The Great Tang Emperor

Chapter 87: Scared and crying


Because Shen Ying Zhaoyuan eats too much, he has to suck day and night.

Including Shiyi, a total of six women kept taking turns feeding the god infant Zhaoyuan.

When it was her turn to feed the god-baby Zhaoyuan, she quietly smeared Heikesi on the ****.

Shen Ying Zhaoyuan greedily sucked on Qiong's ****.

Pei Qiong is carefully experiencing the strength and frequency of Shen Ying Zhaoyuan's sucking sex.

She seemed to feel that Shen Ying Zhaoyuan slowly stopped sucking, slowly let go of her mouth, and fell asleep groggy.

This was something that Qiong had never encountered before, and she knew it was the potion that was working.

Shao Qiong handed the god-infant Zhaoyuan to Wet Yi, lied about something at home, and left in a hurry.

Seeing the god-infant Zhaoyuan sleeping soundly, Shiyi put him on the bed and carried his daughter Zongyi outside the house.

When it was another nurse's turn to breastfeed, Shen Ying Zhaoyuan was still in a coma, which had never happened before.

Shiyi recalled the abnormal behavior of Beiqiong. Could it be that Beiqiong gave Shen Ying Zhaoyuan something that shouldn't be eaten

Wet Yi told her husband Zong Xin about her suspicion.

Zong Xin felt that it made sense. While Zhang Luo asked the doctor for diagnosis and treatment of the gods and infants, he sent someone to pass on Qiong.

Qiong heard from someone from Zongxin's mansion that Shen Ying Zhaoyuan was not awake.

Mrs. Zong Shiyi suspected that Qiong had ate something that shouldn't be eaten for Shen Ying Zhaoyuan and asked her to return to Zong Mansion immediately.

Qiong was taken aback. Didn't she say that it would take a day before she died? Why did she fall asleep so soon

Qiong Qiong returned to Zong Xin's mansion anxiously, and she was so scared that she cried bitterly when she saw Shen Ying Zhaoyuan's coma.

Shiyi was extremely anxious: "Why are you crying? Tell me the truth, what is going on

Are you dying of me? "

Qiong understands that she must never tell the truth, and her life is still in the hands of Ying Fengyang.

Qiong cried and said, "I don't know what's going on, I really don't know what's going on.

Oh my god, why did I run into such an unlucky thing. "

Wet Yi grabbed Qiong's skirt and slapped Qiong in disorder.

While shoving, he shouted: "Why don't you know? After eating your milk, the god infant is so drowsy.

Besides, if you don't make trouble, why leave in a panic? You say, you say, what the hell is going on? "

She Qiong allowed Shiyi to push around, and suddenly, a vial fell from her body.

That is the vial containing the kesi potion.

Standing on the side, Zong Xin picked up the vial and asked Qiong: "What's in the vial?"

Qiong was shocked, if Zong Xin knew it was poison.

This is the poison that kills the god infant Zhaoyuan, then she will be divided by five horses for murder, and even the nine races will be implicated.

Qiong grabbed the vial, pulled out the cork, raised her neck, and drank it all.

Shaoqiong threw the vial away and didn't think about anything anymore, just waiting to die.

Zong Xin thought it was very strange, why did Wei Qiong grab the vial and swallow the contents of the vial in one breath

Zong Xin picked up the vial, faced it, sniffed for a while, but couldn't smell any.

I licked it with the tip of my tongue, but I couldn't taste it.

Suddenly, Shiyi called out, "Bai Qiong, what's the matter with you? Don't scare people, you..."

Zong Xin saw Beiqiong slumped to the ground, not knowing the personnel.

Zong Xin asked someone to get Qiong onto the bed.

Zong Xin felt that she didn't have any strength at all. She stumbled back to the room and lay on the bed, knowing nothing.

Where did Shiyi have experienced such a battle, and suddenly felt that the sky was spinning, and he fainted to the ground.