The Great Tang Emperor

Chapter 47: Don't worry about that much


Chai boldly believed that Zhaoyuan was in Shenmuehua's house.

Chai boldly triumphed, and the deliberate plan of his brother and sister is about to come true.

Chai Boldly is descending the steep slope, and his mind is success.

Suddenly, a hungry dog snatched shit and threw himself on a sharp stone.

Chai's bold forehead opened a big hole, and the blood went straight.

He picked a handful of Artemisia nigra on the roadside, crushed it and pressed it on the wound, and continued on his way.

When Shenmuehua saw the Three Winds, she asked, "Three Winds, how can this baby boy get into your hands?"

Sanfeng told the whole story of the matter.

Sanfeng didn't understand: "But, I only know that it was a baby's swaddling that a woman handed me that night.

As for who that woman is, I don't know. I don't even know why they do this. "

Shenmuehua: "Do you know who this baby boy is? Tell you, this baby boy is the source of the son."

Sanfeng: "I didn't know it before, but now I know it. There are signs to search for the source of the son's photos."

Shenmuehua: "Who is the dark spot you just mentioned?"

Sanfeng shook his head: "I don't know. However, I have shot the black spot in the Yangbei River."

Trench: "Did you see the man's body?"

Sanfeng: "I haven't seen the corpse, but it has already been bleeding. With my arrows, bleeding will undoubtedly die."

Digul: "You are too confident.

It is common sense to see people in life, and corpses in death. I hope that the person is really dead, and it will be relieved. "

Sanfeng: "This is already the case, let him go.

It is important to keep the son's photo source first.

I think, hide the son Zhaoyuan in the old stone cave of Qingliang Mountain, where few people go. "

Shenmuehua: "Yeah, why didn't I think about it?"

Earth Ditch: "It's good, but how can people live in that cave?"

Sanfeng: "Brother, you forgot, isn't Shimen Immortal Weng cultivating in the old stone cave

Wherever he can get the protection of Shimen Immortal Weng. "

Shenmuehua: "That's right. Besides, the son is still a baby, what's the sin

I just gave my life to save my son's life. "

Sanfeng: "You lock the door and go to the old stone cave to avoid it.

I just wander around, passing news to you from time to time. "

So, the dirt ditch was cleaned up.

Shenmuehua carried Zhaoyuan on her back and Azhu carried the ditch on her back. With the help of the three winds, she went to the old stone cave in Qingliangshan.

When they entered the cave, there was no sign of anyone living in it.

Tugou is strange: "Shimen Immortal Weng is practicing in this cave and preaching to his disciples. Why doesn't it look like someone has lived in it

Where did Shimen Immortal Weng go? "

Sanfeng: "Don't worry about so much. We won't live long anyway. Once the limelight passes, we will go down the mountain."

They made three pavings in the old stone cave.

Shenmuehua and son Zhaoyuan sleep together.

Azhu and Shenmuehua’s son slept on the road.

The shop next to the hole is a dirt ditch sleeping.

A stove was built with three more stones, and the food was stacked on the side of the stove.

After settling down, Sanfeng went down the mountain.

Hearing Genlan Chai relayed the news that Chai boldly detected Sanfeng's entry into Tugou.

Immediately let Honghong quietly find the captain of the guard Sparrow.

He was asked to take a guard stationed in her yard in Jinniu Village, focusing on searching the Tugou home.

Tugou and his party went up to Qingliang Mountain only before they went to Qingliang Mountain, and the captain of the guard, Sparrow, brought the guards into Jinniu Village.

The captain of the guard, Mahjong, reported to Chai about the search in Jinniu Village.

"The other villagers are all at home, but the door of Shenmuehua's family is locked, and the whole family is missing."