The Great Tang Emperor

Chapter 90: Love is vanished


The purple flower's love for Yingfeng sheep in the past has vanished.

The purple flower has only fear and obedience in her heart at this time.

The purple flower got out of Hongyou Pool somehow. Along the way, swaying, Liushen has no master, and his mind is blank.

The eyes of Yingfeng Goat's poisonous arrow and the steel-sand-like saliva stars seemed to torment the fragile nerves of purple flowers by flames.

The purple flower is about to collapse.

The purple flower came to Wai Ju in a daze, with a blank expression on her face, and smirked at Wai Ju.

He sticks out the tip of his tongue, licks his upper and lower lips, tilts his head, and looks at the purple flower mischievously.

The two of them just looked at each other and said nothing. Suddenly, Purple Flower knelt in front of Wai Jie, crying bitterly.

At this time, Wai Yu was at a loss.

Wai Jie has never seen purple flowers so embarrassed, so helpless, so unhappy.

Waiju hurriedly pulled up the purple flowers: "Kiss, little kiss, don't be like this, don't be like this. Tell me if you encounter any difficulties."

The purple flower rushed into the outer arms, crying dimly, and dying to death.

Outside, he patted the purple flower's back lightly.

After the purple flowers subsided: "Cry enough, stop crying, ah, stop crying. Tell me, what happened

What happened? "

The purple flower choked up, "Don't you want to know who I use to poison and kill

Let me tell you, but you have to assure me that you are tight-lipped and will never tell anyone. "

The outside looked more serious: "Of course, I just want to know who the poison I formulated killed.

I don’t care about anything else. "

Purple Flower lied that she used Yikesi to poison her father and foe.

However, Waikesi only caused her homicide enemy to fall asleep, but could not poison her homicide father.

Once her homicide father wakes up, then she will face greater revenge from her homicide father.

Therefore, she begged the foreigner to help her and kill her father and enemy as soon as possible, otherwise, she would be done.

Unexpectedly, Waiju only wanted to know the name, gender, age, and address of the person killed by the poison.

As for the relationship between the purple flower and the poisoned person, Wai is less interested.

What I want to know outside is precisely what the purple flower cannot reveal.

Purple Flower didn't understand: "What I poisoned is my father and enemy.

What does this have to do with name, gender, age, and address? "

Externally, I lick my lips: "The medicine I prepared, whether it's licking, sniffing, or eating.

Regardless of the dose, the effect is the same, and it can make people drowsy.

If you don't give the antidote, you will always be lethargic and stay awake all year round. If you cast a spell, you die immediately. "

The purple flower can't wait: "Then tell me the curse."

Wai Ju looked helpless: "But, you didn't tell me the name, gender, age, and address of the person who was poisoned by you.

Until now, I won't go around with you anymore, just tell you the truth.

The name, gender, age, and address are different, the content of the spell is also different.

Only a spell based on an accurate name, gender, age, and address can cause this person to die.

Otherwise, it won't work.

Do you understand now

It's not that I don't help you, but you are not sincere to me. How can I help you? "

Purple Flower couldn't even think of it, but Wai Kesi was given to her without a curse, which made her difficult to ride a tiger.