The Great Tang Emperor

Chapter 25: Embracing two slaves and maidservants


Genlan said: "The slave and maid listened to the lady's instructions. The maid gave her life. The lady told the slave to die, and the slave went to die..."

Chai cried: "You silence me, did I tell you to die? It's not easy to tell you to die

Just now, I really wanted to poke a fire of chopsticks into your throat, and you would have caused such a catastrophe for me. "

The root blue is closer to the red and red.

Seeing the pitiful looks of the two servants, Chai slowed down his tone: "I am asking you two for ideas.

You two are good, where's the usual teething? You two can also see that we are all in the same boat.

I’m good, you two are good, I’m good, you two are dead. "

Chai stopped for a while and thrust the chopsticks into the firepit, "Understand?"

Hong Hong and Genlan leaned against each other, and their voices couldn't rise up: "I understand, ma'am."

Chai knew that in this Zhaozhu's mansion, although she was favored by the emperor Ni Yangzhao.

That is on the premise of not harming the interests of Tui Yangzhao.

Once her conspiracy is revealed, then Ge Yangzhao will ruin her family without hesitation.

Now the whereabouts of Anxious God is unknown, this is a fatal hidden danger for Chai.

Gen Lan and Hong Hong are insiders, and only her two can entrust secrets.

She is both soft and hard, just wanting to hold her two firmly in the palm of her hand.

Chai grabbed the hands of the two slaves: "You two are my personal slaves and my best friends.

Since we have done this, we can only do it to the end. Are you two afraid? "

The two slave servants shook their heads: "Not afraid."

Chai stood up with a heavy body: "Well, I believe you two. Prepare the incense case, we will worship the sisters."

The two slaves looked at each other, and the two Yanen's faces were stunned, and his body couldn't move.

Chai urged: "Why are you still stunned? Go ahead."

Can not tolerate the slightest hesitation of the two servants and maidservants, hurriedly set up the incense case.

Before the Xiang case, Chai's hand held a slave and maid: "We kneel down and swear to heaven."

The two slave servants knelt side by side with the Chai family.

Chai said, and the two slaves followed Ying's sentence: "Chai, Hong Hong, Gen Lan, the three are sisters.

Exchange heart for heart, forever knotting one heart, blessing and sharing. If we bear the same burden, we don’t seek to live together, but to die together..."

Anyhow, after finishing talking, they kowtow to each other again.

Chai was happy: "Okay, now I'm relieved.

In front of others, you two are still my slaves, and if you carry others, we are worthy of sisters.

I am naturally the sister of both of you, so let's call me sister first. "

The two servants were so dizzy by Chai, they couldn't help but yelled Chai: "Sister".

Chai responded: "Hey", and also called back: "Sister".

The two slaves and maidservants responded tremblingly: "Hey—"

Chai put his arms around the two servants with a smile on his face: "We worshiped our sisters.

Only God knows and the earth knows the three of us, and we must not let the edict know. "

The two slaves nodded vigorously: "I see, madam, I see, sister."

After a few days, the two slaves and maidservants got used to this dual relationship.

Since then, the two slaves and maidservants have become more resigned to the Chai family.

Chai let Hong Hong and Gen Lan rotate around the cross street.

On this day, Gen Lan brought back a small blue and white porcelain vase.

Handed it to Chai's hand: "Sister, this is the licking potion that my eldest brother gave me. The eldest brother told me..."

Gen Lan relayed Chai's bold words to Chai.

After Chai came back from Chai's house, she never went to Anyuan again. She wanted to avoid suspicion.