The Great Tang Emperor

Chapter 28: This trick doesn't work anymore


Chai pressed his big belly, panting and shouting: "If you don't get rid of the source, what's the use of giving birth to a son?"

The two slaves were so scared that they dared not speak.

After a while, Chai calmed down: "My dear sister, did I scare you just now

Come sit down, I have something to tell you. "

The two slaves and maidservants sat down beside Chai with fear.

Chai asked Genlan: "Sister, the licking potion you brought back was handed over to you by my brother himself?"

Gen Lan nodded.

Chai asked again: "Why don't you have the reactions you said?"

Gen Lan heard something wrong.

Quickly confessed: "I took the small blue and white porcelain vase from my brother, and I told my sister exactly what my brother said."

Chai thought for a while: "This matter is strange, and you must ask it right away.

Genlan, before it’s dark, go to my house as soon as possible, hand the small blue and white porcelain vase to my brother and tell him..."

With a small blue and white porcelain vase, Gen Lan left the main entrance of the Emperor's Mansion, took a shortcut, and rushed to the Chai House.

Chai Daudao is calculating the time that Zhaoyuan will consume the mortal potion, and estimate when he will die.

Seeing Genlan hurriedly here, he hurriedly gave Genlan to the inner room.

When Chai Boldly heard Gen Lan's words, his heart was cold.

Chai boldly thought for a while: "Well, go back and tell Madam.

I will check this out. You will wait for my letter at Cross Street early tomorrow morning. "

Chai boldly sent Gen Lan away, and trot across the iron chain bridge to the street, panting and knocking on the door of Baipi Deng.

As soon as Chai Bold entered the door, he yelled, "Okay, you're a good guy.

How dare you give me fake medicine to my uncle, you don't want to live anymore, you..."

Bai Pi Deng dared Chai to the back room: "My uncle, what kind of thing do you send

This medicine is made by the wizard Arrow. It's fake or not. Ask him, Master Guan, what's wrong with me? "

Chai Daudao was still angry: "I am asking you for the medicine.

You gave me fake medicine. If I don’t slap on you, can’t I slap on dogs? "

Baipi Deng is not a person who can bear the breath: "You are a dog, you are a mangy dog.

Do you want to rely on your money and come to the uncle's mansion to mess around? "

When Chai Bold heard this, his heart was completely cold, and he held his head and called out "Aoao".

Chai Boldly asked suddenly: "Do you know the masters of Jianghu?"

Baipi Deng puzzled: "What are you looking for an expert in the world for?"

Chai rubbed his hands boldly: "It seems that the trick of using medicine doesn't work.

Only find an expert to directly start. Otherwise, this business would really not be done. "

Just listen to it, such a big deal can't be done.

It's not a pity: "I know an expert named Sanfeng, this person has a great skill."

Chai boldly couldn't wait: "Then visit him."

Bai Pi Deng looked out the window: "I'm going, it's tomorrow too."

Chai dared to get angry: "Fart tomorrow, go now."

Bai Pi Deng felt that Chai Bold's expression was wrong, so he thought about it again, what kind of business would he need the help of Jianghu experts

Bai Pideng didn't want to get into trouble: "You are so anxious, then I will tell you the location of Sanfeng's house.

You go alone, I don't want to get tired of it.

Besides, I don't want to do your business. You can take this big fortune alone. "

Chai boldly thought about it, or if one less person knows it, then more insurance: "Well, after the matter is done, don't regret it.

Come on, where does Sanfeng's family live? "

Bai Pideng said that at the White Horse Post, he also talked about the specific location.