The Great Tang Emperor

Chapter 43: To prevent injury to the fetus


Suddenly, Genlan broke into the house.

I came to Chai in a few strides, and I stammered: "Sister, elder sister, it's big, it's not a big deal, it's not good."

Seeing Genlan's panic, Chai's heart was tight: "What makes you so panic?"

Gen Lan patted his chest and calmed down: "Brother Chai told me just now that Sanfeng is not dead.

Yesterday, the eldest brother saw Sanfeng by the river, and Sanfeng also shot the eldest brother’s brother..."

When Chai heard that Sanfeng hadn't died, Zhaoyuan couldn't die either.

The news was like a bolt from the blue sky, shocked Chai's six gods, and his hair was dizzy and his hands were cold.

What Gen Lan said down, Chai didn't hear a word.

Chai's mouth was dizzy while saying "Zhaoyuan is not dead, Zhaoyuan is not dead", and he fainted on the couch.

The two slave servants "sister" and "madam" were so scared that they yelled.

Gen Lan: "I'll report to the Lord, I can't miss the story just now."

Hong Hong: "Of course, everything is up to you, I will not speak."

Gen Lan went to Anyuan to report to the edict, Du Yangzhao: "Qi report to the edict, the fourth wife suddenly fainted, somehow, I came to report."

She Yangzhao was taken aback: "How could it be like this? Hurry up and pass on the great talents of Bimo."

Genlan trot away.

An's eyes were red and swollen from crying. He was also anxious when he heard that Chai had passed out: "I'll go and see too."

She Yang shone in front, and Cui Cui, a close servant servant, supported An's behind, and came to Chai's room.

An's lightly patted Chai's cheek, and anxiously shouted: "Sister wakes up, sister wakes up..."

She Yangzhao asked, "What's the matter?"

Hong Hong knelt down and said: "The emperor Rongzhen, the lady fainted while talking about the son Zhaoyuan in her mouth."

She Yangzhao and An's listened, and they were very moved.

An's tears: "It's rare for my sister to keep Zhaoyuan in her heart from time to time, sister, you will wake up soon..."

After a while, Bimo You arrived.

Get the pulse for Chai: "Madam is anxious, she faints for a while, and she will be fine after lying down for a while."

Gen Lan and Hong Hong helped She Yangzhao move Chai to the bed to lie down.

She Yangzhao asked eagerly: "What's in the belly?"

Da Bi Mo Youcai: "It's okay right now, but don't be too anxious to avoid hurting the fetus."

She Yangzhao angrily: "Damn servant, have you heard

Make the lady happy.

Let the madam do this again, be careful that I peel your skins. "

Gen Lan and Hong Hong hurriedly knelt to the ground and said repeatedly: "The slaves dare not..."

After a while, Chai opened his eyes and saw She Yangzhao and An sitting in front of the bed, struggling to get up and see.

She Yangzhao pressed Chai's shoulders: "Don't move, so you can lie down."

An’s: “I’m scared to death, just wake up, good sister, don’t worry too much in the future.

Miscarriage matters. The source of the photo is gone, the edict still counts on you..."

An's worried for a while, could not go on.

Chai pulled up An's hand, his voice choked: "Sister, take care too.

God doesn’t have eyes long, and all disasters fall on us, oh—"

Chai thought, it can't be dragged on like this any longer, the more you drag it down, the more passive it is.

Chai decisively launched a criminal plan to search for Zhaoyuan.

Chai said anxiously to She Yangzhao: "The son hasn't fallen yet, so dragging it on like this is not a solution.

There are many dreams in the night, and the time is long, I am afraid that the son will encounter accidents. "

She Yang's heart is like a knife twisted: "Yeah, there are many dreams in the night, and if you drag it on like this, there will be more fortune.

You said, what should I do? "