The Great Tang Emperor

Chapter 131: Sure enough, the wind and the willow branches were chatting


Broken head: "The benefactor will call me broken head. This is the name given to me by the teacher."

Zhao Yuan meditated for a moment: "The broken head given to you by your teacher is your legal name.

Now that you have turned into a dog, it is no longer appropriate to call your Dharma name. "

Broken head: "In the future, the benefactor will be my master, and the master can tell me anything."

Photo source: "You were transformed into a tiger before, and now you are transformed into a dog. What do you want to be transformed into?"

Broken head: "Listen to the master's instructions, I will be transformed into whatever I want to be transformed into."

Zhao Yuan tilted his head and thought for a while: "It's also awe-inspiring to turn into a tiger, but everyone is scared and can't get close to the crowd.

Since ancient times, people have treated dogs as friends, and dogs are the most loyal to people.

It is better to be transformed into a dog, and it is easy to get together. what do you think? "

Broken head: "The master said it to my heart.

Previously, I turned into a tiger, first for fun, and second, to execute the instructions of my teacher. "

According to the source: "What instruction?"

Broken head: "My teacher asked me to carry you to the multi-speaking pool and drink a few sips of multi-speaking water.

In this way, the benefactor can understand the voice of all things in the world. Don’t believe me, what does the benefactor say? "

Zhaoyuan listened attentively, and as expected, the wind and willow branches were chatting.

Feng: "This dog is really boring alone. I have been talking for a long time, I don't know what is talking about?"

Willow: "If you don't understand, you think it's boring. In fact, that little kid is an extraordinary character..."

Zhaoyuan covered his ears and yelled: "I don't listen, I don't listen, even Willow said that I am a kid.

Let's go.

Oh, I forgot again.

You were a tiger before, and then a dog. If you call you a dog, it doesn't sound good. Just call you two tigers. Does it sound good or not? "

Broken head: "It sounds good, and the master tells me everything is good."

Photo source patted the top of the dog's head: "Then I will call you Erhu from now on."

Second Tiger: "Yes, Master."

Zhaoyuan listened to Erhu's milky voice and was very happy: "Hehehe, you are a stout man, how come you are a childlike voice?"

Erhu: "Didn't you tell the benefactor just now? When the benefactor was a baby, all the urine was childish.

Originally, my voice was low, so I called me the urn sound urn qi.

Since my benefactor’s baby urine replaced my brain, my voice has become like this. Doesn't it sound good? "

Zhaoyuan is proud that the urine he had when he was a baby can bring people back to life.

Hearing Erhu's question, he immediately replied: "It sounds good, it sounds good, it sounds great."

Zhao Yuan opened his eyes and searched far away, but there were no children playing.

Only then did he understand that it was arranged by the mentor in advance.

Two Tigers: "Usually I turn into a dog and follow my master. I can also be the owner's mount and let the master drive me.

One more thing, the owner must know.

The master already has the skill of multi-spoken and multilingual.

In other words, what kind of person the master talks with, what kind of words are spoken.

When the owner talks to the dog, what the owner says is dog talk.

The host talked to the tiger, and the host spoke the tiger's words.

The master talked to the wind, and what the master said was wind talk.

When the master talks with people, what the master speaks is human words.

In this way, the master can freely talk with all things in the world at will.

Also, when necessary, what the master needs me to transform into, I can transform into anything. "

Zhao Yuan: "Erhu, don't call me the master, I don't like you calling me like that.

Although the teacher ordered you to protect me, then we are friends. Just call me Zhaoyuan by his name.

It sounds like a friend. "