The Great Tang Emperor

Chapter 37: Consider two poisonous tricks


Shenmuehua: "You go to the White Horse Post to find Sanfeng and ask clearly."

Tugou: "Looking at his anxious look, 80% of the time is something urgent. How could he stay at home?"

Shenmuehua also thinks about it, Sanfeng has always been uncertain, and I really don't know where to find him.

"Then wait, he should always talk about the ins and outs of such a big matter."

Shenmuehua kissed her affectionately, according to the dark red birthmark of sesame seeds on the Yintang acupoint of Yuanyuan.

Thinking of the anxious state of Zhaozhu and An, I really wanted to take Zhaoyuan into Zhaozhu's mansion immediately.

A great surprise for the edict and An's.

However, Shenmuehua calmly thought about it, I'm afraid it would be inappropriate to do so.

Shenmuehua knows that if there is no internal response in the heavily guarded edict's mansion, how can the culprits succeed

So, who should be

Without knowing it, he took the son into the mansion rashly, if the son fell into the hands of the culprit, wouldn't it be even worse

Shenmuehua thought so, and her heart was full: I can't send it, wait a minute.

Tugou doesn't know what Shenmuehua is thinking: "What's the matter with you

Shenmuehua lightly patted the son: "The son is also this big.

The son was lost, and his mother, An's, was crying so hard that I was heartbroken when I saw it. "

Digul: "This matter is like this to everyone, alas, there is such a bad person in the world with a bad conscience."

Shenmuehua: "Why don't you see Azhu?"

Digou: "Her son just died, making her old lady angry. After she fed Goulu, she went home and have a look."

Shenmuehua: "Although I am back, I have added a nursing baby.

Goulu is still milked by Azhu, so I will milk this baby. "

Digou: "Yes, no matter whose baby it is, it is a life after all. You have to take care of him like your own son."

Shenmuehua nodded: "That is."

Chai Boldly stabbed the Three Winds with a single knife, and the Three Winds fell into the river. Chai Boldly thought that Zhaoyuan was certainly drowned.

Chai boldly thought it was a perfect job.

As long as Chai really gave birth to a son, then his nephew would undoubtedly be the emperor.

After Chai Boldly was happy, he couldn't be happy again immediately.

Chai Boldly thought suddenly, if the third wife An's reborn a son, the fourth wife Chai's son will be out of play.

Chai thought boldly and thought again, thinking about two poisonous tricks:

First, let her sister Chai give An's food containing musk, and a woman will be infertile for life if she eats musk.

The second is that if An's eats musk, it doesn't work. Once you become pregnant, only An's.

Chai boldly had a plan to deal with it, and his mood became more relaxed.

Chai thought boldly, if the source of the photo is lost, Tui Yangzhao will not give up, and will definitely search.

As long as Fu Gumu stays in the Chai House, nothing will happen. Once the limelight has passed, sit back and relax.

Chai boldly urged Fu Gumu not to leave the chai house for a half-step, and Fu Gumu certainly knew the stakes.

Besides, it’s delicious and it’s good to stay for a long time.

Chai Daudao went to the Qingxin Tea Shop in Shizijie to drink tea every day, in order to connect with Genlan and understand the dynamics of the emperor's mansion.

A few days have passed, and Gen Lan has not been seen, and Chai's bold heart can't help but hang.

Chai Boldly played chess with people in Qingxin Tea Shop, always distracted.

There are always pictures of the torturing of the Chai family after the emperor Du Yangzhao sees through the Chai family's conspiracy.

Chai boldly imagined that the Chai family would definitely not be able to withstand the torture and would definitely confess him.