have practiced everything on my own. In this Fairy Monarch Conference, I only killed three geniuses, but did not plunder their profound energy, plunder, then It’s not my style of doing things Gao Yuanfeng, who cultivates immortals, cultivates to become immortals, I just want to practice, and I don’t want to take any shortcuts."

****, are you here again? Lu Cheng's ear calluses came out. Senior Brother Fang Jian Hengfang, Boss Fang, don't do this, let other people live.

He cursed secretly, and turned his head to see Gan Rumeng looking at Gao Yuanfeng with admiring eyes. The golden star in his eyes was still shining, and Lu Cheng hated it even more.

"No," Fa Xianjun categorically said: "These are the rules of the Xianjun Conference. You don't want to change it if you say it. The giant must instill ten times. Otherwise, we can't do without here."

"Mr. Fa Xian, Gao Yuanfeng doesn't want to instill it, why don't you let me try it again?"

You have such a thick-skinned face. Compared with what I have, Lu Cheng just wanted to say that he would do it again, but he was robbed, and his heart was very depressed.

Lu Zhan, who has been silent all the time, despised Lu Cheng: "Thank you for a little bit of pursuit, let's see Fang Jianheng."

"Bah, he pretended to be forceful, he turned into a dead dog when I went out to fight."

"Lu Cheng, I feel a little bit wrong. Just now the giant instilled that the light seems to sense my existence. I have a feeling of being seen again by others?"

"Really?" Although Lu Cheng often joked with Lu Zhan, when he heard him talk about serious matters, he immediately paid attention to it. Did the giants find something

"Everyone can only instill once, Gao Yuanfeng, hurry up, we're still waiting to go out." Fa Xianjun's tone became severe.

"Uh" Gao Yuanfeng couldn't help it. After thinking about it, he had to move forward.

Without Lu Cheng's surprise, Gao Yuanfeng also succeeded.

In this case, ten people came in at the end, five succeeded and five failed, which is exactly half the probability.

After the instillation was completed, in the hall, a ray of light descended from nowhere, and two white light curtains appeared in two divided into two below.

Everyone thought it was a light curtain going out one by one to go into the light curtain.

"Wait." Fa Xianjun hurriedly stopped everyone.

"How is this? It used to be a light curtain, but two appear this time?" Fa Xianjun was depressed.