The Great Tang Emperor

Chapter 482: Humblely soliciting guests


Zhaoyuan opened the topic: "Old Zheng, what difficulties might we encounter along the way?"

Lao Zheng: "The further you go, the fewer mountains and more people.

There are no obstacles on the road, but there will be no less man-made troubles. "

While talking, I arrived at the Fulai Inn.

The shopkeeper, wearing a cap and a long gown, stood in front of the inn, humbly welcoming guests.

Zhaoyuan didn't want to cause trouble here, so he immediately gave up his hand: "Thank you for the kindness of the shopkeeper. We are in a hurry, so I won't put it aside."

Shopkeeper: "When the guest officer returns, he must go to the shop to sit down."

Zhao Yuan: "Definitely, definitely." Just move on.

Lao Zheng: "Lord Zhao, it's just right to have breakfast here, why are you still leaving?"

Zhaoyuan: "Are you hungry? Look, isn't there a small town in front of you? Let's drive there for a while."

Old Zheng craned his neck and looked forward, but he did not see the shadow of the small town.

However, when Lao Zheng walked this road, there was a small town in front of him. However, now I can't see anything.

How can the edict see that small town? This is the first time the edict has walked this way.

Lao Zheng pondered all the way to no avail. Suddenly, it occurred to the edict that the Lord had foreseen the big insects in advance, and it became mysterious to the edict.

People looked tired because they missed the time for breakfast.

Zhao Yuan sang the tune of chasing horses in order to cheer up:


Brother dreamed of a Dapeng bird,

Flying in the sky with A-mei,

Flew to the outside of Jiuxiao,

Encountering a fairy descending to the red dust. "

Zhaoyuan started, and people roared one after another.

The rushing tune is mixed with the empty rumbling of the big bell on the neck of the head mule, the gurgling of the small bell on the neck of the second mule, and the occasional banging sound.

The atmosphere immediately became alive.

Zhaoyuan decided to drive a little by the side of the town.

He took Lao Zheng and walked into the town.

Following the image on the magic mirror, he found the alley where the ugly and thin man rode into.

This alley is not long, and the alley is the field.

He came to the town just to inquire about the ugly and thin man.

However, the town was very peaceful, and I couldn't hear anything about the ugly and thin man.

They had eaten and went on the road again.

After walking away, passing through a town, there are three big characters on the archway: "Xihu Town".

Zhaoyuan remembered the treasurer Xiong at the Fulai Inn and said that Xihu, the idle son of Xihu Town, Xiqi, took his son Laibao with him.

Zhaoyuan couldn't help but feel excited, and wanted to enter Xihu Town to take a look.

He strangled the horse: "Listen, everyone, Shourui will take you on. I went to town with Lao Zheng to work, and then we caught up."

Lao Zheng didn't know what the emperor was going to do in the town, and it was inconvenient to ask, so he turned his horse's head, followed Zhaoyuanma, and walked into Xihu Town.

There are many people coming and going in Xihu Town, and it is lively.

An old man sat in front of the shop, leaning on a cane and closing his eyes to rest.

Zhao Yuan got off his horse and stepped forward and whispered, "I'm disturbing the old man."

The old man didn't respond, and according to the source, the old man still didn't move.

A middle-aged man in the shop: "Is there anything wrong with this elder brother? He can't hear his ears."

Zhao Yuan bowed his hand to the man: "Oh, I want to find out, is there a boy named Xiqi in this town?"

The man: "Then, who are you, son Xi?"

Zhao Yuan hesitated for a moment: "I am a friend of the treasurer of Fulai Inn. His son Laibao is with Xi Gongzi.

I happened to pass by here, and he entrusted me to send a letter to his son. "

The man: "Oh, that's it. You go forward, turn left, then go forward, turn right.

There is a sign of'Xifu' on the gate, which is the house of Xie Gongzi. "