The Great Tang Emperor

Chapter 80: Disturbed this matter


The guard looked at the sleeping baby with delicate skin and tender flesh. His nose, mouth and eyes looked like painted on top, very neat.

It's not like they support people from the nation, with rough skin and dislocation of facial features.

The guard couldn't help but screamed: "Ah, sect messenger, where did you get the treasure? It's a god-baby, that's right."

Zong Xin pretended to be helpless: "Didn't I send it to Master Putong? However, Master Putong has no time to see me, alas!"

The guard saw such a strange baby for the first time.

He believed that Master Ying Feng Yang had never seen such a strange baby, so why not give Master Ying Feng Yang a surprise.

So, the guard went into the mansion to report.

After a while, the guard came out and said, "Zong messenger, go in, your lord is waiting for you in the study."

Zong Xin was surprised. On weekdays, Ying Fengyang met his subordinates in the guest hall. How did you change the study room today

What kind of fame does Ying Fengyang want to do

Zong Xin carried Zhaoyuan suspiciously to Ying Fengyang's study.

I saw Ying Feng Yang with his back to the door, looking for a book on the shelf.

Zong Xin reported: "Subordinate Zong Xin has something to report."

Ying Fengyang kept silent and continued to look for books.

After a while, Zong Xin couldn't help but: "Subordinate Zong Xin has something to report."

Yingfeng didn't look up the sheep's head: "I heard it, don't you see that I'm busy?"

Zong Xin had no choice but to stand until Ying Fengyang found a book.

Ying Fengyang turned around, pointed to the stool, and motioned to Zong Xin to sit down.

Before Zong Xin could speak.

Ying Fengyang pointed to the opened book page: "I heard the guard said, you got a god baby, isn't it like this?"

Zong Xin stepped forward and saw that it was an atlas. However, there is no baby like a god-infant photo source on it.

Zong Xin understood that Ying Fengyang met him in the study for the convenience of searching for information.

The British and the sheep have to assume a posture of knowing half of the sky and all knowing on the earth.

However, when Yingfeng Yang saw the God-Infant Zhaoyuan, he really didn't know the origin of the God-Infant Zhaoyuan.

Ying Fengyang knew that he could not find this information in his study, so he had to face the facts and admit his ignorance.

Zong Xin couldn't help but smile when he saw Ying Fengyang's helpless expression for the first time.

Ying Fengyang saw Zong Xin's proud look in his eyes, and the boss was upset in his heart.

However, he could not deny the facts in front of him.

Yingfeng sheep once again carefully watched the source of the gods and infants.

The more I watched, the better I felt, and I couldn't help but gently kiss the birthmark on the Yintang acupoint of the Shenying Zhaoyuan.

Ying Feng sheep immediately gave birth to an unknown premonition.

If you recommend the God-Infant Zhaoyuan to King Bang, King Bang will definitely love it, and Zong Xin has done a great job again.

If the god infant Zhaoyuan grows up and becomes a god man, Zong Xin's credit will be even greater.

So does Sou Tianpu still have his status as a hero

People without thought, he must worry about. No, you can't let Zong Xin shine.

Ying Feng Yang had a plan to make a living, and was determined to mess up the matter.

Ying Fengyang flipped through the album for a while: "Zong Envoy, what do you want to do with this divine infant?"

Zong Xin blurted out: "Of course I recommend it to King Bang.

Do you think, such a big living treasure, how much honor can it add to Sou Tianpu? "

Unexpectedly, Ying Feng sheep slapped the table: "You are stupid, your mind is flooded, you, are you in the evil

This is clearly an ordinary baby of a foreign race, not just because it has a smooth skin and a peculiar appearance.

But you treat him as a god-baby, I think, you want to reward you want to be crazy. "