The Great Tang Emperor

Chapter 51: No outsider knows it


Sanfeng told Zhaoyuan's experience again, and Na Ma then understood.

Na Ma: "Well, son Zhaoyuan shouldn't stay here for a long time.

As long as the two elder brothers can trust my third child, they will hand over the son Zhaoyuan to me.

I took him back to Mengshezhao to take a break for a while, and then act as a sanctuary. "

Sanfeng: "We have this intention. It's really the same as the heroes."

Tugou: "The exit crossing may be heavily guarded, how can we pass it safely?"

Nama: "When I entered the customs, I saw a lot of guards added.

I still don't know what's going on. It seems that you can't leave the customs directly, you have to go around. "

What Na Ma said was to go around, but not to go directly to Mengshezhao.

Meng Shezhao is to the south of Yang Beizhao.

Then first go to the Moping Zhao in the west, pass the Long Zhao, and then enter the Mengshe Zhao from the Wa Mi Mountain in Wa Mi Zhao.

Speaking of this, it is necessary to be long-winded.

The six imperial edicts in Dali are:

The Mengzhao edict (sample preparation edict) is located in the north of Weishan County and Yangbi County today.

Yue Xizhao was in Binchuan County today.

Langqiong Zhao is in today's Eryuan County.

Xi Zhaozhao was in Dengchuan, Eryuan County.

Shi Langzhao was in Qingsuo, Eryuan.

Meng Shezhao is in Weishan County today. Because Mengshezhao is located in the south of Zhuzhao, it is also called "Nanzhao".

The edicts mentioned in this article, except for these six edicts, are all little-known edicts.

Of course, these edicts are all small groups of tribes that can't make it to the table.

It's just for the convenience of telling them that I will give them the title of edict for the time being.

Nama: "Now, the guards have guarded the front and rear doors tightly, how can they get out?"

Trench: "The third brother doesn't know, there is a hole in my stable, which leads directly to a cave outside the courtyard wall.

The cave was on the cliff behind the house, with vines hanging from the entrance of the cave, which was so tightly covered that no one knew it. "

It was excavated by the ancestors of the trench in order to avoid banditry, and outsiders did not know it.

The reason why I went to the old stone cave in Qingliangshan to escape last time was because there was an outsider Azhu.

After returning from Qingliangshan Fairy Cave, Shenmuehua asked Azhu to go home for the safety of the son Zhaoyuan.

Now they are all their own, and without any scruples, the dirt ditch leads everyone to the stables.

The dirt ditch moved the manger away, stripped away the stables, and lifted a stone slab to expose the hole.

Sanfeng and Na Ma followed down the ladder, walked away in the dark, and entered the cave.

The cave can accommodate more than ten people, but it doesn't feel cold because there are vines covering the entrance of the cave.

Na Ma opened the vine, looked down, eerie and terrifying, and took a breath of air-conditioning.

Nama: "Brother, have you ever been down here?"

Earth Ditch: "The ancestors have admonishment, in order not to expose the hole.

1. It is forbidden to light fire, light up, or make noise in the cave.

Second, it is not allowed to go up and down from the hole.

Therefore, I have not tried, nor dare to try. "

Nama: "If you can go down here, things will be much easier."

Sanfeng: "It's man-made. In case the sparrow, the captain of the **** guard, forces us to have nowhere to go, we can do it."

The three brothers leaned forward to Zhao Yuan who was sleeping soundly. Hearing Zhao Yuan's steady breathing, the three big hands folded together.

Although he did not speak.

However, in the hearts of the three of them, there is a belief: "In order to save this innocent little life, we have to fight it out."

They returned to the house and made a plan of action after careful consideration.

You Sanfeng hides in the cave with Shenmuehua, Golu, and Zhaoyuan, two breast-feeding dolls.

Wait until the next day, after the captain of the guard, Sparrow, led the team to leave, he left the cave again.

The stone sedan chair by the Yangbi River will meet with Tugou and Nama.