The Great Tang Emperor

Chapter 44: See what's happening in the mansion


Chai: "The slave family thought, the edict ordered the captain of the guard Sparrow to search carefully from house to house, maybe he could find the source of the son."

She Yangzhao nodded: "That's the only way to go, you still think well."

Chai: "I also want to find the son as soon as possible."

She Yangzhao immediately ordered the captain of the guard Sparrow to search from house to house, and even a village could not be spared.

She Yangzhao ordered the posts to be posted everywhere, and if anyone finds the source of the son's photo, he will be rewarded.

After Chai and An comforted each other, She Yangzhao wanted to accompany Chai here.

Let Cuicui help Mrs. An back to Anyuan to rest.

Chai: "The emperor should go back to Anyuan to accompany my sister. I'm fine. My sister is in need of the emperor's company.

The edict is with me, but I care about my sister. "

She Yangzhao: "Well then, you don't have to torture the son in the womb anymore."

Chai: "The slave knows. The edict must take care. If the edict is fine, we will be fine."

An's instructed Chai again, and then she left with Tui Yangzhao.

As soon as She Yangzhao left, Chai asked eagerly: "What else did my brother say?"

Gen Lan: "The eldest brother said that he is going to kill the Three Winds to avoid future troubles."

Chai gritted his teeth: "Now that's the case."

Chai looked at the two slaves: "The root is blue, the red is red, my good sister, if the three winds are not dead, we will be killed.

Are you two afraid? "

Two slaves and maidservants: "If there is anything to be afraid of, even if we die, we will also follow my sister. What do you want us to do, just tell me."

Chai took the hands of the two slaves: "I will rely on you, sister.

Let’s go to the cross street from time to time to contact my brother, and Hong Hong carefully listened to the news in the mansion. "

Chai asked Honghong to find the captain of the guard, Sparrow, and gave a special explanation.

Chai: "On the Yintang point of Zhaoyuan, there was a dark red birthmark the size of a sesame seed.

Once you find a baby boy with this characteristic, you can take it for me to check, and you can't miss one, and you can't leak the news.

Once I let the emperor and the third wife An's know, I will destroy your family. "

Chai always used "destroy your whole family" as an intimidation spell.

However, this spell no longer worked on Ji Shangtian.

For this matter, Chai was puzzled.

Is there no one who is afraid of death in the world

Don't tell me, you are not afraid of death in a hurry, but the captain of the guard sparrow is terribly afraid of death.

With Chai's kindness and power, how dare the Captain Sparrow not follow.

The captain of the guard sparrow was laid out layer by layer, and a little similar baby boy was handed over to him.

The captain of the guard sparrow took the baby boy secretly into the emperor's mansion for Chai's identification.

However, babies can cry and scream, which brings trouble to secrecy.

The captain of the guard sparrow pondered that since it must be absolutely confidential, to avoid the disaster of destroying the door. The only way is to kill the baby boy.

The captain of the guard Sparrow knew that Chai's purpose was to die according to Yuan.

Therefore, after receiving the baby boy, he killed the baby boy first, and then quietly brought him into the Zhaozhu's mansion for the Chai family to recognize.

Whenever the captain of the guard sparrow killed a baby boy, he prayed silently: "God has eyes, this is Chai's idea.

I don't do this. Once things are revealed, the Chai family will destroy me.

I went to the Chai family if I wanted my life, and it had nothing to do with me. "

People with baby boys are in panic all day long.

And the baby boy who was snatched, like a clay cow into the sea, has no return.

For a time, the people were panicked all day long.