The Great Tang Emperor

Chapter 79: Milk packs are unparalleled in the world


The emperor Niu Yangzhao returned to the emperor's mansion from Qingliang Mountain.

Walking towards An's bedroom with joy, he wanted to hug the son Zhaoyuan too much.

However, grief came from An's room, and Tui Yang was shocked, not knowing what had happened, and speeded up his pace.

She Yangzhao entered An's room and found out that the son Zhaoyuan was unconscious.

She Yangzhao immediately found Big Bimo Youcai.

Big Bimo Youcai faced Zhaoyuan, the unconscious son, and made a diagnosis.

"The emperor, the son has a steady nose, a stable pulse, and a ruddy complexion, not as symptomatic as an illness."

She Yangzhao: "Then you tell me, what happened to the son?"

Big Bi Mo Youcai looked helpless: "I have never encountered such a strange thing, what is going on?"

She Yang Zhao ordered Bimo Youcai to wake up the son Zhaoyuan anyway.

Although Da Bi Mo Youcai couldn't do anything, he had to bite the bullet and respond again and again.

So what happened to the son Zhaoyuan

Although Zhaoyuan was in An's arms, something unthinkable happened.

Zong Xin, the angel searcher who supported the state, flew over the main mansion of the edict and saw a cloud of auspicious clouds rising from the mansion.

A baby is supported on the auspicious clouds.

Zong Xin approached the front end of the baby in swaddling clothes.

Zong Xin was stunned by this look.

I thought: "There are such amazing babies in the world.

Why don't I take this magical baby back to Fuseibang and let Fuseibang Wang Muxian also open his eyes. "

So, Zong Xin hugged Zhaoyuan tightly, and in a whirlwind, rushed back to Fusei Bangbang Duxiha.

Even the family didn't care about the last time, so he went straight to the mansion of Sou Tianpu Pu Tong Ying Feng Yang.

Sou Tianpu is a department that supports the state and is in charge of the school.

There are a number of angel searchers in Tianpu, who specializes in collecting world intelligence and network talents.

The genealogy of Soutianpu is called Yingfengyang.

Any information obtained by the angel searcher must be reported to the genealogy for review, and only after it is confirmed that it is correct, can it be reported to the king of the kingdom.

If the situation is true, reward it again. If it is not true, it will be assigned to Shouguling.

Therefore, Putong has a great responsibility, and at the same time, it also has great rights.

Zong Xin holds the god baby Zhaoyuan and asks to see Master Fengyang.

The guard said: "Hui Zong messenger, Master Putong is meeting guests and there is no time to meet him."

Zong Xin: "Then I will wait in the concierge."

Zong Xin knows Ying Feng sheep too well.

Ying Fengyang, as a searcher of the heavenly spectrum, could not tolerate his subordinates to be better than him.

And Zong Xin is dedicated and loyal, deeply appreciated by the king of the state.

It stands to reason that the subordinates are appreciated by the king, and they also have brilliance on their faces as a pedigree.

However, Ying Fengyang didn't think so.

What he thinks is that if the king of the state appreciates his subordinates, it means that he is not a subordinate.

So, sooner or later, he will be removed and become a subordinate.

Ying Fengyang wants to keep his position in the genealogy, and does everything possible to calculate his subordinates, and always shows that he is superior to his subordinates.

Zong Xin knew that Ying Fengyang was not meeting guests at all, but prevarication and didn't want to see him.

By coincidence, the guard asked curiously: "Zong messenger, what is your intention when you bring a baby to see Master Pu Tong

Is it to beg for milk

No, your wife's milk package is unparalleled in the world, and still worry about not having milk? Even you can be fed, hehehe. "

Zong Xin was very familiar with the guard, and chatted freely.

Zong Xin wanted to see Ying Feng Yang immediately, so he deliberately agitated the doorman.

Pretending to be disdainful: "Fortunately, you are still a watchdog, but unfortunately you are a blind dog.

Open your eyes and take a closer look. This is not an ordinary baby, this is a rare divine baby. "