The Great Tang Emperor

Chapter 65: Make a lot of noise


At the fork in the road, look at the road signs left by Brother Hu and chase them all the way.

Sanfeng, Nama and Shenmuehua ran for a distance.

Sanfeng: "The third brother, they will definitely come and chase us. It's not a way for me to follow along.

The two ride a mule together, and the mule can't bear it.

I think so, you are familiar with it, and take your sister-in-law to go straight to your house in Mengshezhao.

After I distracted the chasing soldiers, I will find you in Mengshezhao. "

Na Ma nodded and agreed: "Second brother, you have to take care, then we will say goodbye."

Sanfeng ran this way with the mule, really tired.

Sanfeng sat down against a tree on the side of the road and rested for a while, only to hear the sound of horses hoofs in the distance behind him.

The three winds knotted the kudzu vines on both sides of the road to form a stumbling horse.

He sprinted forward, and then tied the horsestrap.

He ran again, knotted the horse rope again, and so on again and again, knotted the horse rope all the way.

Brother Hu was in front, followed by the Thin Guard, running wildly, trying to catch up with the escaped as soon as possible.

Unexpectedly, when the horse's feet stumbled, Brother Hu's horse fell forward, and the horse of the Skinny Guard pressed onto Brother Hu's horse and fell into a pile.

Brother Hu knocked off two front teeth, and the thin guard's right hand was crushed.

Both horses were injured, limped and couldn't run.

Both of them were very upset, staying where they were and humming.

When the fat guard led the guard leader Dabao to catch up, he had already lost his goal.

The head of the guard, Dabao, searched forward and encountered a few more stumbling horses. He ordered the horse to walk and search carefully.

In this way, the speed was greatly slowed down and bought time for Naama and Shenmuehua to escape.

Sanfeng thought, this area is familiar with Namal Road and can completely escape the pursuit.

As a result, under the cover of night, Sanfeng snatched a horse.

Whistling and shouting, running around in the mountains and forests, making a lot of noise.

Brother Hu held on to his cheeks and spoke vaguely: "The one who yelled is the one who ran away with the doll."

The captain of the guard, Dabao, immediately lifted his spirits and shouted: "Don't let him run away. You will be rewarded for catching him."

The soldiers chased in the direction Sanfeng shouted.

When the night was dark, Lin Tao roared, coupled with the noisy voices, the mountain forest suddenly turned into a pot of porridge.

Taking advantage of the chaos, Sanfeng drove a horse to chase the dirt ditch in the direction of Wa Mizhao.

After the guard leader Dabao left, Erbao took the remaining guards and the dirt ditch to continue to Wamizhao.

Tugou asked Erbao: "Why did your eldest brother go back?"

Second Treasure: "This is a secret, you don't have to ask. It's important for us to hurry."

The ditches were caught, and it was probably Shenmuehua who had an accident. If so, how can this be good

No, I have to get rid of Erbao and go to Shenmuehua.

The dirt ditch drove the black mule to speed up, trying to get rid of the second treasure. However, no matter how fast a mule is, there is no horse as fast.

Er Bao was closely parallel to the earth ditch without pulling it down in a single step. How can I get rid of Erbao

The dirt ditch was thinking about it, and suddenly shouting and torches jumped wildly. They were blocked by a husky horse.

In the flames, a big man with double hammers, with loose hair and wearing a battle robe.

On the back of the red mane horse roared: "Who are you waiting for, why do you offend the territory of my Wamizhao?"

Tugou understood that he had reached the boundary of Wamizhao and encountered the border patrol of Wamizhao.

So, they are touching the boundary of the edict, why haven't they been interrogated by the patrol of the edict

Because, Yangbei Zhao and Moping Zhao are close neighbors, and the relationship is very good, and the exchanges between the two edicts have become the norm.