The Great Tang Emperor

Chapter 86: I can't tell you this


The purple flower obediently grabbed a handful of gold coins from Yingfeng sheep's clothes and put them on the bedside table.

Nestled docilely on the shrugging breasts of Yingfeng wool.

After listening carefully to Yingfeng's plan to kill the god infant Zhaoyuan with goat poison, he nodded and agreed to follow suit.

Put the gold coins in the purple flowers, and bid farewell to the Yingfeng sheep: "Just wait to hear the good news."

Purple Flower finds a pharmacist named Wai Jie, who is also her lover.

The purple flower asked the pharmacist to prepare her with a poison, which should be colorless, tasteless, and non-irritating to the skin.

The pharmacist soon prepared a poison called Waikesi according to the purple flower's request.

Wakesi is a colorless and odorless liquid with strong toxicity. Outside painting will not be poisoned, as long as the mouth is bound to death

The pharmacist passed the vial containing the kesi into the purple flower's hand.

Question: "My dear, what use do you want me to prepare such a powerful poison for you?"

Purple flowers put the vial on the body.

A mysterious look: "I can't tell you about this, but after it's done, you can get a big bounty."

The pharmacist sneered and said, "I don't know where to use the poison I prepared. Isn't this a big joke

Tell me quickly, who do you use to poison to kill you? "

The purple flower shook his head: "I really can't tell you, just wait to collect the gold coins."

The pharmacist stretched out his hands helplessly, shrugged, and watched the purple flower walk quickly.

Ying Feng Yang got the poisonous potion Wai Ke Si, and was extremely happy.

I thought to myself: "Just put the crooks on the nanny's ****.

Didn't this god-baby disappear from the eyes of this lord without knowing it? "

Ying Feng Yang was happy all night.

After daybreak, Ying Fengyang immediately found Dange, the servant girl of Zongxin's house.

Dan Chi is the informant of Ying Fengyang.

The five nurses hired by Zong Xin were all brought by Dan Qi.

Yingfeng sheep squinted her small eyes.

Looking at the somewhat charming Dan Chi: "You will find out the family situation of the five nurses and report back quickly.

Don’t tell anyone about this, do you know? "

Ying Fengyang handed Danji a bobbin and said straightforwardly; "If you leak the news, your life will not be saved, do you know?"

Dan Chi took the bobbin and promised repeatedly.

One gold coin is equal to ten bobbin, one bobbin is equal to ten cents, and one cent can buy food for one day's consumption.

Dan Chi only needs to report a letter to Ying Feng sheep once, and he will get a cent in reward.

If there are major news to provide, you will get more rewards.

Yingfeng Yang gave Danqi a bobbin this time.

In addition, the sentence "If you leak the news, your life will not be guaranteed", so that Dan Chi feels that this matter is extraordinary.

Dan Chi quietly inquired into the situation of the five nurses, and reported to Ying Feng Yang.

Ying Fengyang repeatedly scrutinized the family status of these five nurses, and singled out one of them, Qiong, for his use.

The confidant of the Yingfeng Sheep Group found Beiqiong and forced him to implement a plan to poison the gods and infants according to Zhaoyuan.

Under the temptation of the high bounty, Qiong agreed.

Shaohe plugged the vial containing the poisonous potion Waikesi into the hands of Qiong

Shao He: "You apply this potion to the **** and let the god infant suck it.

After sucking this medicine, the god infant will die a day later.

Therefore, there will be no doubt on you. You can do it with confidence.

As long as the matter is successful, I will count the rewards to you.

If you leak the wind, I will kill your son. "