The Great Tang Emperor

Chapter 63: We are not happy


Tugou said: "I am a horse driver, and I go everywhere. Where can I go?"

Second Treasure: "It's so good to be able to meet your eldest brother. I'm worried about not being able to find you, eldest brother."

Tugou knowingly asked: "Which way are you looking for me?"

Erbao: "Please help me, eldest brother, and lead us to Wa Mizhao to find the son Zhaoyuan."

The earth ditch wanted to shirk.

But when I thought about it, isn't this a good opportunity for the son Zhaoyuan to get away: "That's that.

Without further ado, start on the road now and arrive at Wa Mizhao at dawn. "

Erbao: "Okay, then I will tell my brother to gather the guard and leave immediately.

Let my brother send a guard to help you clean up the pack. "

Digou: "No need, I can do it alone. I'll see you later."

Having said that, Dabao, the leader of the guard, sent two guards, one high and one low, to follow closely behind the dirt ditch.

The head of the guard, Dabao, specially ordered: "You can't leave this elder brother for half a step. Good students are waiting."

The dirt ditch couldn't help but hesitated, and said in his belly: "These two brothers are on guard against me, I have to be careful."

At the top of the stairs.

The dirt ditch said to the two guards: "My mule is tied to the sixth slot on the right in the stable, the black one is.

You two will lead them out, and I will go to the guest room to get my things. "

The tall guard said to the short guard, "Go and take the mule, and I will go upstairs with my eldest brother to fetch things."

The dirt ditch had to be followed by the tall guard.

At the door of the room, Tugou said: "You just wait here, don't disturb the guests in the room, I will come out after I pack my things."

The tall guard thought to himself: "I'm guarding the door, forgive him for not getting anywhere." So he said, "Well, hurry up."

The earth ditch pushed the door into the room, turned the door shut, and signaled Nama and Sanfeng not to make any noise.

Tugou walked quickly to the two of them and whispered the situation.

Instructed: "I will turn the guard away now. You get up overnight and leave this place quickly.

It is inconvenient for me to say goodbye to Shenmuehua, so I leave it to you two. I want to get rid of the guards and join you at Mengshezhao. "

The three brothers said "Take care" to each other.

The earth ditch carried his belongings out of the room.

The earth ditch led the guards to leave the Liushui Inn and walked the main road towards Wa Mizhao overnight.

Tugou is riding a black mule, Erbao is riding a yellow horse on the left, and the guard leader Dabao is riding a red horse on the right.

The three horses advanced side by side, trotting all the way with the cavalry behind them, and the sound of horses hooves surprised the birds on the side of the road.

Unexpectedly, Tugou still had three guards left in the Liushui Inn.

Soon after the dirt ditch was gone.

Na Ma held the belongings in front, Shenmue Hua carried the son Zhaoyuan in the middle, and Sanfeng held the ditch road at the end.

They came downstairs and were stopped by a guard to check them.

Nama thought, didn't it mean that the guards are gone, why are there still guards interrogating: "Why do you want to check?"

The guard was very proud: "It depends on you with two babies."

Sanfeng: "What if we are not happy?"

The guard said, "That can't let you." He stretched out his hand to lift the quilt covering the ditch.

Sanfeng raised his hand, blocking the guard's hand.

The three winds angered the guards.

With a "swish", the guard drew his waist knife and pointed at Sanfeng.

Roaring: "This is an order from the Lord's Mansion. You must check it when you see a baby.

How dare you resist the search and don't want to live you. "

The guard's bluff, led the two guards over.