The Great Tang Emperor

Chapter 60: How can I get away


The third wife, An's, lost her beloved son, and the fourth wife, Chai's, could not bear the excessive grief to prevent her fetus from hurting her fetus.

An's not only does not blame the fourth wife Chai's fault, but tries his best to comfort him.

Concentrate all the resentment on the sparrow, the captain of the guard.

The emperor She Yangzhao ordered the execution of the captain of the guard Sparrow.

At the same time, Ren Dabao was the captain of the imperial palace guard.

The emperor Niu Yangzhao ordered Dabao, the leader of the guard, to find the source of the son Zhao at Wa Mizhao.

The guard leader Dabao led Erbao and the guard and marched towards Wa Mizhao overnight.

Tugou, Sanfeng, Shenmuehua and the two babies, under the leadership of Na Ma, did not dare to take the road and walked around the small road.

Add in the time for feeding the two babies, stop and go, and can't walk much in a day.

On this day, Tugou and his party rested at the Liushui Inn in Pingzhao.

After the placement was completed, it was already time for the lights, and everyone rested.

When I was not asleep, I heard noisy voices in the dirt ditch.

Looking downstairs from the crack of the door, the dirt ditch saw a group of guards coming to stay.

The one inside was the guard that Tugou knew at the food stall. The guard was gesticulating, as if he was a leader.

The earth ditch awakens the three winds and Na Ma, and discusses countermeasures.

Nama: "Didn't the eldest brother tell the guard that the son Zhaoyuan was taken into captivity to Wa Mizhao

Eighty percent, the captain of the guard, Sparrow, believed it, and sent him to take people to Wamizhao to find the source of the son's photo. "

They did not know that the captain of the guard had been executed.

Sanfeng: "The third brother is right, we can't let them discover us."

Digou: "Second brother, you will find out the situation later and see if they have set up guards.

I'll tell Shenmuehua not to let the children cry, so as not to cause trouble. "

Shenmuehua listened to Digou saying that the Lord's Mansion had sent a guard to chase him, and she couldn't help but worry: "What can I do then

All night, who can guarantee that his son will not cry or scream? "

Zhaoyuan seemed to know that danger was coming, and he had never cried loudly in those days when he was settled in the cave by the earth ditch.

Shenmuehua regularly went to the cave to feed Zhaoyuan, change diapers, wash her body, and slept with Zhaoyuan for half the night at night.

In addition to making a slight noise when Zhaoyuan sucked milk, he smiled at Shenmue.

Shenmuehua loves the dark red birthmark that is big in sesame seeds on Zhaoyuan Yintang, and she kisses and rubs from time to time.

Strangely speaking, as long as Shenmuehua kisses and rubs the birthmark, the son Zhaoyuan immediately calms down.

My son Goulu is mad, and once he starts crying, he can't stop it. He has to cry all the time before he stops.

Shenmuehua clearly felt the difference between the two babies.

Tonight, the son Zhaoyuan can still guarantee that he will not cry or make trouble, and the road is hard to say.

When I think about it, so is it.

It’s almost impossible to prevent my son from crying and crying: "Well then, let's leave this running water inn overnight."

The three winds found out, and indeed, a guard was set up and a guard was set.

Nama: "The guard must be anxious to find the son Zhaoyuan, and he must leave early tomorrow.

When they are far away, we will be foolproof if we leave again. "

Digul: "No, my dear son, once he starts to cry and the mountain shakes, wouldn't it be a bad thing

Anyway, I have to go tonight.

The sooner the better, we have to leave before my son is crying, otherwise, we will not be able to keep the son Zhaoyuan. "

Na Ma: "Okay, then, I'll go and check how can I get off."

The earth ditch prepares Sanfeng and Shenmuehua to go on the road when Namah comes back.