The Great Tang Emperor

Chapter 72: Reward him fifty lashes


So, every three to five, someone holding a baby boy with a birthmark on the Yintang acupoint went to Mengshezhaozhao's mansion to receive the bounty.

However, no one has seen the appearance of the son Zhaoyuan, so he can't confirm it.

Mengshezhao master Lu Shengyan sent guard elder Qi rushed to prepare the edict.

Go to pick up the son Zhaoyuan's biological mother, An's third wife, to confirm.

The seventh elder of the guard of the main mansion of Mengshe Zhaozhao, who traveled overnight, arrived at the main mansion of Yangbeizhao one day.

At this time, the dirt ditch had been imprisoned for many days.

That night, Tugou was caught by the two brothers, Dabao and Erbao, and sent back to the main mansion of the edict, and the army would personally interrogate Xiong Pai.

Tugou didn't understand which group this army commander Xiongpai belonged to.

If the army patted the bear with the fourth wife, the Chai clan, then killing me in the dirt ditch would not reveal the whereabouts of the son's photo source.

If the army patted the bear with the third wife An's gang, I should tell the truth.

The dirt ditch looked at the army sitting in a high position and patted the bear.

Thinking left and right, I couldn't guess which group the army shot Xiongpai belonged to.

Tugou didn't know that the captain of the guard Sparrow had been executed, nor did he know that Erbao had belonged to the army, Jiangxiong.

Tugou only identified Erbao as a guard under Captain Sparrow.

Since the dirt ditch was caught by Erbao.

The Erbao handed the dirt ditch to the army general to clap the bear, and the army patted the bear and was in the same group as the guard captain Sparrow.

Therefore, Tugou made up his mind that he could not tell the whereabouts of the son Zhaoyuan even after death.

The army patted the bear: "Who is kneeling?"

Although the earth ditch had his hands cut back, he held his head high and replied in a loud voice, "Earth ditch."

The army patted the bear: "Where is the person?"

Earth ditch: "I live in Jinniu Village."

The army patted the bear: "Pass the second treasure."

Er Bao was taken to the ditch and knelt down: "Under the second treasure, bow to the generals."

The army patted the bear: "What did the earth ditch say to you, let's be honest."

Second Treasure: "It was he who said to me that the son has been taken prisoner by Wa Mi Zhao.

Later, I ran into him at Mopingzhao Liushui Inn, and he went to Wa Mizhao with me.

However, I ran into a patrol from Wa Mizhao and refused to allow entry..."

The army general Xiongpai interrupted Erbao's words: "Okay, it's your business not to allow entry.

Tugou, I ask you, how did you know that the son Zhaoyuan was taken into captivity to Wa Mizhao. "

Digul: "I also heard people say."

The army patted the bear: "What did you listen to, find this person for me."

Tugou: "I drove the horse around, and I can't remember who said it.

I just reported it because I wanted to get the reward. I don't know if the news is true or false. "

The army patted the bear, raised his hand and patted the case table, and shouted, "What a spoiled man, who dares to be silly, and reward him with fifty lashes."

The army commander Xiong Pai did not ask any useful clues from the mouth of the dirt ditch.

I was only able to slap the ditch for fifty times to vent my anger.

The army took Xiong to the emperor's lord Duyang for a photo, and reported the situation of the interrogation ditch.

To say that Tugou is slanderous, originally he didn't know where the son Zhaoyuan was going.

She Yang thought about it for a while: "No, although the sparrow is guilty of death, there must be something wrong with the sparrow staring at the dirt ditch.

To know the whereabouts of the son Zhaoyuan, the earth ditch is very important.

If you don't tell the truth, you may have a misunderstanding about you.

Well, I'll ask myself, maybe I can ask something, you can bring the dirt ditch to me. "

The earth ditch was cut back with his hands, held by Erbao, and limped to see the emperor's Lord She Yangzhao.