The Great Tang Emperor

Chapter 123: Laughing constantly


At this moment, the bosses heard the laughter of Zhaoyuan, the second-in-chief kid, and they immediately felt better and laughed.

The laughter of the bosses caused all the thousands of people in the three mountains and two ridges of the Xuju Peak Magic Training Ground to laugh together.

The magical training ground of Xuanju Peak became a sea of laughter, and the laughter was high and high, spreading far and wide, and spreading out of the other world continent.

Every state king on the alien continent heard this earth-shattering laughter.

Although they don't know where the laughter comes from.

However, they coincidentally set this day as the day of laughter to commemorate this peculiar day.

In other words, when Zhaoyuan was one year old, he left a memorial day in the magical calendar of another world—Laughing Day.

Gai Ning didn't expect Zhaoyuan to have such a charisma.

Gai Ning raised Zhaoyuan above her head and gestured to the leaders.

The leaders knew that Gai Ning meant, look, this is the child prodigy, the pride of our Xuju Peak Magic Practice Field.

After the laughter of the bosses subsided: "You can see it, although the second head has just reached his first birthday.

However, his skill cannot be underestimated.

Just now, he just smiled, it was so earth-shattering, if he coughed, or stomped, would it be okay? "

The leaders shouted in unison: "Support the second head! Support the second head!"

Gai Ning put Zhaoyuan back on the ground, and was immediately picked up by someone and lifted to the top of his head.

He was immediately picked up by others and put on his neck.

For a time, you vie for me, "Second Sovereign" and "Second Sovereign" kept calling.

According to Zhaoyuan, the bosses were flattering him.

At the time when all the bosses were vying for the source of photos.

Gai Ning instructed the logistics chief Shanhouzi: "After all the bosses have enough trouble, take Zhaoyuan back to the cave.

Continue to let the nanny breastfeed and serve carefully. "

Then, Gai Ning went back to the upper hole.

Shanhouzi is treacherous and cunning, especially careful.

However, Shanhouzi did not expect it in her dream.

This year-old kid Zhaoyuan turned out to be the second head of the magical training ground of Xuanju Peak, and he had a third-level skill.

Shanhouzi recalled what she had done in the cave and in front of Zhaoyuan

**** with the suckling twat.

Forced to play with Zhaoyuan's ****** with Duohua.

Promote Zhaoyuan's super-big sex to the bosses.

Also said some contemptuous things.

Shanhouzi knew that these were acts that offended the second head.

Shanhouzi also knows the punishment for offending the second head.

If it is slander, the tongue must be cut off.

If it is hands-on, cut off both arms.

Shanhouzi also knows that the punishment for **** in the magic training ground of Xuju Peak is strict men and women.

The man was castrated and there was no discussion.

The woman is driven out of the mountain and will never come back.

Although this punishment is severe, it has not been implemented.

The reason is that no one reported it.

No one reported, who are you going to punish

But, why didn't anyone report it

Think about it, there are three mountains and two ridges in this virtual peak magic training ground.

With such a large site, the topography is very complex, even for cultivation, they also live alone, never pairing with each other.

As mentioned earlier, the baby Zhaoyuan also lives in a cave alone.

Besides, each has its own things to do.

What's more, there are indicators for everything, and you will be punished if you don't achieve it, and you will be rewarded if you exceed it.

The rewards and penalties of the Xuju Peak Magic Training Field are clear, and they are well-known in the devil world.

No wonder Xuju Peak Magic Training Field is the leader of the Demon Realm Training Field.

It is precisely because of such a living environment and rewards and punishments.

The people in the Magic Cultivation Field of Xuju Peak are busy with their own affairs and rarely communicate with each other.