The Great Tang Emperor

Chapter 481: Take your hands away


I saw Lei Gong's mouth covering his left cheek: "Oh, who hit my cheek?"

Everyone was stunned and looked at each other.

"No, who has the courage to fight the second master."

"That's it, I'm afraid I'll be stung by something."

"Remove your hand and let's take a look."

Lei Gong's mouth moved his hand away, and his left cheek blushed.

Zhaoyuan adjusted the magic mirror to the nearby woods and chose an ancient pine.

He tapped the ancient pine lightly, and the ancient pine tree shook violently.

He increased his click.

I saw that the old pine tree with intertwined roots fell down even by the roots.

He couldn't believe his eyes, and he was shocked, he thought: "Can you open the way and fill the ditch?"

He adjusted the magic mirror to the opposite cliff, and with his fingertips, he lightly swept across the cliff halfway.

As his fingertips moved, the stones fell one after another, and a path appeared halfway up the cliff.

In response to his extreme excitement, he adjusted the magic mirror to a deep pot nearby.

He used his index finger and thumb to press the two sides of the deep chrysanthemum on the magic mirror and gently pinch them together.

The place where the fingers had been pinched on the deep glass on the magic mirror has been filled in.

He closed his eyes and tried to calm his excitement.

He put away the magic mirror and was going to check the ancient pine, the cliff, and the deep Qing.

Wa is the man who walked into the tent: "Zhao Lord, where are you going?"

Zhaoyuan: "I'll go see the horses and pack boys. You can go to bed first, and I'll be back soon."

Wa is a male: "Well, I'm tired too, so I went to bed first. The emperor will come back early."

Except for the two bonfires, the sky was pitch black.

The illumination source runs Zhou Tian Gong to turn on the night vision, just like daylight.

He found the ancient pine, and it fell down by the root.

He saw the cliff, and there was a road without end.

He came to the side of Shenqing, and a wide road had been filled in.

He saw that the stream in the deep Qing had been blocked, and the water was slowly rising.

He was taken aback: "How can this be done? It must be cleared immediately."

He took out the magic mirror, adjusted it to the deep Qing, and cut the filled deep Qing apart.

He watched the deep Qing return to its original state.

Zhao Yuan put his hands together and moved towards Yang Bei Zhao Shimenguan: "Master, the magic mirror you gave to the disciple is really a treasure.

With this treasure in the body, the disciple is not afraid of any difficulties and obstacles. "

Zhaoyuan sat next to Shenqing for a long time before returning to the tent.

When Zhaoyuan woke up, he heard people talking:

"Do you see the cliff on the opposite side?"

"I saw it, what's the matter?"

"Don't you think it's weird?"

"Why is it weird?"

"There was nothing on the cliff yesterday. But today, there was a path halfway up the cliff."

After such a reminder, people talked more lively.

"Isn't it, how did you dig a way out of your life?"

"Look carefully, there is no end and no end to the road. How did you dig it out?"

Zhaoyuan quietly hid behind the bushes, took out the magic mirror, and adjusted the position.

He used the technique of filling in the deep Qing to restore the road halfway up the cliff.

Lao Zheng walked on this road, and there was no road halfway up the opposite cliff. How could there be a road in the open air

Old Zheng stared at the road and was thinking about it. Suddenly, the road was open and disappeared, still the cliff.

Lao Zheng exclaimed: "Look at it quickly, it will disappear if you don't see it."

People talked more and more vigorously.

Zhao Yuan commanded to pack things up, pull the tuozi, carry the tuozi, and set off on the road.

Along the way, people talked about this topic endlessly.

Old Zheng: "What's your opinion?"

Zhaoyuan: "It's probably dazzled, how could there be such a strange thing."

At this moment, people began to doubt their eyes.