The Great Ruler

Chapter 1501: The magic is now


March passed slowly.

And in these three months, the atmosphere of the Great Thousand World has gradually become dignified, and the source of this atmosphere is the junction between the Great Thousand World and the evil races outside the territory, and there have been continuous wars recently.

Even the endless fire and martial realms guarded by the border have become the thorns of the evil races outside the territory. Countless evil demons swept in and launched a crazy offensive against the top superpowers in these two great worlds.

Although this offensive could not shake the endless flames and martial realms with Emperor Yan and Martial Ancestors, the motive behind this secret was spread in the great world.

Obviously, the evil race outside the territories that has been silent for tens of thousands of years has already begun to move around.

Knowing this, all the forces in the Great Thousand World were shocked, and it was inevitable that they were a little bit panicked. After all, the evil names of the evil races outside the territories were really too popular. The fall of the strong is a disaster.

But now that the evil races from outside the territory are coming back, it will inevitably set off a bloody storm, and even, maybe the entire world of countless creatures will be destroyed and extinct.

A sense of disaster quietly spread in the great world, causing countless shocks and panic among the people.

Tianluo Continent, Mufu Headquarters.

Outside the main hall, Mu Chen looked at the many powerhouses in the animal husbandry. The leaders were Mandala and Jiuyou. Today, the animal husbandry has become a well-deserved overlord on the Tianluo Continent, and all the top forces have surrendered. , Especially when Mu Chen's record in the ancient Maha clan was revealed, those superpowers who were still thinking about the Tianluo Continent were completely giving up.

Because they understood that now Mu Chen has completely risen, and in terms of strength, he can be ranked in this big world, plus his own background, dominating the Tianluo Continent is a matter of course.

Therefore, today the leaders of the top forces from all sides of the Tianluo Continent are all gathered here, and the lineup appears to be quite luxurious and powerful.

"I'll go to the hills of the Northern Desolation on this trip. You need to be extremely alert when you wait to guard the Tianluo Continent, and be ready to enter a state of war at any time." Mu Chen looked at the many underlings with a solemn expression, and said in a deep voice.

This trip to the North Desolate Hill will definitely not be peaceful. The evil races outside the territory will do everything possible to break the seal. Therefore, there will be fierce confrontation between the two sides. No one knows what will happen then, but no matter what, As the lord of the animal husbandry, he has to plan for the worst, so he reminds the many forces of the animal husbandry that they must be prepared for war, so as not to be overthrown by sudden disasters and follow the footsteps of the ancient heavenly palace. .


The many powerhouses below all responded with solemn expressions. Naturally, they were aware of the devastating disaster that was raging in the world during this period. Faced with the catastrophe that swept the entire world, no one could deal with it with a relaxed attitude. After all, With one carelessness, the entire world may be extinct.

This is a real extinction crisis. Compared with this kind of crisis, any disputes between the forces before can be temporarily put down. At this time, the top leaders of these forces on the Tianluo Continent are a little bit lucky. Fortunately, before the disaster came, an overlord appeared in their Tianluo Continent.

Otherwise, the Tianluo Continent will be scattered, and when the evil races from outside the territory really invade, all the forces on the Tianluo Continent will be vulnerable to a single blow and be wiped out and turned into a sea of blood.

But now, Mu Chen is already a peak powerhouse comparable to the sacred grade, with strong combat power. Under his command, even if the Tianluo Continent is attacked by an evil race outside the territory, he should have the power to resist.

Therefore, facing Mu Chen at this time, all the leaders of the top forces present were awed and convinced.

Mu Chen nodded slightly and turned around. Behind him, Mu Feng watched this scene with a smile, and his expression sighed. When he left the North Spirit Realm, he was just a young man with no foundation. But now, He has worked hard to build such a foundation, which is really much better than him.

But this also made him proud. Although I, Mu Feng, is not very strong, the son I gave birth to is the dragon among the dragons.

"Father, you will stay in Mu Mansion during this time." Mu Chen smiled at Mu Feng. He took Mu Feng to Mu Mansion a month ago. After all, this place is much safer than in Bailing Continent. .

Mu Feng nodded. He already knew that his son and his wife would go to the hills of the Northern Desolation. Although they couldn't help much, it was also a help to make them worry less.

"It's good for the brat to do your thing. Remember, protect your mother and Luo Li. As a man, you need to bear these responsibilities now." Mu Feng patted Mu Chen on the shoulder, with a serious expression. .

Mu Chen smiled and nodded. Although the old man is not strong, his sense of responsibility for his family is unquestionable. Back then, he raised Mu Chen alone. Mu Chen's current character is largely due to Mu Chen's character. Feng's teachings.

"Get ready to leave."

Mu Chen didn't delay too much, looked at Qing Yanjing and Luo Li, and said.

Qing Yanjing and Luo Li both nodded, and then the aura of the three of them surged and turned into three auras to skyrocket, and disappeared to the edge of the sky in a flash.

Mandala and Jiuyou looked at their disappearing figure, and glanced at each other, their eyes were solemn. Obviously, they also knew about the matter of the Northern Desolate Hill this time, which is related to the fate of countless creatures in the entire world.

And at the same time that Mu Chen and the others were leaving, in this vast world, suddenly there were numerous waves of vast spiritual power rising into the sky, bringing a huge momentum across the sky and the earth.

The directions of these powerful fluctuations are all the same, which is where the hill of the Northern Desolation is located.

A thousand worlds, endless fields of fire.

This is a crimson continent. Above the continent, the temperature is slightly high, and heat is rising. On the continent, volcanoes erupt from time to time, and hot magma, like a river, flows vertically and horizontally.

In the center of the mainland, volcanoes are connected, and a very majestic city is built on it. The city is like a lotus flower, with a strange beauty.

But at this moment, on a high platform in that city, a figure stood with his hands in his hands, with a free and easy temperament, and it was the Yan Emperor Xiao Yan astonishingly.

He raised his head and stared at the void of this continent, where the space was constantly distorted, with monstrous demonic energy surging, as if countless gazes full of killing and greed projected out of it.

"This evil race outside the realm really regards our endless fire realm as a thorn in the eye." Behind Yan Emperor, a white-haired old man with a dignified face, a familiar face, is Yan Emperor's teacher, Yao Chen.

"Now is when the Great Thousand Covenant is opened, the evil races from outside the territories are committing a large number of crimes, obviously intending to nail Xiao Yan here." Alongside, there is a slender figure with a colorful skirt that outlines an astonishing curve, extremely enchanting. , Her face is also extremely seductive, her eyes are flowing in Feng's eyes, she is charming, and her voice is also delicate and crisp, which can be called a peerless stunner.

And this woman in a colorful skirt is just one of the mothers of this endless flame field, Cailin.

"Since they have this plan, it means that the evil races from outside the territories will inevitably take action on the hills of the Northern Desolation." The one who spoke out was another stunning beauty. She stood pretty beside Cailin, in a light green dress with a face. Beautiful, light temperament, like an immortal, she is naturally another mistress of the endless flames, Xiao Xun'er.

Hearing the words of the two beloved wives, Emperor Yan also nodded slightly. He narrowed his eyes to look at the devilish energy surging in the sky, and said: "The order goes on, the endless fire domain has a first-level alert, all the heavens are supreme, stand by at any time. ."

Behind that, there was a flash of fire, and a figure disappeared.


And just as the Yan Emperor's voice fell, huge cracks appeared in the void suddenly, and then, there were countless demon shadows, swept out like locusts, and the whole world suddenly became gloomy.

At the same time, three huge magical shadows slowly stepped out of the crack, and the magical power enveloped the world.

Emperor Yan raised his head, looked at the three giant magical shadows, smiled faintly, and said: "There are three patriarchs of the thirty-two big clans, this evil clan outside the territory, I don't know whether they value me or despise me?"


Wuzu Lin Dong looked at the torn crack in the void with a calm face like water. When countless demon shadows gush out, there are also three huge demon shadows coming across the air.

Behind him, there are also two beautiful shadows standing, the left is wearing a white dress, a slender body, with a light veil, but it can't hide the beautiful silhouette, the silky green silk is hanging down, and the jade hand holds a long cyan handle. Sword, cold temperament, like the goddess of the moon palace.

The shadow on the side had dark blue long hair. Her skin was as white as transparent and could be broken by a bomb. But on her body, there was a boundless cold radiating, as if it could freeze everything in the world.

That kind of freezing made her still look like a girl, no longer changing.

These two beautiful ladies are naturally the two mistresses of Wu Jing, Qing Qingzhu and Ying Huanhuan.

"I have brought you Heavenly Sovereign of the Ice Spirit Race." Ying Huanhuan's voice was crisp, but it exuded a slight chill.

"All the Heavenly Sovereigns under Wujing's subordinates have also prepared for battle." Qingqingzhu Qingsha moved slightly, and a soft voice came out.

Wuzu nodded slightly, then stretched out his palms, held the jade hands of the two women, and smiled: "Unexpectedly, we would be able to fight these demons together again."

"Don't worry, if there is another accident this time, I will use my life to protect you." Aya Qingzhu smiled lightly at Yanran, her beautiful eyes curled slightly.

When Wu Zu heard this, his always firm face suddenly suffered, and he begged for mercy: "You are all aunts, don't play this set, I can't stand it anymore."

Ling Qingzhu chuckles, Ying Huanhuan with her red lips slightly curved, and hums softly: "I'm so unhappy, I didn't let you come to save me back then."

Wuzu could only shrug his shoulders helplessly.

The three of them laughed and talked a little, Wuzu also returned to his sorrow, looking up at the three huge magical shadows that came in the air, stretched out his palm and gently held it, and suddenly a wand wrapped around Thunder appeared in the sky. In his hands, a sharp color surged in his eyes, and a wave of extremely terrifying waves slowly radiated from his body.

"But don't worry, this time, no one will be able to hurt you the slightest under my nose..."