The Great Tang Emperor

Chapter 117: Keep these three crosses in mind


Qiong urged: "Emperor Lord, put aside other things first, you really have to hurry up and return to the flesh.

If you delay any longer, I'm afraid you won't be able to return. "

Zong Xin: "Wei Qiong is right, and to this point, you have to take it step by step. It's useless to be anxious. You can return to your body as soon as possible."

She Yangzhao did not give up, put the soul of Zhaoyuan in his arms on the body of Zhaoyuan in An's arms.

However, it has no effect at all.

She Yangzhao stuffed Zhaoyuan's soul into Zong Xin's arms.

Yang Tian shouted: "My son, you must come back, you must come back—"

She Yangzhao rushed to his body lying on the bed.

The servants jumped up in surprise: "The Lord is alive, and the Lord is alive".

Shen Ying Zhaoyuan saw his father and Daddy Yangzhao weakly leaning against the head of the bed.

Niang An handed the swaddle with Zhao Yuan in her arms to the slave and maid.

With the help of the slave servant, he tremblingly touched the bedside of Tu Yangzhao.

An's stretched out his trembling hands, clutching Du Yang's photos tightly.

An's choked up: "The Lord, you finally woke up, you scared me to death. You can't just let go and leave me alone.

You are gone, I am a blind man, how can I live. "

She Yangzhao held An to his chest and told about the story of seeing his son just now, An was very surprised.

An's asked this and that, and he kept blaming Du Yangzhao for not bringing his son back.

She Yangzhao sighed for a long time: "It's difficult. Didn't I tell you, it was the encounter of the wandering souls of my father and son."

The son is right in front of the bed. However, yin and yang are separated, he can see us, we can't see him.

The son said that he will definitely come back. "

An's: "You said you saw your son, I believe it, but it's just a dream. Don't take your dreams seriously, don't take your dreams seriously."

When God Ying Zhaoyuan saw this scene, his heart was like a knife, and there was nothing to do.

Suddenly, the magic master Gai Ning appeared in front of her.

Gai Ning, the master of magic, speeds up and flies back to the peak of the virtual game.

Put the body of the god infant Zhaoyuan on the soul-calling bed, immediately sit on the altar, take out the tools, and chant the mantra.

Gai Ning's own primordial spirit left the body, drifting to find the source of the god-baby photo.

When Gai Ning found the source of Shenying Zhaoyuan, it was the moment when Shenying Zhaoyuan's heart was twisted.

Zhaoyuan worshipped his teacher and talked about the situation just now.

Gai Ning: "So, your real name is Zhaoyuan.

Well, just restore it to your real name.

Zhaoyuan, remember your filial piety for your teacher, so let your Dharma eyes have magical powers in advance.

However, according to the source, you have to keep in mind that any magical power given to you by the teacher is used to punish the evil and promote the good, and help the poor.

Do not do evil or harm the good. "

According to the source promise, I was about to swear.

Gai Ning stopped: "'Master with the heart, practice with the heart, meet friends with the heart, and treat everything with the heart.

Convince people with reason in everything, and don't move evil. '

Zhaoyuan, as long as you keep in mind these three cross proverbs, you are a good disciple. "

Zhaoyuan recites several times silently, and bows again: "Teacher, don't worry, the disciples keep these three cross proverbs in mind.

Do it yourself and never go against it. "

Gai Ning nodded: "I hope so. Zhao Yuan, open your eyes, take care of your mother's eyes, and bless your mother."

Zhao Yuan opened his eyes and looked at Ding Niang An's eyes, only to see that there were two black spots in Niang An's eyes, and they didn't know what they were.

Zhaoyuan stared at the two black spots.

I kept praying in my heart: "Mother, your son is by your side.

My son wishes you bright eyes and stay alive until your son comes back.

Mother's eyes must be bright, and they must be bright.

The two black spots will quickly spread, quickly spread, quickly spread, let my mother see the light, see the light..."