The Great Ruler

Chapter 1485: Genuine and fake



The dark gold figure looked up to the sky and screamed, blood patterns squirming on its body, and blood condensed in the pupils. Around its body, the horrible dark gold wave rippled, and even the void was trembling about it.

The terrible coercion swept away, and under the holy goods, no one dared to regret its sharpness.

Feeling the coercion radiating from the dark golden figure, there is also a cruel color on that Mahayou's face. In his opinion, it was only the dark golden figure that was caught off guard. This was the dark loss. Now he is caught by him. Forcibly spurred by the Saint Rune Talisman, all the power has been aroused, and the combat power has reached a quite terrifying level.

"Although I don't know what your colored glaze body is, I must abolish you kid today!"

Maha smiled sullenly, and his thoughts moved, only to see that the dark golden figure burst out, and countless afterimages passed through the void, making it impossible for Deren to tell his true identity.

Outside the Wangu Pagoda, many powerful people watched this scene. They were shocked, knowing that Maha You had a murderous intent. Now this dark golden figure is extremely terrifying, I am afraid that only the real holy product can kill it. .

"Then Muchen, this time I really annoyed Moheyou..."

However, in the various gazes, Mu Chen's expression was calm, but there was a hint of surprise in his gaze at the dark golden figure, and he was obviously amazed by the coercion that erupted from it.

"This mutant doesn't know how many immortal origins that originally belonged to the eternal immortal body has been swallowed, but there is such a mighty power..."

However, the dark golden figure was overwhelming and shocking, but Mu Chen did not panic, but lightly nodded at the figure surrounded by the mysterious glazed light.

The colored glaze flickered slightly, and then slowly stepped forward, standing in front of Mu Chen.


The dark golden figure roared loudly, and its punch was blasted out, and only a dark golden torrent swept out. In that torrent, there were ancient runes, which contained the power of immortal origin, and it was infinitely powerful, even if it was a Maha. The powerhouses at the peak of the late stage of the immortal grade like You were hit head-on, and I'm afraid they would be severely injured or even fall in an instant.

The dark gold torrent whizzed out with a shocking momentum, but the colored glaze body remained motionless. When the torrent was about to hit, he stretched out the glaze-like palm and gave it lightly.


A torrent of dark gold full of destructive waves fell into its palm, but it instantly turned from a giant dragon into a docile lamb, wrapped around the body of colored glaze, and finally shrank more and more, turning into a golden light, which was covered by the body of colored glaze. Inhaled it into the mouth.


Mahayou's complexion changed drastically, and he didn't expect that the dark golden figure's terrifying offensive would be so easily resolved by the mysterious glazed body.

"How can it be!"

Maha You gritted his teeth and urged the dark golden figure again. The next moment, the roar resounded, countless dark golden horses practiced tearing through the sky, like a dark golden dragon, blasting the sky and earth to the glazed body.

However, in the face of this earth-shaking offensive, the glazed body is still not in a hurry, because any dark gold torrent will become extremely docile and swallowed up by it as soon as the torrent of dark gold approaches its surrounding area. Clean...

Thus, a strange scene appeared, no matter how the dark golden figure shook the sky and the waves, as soon as it reached the body of the colored glaze, it turned into a drizzle and breeze, and it dissipated without making any waves.

Looking at this scene, Mu Chen smiled unexpectedly. After all, the dark golden figure was just a mutant, and its source of power was the immortal source it had stolen from the immortal body.

But right now, the real controller of the immortal origin has appeared, and it still wants to use this kind of power to deal with the former, it is undoubtedly that the meat buns and the dogs have never returned...

Roar! Roar!

A series of horses containing immortal origins were swallowed by the eternal immortal body, and the light around the dark golden figure was also dimmed. It sensed the loss of power, and it also burst out with an angry roar. The blood-red pupils were dead. Staring at the eternal immortal body, it is full of greed, although the latter makes it feel fearful, but if it is swallowed, it will also undergo a great transformation, and even get rid of chaos, transform into a living being, and enjoy the world.

call out!

After suffering from the previous big loss, it also did not dare to use the immortal origin as an offensive, but its body suddenly swelled, and the dark gold light flowed, making it like a dark gold giant, and there was a stream of destruction flowing from every move. Power.

The dark gold giant stomped the feet, and the figure appeared ghostly before the immortal body, and then the fist containing the destructive power slammed to the latter.

The fist is simple, but under the background of absolute power, even the world is trembling.


The dark gold fist blasted out, but just as it was about to blast on the body of the eternal immortal body, a hand made of colored glaze stretched out and gently blocked the fist.


The two touched, as if there was a sound of gold and iron resounding, and the space crazily collapsed, but what was shocking was that the glazed figure was like a rock and remained motionless. On the other hand, the dark gold figure was like a heavy blow and embarrassed. The flying upside down tens of thousands of meters.


The dark golden figure had just stabilized, not waiting to roar, the space in front of him fluctuated, and the Liuli figure appeared again, slapped his chest with another palm.


The entire chest of the dark golden figure collapsed at this time, and the figure flew upside down again.

boom! boom! boom!

After a few short breaths, the dark golden figure flew up and down like a slapped ball, and its original giant-like body was tapped again and again by the glazed figure. The abrupt collapse shrank by more than half...


Outside the Eternal Pagoda, countless powerful people are sobbing air-conditioning, with a look of horror. No one expected that the horrifying dark golden figure would be so weak in the hands of that mysterious glazed body...

This is simply a confrontation at different levels!

Qing Yanjing and Futuxuan also watched this scene with their eyes wide open.

"That glazed body, what exactly is it?"

The two of them were full of doubts, after all, they were just watching through the spirit mirror, even the Saint-Pin Tianzhi could not see all of them.

On that high platform, all the elders of the ancient Maha tribe were pale, and the face of Maha Tian in front of them was so gloomy that it was dripping out of water. His hands grasped the white jade stone pillar in front of him. There are fine cracks spreading.

"Damn it, how could this be? Didn't Maha You get the immortal body? How could it be so unbearable?! What is that kid's glazed body?!"

Mahetian's eyes were cold, and at this moment, even with his city mansion, he uttered an angry low roar in his heart.


It was another heavy blow, and the dark golden figure flew out. Its body was already riddled with holes at this time. Palm prints were branded on the surface of its body. Those palm prints glowed with glazed light, as if they were constantly eroding it. , Making the dark golden light on its body more and more dimmed.


Perceiving the situation in the body, the dark golden figure also felt a deep anxiety, the blood in the pupils suddenly shattered, and the dark golden light recovered...


A mouthful of blood suddenly spurted from Mahayou's mouth, and his eyes also showed a look of horror, his eyes were inexplicably horrified, because at the previous moment, he felt the sacred runes planted in the dark golden figure shatter...


Out of the control of Maha You, the dark golden figure also recovered some instincts. It looked at the eternal immortal body in front of it, and an indescribable fear surged into its heart.

That is the fear of facing the real superiors.

As a result, it uttered a roar of fear, and if it did not dare to fight with the Immortal Body, it would flee.

However, it was at this time that the round of glazed aperture behind Eternal Immortal's head slowly rose, and finally fell from the sky, directly surrounding the dark golden figure.

The glazed light radiated out, and the dark gold figure let out a desperate howl, because its body melted quickly under the radiance of that light...

Ho Ho Ho!

The harsh howl resounded through the world, but it couldn't stop it. Finally, after a few dozen breaths, the dark golden figure quickly shrank, and finally turned into a dark golden golden pill about the size of a palm.

On that golden core, there were mysterious lines, which contained unimaginable immortal origins.

Eternal Immortal Body gently sucked, and the Dark Golden Pill was swallowed into his mouth with one bite.


Just as the eternal immortal body swallowed that dark golden pill, thunder suddenly resounded across the world, and above the sky, hundreds of thousands of thunder roared like an angry dragon.

And the light of the eternally immortal colored glaze all over the body also shines brightly, illuminating the world.

The light of colored glaze hung down all over the eternal immortal body, and behind his head, the light of colored glaze exuded mysterious energy.

At this moment, even the many powerful people outside the Wangu Pagoda can faintly feel that an indescribable and mysterious power is permeating from the Wangu Pagoda.

In the face of this kind of power, even those who are strong in the sacred goods are jealous.

Countless powerful people stared at the mysterious glazed light and shadow. At this moment, their souls were blessed, as if they had understood something, a shocking color came out of their eyes.

It turns out... This mysterious glazed body is the real immortal body, one of the five primitive dharmakayas in the great world!

The dark golden figure before was just a fake!

No wonder the dark golden figure is under that glazed figure, and there is no resistance!

Because this is the absolute suppression of the genuine product against the counterfeit.

Even Qing Yanjing couldn’t help his face at this moment, and the Buddha on the side even took a breath. This Mu Chen, the glass body that Mu Chen had obtained, was truly immortal. ? !

The stone pillar in front of Mahatian quietly burst into powder at this moment, his eyes were cold like a knife looking at the glazed light and shadow, and after a while, there was a voice that suppressed rage and murder, and passed into the back of many motorcycles. In the ears of the Hegu elders, they couldn't help but shudder.

"The order goes on, the ancient Maha tribe's first-level combat readiness..."

His eyes were crimson looking at Mu Chen's figure in the spiritual light mirror, and a hideous and vicious color appeared on his face.

"Little boy, you dare to take things from the ancient Maha tribe. Even if the ancient Buddha tribe is protecting you today, how do you take them, I will tell you how to spit them out to me!"