The Great Tang Emperor

Chapter 12: Pretend to be an innocent little girl


Shimen Xianweng wanted to enter in stealth, but I thought, I came here for the son to shine, and I should go in through the front door.

The fourth wife, Chai, put the rush to heaven under house arrest, and only waited for the good news of returning to heaven in seven days.

If Zhaoyuan is still alive after seven days, she will start the second murder plan.

Chai asked Jishangtian to live in the courtyard, and instructed his personal servant Genlan to be responsible for the diet and daily life of Jishangtian, and not to leave the courtyard for half a step.

Chai arranged for a break, and roasted tea with her close servant Honghong by the fire.

Chai suddenly asked: "Hong Hong, how am I to you?"

Hong Hong was startled, her hand shook, and she almost broke the small earthen tea pot: "The lady is the second-born parent of the slave and maidservant. Without a wife, there would be no slave and maidservant."

Before Chai married, he took Hong Hong who fell hungry at the entrance of the village.

Hong Hong regards the Chai clan as a savior and is willing to be a slave and maidservant to the Chai clan, and he can be said to be obedient to the Chai clan.

The Chai clan treated her as a close-knit slave and maidservant like Genlan, and took her two to marry the emperor's mansion together.

Chai once again urged: "Everything I do to the son is in the eyes of you and Gen Lan. This is a matter of deceiving the Lord and destroying the door. You should know how to keep a secret."

Honghong nodded like a chicken pecking at rice: "Madam, how many times have you said to the slave and maid."

Madam, don't worry, even if you die, the slave and maid will not confide a word.

I swear to the sky, if I have a trace of infidelity to my wife, and the sky will thunder and thunder, I shall not be overborn after death and enter the eighteenth hell..."

Chai stopped her: "Come on, just be loyal to me, why bother to take such a vow."

She Yangzhao announced all the affairs of the son Xide, and appointed someone to organize the celebration.

After the arrangements were properly made, he happily came to Chaiyuan.

Honghong poured boiling water into the roasted tea pot, the tea leaves suddenly tumbling, the rising heat wafted away, and the room was full of fragrance.

She Yangzhao stepped into the room: "It's so fragrant tea, the lady baked it, right?"

Hong Hong held up a cup of fragrant tea and offered it to She Yangzhao: "In response to the Lord's words, tea is roasted by slaves.

However, the maidservant's tea art is not as high as that of his wife. "

She Yangzhao took the tea and took a sip: "This slave and maid can really speak to his master."

In winter, the fire in the fire pit in the house is not extinguished day and night, and it is very warm.

Hong Hong untied the drape covered by She Yangzhao, hung it to a corner and exited the door.

She Yangzhao sat by the fire, and Chai poured another cup of fragrant tea for She Yangzhao, and asked pretendingly: "Are the three sisters, mother and son safe?"

She Yangzhao laughed: "It's all safe, thanks to the midwife of Ji God, thank her well and give her a great reward.

Hey, ma'am, how did you know that An's had a son? "

Chai smiled and said: "As soon as you left, Gen Lan led anxiously to go to heaven to announce the good news.

The Nujia has already given a great reward to the emperor, and the emperor does not have to worry about these small things. "

She Yangzhao drank another cup of fragrant tea that Chai had handed over.

Chai tilted his head and pretended to be an innocent little girl: "I also heard that the emperor gave the son a name, Zhaoyuan, and changed the name of the fish head to Mengguang."

She Yangzhao asked curiously: "Madam, a real god, you know all this."

She Yangzhao forgot, he muttered a big deal to himself in front of Genlan, and when Genlan heard it, he naturally told the Chai family.

Chai smiled stupidly: "Hehehehe, Genlan heard the edict said so and said it in front of me.

In this way, don't I know? Lord, do you think it's not

The third sister gave birth to a son, and the edict has a successor, so the edict is relieved, and the slave family is also relieved. "