The Great Ruler

Chapter 1488: Five years of hard work will make you immortal


In the golden starry sky, around the cauldron, golden flames were burning, exuding terrifying temperature.

And in the cauldron, a golden bone loomed in the flames, those bones, like purple-gold god iron, indestructible, and exuding a strong meaning of immortality.

On the surface of the bones, some lines are faintly visible. Those lines are extremely ancient and give a sense of primitiveness, as if they were formed when the world first opened.

However, even though it looks like a skeleton, if you feel it carefully, you will find that there is a faint trace of vitality hidden in the depth of the skeleton.

Outside the cauldron, the old Guangying looked at the golden bones in it, nodded slightly, his expression became more solemn, the next moment, his big sleeves waved, only to see the boundless purple and gold mist suddenly gathered in the golden starry sky. , These mists are all transformed by the immortal origin, extremely pure.

Purple gold mist poured into the cauldron, and finally covered the golden bones. Then, the mist began to condense, and finally at a very slow speed, it turned into traces of meridian flesh and blood growing outside the bones...

This growth rate is extremely slow, and it takes only a few days to condense a trace of flesh and blood.

However, these newly grown flesh and blood are obviously also extremely unusual. Among the flesh and blood, there is a faint purple and gold color, which gives people a sense of incomparable mystery.

Seeing this scene, the old light and shadow outside the cauldron nodded slightly, and then, waiting for the rebirth of flesh and blood, then Mu Chen could truly cultivate into an immortal body.

Of course, this kind of immortal body is not truly immortal, but it symbolizes a very high level of physical body. In the great world, even in the existence of holy goods, few people can cultivate the physical body to this level. degree.

Old Guangying closed his eyes slightly and fell into a false sleepy sleep, waiting for Mu Chen's flesh and blood to grow.

And this time, another year has passed.

When the old light and shadow opened his eyes again, in the cauldron, outside of the golden bones, most of it was wrapped in blood-gold flesh, and the flesh and blood surface layer, vaguely visible cortex began to take shape.

A strong wave of Ruoyuowu is brewing in that new body.

When the old Guangying saw it, he knew that Mu Chen's immortal body had been cultivated to the level of about 90%, and then as long as the skin was recast, a new and powerful physical body was born...

Outside the Wangu Tower.

Since Mu Chen was alone in the Wangu Pagoda, more than four months have passed. In the past four months, what happened in the Maha Continent has almost attracted the attention of the entire world.

Because everyone can feel that with the passage of time, the atmosphere outside the Wangu Pagoda is becoming more and more depressing, and the storm underneath is enough to make it difficult for many Heavenly Sovereigns to breathe.

On that high platform, Maha Tian was expressionless. Behind him, thirty silhouettes stood silently. Within these thirty silhouettes, extremely powerful spiritual fluctuations radiated, causing the sky to tremble, because of them, all It's all Tian Zhizun!

Thirty Heavenly Supreme!

This is the background of the ancient Maha tribe, enough to make many superpowers terrified, ordinary superpowers, as long as there is a heavenly supreme can establish sects, but this ancient Maha tribe has a full thirty!

Of course, these thirty Heavenly Supremes are not the most shocking. In front of them, half a step behind Mahatian, two white-haired old men in black and white robes are holding two walking sticks, one black and one white. Stand up.

Their faces were extremely old, but their eyes were extremely deep, and the coercion that faintly radiated from their bodies caused the earth to mourn under their feet.

These two elders are also two Saints Heavenly Supreme!

In front of the three sacred goods including Maha Tian, thirty heavenly sages, they are the strongest combat power of the ancient Maha tribe that truly shocks the world, but now, all this combat power has appeared before the eyes of the world. …

On the opposite side of the high platform, there are more than 20 figures. The first two are Qing Yanjing and the Buddha. Behind them, you can only see the profound light at the head of the profound veins, the ink pupil at the head of the ink veins, and Qing. The first pulses of the sky are all coming, and behind them is the Heavenly Sovereign of the other ancient Buddha tribes.

The confrontation between Qing Yanjing and the Maha Heavenly Sword for half a month was too much involved. The ancient Maha tribe directly came out to create pressure, and Qing Yanjing did not hesitate to use the authority of the great elder to kill the Buddha. All the strength of the ancient tribe was transferred, and it opposed the ancient Maha tribe without flinching.

The two terrifying lineups confronted each other, and the pressure that formed was extremely terrifying, and even the world was trembling about it.

But today's Eternal City is already empty, and everyone has withdrawn from the city, because the pressure of the confrontation between the two parties is unbearable even if it is Tian Zhizun.

Therefore, all the forces who rushed here are all retreating far away, for fear that in case the two sides develop, they will be mistreated by the fish...

"It's almost half a year..."

Mahetian stared at the Wangu Pagoda expressionlessly, with a dark cloud in his eyes, a trace of anger in his low voice, and said: "That kid, what on earth is hiding in there?!"

Originally, he thought that Mu Chen would hide for a month at most, but now it has been almost half a year, and there hasn't been any movement yet.

"Be calm and not restless." Behind Mahetian, the white-haired old man holding a black cane faintly soothed, and said: "We have already sealed off this world, and the kid will never escape. If he wants to I hide inside for a lifetime, and my ancient Maha tribe will stay with me to the end."

"Yes, my ancient Maha clan has guarded the immortal body for thousands of years, and must not let an outsider pick peaches!" The old man holding a white cane also said coldly.

Mahatian nodded, glanced at the ancient Buddha tribe who was waiting in the distance, and said with a cold look: "It seems that this ancient Buddha tribe insists on going head-to-head with my ancient Buddha Clan."

The two sage elders looked indifferent, and said in a low voice: "Don't worry, if the ancient Buddha tribe is ignorant, then let them see how my ancient Maha tribe can become the first of the five ancient tribes!"

"Elder, are we sure we are going to be so arrogant with the ancient Maha clan here? The strength of our ancient Buddha clan is indeed inferior to them." On the side of the ancient Buddha clan, the mysterious light on the head of the profound veins was solemn, and he glanced at it. The horrible lineup of the ancient Maha tribe couldn't help but say.

"Moreover, this place is still the site of the ancient Maha clan..." Mo Tong, the head of the ink vein, also echoed.

They both had grievances with Mu Chen before, so now I heard that they were going to face each other for Mu Chen and the ancient Maha tribe, and they were a little bit grudged.

Qing Yanjing glanced at them indifferently, and said, "If you have any objections, you can leave directly."

Xuan Guang and Mo Tong stagnated, but they were speechless. Although they were grievous, they were from the ancient Buddha tribe. Even if they were to leave, no one else in the two lines would agree. , But after all, they are all one, so every one is prosperous, and every one is damaged.

"Don't talk nonsense, you two, Mu Chen is already the new patriarch of our ancient Buddhist clan, we must keep him what we say today!" Futu Xuan on the side shouted coldly.

Xuan Guang and Mo Tong curled their lips. The two of them had coveted the position of patriarch for many years, but they were unable to do so because they had never broken through to the sacred product. Now suddenly a Mu Chen took their position, naturally a little unhappy.

However, unhappy returned unhappy, but they were helpless. Who made Mu Chen the Lord of the Immortal Body? They all know that if the power of this primitive law body can be obtained, even if it is a holy item, they will not be afraid of it.

In terms of strength, Mu Chen did possess the qualifications of the patriarch.

Xuan Guang, Mo Tong glanced at each other, both smiled bitterly, and their expressions became awe-inspiring, because this time, if one thing is wrong, I am afraid it will really shake the entire world...

"This thing will not end well..."


The golden flames were burning, and the majestic and vast purple-gold mist continued to flow in and gathered into the cauldron.

And inside the cauldron, the purple gold mist entangled, as if forming a purple gold cocoon. At a certain moment, the figure in it seemed to tremble slightly, and his eyes trembled, and then the pair that had been tightly closed for five years The eyes are slowly opened at this time.


The moment he opened it, two purple-gold light beams burst out of his eyes, and the light beams shot through the cauldron, directly passing through the void hundreds of thousands of meters before dissipating.

The figure opened his mouth and swallowed all the purple and gold mist into his body with one mouthful.

The purple-gold mist slowly dissipated, only to see a naked body slowly appeared in the cauldron, the body was white, slender and powerful, and the pores all over his body faintly exuded a purple-gold luster, and a faint immortal breath flowed out. Unpredictable.

Mu Chen lowered his head and stared at the body exuding golden light in a daze. He felt the unprecedented powerful force in his body, and raised his head, a long howling sound pierced through the sky and the earth.


The entire golden starry sky trembled under its howling.

Looking at this scene, the old Guangying finally couldn't help but smile.

After five years of hard cultivation, he will eventually become an immortal body.

Outside the Wangu Pagoda, Mohetian, Qing Yanjing and the others suddenly felt their heads and looked up at the Wangu Pagoda. Then they heard the roaring sound from the tower.

"Finally something happened!"

The expressions of the strong on both sides changed. The next moment, the atmosphere that was already suppressed, there was a murderous intent surging in an instant.

Outside that city, countless strong men watched this scene, all sucking in a breath of cold air. This confrontation that has been suppressed for half a year is finally about to break out today...