The Great Tang Emperor

Chapter 480: The finger touched the horse's ass


At this time, Shourui asked Zhaozhu to drink fragrant tea.

When Zhao Yuan was closing the magic mirror, he accidentally touched the ugly and thin man's horse butt with his fingers.

The horse ran wildly, not under the control of the ugly and thin man, carrying the ugly and thin man across the town and disappearing into the wilderness.

Moving forward, the magic mirror is blurred. Zhaoyuan knew that the magic mirror also had distance limitations.

He put away the magic mirror. Thinking of touching the horse's butt with his finger just now, why did the horse run wildly

Was it that the horse was so frightened that he ran madly, or was he ran madly when he was touched by his fingers

If it is the former, it is not surprising.

If it's the latter, it's magical.

He sipped his tea while pondering, thinking, "Try it next time, you won't know."

After eating buckwheat cake, and drinking a cup of tea, it's dinner.

it's dark.

Twenty people set up two bonfires and sandwiched their packs.

The important thing is to start a bright bonfire, which can scare the beasts.

The four packs are connected together to form a vault space, and the blanket is spread on the ground, just enough to sleep one person.

Cover the pigeon tightly with tarpaulin, and you are not afraid of any wind or rain.

Everyone went to the stream to wash, sang a few laps around the bonfire, sang a few tunes, and started talking.

After arranging the guard shifts, everyone rested.

Zhaoyuan went to his tent early and took out the magic mirror.

First transfer to Fulai Inn.

The Fulai Inn was brightly lit, and someone was on duty to watch the night.

Fulai Inn has three entrances and three courtyards. The fence is high and the gate is firm.

At this time, in the guest hall of the middle courtyard, several people were drinking tea and talking.

A big bearded man: "Treasurer Xiong, who are those people?"

An old man wearing a cap and a long gown sighed, "Oh, my Fulai Inn is more than 30 years old.

No one has ever done this to me. You guys come to my inn to rest from time to time, and you also know who I am. "

Someone just said: "Yes, yes, we know that the shopkeeper bears, and we all praise the shopkeeper that you are a good person."

Shopkeeper Xiong: "Everyone doesn't know, I have a son named Laibao. He didn't learn well since he was a child, and he is now in his twenties.

Ever since Bao and Xiqi, the idle son of Xihu Town, dated Xiqi, he has not returned home all day and has become worse.

Drinking and beating people, bullying the weak, owing money for gambling, sleeping in the flowers, sores on the head, pus on the soles of the feet, and so bad.

His sister Laixi, with an upright nature, doesn't like Nvhong, but likes martial arts.

Under the guidance of the famous teacher, she practiced hard work. She wandered with her master for some time. "

Zhaoyuan thought, "I'm just a passer-by, so I don't need to know such details.

As long as you know that Fulai Inn is harassed by gangsters and it is not suitable to stay. "

So Zhaoyuan put away the magic mirror and lay down on the felt.

However, he sat up again and took out the magic mirror.

He wants to figure out what happens when he touches the image on the magic mirror

He had no interest in Fulai Inn, so he transferred the magic mirror to the town where the ugly and thin man was resting.

I saw the gang accusing each other:

The person with Lei Gong's mouth: "The son is gone, you can't blame me."

"Who do you blame?"

"I saw that the son was talking to you before he left."

"Say, what did the son say to you?"

Lei Gong's mouth was helpless: "The son said:'I'll go and come'."

"How did the son go and stop coming?"

Lei Gong's mouth: "How do I know this? I'm not the roundworm in the son's stomach.

I thought that the son would get better, so I went to look for it, but the son's friend said that the son didn't come to her.

You are anxious, I am anxious too. What do you guys say? "

Zhao Yuan didn't want to listen to them anymore, so he tapped on the left cheek of Lei Gong's mouth.

This is incredible.