The Great Ruler

Chapter 7: Mu Yuan


Beiling City, a city born from the Beiling Institute, this city is also like the Beiling Institute, maintaining absolute neutrality in the Beiling Realm, and the controller here is obviously also the Beiling Institute.

It is precisely because the North Spirit Realm disputes will not spread to here, so the prosperity of this North Spirit City, except for a few major cities in the big region, can be counted as the leader of the North Spirit Realm.

The Beiling City was born because of the Beiling Institute, so it is naturally the world of Beiling Institute students. In this city, few people will provoke the students of the Beiling Institute, not to mention the status of the Beiling Institute, after all, in this north In the spiritual realm, most of the students who can come to the North Spirit Academy to practice have some background, among them, there are sons of various domains. Offending these young people with not weak background, I am afraid that it is not a happy thing.

When Mu Chen walked out of the teleportation spirit formation, he happened to see the prosperous city scene. He rubbed his head that was slightly dizzy due to the teleportation, and then looked back at the teleportation spirit formation behind him.

This kind of teleportation spirit formation is extremely troublesome. The entire North Spirit Realm can only be deployed in a handful of large cities, and the ability of the North Spirit Academy is obviously among them.

Mu Chen stepped down from the teleportation spirit circle where people came and went, and then walked through the lively streets, heading straight to the Beilingyuan in the middle of the city.

There are a lot of shops on both sides of the street, many of which sell all kinds of spiritual arts, and there are shouts, but Mu Chen did not stay at all. His father is also one of the nine domain masters of the Northern Spirit Realm. , Those collections are naturally not weak, so the spirit art of this kind of place is naturally difficult to enter the eyes of Mu Chen.

Turning a few streets, the magnificent Beilingyuan is faintly visible, and groups of students from the Beilingyuan can be seen on the street, surrounded by young girls, and occasionally laughter, full of youthful vitality.

From time to time, there were gazes around Mu Chen, and the gazes projected from some delicate girls were also slightly curious and shy. In this Beiling Courtyard, Mu Chen was obviously also regarded as the number one celebrity.

Not to mention anything else, the fact that he had obtained the qualification of the Spirit Road was enough to shock people's hearts. After all, there was only such a place in the entire North Spirit Realm.

Although they didn't know why Mu Chen was expelled after only one year in Linglu, but no matter what, is it possible that the person who can get the quota of Linglu is an ordinary person

As for those projected gazes, Mu Chen didn't care much, and even smiled back. The young man looked pretty, the smile on his face was quite mild and brilliant, and his black eyes were like the deep night sky, even though his age was different. The other students were similar, but faintly, he seemed to have a special taste that these immature teenagers did not have.

It was this smell, coupled with the pleasant face that made the girls who secretly looked at him slightly scalded their cheeks.

There was a commotion on the street in front of him, and many students dispersed in a hurry. Then they saw several figures running out with a little bit of disgrace. They looked around anxiously. After a while, they saw that Meng's surprise emerged.

"Brother Mu!" Several surprise shouts came from their mouths.

"Luo Dong, what are you doing?" Mu Chen was slightly taken aback when he saw these familiar figures. They were in the same training class as him, and their relationship was quite good on weekdays.

"Brother Mu, go and help Su Ling, he was beaten by Namu Yuan!" The young man named Luo Dong said hurriedly.

"Mu Yuan?"

Those students around were shocked when they heard the name, Mu Yuan, who was ranked second in the Beiling Academy? But just a fierce guy who is only weaker than Liu Yang, how dare Su Ling provoke him

"What's the matter?" Mu Chen frowned, and Su Ling was regarded as his best friend in the North Spirit Academy.

"Before, that guy from Mu Yuan ranted that you would definitely lose in a mess tomorrow, Mu Yuan, Su Ling couldn't hear him fighting him twice, and then he was beaten by Namu Yuan, and the West Court was really too arrogant..." Luo Dong hates Hate the way.

Mu Chen's lips were slightly pursed, which made Luo Dong's heart beat on the side. He and Mu Chen were also very familiar with each other. Naturally, he knew that once Mu Chen made this action, he would be a little angry.

"Take me there." Mu Chen said.

"Huh?" Luo Dong and a few people on the side were stunned, and then said: "Brother Mu, let's find a teacher first. There are a lot of people on Mu Yuan's side. Xue Dong, who was defeated by you before, also ranked No. The sixth Xiao Kun is also..."

"It's okay, lead the way." Mu Chen smiled and patted Luo Dong on the shoulder.

Looking at Mu Chen's smile, Luo Dong looked at each other, and then gritted their teeth and nodded. He was beaten up in a big deal, but how could he not let the guys in the West Campus think that their East Campus are soft goods.

Several people flocked to Mu Chen quickly, leaving some students in the street in a daze, but soon they recovered, their eyes were a little fiery looking at the direction where Mu Chen and the others were leaving, and then quickly followed. .

Looking at the appearance of Mu Chen before, could this mean that he was going to single-handedly pick the three top ten fierce figures in the West Courtyard? This is quite a violent incident.


A low voice sounded, and a figure suddenly shot out backwards embarrassedly, and its body made a long mark on the ground before it stopped.

"Now the confidence of the people in the East Campus seems to be too overwhelming. Even an unknown guy dared to yell in front of my Mu Yuan. I really don't know who gave you the confidence."

A black-clothed teenager crossed his arms, looking at the embarrassed dozens of people on the ground with a sneer. Su Ling was the first one, and he was staring at the black-clothed teenager with gritted teeth.

Behind the black-clothed youth, there were two teenagers of the same age standing, they also sneered, and there was an arrogance that couldn't be concealed in their eyes.

There were still a large circle of students around, but they didn't dare to speak. In this North Spirit Academy, there were obviously not many who dared to provoke the three in front of them.

"Bah, Mu Yuan, you are not too proud of it. Brother Mu is not here today, otherwise you can get rid of the second place ranking!" Su Ling snorted angrily.

"Mu Chen?" Mu Yuan raised his brows, and a young man behind him snorted coldly. He was the Xue Dong who had been defeated by Mu Chen.

"That guy is really capable, but I'm not afraid of him, hehe, I think that after the test between the two houses tomorrow, your eastern house should be honest." Mu Yuan grinned and said, "Brother Liu Let him understand that in the future, it is better to keep a low profile. This North Spirit Academy, our West Academy, is the strongest!"

"I can't wait to see what that guy looked like when he was defeated." Xue Dong sneered.

"Just before that, I think I'd better clean up your trash from the East Campus." Mu Yuan crossed his fingers and squeezed lightly, making a crisp sound, and immediately he walked towards Su Ling and the others with an unkind expression.

Su Ling and the others refused to give up when they saw this Mu Yuan, their expressions were a little pale, and they gritted their teeth and said, "Fight with him!"


Those teenagers are also somewhat bloody, and being watched by so many people, if there is no resistance, it would be too shameful. Immediately, they gritted their teeth, climbed up and rushed towards Namu Yuan.

"A group of guys who haven't been promoted to the spiritual realm, dare to do it with me? I can't help it." When Mu Yuan saw this, he sneered and shook his palms, and he saw a faint spiritual power rising.


He stomped the soles of his feet heavily, and his figure rushed out like an arrow. He jumped directly over several rushing figures and appeared in front of Su Ling who was panicked. He gave a sneer, and his fist was full of fierce energy. Feng smashed Su Ling's face with a fist.

Su Ling watched the fast fist wind, but couldn't resist it at all. He could only watch the fist rapidly enlarge in his eyes, and then closed his eyes like a fate.


When he closed his eyes, he seemed to hear some exclamation sounds from around him, and then a muffled sound rang in front of him, a wave of air shook his face slightly, and the pain in his imagination was also It didn't show up.

He secretly opened a trace of his eyes, and then he was stunned, only to see a chalky and slender palm. I don't know when it came out from behind him, easily resisting the fierce fist from Mu Yuan.

Su Ling hurriedly turned his head and saw the thin young man with a reassuring smile.

"Brother Mu!" Su Ling was overjoyed.

"It's done well and didn't lose the face of our east courtyard."

Mu Chen smiled at him slightly, and then he looked at the three Mu Yuans who were facing a little change, and said, "I gave their confidence. Do you have any problems?"